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Virgin Invader (Complete!)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Hi everyone, Are you boring because of too many RPG Maker out there?
Why not try some fighting/action game with fully animation!?
Are you boring because you have to lose the game on purpose or for HCG?
The winning should get to prize isn't it?

I making my first game. I plan to sell my game on dlsite when it finished. My dream is 1500 sales+ (I hope it come true -*-)
I want to know that gameplay and art is good enough or not and more idea is need. OK now come to the game.

Name : Virgin Invader
Platform : fighting / beat'em up
H Content : Victory Rape / Ryona / Rape by Man / Rape by Monster / Sprite Sex

Sample Picture :

Download Demo & Buy Virgin Invader Here :

- JP DLsite -

- Eng DLsite -

Virgin Invader VDO Trailer :

Story :
You're a powerful hentai demon who plans to invade and conquer Virgin Land. But your plan was interrupted by a hero. The hero defeated you, but was seriously injured too. Before the hero released his final blow. You used your dark power to possess the hero’s body. Now you’re in a man’s body and have lost most of your power. But your greed and hentai still drive you to continue your plan.
You can regain your dark power back by having sex with a girl and gain more if she’s still a virgin. If you continue your plan, you will conquer Virgin Land and regain your power. So why not?
But it’s not that easy to invade Virgin Land. Girls fight to protect their own kingdom and their virginity, while your dark power is limited.
Now it’s time to invade!

Virgin Invader Detail
- 9 stages(demo has 2 stages)
- 22 cute girl enemies (8 bosses / 14 regular enemies)
- 68 H-sprite animations (3 per boss / 2 per regular enemy)
- 10 HCGs
- 4 sexy/cute Demon girls support you in battle
- Cut Scene with both English & Japanese
- H-Gallery mode(Extra) you can see H-scenes of girls and can set H or climax state as you like.
- Use air combos or special attack for defeat girls.
- You can regain MP by rape girl by yourself or summon monster for rape girl !
- 4 difficult setting from Very Easy to Hard. If you not get use to action/fighting game. You can start on Easy or Very Easy. Or turn-on infinite HP/MP mode for guarantee win :p
- Infinite HP/MP option (guarantee victory)
- Arena Mode (after cleared game)
- You can zoom in/out while playing with N/M key
- Can set key config in Option Menu
- If you want to use game pad. You can use JoytoKey program in game directory.

MenZ Studio Page

Patreon Page (Pre-order ended)

Oh and sorry for my poor english :D
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Tentacle God
Apr 10, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

there are some bugs it kept giving me an error when fighting the magic girl, and the controls aren't very responsive you can get stuck in some movements like jumping/float if you hit them to fast or maybe to many.
the art work is great and I'm sure this will turn out to be a great game. but sadly you have picked a game type I don't like, playing as rapist....so I probably wont bother with it more then I have. best of luck to you.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

You don't need to add the hxxp crap, just post the links without it: "upic.me/i/cf/samplepicture.png"

Your sample image doesn't show much and is hosted on a pretty shoddy site, not interested in downloading the game from that.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 13, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

It's woman rape not man rape! You had my hopes up :'(


Tentacle God
Aug 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

It keeps getting error message
Although if You choose Ignore it will gone

Clicking to many button / clicking too fast lead to some error
Sometime it will close if You ignore it , but sometime it will getting nowhere
And you have to close it

3'rd time it's happening
My suspect is becoz Mage Girl

New bug , I'm on My way to stage 4
But in stage 3 when all the girls is defeated
There is no portal (GO!!) to stage 4
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Dec 2, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

I'm going to try it out and let you know.

20-22 girls sounds great


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

It keeps getting error message
Although if You choose Ignore it will gone

Clicking to many button / clicking too fast lead to some error
Sometime it will close if You ignore it , but sometime it will getting nowhere
And you have to close it

3'rd time it's happening
My suspect is becoz Mage Girl

New bug , I'm on My way to stage 4
But in stage 3 when all the girls is defeated
There is no portal (GO!!) to stage 4
Thank for playing
I dont get error message when testing. Can you copy the message I want to know what cause it.

I still learing how to draw and code but I will find a way to fix all bug if I can :(
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

there are some bugs it kept giving me an error when fighting the magic girl, and the controls aren't very responsive you can get stuck in some movements like jumping/float if you hit them to fast or maybe to many.
the art work is great and I'm sure this will turn out to be a great game. but sadly you have picked a game type I don't like, playing as rapist....so I probably wont bother with it more then I have. best of luck to you.
Oh that bad. I like Hentai Apocalypser ZUBRIUS and some studios(still hate guro). And I like many girls more than just 1 main girl that why my game come to this type. you don't like it but Thank for tesing it :D
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 14, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

Well, maybe its not for everyone, but I like playing the rapist in some games (just as sometimes I like games where I am avoiding it). Its a nice change of pace.

This game seems very promising. Its fairly simplistic, but it still has attractive characters and decent animations. Also, the notion of 20+ girls each with multiple animations sounds amazing. I was surprised that the AI was so clever. When I just held down block, the enemies tried to surround me. The mechanics of the fighting feel like they could use some work. Its really hard to avoid damage. Hitboxes were sometimes problematic. I swear the fireballs are twice as big as they look (and melee attacks hit you when you are kinda far away). Lastly, I think the normal enemies should probably have a bit less HP...30-50 percent less seems about right.

Overall, this project seems awesome!


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

Decrease girl hp like 2 combo to defeat? I don't want my game to be too easy. if I decrease girl hp maybe I will increase number of them in later stage.(like 4-5 girls come at the sametime)

I dont think the hitbox I made is too large but I will check it later. And it not hard to avoid attack

- while you are dash you can avoid most of the melee attack and projectiles like dash to enemy back while she attacking
- you can destroy arrow by attack

I hope that help

Oh! and how about the boss? no one comment about her


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 27, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

I got up to the third area and I kind of got overwhelmed by the girls(probably just me). I found this one bug where if you rape one of the girls, you may get stuck. I jumped but I didn't land on the ground. I was in mid-air animation.
Personally, I think there needs to be some invincibility timer because you get up and the npcs already start to attack, reducing your time to block or dodge. That and the drop rate for the bras should be higher in my opinion. I do understand thematically the mage's attack pattern but that's just too annoying for me personally especially with other archers in the same area shooting at you with the mage and keeping their distance.
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Demon Girl
Nov 19, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

Holy crap the fluidity of this is so frustrating. Anyway this game is pretty great, animations are nice, gameplay is decent but needs some tweaking to remove all the stickyness (stickiness?). Managed to beat the boss after about half an hour of her kicking my ass. You may want to tone it down on how many girls are out at once until you spruce up the combat to the point where the mc can tell when his feet touch the ground. Still, kudos to you for this awesomeness and I look forward to seeing where it goes from here.


Dec 2, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

I really like your style. There was more in this demo than I thought.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

I like this game but too much work for me. I reached the stage with magic barrier and smashed it and beat up everyone only to be done in by the villager girl cuz i only had like 1 hp left. pfft.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

Look like the first thing I have to do is fix the floating problem :(


Demon Girl Pro
May 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

This game art is glorious and the gameplay is quite good for a demo. I got an error after I defeat the Boss. Anything else is fine.


Tentacle God
Aug 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

Thank for playing
I dont get error message when testing. Can you copy the message I want to know what cause it.

I still learing how to draw and code but I will find a way to fix all bug if I can :(
It's like this

On Windows 7
It's truly suck when You get this on the Boss stage:eek:

Anyway question to anyone who beat the Knight
Any tips? I can only manage to make her HP to 1/3
It getting harder when the Archer coming....


Oct 11, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

Gotta say I enjoyed this game quite a bit for a demo.

I like a lot of things about this game and overall it's a solid side-scroller rape game. The attacks are solid, the block is great, the monster summon is an awesome idea.

I hate to give negative feedback on an early demon release but I'm sure people have already mentioned all the bugs and crashes that occur which I'm sure you'll have squished by release.

Character locking up at random times when getting hit during any animation as well as just seizing up when trying to jump or block.
I personally crashed on the 3rd screen but I guess those are pretty random atm judging by where others have crashed.

But it's a good game, not totally original or inspired but it's great seeing new people take on this genre of game and make it good. So well done :)

I'd peg this as a pretty basic game currently, there really isn't much going on other than; beat up girls > rape girls (optional) > move on.
So it's simplicity might not flow with everyone but again, early game. I hope to see more of this and hope you add in some sense of story- which I might of missed due to the crash issue.

Gameplay - 5/10 (it's simple, but works)
Visuals - 8/10 (Simple style, but I like it. Some games have way too much shit going on in the background/too much detail which becomes gross at smaller resolutions)
Sound - I play all h-games on mute. I have my reasons.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

It's like this

On Windows 7
It's truly suck when You get this on the Boss stage:eek:

Anyway question to anyone who beat the Knight
Any tips? I can only manage to make her HP to 1/3
It getting harder when the Archer coming....
It look like the game not load data from folder probably. Ah! many problem to deal with -*-

tips for boss :
look at the her action; which one you should block and which you should dash. And defeat archers first when they come. If you really can't beat her use summon monster for regain MP that all.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Virgin Invader

Gotta say I enjoyed this game quite a bit for a demo.

I like a lot of things about this game and overall it's a solid side-scroller rape game. The attacks are solid, the block is great, the monster summon is an awesome idea.

I hate to give negative feedback on an early demon release but I'm sure people have already mentioned all the bugs and crashes that occur which I'm sure you'll have squished by release.

Character locking up at random times when getting hit during any animation as well as just seizing up when trying to jump or block.
I personally crashed on the 3rd screen but I guess those are pretty random atm judging by where others have crashed.

But it's a good game, not totally original or inspired but it's great seeing new people take on this genre of game and make it good. So well done :)

I'd peg this as a pretty basic game currently, there really isn't much going on other than; beat up girls > rape girls (optional) > move on.
So it's simplicity might not flow with everyone but again, early game. I hope to see more of this and hope you add in some sense of story- which I might of missed due to the crash issue.

Gameplay - 5/10 (it's simple, but works)
Visuals - 8/10 (Simple style, but I like it. Some games have way too much shit going on in the background/too much detail which becomes gross at smaller resolutions)
Sound - I play all h-games on mute. I have my reasons.
My gameplay only 5/10 from you :confused:
I will try to fix the bug and make it better for you to give me more score :D
But yeah my game only beatem up and move on. If you notice it like Hentai Apocalypser ZUBRIUS(H Content) + fatal fight lady warrior(Platform).
But I will add shop, upgrade system and more trap in stage.

I don't want to deal much with the story because most customer on dlsite is Japanese. I don't understand Japanese so I make it as simply as I can + no dialog in game.