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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Depending on how often you mingle with other intelligent beings, and how much like your alignment you act, yes, points can come about as often as you level.

And the main reason for the constant increase in cost, is that when using an element that is the weakness of the enemy, you do extreme damage, enough to likely kill an enemy equal to your own level in one blow. So getting all the elements in any other, easier way would give too much power to the Mage.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Alright, just a warning though: Unless that stuff is a dime a dozen, you'll probably never see me use those abilities. I have a problem where, if the requirements to use an ability are few and far between, I stockpile and don't even use them when I need to use them.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

That is indeed a problem, since the monsters gain abilities as well in correspondence to their level, and usually won't hesitate to use them.

Also, it would seem I've rounded up the only people willing to participate, since the others that have been posting have not mentioned anything about wanting to join. So, would you two like to start, with an NPC ally acting as the mage?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Sure, lets have an NPC play the mage. Let's start now.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Eh, why not. (But also, if we aren't getting an average of a point per battle, you might want to consider not letting the enemy use abilities any more frequently than we can. Just because an enemy is level 5 doesn't mean they should start the battle with 5 ability points instead, maybe one or less so that most won't have the points available to use to activate the ability more than once.)
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

For the Good team players:

Now would be a good chance to roleplay a bit. You guys got lucky and rolled a 'no encounter', but to give you somewhat of a heads-up of what you might be walking into, I threw in the dead cat women from Seira's village. I'm testing out how well RPG maker can design a large village/city, to see if I need a new program, or just some new cells for Dimension 2. This village map is pretty big - to give a comparison, you're last map (the largest I had made for you guys yet) was 35x15 squares; the village is going to be 75x75 squares. That means it's going to take me a while to build it all, but if it all goes to plan, it should be a pretty enjoyable experience. Hopefully, the map should be down by Wednesday at the latest.

Just a heads up to the good team players.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

No-no-no, hehehe. It isn't gonna be like that at all. The way I was using it myself, was actually every 5 levels, the monsters would have another ability, another advantage to use against the heroines. This means that while the beginner monsters are the usual fare of hack-and-slash, the latter will require the heroines to have their priorities straight, and a good few battle plans up their sleeves in order to overcome them.

The first boss I made, the Bull(bestiality! Shock and Awe!) had one ability, Charge. That skill let it charge from one side of the battle field to the other in one turn, knocking the first heroine it catches down so it can mount her, and knocking any others who failed to dodge it away. This was a tough boss at first, before I used the Tank character to attract it's attention, while moving her far away from everyone else, far enough so that it's charge wouldn't hurt them. After that, the rogue snuck up behind, backstabbed it, and the mage simply pummeled it with magic, while the Tank was either dodging, getting raped, or shoving the bull off of herself.

Also, I'll go ahead and get to makin' that thread. It'll progress when either both of you have posted, or 24 hours have passed, at which point, the idle characters will be automated by me. You'll be playing pre-made characters, just a gentle push in the right direction, but any further levels, and their points, can be used at your own discretion. These are temporary characters, so try not to get too attached to them. ;)

Also, more additions to what was previously posted;

Spells, while seeming to be weak at first, can be charged to increase their efficiency. This multiplies the magic's effect.

Number of times a spell can be multiplied in one use = (Depth X 2) / MP cost
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Each time you level up, and ascend as an Evil/Neutral/Good character, you gain a single point, which grants you an ability that is activated whenever you please for a cost of 20AP. Spending more points in the same ability will allow you to use it more. Three points in one ability will allow you to use it three times, for example.

We may or may not be having a disconnect here.

When I read this passage I read this:

1 use of the ability costs 1 ability point, i.e. you can use the ability one time per level.

Therefore, the boss should only be able to charge once during the fight and, after that, it should have expended all of it's ability points.

Also, the rogue would only be able to backstab one time per level before running out of ability points until they either level again or gain more. Therefore, you wouldn't be able to use the ability every fight because you wouldn't have the ability points to do so.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Indeed a disconnect. The boss mentioned has only one ability, unlike the heroines, who possess magic, skills with their weapons, as well as Ascension abilities. Limiting the boss to a one time use would make it a simple enemy with high HP. Not to mention, the ability I'm speaking of works differently than the ascension abilities I mentioned before, which is what you're connecting the bosses ability with.

Monsters, and foes who have these abilities, use them to a similar extent as you players use your abilities such as, Strike! And they use these abilities to form their own strategy for taking you down. A monster with a similar ability as strike, will likely call for immediate attention from the local tank, as that ability helps with downing opponents quickly.

Rather than using an Ability point, the bull's charge ability uses 40 AP, rendering it motionless after it's attack, since it has little more AP to spend, or none at all if it adjusted for it's attack. And while deadly, should your comrades be at the wrong place at the wrong time, it is easily countered with proper positioning of the characters, making it no more than a long-range grapple attempt.

The ascension abilities are the one advantage the heroines will have over their foes, as they allow them to better manipulate the battlefield, and gain an advantage. Tanks attract attention, Rogues avoid attention, allowing them to use their precise, and powerful attacks without obstruction, and Mages act as powerhouses of either support, and/or destruction. Each class's ascension abilities do different things, and it's the combined effort of them all that truly makes them a powerful force. And while the heroines may often be outnumbered in many ways, the use of their abilities as a whole will often grant them victory, as I've found out myself through personal testing.

And more, the points gained from leveling through Ascension regenerate after the ending of every battle.
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

And more, the points gained from leveling through Ascension regenerate after the ending of every battle.

That's the biggie. From what you were saying earlier, it sounded like the ability points never regenerated, effectively making it to where, if a character gained a single ability point and never gained another for the rest of the game, they would only be able to use their ability once a game.

This phrase:
Spending more points in the same ability will allow you to use it more. Three points in one ability will allow you to use it three times, for example.
Implies that abilities are like potions and ability points are like gold.

I would suggest, before you use this in a real game, you edit it to be this:
Spending more points in the same ability will allow you to use it more. Three points in one ability will allow you to use it three times per battle, for example.
Given that it currently reads as this:
Spending more points in the same ability will allow you to use it more. Three points in one ability will allow you to use it three times per game, for example.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I mentioned in the last part of my post, this;

And more, the points gained from leveling through Ascension regenerate after the ending of every battle.

And it never read as it regenerated after every game. I simply never mentioned how they were regenerated. The part where you thought it read as every game was an assumption.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I was meaning that this post:

Heh, I mentioned before that all of these changes, even though you may not have made them to your system, all belong to you one way or another. It's not up to me what you do with it, since I basically stole it, and modded it a wee bit. :eek:

What I posted some time ago was simply a portion of the game, I'm on the track of modding the skills and magics as well.

And, as for the Jumpers V.1.2 experiment, we have...

Tank: Pheonix
Rogue: GoldGolem

Also, I've given certain abilities for ascension, that is, when you accomplish so many tasks based on your alignment. Depending on what class you are, you begin to be better able to accomplish your job, and assist your team as a whole. Leveling up your ascension is similar to leveling up your skills, except the points you earn are based on the general level of the area you're in, and the difficultly of the task, whether it be how hard a battle was, or how hard the decision was to make in order to proceed as your own alignment.

Each time you level up, and ascend as an Evil/Neutral/Good character, you gain a single point, which grants you an ability that is activated whenever you please for a cost of 20AP. Spending more points in the same ability will allow you to use it more. Three points in one ability will allow you to use it three times, for example.

Tank: A tank's job is obvious, and her ascension helps with that task. The task of grabbing the monster's attention, pulling their perverted gazes away from her comrades. Sacrificing damage dealing for AC, Fatigue and Pleasure Points should be the main focus of these characters. Upgrading their armor and shield to high levels is also recommended.

Battle Cry: Activated Using this ability, all aggro is directed at the heroine. And in almost every sense of the word, renders all of your comrades invisible, allowing them to move about without notice, and evade danger.

Never Ending Resolve: Passive This ability is activated when the heroin's fatigue is reduced below 0. Instead of collapsing, the tank continues to fight. And for every turn spent in this state, a point is used to sustain the heroin, making it possible to use a potion, or have a friendly healer restore your fatigue back to the positive levels.

Rogue: This character is clever, and quick. And her ascensions allow her to escape from virginity threatening situations, as well as allowing her to perform the deadly, infamous backstab. The main focus of Rogues should be in stats such as Charisma, Presence, and Dexterity. While gold would be better placed in potions, rather than armor.

Backstab: Activated An ability most D&D fans should know well. Should you find yourself situated behind an enemy, you may choose to deal a deadly deathblow. You inflict double damage to the victim of this attack, almost guaranteeing that your knife will seal the fate of all but the strongest of foes. However, once you do this, you will no doubt attract more attention than one would want, raising your aggro a great deal, but not maximizing it.

Distract: Activated Rogues are not good when under attack, as they are fast, and meant for other places than the front lines. Should a monsters decide that the heroin is their target, the use of this ability will cause the creature's to seek out one of her comrades instead, thus bringing her aggro down to 0%, allowing her to even go so far as to move right behind a monster, completely unnoticed... This does not work when grabbed, as a rogue is at it's weakest when held in place.

Mage: The magic casters of the world. The mages are, to put it simply, the biggest damage dealers in the game. Even more so when you consider than when they use a spell that is the weakness of the enemy, she will cause more damage. However, their power comes at a cost. Their powers are limited to magic, and without that, they are useless. They are especially handy for the famous ability to heal, and restore their allies, among other things. However, once they are within close range of a foe, they are especially vulnerable.

Meditate: Activate More than likely, a mage's supply of power will run out, and when it does, the use of this ability will allow the heroine to recover her lost MP. At a cost of 10 AP, the heroine recovers; (20 X Heroine's level) in MP, allowing more mana to be cast.

Learn a New Element: Using this ascension, the heroine will learn new elements to use at her disposal. The amount of points needed to learn a new element is;
(1 X Total amount of elements currently owned) + 1
So, if you have one element, it will cost two points. If you have three elements, it will cost 4, etc...

Doesn't mention regeneration of ascension points which was the source of my problems and while you did correct it in a later post, this post was more likely to be copy pasted into a rule section.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Ahh... Now I see what you're getting at. My apologies for not thinking of it, I'll make those edits to that post now...

As well, I'll be posting that thread soon, perhaps a little later tonight, as I've still got the character sheets to work out to accommodate you properly for this quick session.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

On the character sheets... you divided by zero! *Cries*
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

On the character sheets... you divided by zero! *Cries*

Yet we still breath. I thought the world was supposed to esplode if someone divided by zero...

...*ahem* All Evil Team members! If you're still active, please post in this thread. I'd like to get a head count.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Not really a team member, but I'm still here. :p
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Sakuya had taken notice that Ashe had failed to finish off the slime she had attacked. The monster was likely badly wounded so she figured she could kill it with ease. After she finished it off she would help Elizabeth, if she still needed help. The maid then began advancing to the wounded monster.

( Move one space to the left. )

The slime Ashe attack is currently grappling Elizabeth, you know.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Mmm. Enemies won't forsake a grappled target, even when another heroine gathers 100 aggro onto herself.