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H-Game Development Help


Jungle Girl
Aug 20, 2011
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I do hope I'm putting this in the right location on the forums.

I've been a lurker on this forum for some time now, but I'd like to make a debut as a game developer here in the near future. While I have a decent understanding of how to write code and design games, I utterly fail in the art department. What I'm essentially asking for is help. Would any of the artists on this forum be willing to help a brand new developer by donating some CGs for use in my first game?

I can pay a small fee, however I don't have much in the ways of money right now, which is why I'm asking for help and not just commissioning someone.

Here's the concept for the game:

Title: Legend of Elf Wars

Type: Turn-Based Strategy RPG

Plot and concept: Famous elves from various anime (Ex: Deedlit & Pirotess from Record of Lodoss War, Allyene from Queen's Blade) band together with the player's avatar in order to fight against a dark god's evil army. Battles will play out in a similar fashion to Fire Emblem, with each unit taking turns to position themselves or attack. When one of your elves are defeated, an H-Scene will result, as well as that elf being captured. Captured elves can be recovered after winning the next battle, though they will be weakened for a bit. Players will also have the option to romance the elves, which will ultimately result in an H-Scene.

I will try to have a proof-of-concept demo up this weekend as well.

Thanks for your time!
Re: H-Game Development Help

Do you have any style guides?
Re: H-Game Development Help

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "style guide." Can you be a bit more clear, please?

Basically a detailed explanation of what you want the art to be like(what kind of colours, thick or thin lines, shading, etc). Good to have especially if you plan to have more than one artist involved.
Re: H-Game Development Help

Basically a detailed explanation of what you want the art to be like(what kind of colours, thick or thin lines, shading, etc). Good to have especially if you plan to have more than one artist involved.

Ah, okay. Thank you for the explanation. Definitely leaning more towards an eastern/anime style of drawing. I've attached a link to a gallery that'll hopefully provide a much better reference of what I'm looking for overall.


Hopefully this helps.

Edit: Cleaned up my horrible writing.
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Re: H-Game Development Help

That works well for the CGs however to help consistancy do you have examples of what you want the rest of the game to look like, gameplay and user interface type stuff.

obviously this is a collage of copy paste type stuff, but if an artist looks at it they can get an impression for what the whole of the game will look like.

This is more a mock up type thing but . So break out your paint skills, it doesn't matter if things are a bit choppy because they are obviously not final production, just cut and paste from other people stuff you like. These sort of things will show off your competance as a leader and coherency of design, which helps attract workers.
Re: H-Game Development Help

Okay, I'll try to have one up here soon-ish. I should mention that I'm primarily designing this game in RPG Maker VX Ace.
Re: H-Game Development Help

Attached is the style diagram. A lot of heavy influences from both Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy. Please let me know if you guys have any further questions.


  • Untitled.jpg
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Re: H-Game Development Help

Attached is the style diagram. A lot of heavy influences from both Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy. Please let me know if you guys have any further questions.

I had to squint a bit there, but I'm fairly sure that the map and menu are from one of the Final Fantasy II remakes while the rest (except for the H-scene) are from one of the GBA Fire Emblem games.
It's more mentioning it in case someone wants to look it up, because the attached pic is actually pretty small and doesn't leave a lot to see; they're solid choices.

EDIT: Asked what engine was going to be used because I failed at reading. VX Ace? Sounds good.
Re: H-Game Development Help

I had to squint a bit there, but I'm fairly sure that the map and menu are from one of the Final Fantasy II remakes while the rest (except for the H-scene) are from one of the GBA Fire Emblem games.
It's more mentioning it in case someone wants to look it up, because the attached pic is actually pretty small and doesn't leave a lot to see; they're solid choices.

EDIT: Asked what engine was going to be used because I failed at reading. VX Ace? Sounds good.

I have no idea why it was compressed so much after uploading it. Here's an Imgur link: hxxp://i.imgur.com/jmREg80.jpg

EDIT: So, I got a 90% solution on the engine. I'm using a slightly modified version of GuibD's Tactical Battle System. Only problem is that I can not, for the life of me, get pictures to show during a battle scene. Once I can get that working, I'll post a demo.
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