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ACT Abandoned [Action]Chinpoman!!!

Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

Easy Mode? Srsly .... Man i think i going take a rope i can't move on this game.... die in 10 second and i try since 1 hour...
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

Oh. So i'm forced to play as ugly fuck, again?
How innovating.
Why the hell 95% of developers sticking to main char = disgusting piece of shit?
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

To make it easier to identify with him. In all seriousness, I personally find it a lot more fun to play as a hopelessly ugly cockslapping dwarf thing than as the Crazed H version of Justin Timberlake, but hey, dealers choice.
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

I don't care about ugly or fatty.
I wonder why this is so hard to play?
No save slot, could not change key control, and only few life was not enough.
Dying in check point 3, and then I return to the start point again.....OMG! :eek:
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

Good news! I beat up the game in easy mode but I don't know where is the save date file location.
If someone know, tell me and I will upload the save data.
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

Contrary to popular belief I didn't find this game to be hard once I learned how to play it. It's like old school mega man mixed with zero.

Played this game 3 times and beat it each time.

Really fun. Controls extremely well
Oh my god man the humor of the game Not often to I get to kill enemies with my penis saber.
Classic megaman feel and fun. Now I want to play those games again.
Sex scene. We need moar. That was perfect

ALLOW SCROLLING IN THE SEX SCENE!!!!! The first two times I won I couldn't see the scene due to the characters being off screen. Or better yet just move them to the center when it starts
Skeletons should not move backwards. That just makes them dicks if you take too long.
Make the platforms BIGGER. Sure I was able to win but I grew up playing Megaman. Definitely need bigger platforms.
Move the spikes AWAY from the edge of the platform. All too often I was trying to dodge those and end up falling in the pit.
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

Good news! I beat up the game in easy mode but I don't know where is the save date file location.
If someone know, tell me and I will upload the save data.

Managed to beat it too. I tried looking at appdata and my documents, no luck so far.

Okay, I'm not sure why people are complaining about responsiveness in this game. Yes, the gameplay kinda bad, and it may be too hard for some people, but I think it's responsive enough for my need.

Also, to the creator of this game, I don't really think your game stinks, but to be honest:
1. You should never have enemy shoot outside your viewing area, like in stage 2, that's a no-no in platforming game.
2. What's up with the RANDOM CHANCE of getting the H-scene? Not to mention, that z bashing seems very unnecessary. I mean, sure, it's good at first, but if I have to bash my Z key again over and over again for a CHANCE of getting new scene, that's not cool.
3. Maybe don't put text during the third sex scene (the one right after "1 day after" text), if you don't feel like it? I thought those incoherent swearing seem kinda unnecessary
4. Why can't I attack the sword skeleton from behind? The heck?

However, I do enjoy the animation quite a bit. Maybe I low standard, I don't know.

EDIT: Okay, I didn't read the manual, where it says that defeating the boss in different pose will give different animation. So my second point is null, although the z bashing still stands.
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Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

Ok so far its true that game is not so hard if you take your time to do it.
Well,atleast for hardcore gamer,it will take only few try.
Anyways,I found some local storage in my computer for that game,not sure if that the save,still sharing it.
Tell me if that's work or not:
Mod edit: Dead link removed.

You have to extract it to:

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Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

^ thanks, it works :p
one more try to full scene pleaese,
you are a savior of our hard
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

I beat the game and got all the scenes at the end.

It's not random, you have to land the final blow depending on her position and attack. Each attacks nets a different scene.

Also, I found this game nightmarishly hard at the start, but like others once I got the hang of the controls and timing, piss easy. Tore through without losing much life and kicked the queens ass flawlessly after that (she is super easy, even with minion spawning)

I liked this game. It was really good and I loved the style :) I want more levels and more women to fuck! Yay Chinpoman!
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

That was the most metal hentai game I've ever played. I enjoyed it. The sex was great, and the enemies seemed hard at first but then I realized their patterns and they were easy. Very good work!
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!


Since the last 3 month I have been studied 3d software and work on some boring part-time job along the way,I have not visited this forum.

Now I've returned to make game again.
Please comment on an art style I came up with for my futere game. I will do game for android some thing like that still dunno.... please share your idea.
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Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

Since I after 2-3 month I have been study 3d software and work on some boring part-time job along the way.

Please comment on an art style I came up with for my futere game. I will do game for android some thing like that still dunno.... please share your idea.
WOW! Very nice model.
I think it already perfect so not thing to comment much. Only her boobs are a bit too big and want her lower legs little longer. But it's my own personal taste :p
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

I can only comment that You should lower the difficulty setting

I can't even finish You'r last game at stage cave at the easy mode

Still , Good Luck
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!


Since the last 3 month I have been studied 3d software and work on some boring part-time job along the way,I have not visited this forum.

Now I've returned to make game again.
Please comment on an art style I came up with for my futere game. I will do game for android some thing like that still dunno.... please share your idea.

You have serious talent. I feel that the independent eroge community could really use your talent as a benchmark. Something to look up to.

Please keep doing what you're doing.

Also, I see your games as basically the Suda51 type unique and I dont think I'm the only one.

So I have some game ideas for you (If you dont do them I might get to them eventually):
- You play as a guy trying to help some suicidal girls. Some of these girls look alright on the outside, and in one section of the game you talk to them and stuff. On the other side, you go into their heads and play a platformer where the levels are designed according to their personalities and trauma. The final boss is the girl and when you win, they start feeling better on the outside.

- You play as a guy with a severe case of blue balls and cursed by a witch so that he cant cum. This is bad because the curse also makes him seem unbelievably attractive to females... even monster females. You adventure to the witch's castle... (It could be a platformer, or rpg or strategy game) in order for her to lift your curse.

- You play as a guy messing with teleportation magic after you hear it's been forbidden... You succeed, and get teleported somewhere REAL weird... all you want to do is get back.
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Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

WOW! Very nice model.
I think it already perfect so not thing to comment much. Only her boobs are a bit too big and want her lower legs little longer. But it's my own personal taste :p

thanks for your comment:) i still not dead set on character design. I am just worried if my artstyle go into an uncanny valley...
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

I can only comment that You should lower the difficulty setting

I can't even finish You'r last game at stage cave at the easy mode

Still , Good Luck

I am sorry. In next game I will pitch the demo out in early stage so I can get feedback early and have more time to fix it.
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

You have serious talent. I feel that the independent eroge community could really use your talent as a benchmark. Something to look up to.

Please keep doing what you're doing.

Also, I see your games as basically the Suda51 type unique and I dont think I'm the only one.

So I have some game ideas for you (If you dont do them I might get to them eventually):
- You play as a guy trying to help some suicidal girls. Some of these girls look alright on the outside, and in one section of the game you talk to them and stuff. On the other side, you go into their heads and play a platformer where the levels are designed according to their personalities and trauma. The final boss is the girl and when you win, they start feeling better on the outside.

- You play as a guy with a severe case of blue balls and cursed by a witch so that he cant cum. This is bad because the curse also makes him seem unbelievably attractive to females... even monster females. You adventure to the witch's castle... (It could be a platformer, or rpg or strategy game) in order for her to lift your curse.

- You play as a guy messing with teleportation magic after you hear it's been forbidden... You succeed, and get teleported somewhere REAL weird... all you want to do is get back.

Thanks for the idea. I like the blue balls idea it could transforms into some fun gameplay.
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!


Somehow i think my previous model look fake and weird so I decide to revamp it. Please comment on this.
Re: [Action]Chinpoman!!!

The V2 model's boobs looks a little too high up on the chest and I also like V1's eyes more. I think a good blend of the two models could look really nice. Cheers mate.