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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

-there is no need for a fair price.

Wellp right there I differ in opinion. If you are offering a product, you should price it fairly.

Why? Profit, more dedicated customers >>> more profit.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

you are as smart as dumbledore without the ledore part (dumb)
the joke is not funny because it's meant purely to insult.

Wellp right there I differ in opinion. If you are offering a product, you should price it fairly.

Why? Profit, more dedicated customers >>> more profit.

it's not an opinion it's a fact, it's not a service it's a PLATFORM for SUPPORT. how thick minded can you be?

take it for what it is, don't like it? don't support it and buy it when it's out or get it pirated like 70% of the playerbase.

in the old days people would financiate artist for their own ego like "wow i helped da vinci paint the monalisa" this is the same thing, you are not paying for the monalisa, you pay for da vinci's food (or make him starve... it's up to you)
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Well, this is my first post in this thread since I joined MATM dev team, and I wouldn't expect it to be like this... life ;).

You said that you understand how patreon and similar platforms operate... apparently you don't. It's not about "I pay and I expect content in quality and quantity proportional to what I paid", it's about "I like what this guy is doing and since I can spare few bucks a month or few months, I will throw them his way to support him".
As much as I don't approve the tone of some of Darkstrain's posts, he is right. You're not paying for every version, you get them as a reward for supporting the game development. Nobody is forcing you to pledge and if you don't like this system, I recommend you wait for public demo and finished game.).
"As a reward"

I know you have the option to allow access with X purchase or combined purchase.

You chose instead, to lock patches/updates behind a paywall for each update until release.

That's my reason for not supporting it and you are right, I don't have to support it.

And you know what, I would spare a few bucks to support your game if not for this actually, it looks pretty good.

it's not an opinion it's a fact, it's not a service it's a PLATFORM for SUPPORT. how thick minded can you be?

take it for what it is, don't like it? don't support it and buy it when it's out or get it pirated like 70% of the playerbase.

Uhm. No, it's an opinion. Stating "there is no need for fair price" is definitely an opinion, no matter how much you want to claim it is a fact.

I don't really care how much you want to say it's a platform for support, it's still unfairly priced and as such I will not support it until release.

in the old days people would financiate artist for their own ego like "wow i helped da vinci paint the monalisa" this is the same thing, you are not paying for the monalisa, you pay for da vinci's food (or make him starve... it's up to you)

You are such a tool.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

You have your own project so how do you not understand this?

Almost all games pay to play eariler/shape it, however very, very few will charge per update on an unfinished game.

That's my issue, the fact that you could potentially pay the top amount, but still have to shovel out 10$ for the next update.

Wait, so you wouldn't have this issue if this was a monthly campaign? I personally believe charging per update is a far more fair solution than monthly. You are getting something every time you pledge.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Wait, so you wouldn't have this issue if this was a monthly campaign? I personally believe charging per update is a far more fair solution than monthly. You are getting something every time you pledge.

don't bother responding, as long as he thinks kickstarter is a product he will not get the point.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Wait, so you wouldn't have this issue if this was a monthly campaign? I personally believe charging per update is a far more fair solution than monthly. You are getting something every time you pledge.

Eh, even that I'd rather have a limit-met for full access.

This is why I actually prefer Kickstarter, so there is more of a clear goal.

Patreon seems to attract people like Darkstrain, who just throw money at the whoever for vague schedules or monthly bills.

I get the "support your author" shtick, but at the same time it's becoming a sad experience to watch so many people get on the patreon train and have these vague schedules but have 5 different tiers of "supporting" them.

I feel patreon is more meant for consistent content, not projects. But at the same time everyone and their mother is shelling out cash to people on patreon, so might as well.

don't bother responding, as long as he thinks kickstarter is a product he will not get the point.
If you're paying for the game update, that's a product.

Didn't you just cry that that you "let Da Vinci starve" if you don't support them?
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

If you're paying for the game update, that's a product.

It's a question of the backer's motivation. If one is pledging solely for the pledge reward, then I think they are doing it for the wrong reason and it may not feel like a good investment. If the backer gets a sense of helping make the project better by enabling a larger and more qualified development team to spend more of their time working on it, then it's much more fulfilling. People that find that sense to be tangible will ultimately get the most out of it.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

It's a question of the backer's motivation. If one is pledging solely for the pledge reward, then I think they are doing it for the wrong reason and it may not feel like a good investment. If the backer gets a sense of helping make the project better by enabling a larger and more qualified development team to spend more of their time working on it, then it's much more fulfilling. People that find that sense to be tangible will ultimately get the most out of it.

halleluyah brother!!! you said it better than me (i tend to be too direct or sarcastic about things and people get butthurt and neg rep me... {drinking salty tears})

im hoping that the demo gets released soon and that your development goes smoothly as well.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

It's a question of the backer's motivation. If one is pledging solely for the pledge reward, then I think they are doing it for the wrong reason and it may not feel like a good investment.

Which is why I'm not going to support till release. Yes I probably will support upon release, but given your current model I can't bring myself to support multiple patches over-costing the price of the actual game.

If the backer gets a sense of helping make the project better by enabling a larger and more qualified development team to spend more of their time working on it, then it's much more fulfilling. People that find that sense to be tangible will ultimately get the most out of it.

I'm really not sure on how money actually effects your dev. process because a lot of the time patreon accounts seem to just accept w/e they get as payment and don't expand. In fact I'd argue the majority of them do that.

I'd also argue that your dev. team isn't worth expanding because your intake should lessen per update ( naturally).

So really I don't see the financial side of supporting for a "better game", I think it's pretty clear that you're going to release more or less the same game regardless of ~30-40% extra support.

I get the "support your favorite artist" and I like that.

But really mate, you couldn't just make update access a set-limit?

Just thinking in hindsight that's a better PR move in the long run than charging per update.

Unless you plan on making this a 3 or less update game lol.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

This is why I actually prefer Kickstarter, so there is more of a clear goal.

Personally, I hate kickstarter because I've been burned on 3 out of 3 projects now, where all three projects never got completed and the person ran off with $30,000+ on each project.

More importantly though, Kickstarter doesn't allow hentai projects, so that's one of the main reasons people use Patreon. Really, Patreon is the ONLY place you can get funding for adult projects besides maybe Offbeatr, which has very, very few people visiting that site.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

There's this awesome place called 4chun or 4chin or something like that, where you can start a funny patreon argument every day.

You know why? Because everybody is right to some extent. Yes, shoveling monthly money supports an artist so he can do his job in peace, but it also creates lazy hacks like Akabur. Yes, giving money per update is better as an incentive, but this business model also has its flaws. Yes, a one time pledge for the final product also works, but is better for larger studios because they have experiences with budgets and people dedicated to money management and they have employees they can't just dump when they feel like it.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

There's this awesome place called 4chun or 4chin or something like that, where you can start a funny patreon argument every day.

You know why? Because everybody is right to some extent. Yes, shoveling monthly money supports an artist so he can do his job in peace, but it also creates lazy hacks like Akabur. Yes, giving money per update is better as an incentive, but this business model also has its flaws. Yes, a one time pledge for the final product also works, but is better for larger studios because they have experiences with budgets and people dedicated to money management and they have employees they can't just dump when they feel like it.

And this pretty much ended the argument, agreed on all points.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)


You don't need to continue supporting. Just as long as you pledged a total of $20 you get the full game uncensored. So literally you could just pay $10 for two content update and then stop.
Wait for the full version to come out and then secure your copy and enjoy the game. You could also wait for public demo if you want to try it out for free.

As people above have said, you are supporting the artist/group. Think of this as a donation.
You are donating money to a charity and you get one of those silly wristbands as a token of appreciation.

This isn't a kickstarter, although some artists would like to think it as such and pull the wool over their fans eyes.
I've been burned by 2 kickstarters and have stopped supporting 2 patreons too. Because they are thieves.

Also if you've purchased anything from dlsite, as I have many times both Jap and Eng, you will realize that $15 is about the standard cost for a hrpg. The porn industry is ridiculous thing. AAA games from illusion and (some other big japanese porn company) are like $50-$75. Something to just WANK to...

Patreon = supporting
Kickstarter = paying for end product
Pr0n is expensive

Disclaimer: There are many good Kickstarters that I have supported please do not be discouraged.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

There's this awesome place called 4chun or 4chin or something like that, where you can start a funny patreon argument every day.

You know why? Because everybody is right to some extent. Yes, shoveling monthly money supports an artist so he can do his job in peace, but it also creates lazy hacks like Akabur. Yes, giving money per update is better as an incentive, but this business model also has its flaws. Yes, a one time pledge for the final product also works, but is better for larger studios because they have experiences with budgets and people dedicated to money management and they have employees they can't just dump when they feel like it.

Pretty much this.


You don't need to continue supporting. Just as long as you pledged a total of $20 you get the full game uncensored. So literally you could just pay $10 for two content update and then stop.
Wait for the full version to come out and then secure your copy and enjoy the game. You could also wait for public demo if you want to try it out for free..[/B][/SIZE]

>Ok the problem (for me) was the updates and having to resub for them even if you purchase the top tier.

I've shown that I understand the other tiers and I haven't said anything to the contrary regarding the full purchase of the game.

This is like the 4th or 5th time someone has not read my post and just responded with "well the entire system works like this". I know that. My particular issue is updates and charging for them.

>Also, I'm not really worried about a demo or not.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

I paid ten dollars twice, got to play a nice demo, and stopped supporting just because I wanted to pay for the uncensored game, and check out what all the fuss is about.

It's not that I don't think it's a good investment, because I'm 99% sure that Malice will be great, it's just that I don't really have it to the point where I can consistently shell out money each month.

I am more of a fan of artists who charge per update/release/ect. But that's the magic of it- Each person sets up their Patreon their own way. No one, and I can almost guarantee that no one is forcing you to pledge.

I've only supported 5 artists with adult content, one of whom doesn't even develop games, I just like his artwork.

I have one who only charges per upload, and he hasn't done SHIT in a while, but guess what? It doesn't cost me.

I don't think there is a right way to do it. If you tell me you'll be charging every month, with our without update, I won't support you most likely, but there are some who would happily supply.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Well, this game certainly looks interesting. Impressive work with the RPGmaker engine.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Apologies to those following this thread and getting excited about an update :eek:

Got a couple questions for you Eromancer! I seem to have had a lot more questions bouncing around in my mind, but they arn't very forthcoming at the moment, so we'll just go with these..

Do you have any plans for, or the inclination for/against...
  • H-attacks that do things other than HP/Lust damage?
  • Debuffs that persist after battle?

As examples, I'm thinking along the lines of an H-Attack that attaches some wrist restraints, preventing the victim from attacking or effectively resisting further H-Attacks while restrained, as well as egg-laying/pregnancy themed situations. I took a quick look back through the topic and tumblr but didn't see anything specific along these lines, so thought I'd ask here.

Also, while I'm here, how's the Oct 1 date looking? Are we roughly on-track for the new demo appearing at the start of the month, or is it looking for like mid-Oct or Nov now? I realize it's only been a couple of weeks since the last update, I just want to know if I should dampen my enthusiasm now, or stay hyped. :D

Be assured I'll be happy regardless! Thanks for all your hard work, you're really cranking the quality through the roof!
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Apologies to those following this thread and getting excited about an update :eek:

Got a couple questions for you Eromancer! I seem to have had a lot more questions bouncing around in my mind, but they arn't very forthcoming at the moment, so we'll just go with these..

Do you have any plans for, or the inclination for/against...
  • H-attacks that do things other than HP/Lust damage?
  • Debuffs that persist after battle?

As examples, I'm thinking along the lines of an H-Attack that attaches some wrist restraints, preventing the victim from attacking or effectively resisting further H-Attacks while restrained, as well as egg-laying/pregnancy themed situations. I took a quick look back through the topic and tumblr but didn't see anything specific along these lines, so thought I'd ask here.

Also, while I'm here, how's the Oct 1 date looking? Are we roughly on-track for the new demo appearing at the start of the month, or is it looking for like mid-Oct or Nov now? I realize it's only been a couple of weeks since the last update, I just want to know if I should dampen my enthusiasm now, or stay hyped. :D

Be assured I'll be happy regardless! Thanks for all your hard work, you're really cranking the quality through the roof!

There will definitely be debuffs (H-related and not) that persist after battle, as well as H attacks that have more varied effects. The newly rewritten battle system allows for a lot more flexibility with the H system, including the ability for enemies to spawn new enemies or appendages for H attacks. This was originally done so that enemies that are rooted in place can use H attacks (since it would look weird for them to disappear from the battlefield and appear next to the characters), but this also allows for a lot of interesting scenarios since the enemy that uses such a skill can remain free and active on the battlefield while whatever it spawned is restraining a character. Some such theoretical scenarios might include tentacles/ropes or other inanimate objects/larva/etc. In short, you can expect things similar to what you've mentioned to start popping up.

We're getting close to being finished with V0.03, but with Patreon you either have to have it ready to go at the end of the month or leave people hanging after their payments have cleared until you finish. I have to go out of town for most of this week, and therefore since I don't think we'll have it done until partway into October we're probably going to do the release on Nov 1 and use most of October to get a head start on V0.04. This is kind of a bummer for me, but sitting on it will avoid a tidal wave of confusion and also give us time to thoroughly test it while we start tackling V0.04 content.
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Good to hear!

Now to set my hype-level back to slow-burn... :p
Re: Malise and the Machine (New RPG!)

Hey guys!

I just posted a bunch of screenshots of the new area for V0.03 on Tumblr:

Expect a post on the blog (hopefully later today) with a bunch of details about the new version.

EDIT: Blog post with the list of features for V0.03 is up! Check it out here:
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