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Jean (Zilrax)

Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Beauty giggle, her body could certainly build the exitacion for what could come later when she return from work. That training will serve you this night, but lets focus on ours research first, we will have time enough this time to enjoy a sex marathon this night, as you call it. Said this the experiment started, there were some graphics and numbers, thermal images of the surrounding around the spell and many sensors. Her mother nods and looks to be amazed, soon her tentacles increased in speed and then turn to Jean and the iceball.

Can i ask what were your throughts to form this piece of ice? Also, what you need to create this also works for the magic than i supposed was a natural defense when we meet for first time? I could maybe need some more examples, but im starting to identify in part what could be this magic, but they could be just assumptions.

Just then a pair of magic screens appear and in them two figures, maybe Sola and Sunflower in theirs scans looks to be at the side of two almost similar figures, but Jean could see than this other was different in the lack of a second male appendage.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower grins back at her mother, chuckling a bit at being praised. "I um, I'm looking forward to it. And yeah, the firewalls were my magic. I was scared, was trying to herd you and your coworker away from me. I'm sorry about that. Anyways, my thoughts? Well, using cold magic is way harder for me than fire. Demons have a natural affinity for flame and electricity. But well, when I freeze things, I think about... Stillness. Motionless. Purity. Then I apply those thoughts to the moisture in the air. And if I impress my feelings, my energy upon it, it happens. It can be hard to describe."

Sunflower hums as she let's the ice melt away from her hand. "With fire though, fire is easy. I take all that... Anger. All the things I want, all that feeling, that wildness. Passion, fury, the nature of the flame, and pour it outwards into the air, let it feel that same excitement and rage. Then I push and flame comes forth. In any case, everyone has a certain affinity for certain magics, though that affinity might be so weak as to be nonexistent. They can still learn but they need to do like your... Science does, and sort of use the rules to get their results. Sola seems to have druidic nature, while maybe you'll have something like divinition, or healing or perhaps summoning, mom."

She then looks at the figures on the screens, seeming a bit confused. "Sooo... What;s all those?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Uhm yes, there is no way than someone could forget that day when we meet each other. Her mother answer with a nod and happy voice. We have forbidden taste ours products unless is needed, so it could be a little boring... However, the paperwork was nothing at the side of that worry of lost you than i lived for weeks or even months... The alien woman then sigh and check her magic screen before continue. But lets return to our research, for what i can detect at ours sensors, some parts of your brain looks to be more active than others, these must be where yours feelings are produced, to know which ones produce that called magic it will be useful than you focus on different feelings without cast anything... and just because im intrigued, looks like Sola's brain have some similar parts actived and in great intensity.

Sunflower then lost the distance earned when her mother come to rub her hair in a kind way after the human asked by the screen images suddenly placed on the wall. These are your scans sweetheart, i will look these new ones and compare them with the old ones when both were removed of the metallic envelopment. It will take me some minutes, meanwhile you can help me doing some little magics or show your emmotions to the scaner, you could even awake Sola and play with her doing this last or ask her to try to cast her magic, without cause any earquake of course. As she talk she point to the green light area when she talked about the scanner, this was where Jean casted her first spell. Said this she kiss her adopted daughter cheek and went to read the data screens.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower looks embarrassed at having made her mother worried. "Funny story that... After you hid me down below, I tunneled down at a weak point but dropped into some sort of sewer. I head there but these parasites started burrowing into me, so when it was clear I jumped on one of those horrible petrification machines so they couldn't do... Whatever it is they do. Guess that's how I met Sola. Rutting her frozen self til I turned into metal. Again. I hate those things. They need to be destroyed." She shuddered, remembering the flat non-existence each of those periods represented in her memory.

Sunflower listened to the explanation, only sorta getting it, blushing in embarrassment again as her hair is touched, the smoke wafting around her mom's fingers. She nodded at the words, and leaned over by where she;s scanned, and starts using her magic. Channeling excitement and energy to make lightning dance across her fingertips, getting boisterous and loud to channel sound waves, letting her sarcasm and bitterness flow, as she makes some acid drip from her fingers.

She looks over to her mom with a smile as she works, channeling her magic, avoiding flame, lest she set off the alarms. Again.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Hyñalwi heard the human story, giving her some comforting rubs as this talk and answer her before nods. Even with our constant search to have our labor area clean, these creatures come from the river following the scent of ours products. Your choice was the correct, as they could had taken you and broken your mind or at least infect you to modify your body so they could fulfill their cycle.

The research then continue and Jean happiness to do her part made her mother smile and chuckle each time than she turn to see her magic and the data earned by this, it was in the last when she couldnt hold herself anymore and leave her reading to come close Sunflower, her dark tone at her cheeks and sight in her eyes show more than just lust in her mind. Explendid job Sunflower, but i wonder what kind of magic you can cast with the next feeling. Said this she softly lift her adoptive daughter and lovely hug her pressing her in a warm hug where Jean could enjoy her four breasts than could be used as pillows to enjoy them. Her hands rubs her back as if she were a little girl in the embrance of her mother. You are so kind, that heart and what you call soul i cant be without it. I had decided to go with you my sweetheart, so i can protect you and give you my shoulder when you need it to let out all the many different kinds of love or when you need a conforting hug. Both were like this for a long time, as she soft caress the human without focus on take her once again, as the scaners do their work.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower plays with her magic, before looking up with a squeak as her mother approaches, gasping as she's hugged close. She blushes as the larger woman cuddled her into her pillowy breasts, unable to help snuggling against her.

"Um... I... I don;t know, I never...," stammers Sunflower embarrassedly, before raising a hand and channeling carefully, unsure what would happen.

When her mother stated she;d come with her, Sunflower blinked in surprise, snuggling in. "Oh... Thanks mom, I... I promise I'll show you wonderful things and protect you and Sola hard as I can... Um, what about your niece...?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower pointed to a safe area, unsure of what could come out as she focus on the love coming from this moment, it was certainly a new experience for Jean as she saw a bright beam come out and dont look to stop until it it reached the end of the room... without cause any effect as it pass through the many devices and structures, at least there was not any damage.

It was really a beautiful light what you created there, im not sure yet what exactly was but i will try to find it out before leave. Her mother said intrigued after see all the event but remain hugging her as the human asked her about her niece and affirm than she will try to protect both her mother and lover in their adventure. I dont know, yet. She answer clueless, some of her tentacle hairs scratching her head as she ponder. This journey could be really dangerous for a young girl like her, i dont want to expose her to what we could find, she also is already old enough to have her own family and live for herself. So, i must let her decide if she want to stay here or live at the school.

The red alien let Sunflower enjoy her embrance, then slowly move away ending with rubbing her hand on the human's cheek. Now, let me say you something interesting than i find out meanwhile you were with Sola and your magic was casted. It looks than some parts of your brain are related to when you cast your spells, some of these remain active no matter which is the feeling, this discovery could help us in the future to learn completely how the magic is created and used, but for the moment it help us to find out than Sola looks to have these parts active as she dream after have your intercouse with her.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The new beam came from her, making her yelp. It didn't do any damage... Still it was very surprising. It seemed to go through everything without harming it. Though it might damage flesh only perhaps.

She listens to her mother and nods, frowning. "Yeah, best keep her here where it's safe. Feel a bit bad though, showing up and taking her family away and leaving her alone though... I never really had to worry about being alone myself before. But still, no kids, no aunt who took such good care of her..."

Eventually she was set down, Sunflower a bit reluctant to be parting from her mothers quartet of breasts. She tilted her head in confusion as she was explained to. "So... You're saying she's casting magic in her sleep? After I sleep with her? That's... Odd. Never heard of sleepcasting before. Unless maybe she's astral projecting? Hmmm."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

There was a soft sigh produced by Hyñalwi when Jean talked about how difficult would be for the young alien to stay alone, an advanced creature should had think on what she was leaving, in part the soft rubs given now to Jean at her back as the human hug her were to calm the alien too. This could be difficult for her, indeed. But i believe than i can find a way to return to this world and if these demons are really as dangerous as you has said i cant just leave you go alone. Maybe i will not have in mind fight, but as your mother i can do my best to give you a safe return to us or your world when your mission has ended.

Looking than Sunflower was loving her embrance and she could need to explain better what she suppose was happening with Sola who actually was still resting happily on where Jean has take her. The red alien giggle and after place the human on the desk she also sit at her side and lift the human with care and sit Jean in her red lap, her breasts now used as backrest for the nude human and the tentacle hair as also tails coil around to softly rub the little woman, Jean could feel than the love and arousal for her mother were mixing, she could just relax as the exotic massage at her whole body was getting her to have some little problems to focus at what the alien was trying to explain. I suppose than she cast this magic when she reach certain quantity of what you could name love or pleasure. The alien then make a magic screen make the silluete of the human appear and after press some buttons a zoom to Jean image brain was show where some parts were more illuminated than others, then it looks to do the same with Sola where even more parts of her brain were very active.

Studies made by others researchers had show than Sola's race and the rest have theirs brains active as they sleep just as us yet in minor quantity, to say this in resume Sola have the places needed to cast magic and love area activated, so i only suppose than her dreams arent normal and she could be communicating with something or someone.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower sighs as well, cuddling with her mother. "Well, maybe if she had a family to keep her company? Maybe we can find her someone to mate with too before we leave? Then have someone to care for her and a couple kids of her own? Uh, do you guys have males or do you have ones with... Genders like mine or... Something? You all seem really different."

Once settled into her mothers lap, she shivered and relaxed, flushing as the tentacles began to massage her all over. She listened best she could to her mother's explanation, trying to concentrate despite how good she felt at all the attention, definitely not a normal relationship between mother and daughter. But then again, what was normal in her life anymore? Or ever really?

"Communicating... Well she's a druid so she likely is communicating with the planet then. Nature and all that. Maybe that's the dream I had, was sharing her communication. Maybe the planet is being hurt by that portal and is trying to get us to deal with it... Seems plausible anyways..."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Uhm, maybe. Thinking about it, she should already have her own family now, but i always had seen her with mother's eyes and i wanted than she remain as my little girl. She said before stop to rub softly at the hman who couldnt stop to enjoy so dominant hands pet her as a little girl at her motherly embrance. Heh, males. Our documents and research at our story never found any of our race, only the wild creatures are male mostly and you dont need someone else to have a children, you could say than we give our seed to a lab and they do the job, but if you have someone than you really love then yes there are cases where even between sisters or mother and daughter where they have sex to reproduce. Hyñalwi answer about how they reproduce, as if it were the most common and boring thing at the world.

But... you should be thinking in a relashionship like your with Sola, she maybe have someone and is not strange than they skip protocols and have sex with each other, i wouldnt be surprised if she already has lost her virginity with a cute and smart girl of her classroom. It looks like she was clueless about the time than Jean take her niece's maiden seal.


That is what i think, not so deeply as suppose than she is talking with the planet, its really ut of logic, but after meet you all just can be possible, i suppose... sigh, are you hungry, cutey? Her mother ask as she softly start to lay down at the table, face up and taking Jean with her so at the end her four breasts were like a soft bed for the small human, meanwhile one of her tentacle long tails get close Jean mouth to expose a small drop of a delicious substance, maybe a mix of cum and milk or something else, for what Jean could suppose she will get all the nutrients needed, she only need to suck of it as a good little girl.

I think than i have time enough for a little rest, it has been a lot of discoveries than i could do at least a whole encyclopedia. Jean, sweetheart, i will let you in charge of the house as i leave, stay inside with the entrance door locked and take care until my niece return from the school. If you want to play with the others if the garden just dont let them walk inside the house, they arent so clever as you and Sola, they could even hurt you by mistake to try to be inseminated. Sunflower could notice the breath of her mother get more calm as she was getting ready to have a little nap, but her tentacles continue rubbing at her daughter, spreading softly her legs and if she use her hands to place ones of these tentacles in her holes certainly tehy would take care of her arousal or she could guide the hollow ones to her dual dicks too and breasts for a good milking.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower blinks and listens. "Reproduce in a lab? Like, sorta like chimeric work? Well I guess that explains why your bodies are so non uniform. And well she has to grow up sometime you know. We all do. but she'll always have you to support her right?"

She blinks then blushes intensely, looking a bit awkward. "Erm actually... I got her virginity. It was earlier, she wanted my cock and well, you were all really attractive and my sex drive is really out of control from what it used to be, and one thing led to another..."

Sounded like incest was fairly normal out here. She supposed she shouldn't be too surprised.


"Well, planet, nature, it's sorta vague. Druids are in tune with natural forces. Talk with trees, spirits, stuff like that. Ue magic to manipulate them about. Though what it means here compared to home, I unno. Might be different, since well... Humans are born from trees.," muses Sunflower.

At being offered food, she blushes a bit before opens her mouth, suckling at the tentacle. She hadn't been hungry in a long time, nor had she been full. But she was being offered and all. It was delicious, and she suckled eagerly as she rested against her lewd bedding.

Her mother seemed preparing to rest, but also to feed from her in her nap as they spread her legs. She blushes, before taking both tentacle gently, to relieve her lust and feed her mom. She slid one over her cock, sliding the other into her. "Here, everyone likes a snack before sleep. And well, guess you like me the best, hehe..."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Yes, im the closes relative than she have, a pair of years after she born her parents went to the stars and we havent heard of them after that...Anyway we could say than our race is the mix of many, but this is not new or have something to do with our technology. Her mother continue, looking to ponder some words without a meaning in their world than Jean has just said. There were many struggles in which ours ancestors tried to get as much food for their kind, but we never were adepts to the violence, there were dominance duels and many others intersting ways to solve these problems until we all join in one race to solve the food source problem...

Now, my family needs extra apendages and we are prodigy in mental capacity, not only in collecting data, but also inventiveness. That is why we choice than ours decendents have features to improve theirs natural talents. She adds as some of her hairs move as if she were proud of how she was made.

Without expecting it, Sunflower suddenly expose the fact than she could had taken the virginity of the youngest alien girl, making the room get fully silent for an instant as her mother tried to get it. Her red face slighty more black at her cheeks and her six eyes fully opened in amazement

Oh... that is the most, exotic first time than i had heard,,, She then giggle softly and get closer, using her red hand to rub the human's face and shoulder again. At least her first time was with someone really kind and cute... but i should ask. Do you feel something for her?


Im amazed by how many strange kinds of knowledge exist at your world, but if she can do all that, we should be accepting than there is something than we never expected to exist, i doubt than this knowledge will be accepted by all. Hyñalwi then decide to calm this talk about Druids, so she could place all in order, her motherly side was just dying to take care of such little sexy thing in front of her, so her stressed body could calm the enough to prepare herself to go out to work.

The white fluid placed on Jean's mouth warm and calm her, it was like she could be just loving this as both feed each other, almost symbiotically. Her juices started to flow and her breasts swollen with milk as she drank from the tentacle at her mouth. Of course, cutey. You are the most sweet and delicious of all, i must take care or i could end to be addicted to only eat from you. Her mother answer with her voice slowly fadin as she slowly fall sleep with Jean over her body being taken as the fruit than she was.

As Sunflower placed the tentacle tail inside her wet cunt, this shiver in ecstasys, the many different qualities of the member efficiently touching her swet internal spots in skilled instintive ways, some thin tendrils come out the hollow tail and passed direct inside her womb, turning soon her womb and ovum conducts in sensible areas than match her clit in pleasure. Working its way out and inside as if were multiple pussies together being ravaged in perfect rythm.

Her hard member dont wanted to be behind and soon this receive all the pleasures than the other tail could give, not only externally but also inside her pennis, going deep inside as it could to pleasure and rub each inch, milking it direct to the core when Jean finally after some time got her first peak.

The tentacle hair passed its time caressing all what it could reach what was up to the mid torso of the human, tiny tentacle hairs get inside her nipples and others coiled around. All this happened as Jean continue licking and sucking from the tentacle tail at her mouth than feed her and make her remain in a peaceful trance, resting and leaving to her mother make her cum as many times as possible as she could at the remain of her free time. The soft moves of the large sexy hands rubbing at her body show than she was not looking exactly to feed Jean or herself, and not exactly waiting a relief in her sexual needs. It was mostly because she wanted to pamper her new adopted daughter, this last over the others making a mix of feelings and different loves all placed at the same action and moment.


After a while Sunflower awake, it looks like she just fall sleep and now she could feel someone smaller trying to make her get awake, as she opened her eyes she notice than it was Sola and both were at the lab, her mother already has leave and they have all the house for themselves until the young alien return from the school.

Good morning my love. I must investigate some time at our room, i had a weird but beautiful dream, you were there and then it was warm, i cant explain it now, but maybe i could after read some books.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower blinked, looking up then back at her mother, feeling rather bad for the girl. to have your parents go up to some distant place and never come back? "That's so sad...," sighs Sunflower, "Everyone should have family to support them..." It took her several years but she was starting to have one of her own. Better late then never she supposed.

The explanation of their bodies being shaped artificially made Sunflower blink a bit. It was rather confusing overall, but she sorta got it. It reminded her of certain mad alchemists in her homeland, but here it must be normal.

Her mother's reaction was a bit surprising to her confession. she didn't expect her to think it was a big deal. At the question Sunflower blushed harder. "...She's really pretty, and I do rather like her... I also don't like the idea of taking her family away again, y'know? Maybe it's the bond talking but makes me want to share that with her. Though without the go to far and die bit of course. Want that gone very much so..." She tried not to get excited at recalling her first time with the girl, lovingly dominating her, though the girl clearly had her predatory instincts primed by it.


Sunflower nodded, listening to her mother as she blushed, watching her mother fade to sleep. Clearly her parts still had a mind of her own in her sleep though as Sunflower groaned, feeding hungrily. The tentacles began to increase in number as special ones delved into her core, Sunflower gasping as it turned her womb and egg factories into intense erogenous zones as they began working her, making her writhe in shock and bliss at the sensation of having multiple female halves, all being eagerly pounded by her sleeping mother. It made her wonder if her mother was altering her female fertility too.

Her shaft and nipples were no exceptions, her shuddering as her mother filled her body with her own, exploring and delving and engulfing her in ecstasy. Her climaxes were suckled down right at her potent core, her writhing in endless delight as she came and came in her loving mother's tentacle nest.


Sunflower groaned as she was awoken, blinking as Sola came into focus in front of her. She smiled at the sight of her mate, getting up and kissing Sola happily.

"Of course, Sola. Let's get going. Heh, you know the big red one who owns you? Well she adopted me as her daughter, and she;s going to come with us when we continue through the dimensions.," smiles Sunflower excitedly, walking with Sola to their room.

She wondered if she was going to have any side effects this time from her mothers exploring tentacles, remembering last time. Who could say? Her body kept changing after all. It was strangely getting kind of exciting for her.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower and her Mother talk would need to wait until the young alien return from her school, as Sunflower heard from her mother, this also dont want to leave the young one alone... of course than all the fruit girls in the garden would be with her, but who know how hard would be leave her only family and new lover, as she stay alone on her homa dimension.


More opened to what would come, Jean opened her eyes and quickly get up to kiss her lover, Sola could taste the love direct at her soul before the kiss was made and eagerly in bliss as Jean was kiss her back. Im so happy for you, my love. Ours owners are gentile and good creatures, they are always protecting and loving us,,, That is why, i must find a way to protect her and you too, our travel across these dimensions must only give us joyful memories.

Said this the young elf take Jean hand, both full in happiness and feeling each minute as pleasant as this could be. Jean for her part couldnt do more than admire the strange but delightful sensitive inside her womb and conducts when she sit at Sola's side in front of the magic wall at theirs room. The human lovely sense all that warm cum pressing her insides, how this slide and move with each step, how her entrances shut close to stop it to slide out of her body, placing her hand over where was these parts and pressing was almost as rub her own pussy.

Having all this free time and so sexy mate at her side, Jean cant avoid to enjoy Sola with each of her senses, neither pass for alt than her free hands sometimes rub the human own body, mostly at her sex sattled erogenous parts, rub her huge members was starting to feel so common as the time pass and Jean cant avoid to enjoy it. Meanwhile, Sola was skilling moving across the net of that strange planet, looking for things than for her were mostly unknown and were related to her dreams, mostly.

Between all the arousal and enjoyment, Jean noticed some of these screens showing old documents about hystory, geography and religions. This place was mostly focused on technology and science, but still there they believe in something, not related to souls or a superior power, these theology was more related to old tales shared at the start of this race and focused on the world before the science was placed as main topic.

Images of a living world, others from a strange light source coming out to the surfice at the shape of their food was also placed as an old chain food circle. Sola was mostly pointing to what is this planet and what could be related to her dreams, but she was in part lost, as these old tales were just so old and inferiors to any coming from Jean's world, it was like they just dont care anymore and focused on feed themselves and increase theirs chances to survive, placing all these ideology in an old chest before get placed as little topics at the web than nobody care with theirs eyes placed in the space.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Well guess she;s my mother not my owner. But don;t worry, I'll be doing plenty defending as it is. We'll try and refine your abilities so you can help lot's though, you and her. Possibly more, hard to say..."

Sunflower tried to pay attention to her mate but groaned a bit quietly, feeling the strange feeling of her womb. It was so sensitive and she had very strange automatic changes, feeling herself working to hold her mothers tentacle seed inside of her. The first mutations that she was aware of that were based on her feminine half. She wasn't sure what her mother had did or why, but there was no question it had her trying not to pant with each shift of her mom's virility inside her.

She tried to resist the urge to bend Sola over the couch and fuck her unconscious. She was doing something important after all. She seemed to be looking through old legends and origins of these species. But it seemed like they didn't care about such things, everything was left so vague.

"Mmmf. Someone has to know something... Hm. I wonder if maybe that light is the location of the gate? Maybe these entities aren't actually natives to this dimension. It's possible I suppose. Shame we don;t know more about those dreams. Or that I can't keep feeling the direction of the next gate..."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

O-of course, she is your mother and it i suppose than she adopted you, because she saw the same as i had seen from the start. I would do my best to learn all the possible from you. Sola answer back, ashamed to repeat call Sunflower as something than her new mother own, certainly the fruit elf remember than Jean dont enjoy have an owner.

With the elf completely focused on her task, she couldnt avoid to jump softly at the sofa in surprise once Jean talked in middle of her research. Maybe my owne... i mean your mother could know who know about this, i could try to look about this for a while, but im starting to feel than it could be time lost.

Sola whimper and cuddle softly at Jean who from the start could feel that worry slowly growing at the elven's soul, there was fully exposed any feeling or emotion as an open book, always ready to the human to read at it.

If only there were a way than i could share my dreams with you, my love. I was there with you hugging me and we were so happy, this living light was there and around us, i could bet than this light was also in joy with us... most of the dream is hard now to remember... Jean was loving the touch of her soul mate soft skin, pressing at her, it was so entincing and alluring, Jean know than she would pass hours just having Sola between her arms.
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Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Don't worry about it Sola.," smiles Sunflower, kissing the elf on the cheek, not really upset by her mate's slip of the tongue.

Sunflower wrapped an arm around Sola, feeling her concern and trying to comfort her. "Hey, it's fine. I suspect this light might be nature trying to talk to you. Shame I'm no druid, or maybe I could help interpret it. And while that dream sounds nice, I'm not too worried. I'm never far after all."

She smiles and kissed Sola's cheek again and pressed her closer as she shivered a bit at the thought that natural forces were watching them have sex and such. Nothing to do about that though. "Mmm, well we can ask mom when she get's back anyways. Til then, anything else you want to try to do? Maybe once we get our safety mutations and such so we don't tree up, we'll get better answers from nature out amidst it?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

So, have this dreams are related to the powers than you teach me the last night... I supposed than they were normal, some are so scary but this was so beautiful. Sola answer pressing her arms against her by the fear than she create by remembering that scary moment when she got stunned and so cold, but once again have Sunflower huging her and sharing her love calm her worries without too much effort.

Actually that cold in her only lasted a brief second or two, as almost after end her words Jean kissed her cheek, that and her erotic shivers by thinking in supernatural beings looking at them just were so strong than now Sola was also aroused and in joy to enjoy being cuddling together without care of anything else.

M-maybe i should call her Mom too, as we are one and you hate the idea of owners, thinking it now you are my only owner my love, my whole self belong to you for the rest of my life. Sola then kissed the lips of her mate and with passion look at her, her hands rubbing the human's thighs more as a lovely massage than to turn her on, but of course Jean's dicks were just so eagerly to play again. Its not fair than i decide so often what we should do, but we could try to play a game, meanwhile we learn more about this planet or we could explore our home, it must be safe and fine as long than we dont get out, you are her daughter now. Said this Sola give to Jean the chance to decide if they should stay learning any stuff at this room or look around to see what is in this house.

Of course, than we could just stay like this, i could pass hours touching you, my love.

So at the end Jean could decide between three things or any other than comes to her mind, like have wild sex.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"I'm not fully certain, but the correlation is there. It's worth investigating to see if there is a relation. Pity I ain't much of a researcher or scholar else I might know the answer already.," grumbles Sunflower with a sigh. She shrugged a bit and snuggled in, chuckling a little at Sola's excitement at perhaps being watched. "Bit of an exhibitionist streak, hm, Sola?," teased Sunflower.

Sunflower blushed a bit at Sola's idea. "Yeah, basically is marriage so yeah you should call her such too. And heh I own you as much as you own me, Sola. Anyways, you decide more cus you understand your world better than I do, Sola. If it was my world I'd have lot's of idea. But sure, a game sounds fun. What kind of game?"