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Meet and Fuck Games Community

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I have entered your "Strip Fighter 2: The New Cummer" idea for you. Best of luck!

Thank you!
Now what remains is to wait...
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

It's a lot more fun than it previously used to be. And you could've retained your access given the circumstances you were dealing with. 10-15 posts a months isn't asking for much given the fun interactive contests they host every now and then.

This may be true, but my circumstances really kept me busy day to day. I didn't have time and I really don't mind. I'm not gonna complain or anything.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Sleeping Booty :D That has to be a porn movie title:p lol

I would say "a XXX Parody", but actually the japanese are those who believe you can fuck with someone while she/he is normally sleeping, so would be a JAV movie instead.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I would say "a XXX Parody", but actually the japanese are those who believe you can fuck with someone while she/he is normally sleeping, so would be a JAV movie instead.

And the Japanese believe that genitalia should be censored.:mad:
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I would really like to see a fairy tail game, It got nice once I managed to get around the plot to the actual plot :rolleyes:. I mean, There's not one girl in that doesn't have huge tits. If it weren't for her backstory Lucy would be there just for the faps, it would be nice MnF material I guess.
Anybody got the script?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I would really like to see a fairy tail game, It got nice once I managed to get around the plot to the actual plot :rolleyes:. I mean, There's not one girl in that doesn't have huge tits. If it weren't for her backstory Lucy would be there just for the faps, it would be nice MnF material I guess.
Anybody got the script?

I could definitely get behind a Fairy Tail game, especially since it's got the same art style as One Piece which they've already done games for.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Gargoyles were one of my favourite cartoons in the childhood:p
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Looks like a lot of you are rooting for different game ideas. May the best win.

This may be true, but my circumstances really kept me busy day to day. I didn't have time and I really don't mind. I'm not gonna complain or anything.

Every thought about trying?

You funny son of a branch, you almost got me believing:D

Well... That was the plan!

Here is the poll for the next picture release so vote away everyone!!

Voted for my mom's a pornstar.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Every thought about trying?

If you're calling me lazy or something, please don't. I recently got through a very tough period of adjustment in my life that kept me away from both this forum and the BCT forum, as I could really only deal with the essentials :(
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I want a game with the title "My Sister is a Porn Star", that title sounds so sexy. :p
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

A lot of those titles are really sexy sounding especially the 'latest winners' ,

LoL'ing at Gargoyles: Stone by day.... Fuckers! at night!
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

If you're calling me lazy or something, please don't. I recently got through a very tough period of adjustment in my life that kept me away from both this forum and the BCT forum, as I could really only deal with the essentials :(

Sorry to hear it, man. Hope you're doing well. If you ever feel like venting a bit, just drop me a PM, anytime.

Internet stuff comes last, most important thing is to keep your head above water, as it were.

I want a game with the title "My Sister is a Porn Star", that title sounds so sexy. :p

How about a sequel to "My Mother is a Porn Star" that's called "My Sister is ALSO a Porn Star!" :D

A lot of those titles are really sexy sounding especially the 'latest winners' ,

LoL'ing at Gargoyles: Stone by day.... Fuckers! at night!

It's so incredibly cheesy. :p
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I would really like to see a fairy tail game, It got nice once I managed to get around the plot to the actual plot :rolleyes:. I mean, There's not one girl in that doesn't have huge tits. If it weren't for her backstory Lucy would be there just for the faps, it would be nice MnF material I guess.
Anybody got the script?
Here you go.

Pulling Some Fairy Tail

Note – to try and avoid confusion, paragraphs with quotation marks “” are meant to be in-game text.*

Short Version:*
Haven is a young wizard who has just joined Fairy Tail. Wanting to improve, Pantherlily suggests he train with some of the other members and gives him a potion that should help. However, it doesn’t have the effect Pantherlily intended, but Haven’s not about to complain.*

Long Version:*
Scene 1: Introduction*
Haven is sitting in the Fairy Tail Guildhall. His green Guild Mark can be seen on his right arm. He is holding a wooden tankard and reading a magazine lying on the table in front of him.*

An example of the guilds mark:*

“Haven has always dreamed of becoming a powerful wizard. A few days ago, he took the first step by joining Fairy Tail, the strongest Wizard Guild in Fiore.”*
“That’s not the only reason he joined though. For years, he’s had a crush on their poster girl, Mirajane Strauss.”*
“He one day hoped to work up the courage to ask her out. But he wants to become stronger first, hoping to impress her.”*
Go split-screen showing the magazine, one page has several columns of writing, the other has a picture of Mirajane posing in a bikini:*

Haven: thinking to himself (Man, Mirajane is so beautiful. What I wouldn’t give to be with a girl like her.)*
????: Hey, you’re new here, right?*
Remove split-screen, revealing Pantherlily standing on the table to his left.*

Haven: Uhh, yeah, I only joined a few days ago.*
Pantherlily: What’s your name kid?*
Haven: Haven Ironwood.*
Pantherlily: Nice to meet ya Haven, I’m Pantherlily. There something on your mind?*
Haven: Yeah, I was hoping to ask Master Makorov to help me train, but he’s gone to a meeting with the Magic Council.*
Pantherlily: Ya know, there are plenty of people here who’d be happy to help ya.*
Haven: Really?*
Pantherlily: Sure. In fact, Lucy is out back waiting for someone to practice with. She’s a cute girl with blonde hair, ya can’t miss her.*
Pantherlily: Before ya go, take this.*
He hands Haven a purple bottle:*

Pantherlily: It’s just a simple restoration potion. It’ll help ya recover your magical energy. Just take a sip after ya finish sparring.*
Pantherlily: Come see me again and I’ll point ya in the direction of someone else ya can train with.*
Haven: Thanks.*

Scene 2: Lucy Heartfilia*

Lucy is standing outside, behind the Guildhall.*
Haven: Excuse me, Lucy?*
Lucy: Yeah. Oh, you’re the new guild member. Haven, right?*
Haven: Yeah. Pantherlily said you were looking for someone to practice with. I was wondering if you’d mind training with me?*
Lucy: Sure, no problem. Want to get started?*
“One sparring match later.”*
Haven and Lucy are sitting on a bench against the wall. Haven is holding the potion Pantherlily gave him.*
Haven: Thanks for practicing with me, Lucy.*
Lucy: Don’t mention it. What’s that?*
Haven: A potion Pantherlily gave me. It’s supposed to help restore magical energy. Want some?*
Lucy: Sure, thanks.*
Lucy takes a sip and she becomes really horny.*
Lucy: Whoa, I feel funny. Hey Haven, while we’re alone would you mind if I tried something?*
Haven: Uhh, ok, why not?*

Lucy is kneeling between Havens legs, stroking his dick and rubbing her pussy.*
Position example:*

Haven: Lucy, what are you doing?*
Lucy: You said it was ok. Just sit back and enjoy it.*
Blowjob – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum*
Cums all over her face.*

Scene 3: Juvia Lockser*
Back inside, Pantherlily is standing on the bar.*
Pantherlily: Hey, how’d your training with Lucy go?*
Haven: It went... really well.*
Pantherlily: Glad to hear it. Juvia is by the pool, if you’re interested in some underwater combat training.*
Haven: Uhh, I guess so, thanks.*

Show the potion bottle in Haven’s hand.*
Haven: thinking to himself (Lucy was fine before she had some of this. But could this really be the cause?)*
His hand moves off the screen and shows Juvia sitting on the edge of the pool.
Haven: thinking to himself (Well, only one way to find out.)*
Haven walks up to Juvia.*
Haven: Hi Juvia, Pantherlily said to speak to you about underwater combat training.*
Juvia: That is correct. Though, unless you intend to get all your cloths wet, I suggest you get changed first.*
“One sparring match later.”*
Haven and Juvia sitting on the edge of the pool.*
Haven: thinking to himself (Well, here goes nothing.)*
Haven: Hey Juvia, I have a potion that helps restore your magic, if you’d like some.*
Juvia: That sounds nice, thank you.*
She takes a sip and, just like Lucy, becomes really horny.*
Juvia: My goodness, what a strange feeling. Haven, I don’t suppose you could help me with something.*
Haven: Sure, I’d be happy to.*

Juvia is between Haven’s legs with his dick between her tits.*
Position example:*

Titfuck – Lick Tip, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum*
Cum over her tits.*

Scene 4: Cana Alberona*
Show the potion bottle in Haven’s hand again.*
Haven: thinking to himself (Awesome, it worked. I wonder who else I could use it on?)*
His hand moves off the screen and shows Pantherlily on the bar again.*
Pantherlily: I take it the training went well. I saw Cana heading to the woods, if you wanna hear about card magic.*
Haven: thinking to himself (Cana. She’s gorgeous.)*
Haven: Thanks, I’m on it.*

She is sitting like in this picture with stuff around her, only she’s outside at the base of a tree.*

Haven: Hey Cana? Sorry to interrupt, but Pantherlily said you could teach me about card magic.*
Cana: I guess. Don’t really have anything better to do. Take a seat, but touch my booze and you’re dead, got it?*
Haven: Got it.*
“One card magic lesson later.”*
Cana: See? It’s pretty simple when you know what you’re doing.*
Haven: Yeah, thanks for teaching me.*
Cana: Don’t mention it. Ya know, this barrels still pretty full, want a drink?*
Haven: Yeah, thanks. I happen to have something that might add a bit of something to it, if you’re interested.*
Cana: Eh, why not. If it’s drink related, I’ll try anything once.*
Haven puts a few drops of the potion into her tankard.*
Cana: Wow, you were right. It definitely gave it a bit of a kick.*
You know how this works by now.*
Cana: Whoa, that is some kick. Hey Haven, I got a problem that needs a man’s touch.*

Cana is leaning against the tree with Haven behind her, holding up one of her legs.*
Position example:*

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard*
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum*
Cums inside her ass.*

Scene 5: Erza Scarlet*
Back inside, Pantherlily is standing on the bar.*
Pantherlily: So Haven, how was the lesson with Cana?*
Haven: It was... very enlightening.*
Pantherlily: Glad to hear it. I got good news for ya, Erza just got back. She’s at the beach round back, if you’re looking for a real workout.*
Haven: Sounds like just the thing I need.*

Erza is standing on the beach next to her huge cart of luggage.*

This is her in her swimsuit, so you know what she looks like without her armour:
Haven: Hi Erza.*
Erza: Hello. It’s Haven, isn’t it? Is there something I can help you with?*
Haven: There is. I was wondering if you’d help me with some training.*
Erza: Of course, I’m always happy to help my guild mates.*
“One intense sparring match later.”*
Haven: Now that was a workout.*
Erza: I’m glad you enjoyed it. If you ever want to go another round, don’t hesitate to ask. Though I think we both need time to recharge.*
Haven: On that subject, I have an energy restoration potion that Pantherlily gave me. You can have some, if you want?*
Erza: Thanks, I think I’ll take you up on that offer.*
She has a sip, you know what happens.*
Erza: Oh my, that is... invigorating.*
Haven: Erza, are you feeling ok?*
Erza: I’m fine. Though I have an itch I really need you to scratch.*

Erza is on all fours, resting on her elbows with her ass in the air. Haven is kneeling behind her.*
Position example:*

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard*
Anal – Prod, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum*
Cums on her back.*

Scene 6: Mirajane Strauss*
Back with Pantherlily on the bar.*
Pantherlily: Wow, I’m surprised you still have some energy left after your bout with Erza.*
Haven: Well, the potion you gave me helped.*
Pantherlily: Of course, how could I forget? Well, since you’re still energised, Mirajane is in the library. You could learn a lot from her.*
Haven: thinking to himself (Mirajane! This day couldn’t get any better!)*
Haven: Thanks Pantherlily, I’ll see ya later.*
Pantherlily: See ya Haven.*

In the library with Mirajane*

Mirajane: Hi Haven. It’s nice to see you again. What have you been up to?*
Haven: I’ve been training with the other guild members. What are you doing?*
Mirajane: I was just about to look though the history section for some information the master needs.*
Haven: Would you like some help?*
Mirajane: Oh that’s kind of you, thank you.*
“One rummage through history books later.”*
Haven and Mirajane are sitting at a table, there are several stacks of books on the table. Haven closes the book in front of him.*
Haven: Wow, you think you know a person and then you go and read... that.*
Mirajane: Yeah, sorry about that. I think it would be best that we never speak of it again.*
Haven: Agreed*
Mirajane: Well ... “Yawn” ... Thanks for the help Haven. I have to get going, a lot still to do.*
Haven: Before you go, I have an energising potion if you need a boost.*
Mirajane: Oh, thank you.*
Do I really need to tell you what happens?*
Mirajane: Oh my God, that is some effect.*
Haven: Are you feeling better?*
Mirajane: I will be in a minute. Haven, I need you, right here, right now.*

Mirajane is lying on the table, Haven about to fuck her missionary style.*
Position example:*

Note – in case you weren’t aware, her Fairy Tail emblem is on her left thigh. If you look closely at the picture of her in the bikini, you can just make it out above the garter.*
Vaginal – Rub, Easy, Medium, Hard*
Anal – Prod, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum*
Cum inside her pussy.*

Haven: This might be a bit late Mira, but, would you like to go out sometime?*
Mirajane: Sure, I’d love to.*

End of game.*
To Be Continued.*
Options to play again and to repeat sex scenes.

Author: Kelumir

If you're calling me lazy or something, please don't. I recently got through a very tough period of adjustment in my life that kept me away from both this forum and the BCT forum, as I could really only deal with the essentials :(
I'm here for you too buz, if you need me, and I'm glad your still around. Be blessed.
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