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[3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

These guys from this new site called LewdGamer actually had an interview with these guys... its preety damn funny.

lewdgamer com/news/222-interview-with-studio-fow
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

Way too much anal sex in my honest opinion. Honestly, why do people nowadays have this obsession with anal sex? If you're going to go anal then what is the point of doing a chick? You may as well be boinking a dude.

Anal sex is one fetish that I will never understand, and one I find to be absolutely disgusting.

If you can stick your dick in someone's pooper then what's stopping you from sticking it in a sewage pipe?


Let's hope their next project contains less anal stuff.
When I first read this I was like wtf?

Then I started laughing, one you don't do anal unless you clean your partner somehow and two fucking a girl in the ass is different from fucking a guy in the ass.

And sadly if the interview is anything to go by the amount of anal sex is at least going to be greater then vaginal sex as they to quote, "Intend to push the boundaries of taboos."
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

I no longer see the Arena of depravity project on their site. Did they cancel it?
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

I no longer see the Arena of depravity project on their site. Did they cancel it?

I think they changed the name to Blueberry Funtime, or something like that, I don't know the reason though.
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

Fear not, I believe it was a ruse to seem as though they were abandoning the project, under pressure from Blizzard. Nevertheless, with the end of the month upon us, it has been leaked!! ;)
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

Fear not, I believe it was a ruse to seem as though they were abandoning the project, under pressure from Blizzard. Nevertheless, with the end of the month upon us, it has been leaked!! ;)

WTF? Blizzard, suing? They didn't even sue capcom for that mutalisk in RE5...
Also, if anything, this animation will raise the popularity of WoW.
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

I hope theres a threesome scene in 1 of their future projects. That would b nice.
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

hmm...interesting...on the FOW site, there is a post called Project 秋(Autumn). Love this group. Super high quality work and great bit of comedy too.

Also, Post #2000 woo
I Saw it!!! fuckin' awsome man...

StudioFow are on fire...i swear!!
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Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

They are making a Bioshock movie now, pretty sweet :)
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

Whoa .. The song the little demons are playing at the bar like 4 mins in..
Man Man - Black Mission Goggles

..but you probably aren't here for the music (Still highly recommend them)

Yes, there is some good music in there. Including some stuff by Celldweller.
Good stuff XD
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

These same guys (Studio F.O.W) are releasing Bioshag: Trinity in roughly 12 hours. Should be good. :cool:
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

yea, the trailer for kunoichi 2 is up

Kunoichi 2: Fall of the Shrinemaiden Trailer

lets check on StudioFOW blog/site/youtube :D
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

Kasumi looks like the heroine from witch blade!

Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

Man, this is some high quality stuff.
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

Kunoichi 2
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

It's available for free on their website.
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

What the hell? Why is it a torrent? That sucks. :mad:

Could someone please upload Kunoichi 2 to MEGA or something? Not everyone uses torrents.
Re: [3D VIDEO] Kunoichi - Broken Princess

lrn2pirate, scrub.