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Meet and Fuck Games Community

Rep Bar?! Should i be worried about something?

THX Zodhan :)

BTW What are the next games to be released?
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Sorry for the delay in getting the pictures out but I have been helping a friend move out, trying to switch cellphone providers, and a couple other things.

One thing though is that Busty Family pictures took up almost 100 pictures and it seems 50 of those pictures were saved as the wrong file extension and now I am going to have to open all 50 of those pictures and re-save them into proper image files. That may take awhile but I will have at least 30 or so images up in the next day or so to make up for it.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Don't worry Haseo...we have patience (i think) LOL ;)
I Think Haseo uploaded images of those games few pages back
But, there are also demos of those games in gameofdesire

BTW Does anyone know the game League of Legends?

I wrote a game about it...
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Hey guys ... do you have the video/gifs from Teenage Turtles or Vagina in Hidden Steam?

yes I do.
I Think Haseo uploaded images of those games few pages back
But, there are also demos of those games in gameofdesire

BTW Does anyone know the game League of Legends?

I wrote a game about it...

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

There is no way to convert a pdn file and the process to fix 53 pictures into PNG has sucked the life out of me. I definitely do not want to go through that again especially doing them all one at a time >_>

Hope you guys appreciate this batch, it was fucking terrible to fix all these, so I can post them. I need to go lay down now...


If you want an idea to be submitted to MnF please PM them to me now. This round is almost over and I only have 1 person that has sent me anything. Do not post it on here as I will forget, PM me and under Subject please write "Idea for MnF" or anything to that effect. It is easier to gather all the ideas that way.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Kk Haseo I've sent you my first idea.

Can you PM me or tell me here how all the "choosing" works
I Mean how they choose a specific game
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Kk Haseo I've sent you my first idea.

Can you PM me or tell me here how all the "choosing" works
I Mean how they choose a specific game

Do you mean how I choose ideas to submit or how an idea wins and gets made into a game?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Yes i mean how an idea wins and gets made into a game

MnF has 5 days where you can submit an idea. Once those 5 days are over and all the ideas are put in (as long as they follow the rules) the voting period starts which lasts 11-14 days.

You vote on each idea by clicking "Love it" or "Hate it", once you cast your vote you cannot change your mind afterwards. The person who is in 1st place at the end of those 11-14 days wins and their idea gets put into production. It takes about a month to make your idea into a game so it does take awhile, but then again they do put a lot of work into it.

Let me know if you have further questions.