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General H-game design discussion

Re: General H-game design discussion

No no, I agree with you 100% on this. As far as game design is concerned, it is entirely about the relation to the target audience and what the designer is trying to make said target audience feel. If you're going into design trying to make a game, or anything else, that will appeal to literally everyone who views/plays/consumes it, you will fail 100% of the time. That is not 'design' so much as it is reaching for the unobtainable. It's an unreasonable goal; there is nothing on this earth that literally every human can agree upon. Some people hate puppies and kittens. If we can't all agree on that, there's no hope in a universal consensus ever being reached on anything. Luckily, that's not what designers are supposed to do.

But that's an opinion though. The idea of the optimal level of challenge vs frustration differs from person to person so the idea for good design in that regard is also subjective.

Alright, look at what Lucky777 just said. You see where your point is wrong? You are talking about personal opinion. No person will EVER succeed in designing something that appeals to literally every being in existence. If that was the ultimate goal of design, then every single thing ever created by humankind would be a failure of design. But that's not the goal, and it never has been. You find your target audience, and you attempt to deliver them an experience that they would enjoy. Did you succeed? Great, your design was well thought-out and successful. Did they hate it? Then you failed as a designer.

That description up there is a bit too black and white for my tastes, but I think it gets my point across. The thing is, if you view things objectively, as a designer, you can separate your own personal opinion from what is or isn't good design. Just because I hate guro doesn't mean I'm going to look at a game that's based on it and say it has shitty design because I can't get off to it.
Re: General H-game design discussion


which is better? more content with one playable character or half the content because the production time was spent producing two playable characters?

in some ways i prefer one character and lots of content... currently considering expansion options and i dont think making another opponent with their own grapples and stuff would be very fun for me or the player... so I wanna go for a lot of opponents with a smaller amount of content for each (each with their own mini game)

Re: General H-game design discussion

First of all I was talking about when you said.
If a game is well designed, but the designer leans too far to the "frustration" side of things for an individual's liking, ala Dark Souls, that doesn't make it bad design just because they wish there were more save points.
But that's an opinion though. The idea of the optimal level of challenge vs frustration differs from person to person so the idea for good design in that regard is also subjective.

Secondly, yes I understand.

The word "GOOD" is a subjective term that turns whatever you're talking about into an opinion, therefore there is no objectively GOOD design.

I was just trying to prove that point as you had earlier stated.
The fact is simple. There is good game design, and there is bad game design. There is no 'opinion' in these facts, they are simply facts.
Re: General H-game design discussion

..Alright man, whatever you want. There's no reason for me to continue trying to explain my point to someone who doesn't want to listen.

@Azure - More content with one character is generally how I'd like it to be. It all depends on the situation though. It's not necessarily always better that way, but I tend to prefer things to be fleshed out rather than shallow and plentiful.
Re: General H-game design discussion

Well.. after some consideration and reading through some annoyingly long threads on other boards, I guess we should simply split this thread into subcategories. I am surprised this whole thing has not already exploded and it is great to see that people in a porn forum seem much more relaxed about this discussion than in gaming forums.. BUT I would not say that what we are doing right now is exceptionally constructive.

Thus i would like to suggest we should realize that while personal preference (i just love those words lol) is paramount, if we look at specific game design archetypes, we are able to eliminate that factor to the point where 'good' and 'bad' game design CAN be identified.

In example, while we could discuss how GOR is bad game design and "losing to win" is no fun CONTRA GOR is great game design because the struggle is real, we could also create a thread called "Better game design in GOR games". Anyone who REALLY dislikes the whole genre can just ignore that specific thread. But those who actually like the idea of GOR can be part of a constructive discussion. They can then elaborate why the GOR genre should always have/never have a gallery mode or whatever. In the context of its archetype, discussion makes more sense.

This is just my 2cents though.
Re: General H-game design discussion

Well.. after some consideration and reading through some annoyingly long threads on other boards, I guess we should simply split this thread into subcategories. I am surprised this whole thing has not already exploded and it is great to see that people in a porn forum seem much more relaxed about this discussion than in gaming forums.. BUT I would not say that what we are doing right now is exceptionally constructive.

Thus i would like to suggest we should realize that while personal preference (i just love those words lol) is paramount, if we look at specific game design archetypes, we are able to eliminate that factor to the point where 'good' and 'bad' game design CAN be identified.

In example, while we could discuss how GOR is bad game design and "losing to win" is no fun CONTRA GOR is great game design because the struggle is real, we could also create a thread called "Better game design in GOR games". Anyone who REALLY dislikes the whole genre can just ignore that specific thread. But those who actually like the idea of GOR can be part of a constructive discussion. They can then elaborate why the GOR genre should always have/never have a gallery mode or whatever. In the context of its archetype, discussion makes more sense.

This is just my 2cents though.
I'm not too sure how I feel about that.

On one hand, I think you're segregating the two communities, and this wont allow for each group of people to learn from each other. It also sounds like it'll turn into a circle-jerk of self-gratification.

On the other hand, the hentai community is one of the most segregated communities I've ever seen already. More groupings might not be a bad thing to have more focused discussions.
Re: General H-game design discussion

The porn is paramount.

Everything done must be done for the purpose and only for the purpose of enhancing the porn.

If a designer thinks to himself, at any point whatsoever "Ah, but let me put X in, which is of equal importance to the porn, or of more importance", then I say he has misled himself, and the result will merely be wasted effort and time.

Speed of availability
If you can play an H-game from the start for 10 clear minutes without porn becoming available, this criterion has been failed.

Frequency of availability
Not only should the porn be thrown at you quickly, it should also be thrown at you frequently.

It ticks me off when "virgin playthroughs" are even possible.

Where it is believable and sets the scene, it can be window-dressing make the main content more enjoyable.

You'll rarely need more than one paragraph, and then some dialogue.

I cut a lot, but tried to keep the general gist of the post (probably failed). As your posts are well thought out and logical, I wanted to comment. First, it appears that people are trying to break subjectivity out of the discussion and talk objectively about game design. I am not sure how you can do that with porn, which is by nature subjective. That said, I understand your sentiment that if you design a porn game, the focus has to be porn--if not, then it is NOT a porn game. In that light, most of what you say makes sense.

My issue is your disregard of everything not porn related. While these features may not be the primary focal point of the game (porn), they are still a necessity for game design. Gameplay, story, etc. are what makes these "games," otherwise, you might as well call it a CG gallery and be done with it. Simplistic gameplay can, and does, equal poor game design. And there are objective standards you can use to evaluate this. A poorly written story littered with grammatical errors does equal poor game design. The designer should have edited the work or brought in an editor. Those are poor game design decisions, however you look at it.

The "objective" criteria you laid out for game design is too centrally focused on the porn, which is almost an oxymoron. Yes, the porn should be central, but in making a "game" the non-porn aspects still MUST be taken into account. That is what distinguishes h-games from porn videos/CG galleries (which also have their place).

I will note, that as someone who has been working for almost a year on developing a game, I read all of these posts and consider these exact issues a lot. You cannot please everybody, but there does appear to be some good guidelines to follow.
Re: General H-game design discussion

I cut a lot, but tried to keep the general gist of the post (probably failed).

As far as I can tell, you've kept the main gist of what I said well, and understood the main thrust of what I said well.

There is something you left out, and I'm not sure if that's because you didn't notice it or not, but I'll refer to it explicitly later on.*

My issue is your disregard of everything not porn related.

My regard for non-pornographic elements in a porn-game is indeed relatively negligible, and so it will remain, but it is not quite a disregard.
Comparative disregard, sure.
But while window-dressing is unncessary, good window dressing is better than bad, and if it does not waste too much time or effert, it can indeed also be better than none.

First, it appears that people are trying to break subjectivity out of the discussion and talk objectively about game design. I am not sure how you can do that with porn, which is by nature subjective.

My preferences are subjective of course, as are the preferences of any person or demographic, but the question of how to appeal to those preferences is completely objective, and I maintain everything that I have stated in my post.

That said, I understand your sentiment that if you design a porn game, the focus has to be porn--if not, then it is NOT a porn game. In that light, most of what you say makes sense.

Always good to be on the same page.

While these features may not be the primary focal point of the game (porn), they are still a necessity for game design. Gameplay, story, etc. are what makes these "games," otherwise, you might as well call it a CG gallery and be done with it.

Not so much the story.
H-movies and manga can have those too.

Not so much the character development.
H-movies and manga can have those too.

Now as to the gameplay:
I suggest that it is the interactive nature of the gameplay which is the most key element that distinguishes the h-games from porn videos and the like, rather than any other element.

You can pause an H-video, or delay turning the page in an h-manga, but that's about it.
Can't choose positions, can't wander about, can't invite specific participants, can't... do anything but watch.
It's fun, but it ain't that interactive.

Gameplay interaction itself may very well be a non-porn aspect as you suggested, or (as again, for example in touching games) it may itself be a pornographic element of the game.

I don't actually have too much of a preference between the two, as long as, in cases where the gameplay is non-pornographic, it conforms to the criteria that I set out under "focus".

There was at least one guy who seems to have had a preference for battlefuck, (another example of pornographic gameplay) and there was at least one who seems to have had a preference against it.


Keep your eye on the demographics you want to please, that's up to you.

*And as I said - which you did leave out of the quote - where the gameplay which interposes itself between the player and the porn is flawed from the perspective of the genre of game that is being built (eg, platforming gameplay in a platformer in which you're supposed to win to see porn, fighting game gameplay in a fighting game in which you're supposed to WIN in to see porn, etc) then that flawed gameplay does become a detriment.

Now where the gameplay is both poorly done, and it stands between you and the porn, then it's a detriment.

Take a platformer with a porn reward at the end of the stages, for instance.

A platformer with bad collision detection on the platforms is a failure of a game, and where that gameplay inadequacy interposes itself between the player and the pornography, it's a failure of an H-game as well, and so the poor gameplay has become a detriment.

My regard for it may be comparatively negligible, but I would be the first to acknowledge that if it is sufficiently obstructive of the main content, it becomes a problem.

Simplistic gameplay can, and does, equal poor game design.
My disagreement with that statement is categorical and complete.

There's nothing in the world wrong with the most simplistic gameplay or game design as long as it enhances the central (in this case, pornographic) focus.

Example: (同人ソフト) [120502] [7thDream] モンスターの肉奴隷 RJ094682.zip

... which is presumably by "7th dream".

...I uh... I hope SOME part of that is the title, I copy-pasted it from the file, and I don't know what is title and what is ... anything else, because I don't know a lick of japanese.

There's a chick, you're a monster with a gang, you beat her up a bit and you and your monsters gangrape her.

You don't have many moves, more like ... a slap and a grab, and that's about it.
She can't effectively fight back, though she makes a token effort.
You cannot lose.
You can add different monsters to different positions by pushing various buttons.
The gameplay is as simplistic as you can get, and yet it's one of my favourite h-games.

I wouldn't mind there being more variety, but I mean variety in the porn, and not in the gameplay.

The gameplay is focused, there is interaction, it ties in perfectly with the experience by placing you squarely in control of one of the main actors, (arguably more than one, since you add other monsters with button-pushes...) and from a design standpoint I'd call it near to perfect.

In "Superbind", (Aka "ultra binding or "ulta binding"?) which you can find on this forum by searching, you control some rings and a mechanical tentacle, and by lifting a girl with the rings and arranging the girl on the tentacle you get the tentacle to either make the girl pass out from pain or cum (and... then also pass out) from the pleasure.

You cannot lose.

VERY simple concept, but an enjoyable little game all the same, and one that is completely focused.

I believe that there's room for improvement, but again it's in the pornographic aspect and the chick's reactions, not in the gameplay.

...Well, not in the COMPLEXITY of the gameplay.

If it were easier to move the chick and tentacle around that would certainly be nice, because being unable to move them around properly gets directly in the way of enjoying the pornography, but I think that's probably mainly an issue of getting the hang of the controls.

I'd prefer it if they were somehow easier to use, and to be sure I'd consider it better design if they became easier to use, but once I got accustomed to them I rarely fumbled.

"Shinobi girl", "Jungle girl", "Angel girl" and the rest are popular as well as being well (though perhaps not perfectly) designed from my standpoint, and they're ... almost as simple as you could possibly get from a game-design perspective, though arguably not quite so simple as "Japanese name that I hope I even correctly included in this post" by 7th Dream, above.

Not every game has to have gameplay as simplistic as that 7th Dream one, but games like it, "Superbind" and "Shinobi girl" and the rest are my conclusive counterargument to the idea that "simple" is "bad" in terms of gameplay, and I explicitly extend that statement to cover "simplistic" gameplay, which is on the simplest end of simple.

Objectively speaking, they appeal to me and my demographic very well.

If persons exist in an h-game viewing demographic that DO NOT like those games, and yet DO like the fetishes that they involve (gangrape, tentacles, etc) that's their business, but I'm not ACTUALLY sure such persons could conceivably exist.

If they somehow do, they can give you their demographic's perspective, so you'd know how to appeal to them.

I'm not amongst them.

This is not at all an argument against complexity of gameplay where that gameplay and its complexity alike assist the focus, but what I'm saying quite categorically is that it is the focus which I consider to be important, infinitely over and above the complexity.

A poorly written story littered with grammatical errors does equal poor game design. The designer should have edited the work or brought in an editor. Those are poor game design decisions, however you look at it.

Grammatical mistakes can certainly make the story less enjoyable,though not as severely as a self-contradictory story, I think, and so I did not mention them.

I'm sure there are other things that can show up in a story so as to make it less enjoyable as window-dressing.

Now, I have nothing against people editing their stories so as to make them grammatically correct, but the significance of that and all their efforts in that regard is to me precisely as I've said - a matter of window-dressing, which can enhance or be detrimental to the main experience, but which is not in itself anywhere near to the be-all and end-all that the porn is.

Apart from fixing a contradictory story, which was a big enough deal to me for me to include it in the original post, I can't currently think of a story-related fix which would make an H-game worth more than a single dollar more in my estimations.

Would I pay one dollar more for PERFECT grammar and editing?
Well yes, certainly, sure I would.
I think it'd be an improvement.

Would an editor allow himself to be hired for a single dollar?
...Well, that's different.
But hey, some'd do it for free.
It's quite possible that you could recoup the editor's fee, or money for the time you spent editing, as a result of improving the story.
It's a balancing exercise.

You cannot please everybody,
Probably LITERALLY true.

but there [do] appear to be some good guidelines to follow.

Seems that way to me too.

I'm sure you'll design your game as you see fit, and if you have regard in that effort for things that I, my demographic, or any other demographic see as irrelevant, that is both your right and your own affair.

Hopefully you'll appeal to enough people to make a decent bit of money, though to be surrre, some of us may eat into yer profits when we fly da jolly rogerrr, matey.
Re: General H-game design discussion

Good response, and I can see your point in regards to those simplistic games. That said, I don't consider those a "good" game, but that is subjective for sure. I guess as far as profit goes, they garner interest and they require less resources to make. Therefore, they would be profitable.

Yet, when we consider well executed games, are those the first ones that come to mind? Heck, do they even come to mind at all? I would say that you would be hard pressed to find a sizable number of people who would argue that they represent well executed h-games. Again though, I am seeing how my prejudices are influencing my argument... damn.

In the end, I remember the Sangeki of Gear's or the Virgin Island's far more than the Jungle Girl's. Those games have the lasting impact and those games make me want to donate or purchase the game to support future works. Those games also have that element about them that is not directly porn-related. Even if I agree, the virgin route was a bit annoying :p

As for "eating into my profits," the game will be free to the community. If people like it and decide that they want to support me creating future games, then great. If not, then I will probably still produce some slowly, but my day job is not so bad. I do believe in putting up before asking for anything, so this game will show the kind of product I can deliver. Too many people start crowdfunding and never follow though. THAT pisses me off.
Re: General H-game design discussion

Holy quote-pocalypse batman!

That was quite intense. Please remember, I did start this thread for discussion. Even if yes "personal preference" is a valid catch-all for everything, I believe it would still be good to just talk things out and share without getting too argumentative about it. If nothing else we may end up more lenient towards games that aren't our cup of tea if we at least know why some people prefer it that way - and maybe even become more flexible ourselves if we can try to enjoy different mechanics in the way they were intended. As long as arguments, criticism, and flat out "If it's not X it's wrong." statements are kept at bay discussions become places for ideas to mingle and develop both in our private opinions and in the community. That's why I like to try to start them.

That said, I do disagree with the statement that there are absolute conditions for good and bad game design. Yes, there are a great number of patterns and things that are generally accepted as "bad" and a good idea to avoid. Sometimes there are known work-arounds that must be handled with a great deal of insight and skill, and sometimes not. However there are a bunch of gray areas which I think brings another aspect of game design into the formula: it's own internal balance.

A game's internal balance (my terms, a professional game developer can tell me the real term) is how the game incorporates its own design choices in ways that interact with all the other elements of the game. Maybe save points are too far apart then would be generally considered good, but is the level design, monster design, and difficulty curves placed properly to accommodate for the long stretches.\?

If the opposite is true and save points too close together is this really a flaw? Could the individual fights be abnormally difficult or in the case of GoR is it anticipated that you'll be wanting to lose to a new enemy at the end of a difficult stage without having to go all the way back to the start as a result?

Even Kyrieru mentioned in his blog and interesting choice in games like his latest project. Is it good or bad design to make enemies not damage the player on touch? He goes into detail but to sum it up - enemies that can hurt on contact are greater obstacles and can be placed as such. There is also the risk of putting too many enemies that can unfairly gang up and pinch players in place (a problem which I think led to the creation of invincibility frames after taking a hit). If you make enemies only damaging if they connect an attack animation they are no longer the same type of solid wall obstacles. If you place them the old way they became a cake walk. You need to redesign how they move and attack, as well as they show up in the level to challenge the player in other ways. If done well, the game balances its own design choices.

In a way that's what I liked about Dark Souls, as brutally hard as it was it was internally balanced and fair about the shit it pulled on you. Wish I could say the same about Dark Souls II though, I'm still quite a bit butt-hurt over how they changed parrying and that's before I began getting invaded.
Re: General H-game design discussion

is how the game incorporates its own design choices in ways that interact with all the other elements of the game.
I think you're thinking game mechanics.
EXAMPLE: The game mechanics of a rhythm game is how the game shows its own design choices in the way it interacts with other elements of the game.

Lucky777 said:
This is not at all an argument against complexity of gameplay where that gameplay and its complexity alike assist the focus, but what I'm saying quite categorically is that it is the focus which I consider to be important, infinitely over and above the complexity.
Hmm... I see where you're coming from and I'm inclined to agree with you; however, the umbrella for eroge is just... too big.

If it has ANY adult content that's any focus. Like if they advertise the adult aspect of the game in any form it's an adult game. It's not like that with other genres. Action Games can have platforming elements but they wont be considered platformers but if they have hentai elements they're hentai.

I think asking for hentai games to just prioritize the hentai over everything else (or even putting them at the very top) just narrows the idea of a hentai game too much. I like the amount of choice that can be possible otherwise.
Re: General H-game design discussion

Seems like this going down the "fan of the genre" route within H game gametype.
Re: General H-game design discussion

It's easy to take setting for granted when every RPG-maker game has the same tileset, but there's more to it than that. The common setup of "Woman fighter falls into becoming a sex pervert" is an examination of the contradiction with the established familiar medieval setting. Think about it: For men, fighting in battles is a masculine display of bravado, an inherently sexual act (lest we forget the rape & pillage of the era - left out of the storybooks perhaps but it all filters down). Then a woman is placed in the same role and is expected to carry the same role while perfectly stoic, emotionless, and sexually repressed? All in a period where the married woman next door probably isn't allowed to leave the house without permission?

You go too far forward in time into the 19th-20th century "War is hell it's glory all moonshine" era it doesn't work so well because war isn't about sexy knights penetrating each other with their lances anymore. Any setting where it's socially acceptable for women to have promiscuous sex? The whole trope basically falls apart.
Re: General H-game design discussion

If it has ANY adult content that's any focus. Like if they advertise the adult aspect of the game in any form it's an adult game. It's not like that with other genres.

That's a point.

Rockman Zero with 5 added and completely unrelated porno pictures would have to be marketed in an "adults only" area, and would get a rating of either fucking banned from the mainstream market, or similarly be rated "adults only", but it wouldn't have a focus on the porn.

Grouping games without a focus on the H in the same group as games with a focus on the H IS a bit of a categorisation nightmare.

There ARE probably demographics that a designer could aim at for both kinds of game, but they are different things.

I think the answer to that would be to have a very clear division in H-games, and have them be marketed to suit.

In terms of categorisation, there are clearly H-games and then there are Non-H games.

But from a categorisation standpoint, there are also at LEAST four types of H-game:
"H-centric or H-Focused" ,
"H-light" and
'something not H' -centric or 'something not H' focused"

A Focused H-game like I want would be in the H-Centric category, and if it obeyed my more personal/more subjective criteria about the AMOUNT and FREQUENCY of the H, it would also be in the H-heavy category.

"Rockman Zero with like 5 added and unrelated porn pictures" would HAVE to be in the "Hgame" category, but it would also HAVE to fall in the "H-light" and "Not H-focused" H-game category.

Rockman Zero with like 1000 unrelated porn pictures would be in the "h-heavy" category, but it might still be "X which is not H" focused, since its focus is actually entirely on the gameplay, and the gameplay doesn't in any way complement or enhance the enjoyment of the unrelated porno pictures.

That mightn't change no matter how many porn pictures you throw in.

Now if the pictures were closely related via the plot, or if Rockman was running around fuckin' bitches after he smacked them down instead of cutting them, or if there was in-game sex as well as just the unrelated random pictures, you'd ... probably be coming a bit closer towards the H as a design FOCUS, and so closer to the H-Centric category but ... eh.

You could debate the finer points of specific classification, but I can't say that it much interests me.

At any rate, the categorisation would have the value of allowing those looking for specific things to find them more easily.

For me, and for my demographic, the so-called "objective" criteria that I have laid out would help to make an H-centric and H-Heavy game ideal unless I or we didn't happen to like the specific kind of porn used.
(Dat scat porn or dat guro, and dat Faithful Romantic Vanilla. Oh lawdy.)

(Perhaps I should have said "more likely to be universal amongst that demographic which wishes to consume H-content" rather than "objective" in my original post, because the concepts do seem a little slippery ...)

Anyway, with the H-Centric, X-Centric, H-light and H-heavy categorisations firmly and clearly in place, I won't unwittingly stumble over H-games that INTENTIONALLY don't meet my "objective"
... (yeah should... probably have used 'more likely to be universal')
design-philosophy criteria, AND if there are persons who are interested in the "X-focused and not H-focused" and/or "H-light" categories, they can find and buy games there.

You could even subdivide the H-light ... and, well, possibly the H-heavy games into categories based on which non-H aspect they "included" in the case of H-centric games, and "focused on" in the case of "X other than H"-centric games.

We already sort of do.

You can have an H-rpg, H-side-scroller, H-beat'em up (which might be Fight Or Rape or Victory Rape etc) H-..."avoiding game?" (which would be Run or Rape) ... so eh.

You can also categorise games according to the type of H they have in, and we also already do, because a guy looking for say... Vanilla is going to be a bit sad if he buys a game with bunch of guro.

More clarity is hardly ever bad.

Anyway, I don't have design recommendations at all for "my ideal game" in the H-light category of H-games, because I am not interested in that category at all.

There is no ideal game for me or for my demographic there.

Now THE design recommendations for pleasing fans of that category would probably be "Make a good Non-H game, and then put some good H into it in a way which complements the H-content and doesn't detract from either aspect" ... ...
... but I don't give a shit.

If I want a non-H game, I'll PROBABLY buy that, and not one that has split the maker's focus between porn and non-h gameplay.

If I want an H-game, I'll buy one that has enjoyable porn, one which has, as I said, focus on the porn, one which has LOTS of porn and one which is consequently rightly to be found in the categories of "H-centric" and H-Heavy.

That's really just about all there is to that.
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Re: General H-game design discussion

Would not a few, god of war is one that is top of mind, commercially available games already fit into that non hentai focused genre because boobs are a thing in that game.
Re: General H-game design discussion

It's easy to take setting for granted when every RPG-maker game has the same tileset, but there's more to it than that. The common setup of "Woman fighter falls into becoming a sex pervert" is an examination of the contradiction with the established familiar medieval setting. Think about it: For men, fighting in battles is a masculine display of bravado, an inherently sexual act (lest we forget the rape & pillage of the era - left out of the storybooks perhaps but it all filters down). Then a woman is placed in the same role and is expected to carry the same role while perfectly stoic, emotionless, and sexually repressed? All in a period where the married woman next door probably isn't allowed to leave the house without permission?

You go too far forward in time into the 19th-20th century "War is hell it's glory all moonshine" era it doesn't work so well because war isn't about sexy knights penetrating each other with their lances anymore. Any setting where it's socially acceptable for women to have promiscuous sex? The whole trope basically falls apart.

the basic setting for rpgmaker is fantasy though, not historical... and its anything goes pretty much
Re: General H-game design discussion

I just have something to say about unlockable galleries in general... I don't like them. At all. No matter the game type, no matter how smooth the animation, no matter if it's Creature Hunter or Project X, the galleries just don't do it for me as the pictures lack the context they originally had. Even in games that are already pretty much H slideshows like the Futa Dragon Quest games, any individual slideshow by itself is not as interesting. So the "window dressing" is crucial for my enjoyment of the content presented in that metaphorical window. Whether everybody else sees it the same way is up for debate.
Re: General H-game design discussion

Would not a few, god of war is one that is top of mind, commercially available games already fit into that non hentai focused genre because boobs are a thing in that game.
They dont have sex on screen and its inclusion is a surprise for most people in the first place.

I just have something to say about unlockable galleries in general... I don't like them. At all. No matter the game type, no matter how smooth the animation, no matter if it's Creature Hunter or Project X, the galleries just don't do it for me as the pictures lack the context they originally had. Even in games that are already pretty much H slideshows like the Futa Dragon Quest games, any individual slideshow by itself is not as interesting. So the "window dressing" is crucial for my enjoyment of the content presented in that metaphorical window. Whether everybody else sees it the same way is up for debate.
You've already gone through the context once through the game so you already have the context...

If galleries didn't exist, you'd have to play through the game every time just to get to the adult content. I'd hate to do that in a jsk game. Every time I want to see an adult scene I'd have to play through the game to get to it?

This problem wouldn't be fixed if everything in the game was adult either... Believe it or not, I don't fap while I play... or even if the adult elements are interspersed in between sections of gameplay. There's a clear distinction when I play to enjoy the game vs enjoying the adult elements. I still want the visual enjoyment of the adult stuff while playing though.
Re: General H-game design discussion

about the non h games whit sex(uality) content,

i can name some in a list:
rumple rose (i so want lesbo bf in this game):p

skyrim (whit sex mods) skyrim and oblivion are most mode frindly
(seeing my khajiit mc fucking bandits to death is awesome):D

doa (deat or alive) whit nude patch (2v2 all girls fight):D

saints row 3-4 seriously fucking everyone, is the only thing missing in this game:D

ther also is love chese and bonecraft/town but i ques they count as h games

mh...thads all i have on my mind right now but i think there more,
but wat i want to say is with the right mods and hacking knowledge you can turn almost all games into sex games
(or at least making everyone naked):D
Re: General H-game design discussion

Depending on the implementation galleries help solve a few technical issues.
It serve as a way to access the scene if the player choose to do so. Some people want their content up front so there it is.

For players who want to get everything a galleries that unlock all scene after certain criteria (say beaten the game) allows the player have the option to see everything that they might have missed without necessarily going back and play through the entire game, the context is lessen, but it is a better than nothing solution.

For the type of galleries that unlock depending on if the player has uncover the scene then it serve as a guide to tell the player how many they are still missing.

The risk here is turning the game into a scene hunt rather than what it is, but I guess some people might be into that.