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Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax) GMed by ranger

Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Amber paused a moment a confused expression on her face, which quickly turned to a blush as Sonja undid her armor. "Oh.. no no no no I-I good you guys can... uh do that if you want... Just wake m-me up for my watch after wards." Turning to the side Amber focused on making her bed roll before settling down for a brief rest. As it looked to Fiera and Sonja it seemed that Amber was giving them some privacy, well as much privacy as a clearing in the woods offered. It was probably good that she didn't join in either as Fiera's heat would probably just burn her a little more than the fire already did.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja now undressed, simply grabs hold of the talisman with her left hand and at this point it starts to emit a faint glow. It looks as if this talisman given to her by Fiera will protect her from close encounters of the fire demon kind.

"Well, whenever you are ready? Shame Amber doesnt want to play, I would have let her have the talisman too.."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera shrugged at Amber not being up to it as of yet, her certainly more than able to ward Amber, before looking to Sonja. "Just you and me then tonight. Maybe we'll get a group thing going another time. After all, when's next time you get to play with demonic nobility? Hehe.," grins Fiera, slowly walking towards Sonja with a hungry look in her eyes and a sway in her step, falling back into her natural instincts.

"Mmm, truly your best look, like this. I certainly need to vent some stress now so it's good timing.," purrs Fiera as she flicked the straps of her battlerobes, and letting it slide off her body, revealing her smooth bare red skin. She prowled forwards before dropping over Sonja, on her hands and knees above her.

"Now show your mistress how much you want her. Or are you going to make me take it from you, hm?," she said, running a hand along Sonja's cheek.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"I think this time I am gonna make you work for it ((but not really))."

Sonja does her best to play "hard to get" with Fiera, though she does not move herself away from Fiera. Sonja uses some amount of force to semi-repel Fiera from simply descending upon her. This of course will end when Fiera says so, as Sonja knows her place in these particular instances. The amount of resistance Sonja offers is a token gesture at most to incite Fiera to hopefully be more aggressive with her. Just the way Sonja likes it.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera smirked a bit, knowing that Sonja did enjoy her little game. She liked to be forced and made to play. Without Fiera using magic, Sonja could easily fend her off physically. So it was rather obviously all in good fun all considered, and the smaller demoness put on her best imperious smirk as she got ready to properly dominate her "reluctant" servant.

"Oh, a bad girl hm? Guess I need to remind you why you're my little toy.," grins Fiera naughtily, grabbing ahold of Sonja's hands and trying to force Sonja fully down and pin her.

Once she did, she'd straddle Sonja's face with a smirk. "Since you're being bad, you can start by servicing me. Or else maybe I'll get my whip and hang you from the tree where anyone can play with your sweet little body, hm? Once I get my fun, of course."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja would of course willingly allow Fiera to overpower her. Sonja had a smirk on her face when Fiera mentioned the whip. A shame Fiera were unable to see said smirk as she had pinned herself overtop Sonja's face when she mentioned it. Sonja wanted to say something, but all that really ended up happening was a few mumbles came out and then her toungue would start working its way into Fiera.

Moving her tongue about, hopefully it would be enough for Fiera to start with. Though if she wanted more, all she had to do was take it.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera cooed as her pet finally began doing as she's told and lapping up into her. Her body had a higher temperature than usual and her body tasted pleasant if spicy. She ground herself down on Sonja's tongue, shivering with a grin.

"Good girl. Now more, give that tongue a proper work out!"

She moved a hand over and stroked her fingers over Sonja's sex, encouraging her pet to work harder, offering pleasure in return if she did a proper job.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja would oblige, her tongue becoming more vigorous. Possibly spurned on by Fiera putting her hand near enough to her sex to be further stimulated. Sonja would just have to remember to come up for air every once in a while. Sonja being content for the time being with just eating Fiera out, was simply trying to work her tongue as much as she could on Fiera. She would not dare attempt treverse the situation as she knew Fiera would start to reciprocate soon enough.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera grinned eagerly as her servant lapped at her, enjoying the dedicated working at her loins. With the extra attention she decided to begin her feeding, and started to drive two of her fingers roughly into Sonja.

She thrust fairly quickly, wanting to rile Sonja up and make her work faster on her, wanting her own climax as well. She didn't do this too often, but it was nice to cut loose once in awhile she supposed. It was hard work denying her urges most of the time and being a fire demon.

Part of her wanted some male, or a girl with something male attached for more attention, but she had what she had. Once they got to town, maybe she'd be in the mood for some variety. Plus it might be fun to see Sonja fucked full and silly, since Fiera was fairly certain there wasn't any risks of her servant multiplying. Not that Fiera wouldn't have enjoyed more servants.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja felt a few fingers going into her. Fiera seemed pleased by the work Sonja's tongue was doing so far. It felt like Fiera wanted to excite Sonja so that she would work more on Fiera, and Fiera's fingers were exactly what Sonja needed to redouble her efforts on Fiera. Sonja letting her competitive spirit kick in a little wanted to see if she could get Fiera to orgasm before Fiera made Sonja do the same.

Hopefully with Sonja getting more aggressive with her tongue, it would not upset Fiera in any way. For Sonja it was now a race of sorts to see who could make the other orgasm first. Just a little friendly competition between the two perhaps?
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

As the two woman went about their feeding Amber felt the stirrings of arousal. Closing her eyes as hard as she could to trying to focus on other things than the sounds of two woman having sex. Why was she feeling anything at all? She had never looked at a another woman in that way before and certainly never imagined herself with one. It had to be the demon something about her was confusing her. At lest that is what she told herself as her nipples hardened and images of her naked companions danced in her thoughts.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera gives a moan, grinning at the new vigor Sonja went about her work, Fiera maintaining her pace for now. "Me oh my, somebody suddenly got eager. Could my pet be trying to get me to go off first? Good luck.," she giggles, giving a light pant of pleasure, her flames dancing in a smouldering lustful hue.

She kept feeding, giggling naughtily a little. "I am feeling a bit more adventurous tonight though. It was a good haul, and I do miss having something a bit thicker in me. Want me to summon up some extra hands?"

She lifted up just a moment so Sonja could respond.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja wasnt quite sure what Fiera was on about.. "Extra hands..?"

"You can do whatever you want.."

Sonja was more trying to figure out what Fiera was on about. It wasnt like Fiera was going to endanger her or anything, so she figured why not.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera nodded, musing a bit with a giggle. "Maybe some goblins then, unless maybe you want a nice doggy to knot you good? Or a nice thick horse cock? I'm flexible hehe."

She looked over to Amber. "Hey, I know you didn't want to play with us, if you like I can summon up some demon guys to plug you good if you want instead. I'm feeling like I want more partners. Figured I'd ask."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Amber winced though thankfully with her back to the two nymphos it was hidden. "N-No Im good just... try to keep it down will ya." Grimacing to herself for not sounding to convincing Amber instead tried to ignore that the demon was going to summon more demons. Why had she agreed to travel with them. Whats wrong with her.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

(Hah, whats wrong with her is that Sonja hasn't shown her a good time yet lol)

Sonja waits for Fiera to make her move before she would try anything silly. Maybe Fiera ends up playing with her new demon toys so that Sonja can further "investigate" Amber. Though knowing Fiera, she would probably go a little overboard and end up summoning a few too many of her friends.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Sorry, no promises on noise, you tend to lose yourself in the heat of the movement and just ride the pleasure. Great stress relief.," giggles Fiera, dismounting from Sonja's face, clearly flushed and excited before hopping to her feet.

"Since I'm not hearing suggestions, and I don't wanna lose more energy than I'm draining, guess I'll call on mo- er MY clean-up squad! They're always up for a romp with no strings attached. Well besides a little drain.," grins Fiera before summoning up the demonic troops.

Fiera uses Summon Demons to call up three Demon Stalkers for 6 EP

The clean-up squad were a group of stalkers who usually served her mother to clear out evidence of their demonic activity quietly. disappearing witnesses, removing signs of indecent acts/violence, less combatants, more those who dealt with the mess after. Moody, but Fiera enjoyed giving them a good time. She rarely called on them for much else, since well, discretion was not her forte.

If there's a problem with what I wrote you're free to ignore it and put something else. Just figured Fiera probably knows some demonic critters from her time at home.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

That should be fine story wise if you can summon them Im sure Fiera has a few favorites

Amber's eyes widened she was actually going to do it the crazy demon was going to summon more of her kind. A wave a panic hit her as she wanted to get up and run but held her ground. Instead she pulled an extra blanket over her head to try and keep the noise down.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera concentrated before calling up the trio of stalkers with a grin, smiling happily at seeing them again. "Hey boys, long time no see! I hope you're all pent up, cus I neeed a good fucking, and a meal, and so does my servant! Well the fucking part. Also that blanket ball is Amber, don't pay her any mind, she's a friend but she's not in the mood."

Fiera knew them well enough. Zanthas was the one in charge of the other two and called the shots. Efficient, meticulous, she though he was a fuddy duddy. Still, he never failed to get her off, and how.

Then there was Nagros, he was in charge of disappearing people. He tended to be more fidgety, but boy did he know the body, he could hit every sensitive spot on her. Though she got the sense he was as much practicing eliminating her as he was fucking her. Oh well.

Finally there was Laervis, the cleaner. Remove bodies, hide stains, get rid of messes, and also had to act as a midwife many times. He left no evidence. She saw him the most while at home, usually following up whatever she had gotten into, plus had raised her somewhat. Well, raised, attempted to corral, roughly the same thing right?

In any case she grinned at them, "Well, cmon? You get your payment as your job and just a little sapping, what's not to enjoy! And you can fuck Sonja silly, she likes that!

Well freeko is unbanned so here it is. Maybe shoulda done it sooner, half forgot what I was gonna write so sorry if not as good as it coulda been :p
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Not like I have any clue whats going on at this point anyway

Sonja didn't know what to do with herself right now. Try to go for Amber, or see what Fiera had up her sleeve with her new friends. It did not take long for Sonja to realize that Fiera had summoned three demons and that there were three of them.

(Eh, I guess its better than nothing, but not by much)