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RPG RPG Maker [ TSUKUYOMI Promenade] [ ツクヨミ・プロムナード ] Shield of Sister / 姉の盾 RE145464 RJ145464


Sex Demon
Apr 21, 2011
Reputation score
For me, this is the first time ever that I create my thread to share an interesting game to ya...
Whatever, let's go to the business, shall we?
[RJ145464] 姉の盾 (ane no tate) (lit.: Shield of sister)

The game have... over 500 MB (wowwowwow) :v :v :v
At first, I didn't understand why the game have such a big capacity :v. But when I bought it, play it, I finally understand.
To be honest, I'm very interested about the story: a special love between woman and.. demon guy :3. I've already played through act 1!
(This spoiler is that I epitomized act 1)

Well, did I say a special love between a woman and a demon guy, right? So do ya think if the woman died, what will happen next to demon guy?
Of course, he'll be mad, enough to abandon the human form and turn into a horrible monster...
Unfortunately, in act 1, what I said is true: he turned himself into the monster, after watched his love died on the execution stand...
Now I'm playing act 2: there's a girl that already married to a guy, who looks like a normal human and cold face, in the church. But no body, except the girl, know the truth about him: he's a demon guy, just like the first guy in act 1!

About the game? down there

Edit by S_S: If anyone ever finds this, lol, I think it relevant to add that they're actually brother and sister. Odd that the OP didn't mention that.


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Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

Marry me. Ive been looking for this game forever. Thanks man!
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

There are 2 girls on act 2 with the same demon guy. I've already finished the game with a girl that has a silver hair. Another girl on act 2 that has green hair.
Still continue to play the game, to meet the girl that has green hair....
If ya want to my save file, reply (no pm)
BTW, the piano music is pretty good. :3
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

pretty nice concept. And thanks for the upload.

Anybody knows how to escape the ship after it's getting attacked?

Edit: Nevermind, talk to the tresure chest in the captain's booth
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Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

what does the love stat do
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

To be honest, there's something that bothering me:
Why don't they have official names? Why the programmer let us named them all?

what does the love stat do

dunno. I wish that I could understand Japanese
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

dunno. I wish that I could understand Japanese

this game... i may have to start trying to bribe people to translate it. I only understand a medium amount of it due to chiitrans and it's blowing my mind. what an unexpectedly good story from a porn game lol
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

this game... i may have to start trying to bribe people to translate it. I only understand a medium amount of it due to chiitrans and it's blowing my mind. what an unexpectedly good story from a porn game lol

Me too, I didn't expect about the story of the H-RPG game.
Ya know, I've played so many H-RPG games, just for fun or sometimes tried to find the true ending (maybe just for fun too). But...
Yesterday I've just finished the game with the true ending, and ya know what? I felt sad, not fun at all, because the story...
To end the game with true ending, I've found out every dark secrets behind their doors (act 2). To be honest, maybe I still don't understand Japanese, but at the moment I found out the dark secret of the girl that wear a kimono and a scar on her left breast, I felt like I understood her dark secret, and I felt like... I could cry....
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Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

Me too, I didn't expect about the story of the H-RPG game.
Ya know, I've played so many H-RPG games, just for fun or sometimes tried to find the true ending (maybe just for fun too). But...
Yesterday I've just finished the game with the true ending, and ya know what? I felt sad, not fun at all, because the story...
To end the game with true ending, I've found out every dark secrets behind their doors (act 2). To be honest, maybe I still don't understand Japanese, but at the moment I found out the dark secret of the girl that wear a kimono and a scar on her left breast, I felt like I understood her dark secret, and I felt like... I could cry....

Please spoils my Lord, bestow that dark secret to us!
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

which one's the true ending? i can only get the "Ending A" ending. i've seen all the keyed doors. is that the true ending?
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

which one's the true ending? i can only get the "Ending A" ending. i've seen all the keyed doors. is that the true ending?

Did ya discover the dark secret of the girl that wears a kimono and a scar on the left of her breast? If ya not discover that girl, that's not the true ending.

The final battle has some different, based on that ya discover the girl that wears a kimono and a scar on the left of her breast or not:
If ya do not discover, the game shows ya the memory about the death of the girl from act 1 only, and final bosses are both of the demon guy and the girl from act 1 are just shadows.

If ya discover, the game shows ya not only the memory about the death of the girl from act 1, but also the memory of the girl that wears a kimono and a scar on the left of her breast! Final bosses are the demon guy that is just a shadow, but the girl appears in the true human form, that is trying to protect that demon guy.

Because of that, I understand a little the relationship of them, if ya know what I mean...
To be honest, this is the first game H-RPG ever that somehow makes me... want to cry -_-
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

To be honest, this is the first game H-RPG ever that somehow makes me... want to cry -_-

yeah, that's the ending i got.

I was kind of expecting an epilogue, though. Go figure a part of the FUCKING DEMON GOD ITSELF is the one that answers the call, and turns into that sweet, caring, loving woman. I still don't quite understand who the real boss was, though. I thought Mint (the cleric chick) was orchestrating the whole thing, but supposedly that red haired chick you meet in act 2 was the real mastermind?
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

yeah, that's the ending i got.

I was kind of expecting an epilogue, though. Go figure a part of the FUCKING DEMON GOD ITSELF is the one that answers the call, and turns into that sweet, caring, loving woman. I still don't quite understand who the real boss was, though. I thought Mint (the cleric chick) was orchestrating the whole thing, but supposedly that red haired chick you meet in act 2 was the real mastermind?

To be honest, the story of the game is quite... hard to understand. Ya know, when I played on the first run, I just thought that the real boss would be the demon guy and the girl from act 1 (If what I said were true, how ironic that the 2nd demon guy and another girl from act 2 came to destroy the 1st demon guy). But when I replayed, I realized the real mastermind is the cleric chick! The reason why I choose her is because she's not only the one who killed the girl from act 1, but also is the one who put the girl, that wear kimono and have a scar on the left of her breast, and a guy, that I thought is the 1st demon guy, put into jail. And then... (ya knew that, right?) Furthermore, I suspected the REAL relationship between the girl and the 1st demon guy on the jail.
About red haired chick, I still don't have no idea, but I think she's not a mastermind at all.
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Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

spoiler code that dude

if somebody does play the game who knows moonrunes they won't really appreciate that
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

The boob is ridiculously huge:eek:
Definitely not My cup of tea
But I'm interested of the gameplay
So I think I'm gonna try playing this:)
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

There are 2 girls on act 2 with the same demon guy. I've already finished the game with a girl that has a silver hair. Another girl on act 2 that has green hair.
Still continue to play the game, to meet the girl that has green hair....
If ya want to my save file, reply (no pm)
BTW, the piano music is pretty good. :3

This is me replying ;)
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

I was going to say titanic ta-tas aren't my thing, but titanic isn't doing them any justice.
Those things are a health hazard at the very least, and the size is frankly a barrier to me going anywhere near it.
But then, looks aren't everything, so does the gameplay make up for those.... things?
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

I was going to say titanic ta-tas aren't my thing, but titanic isn't doing them any justice.
Those things are a health hazard at the very least, and the size is frankly a barrier to me going anywhere near it.
But then, looks aren't everything, so does the gameplay make up for those.... things?

it's not the gameplay that makes this game superb, the story is excellent, even if you're using chiitrans to understand it.

gameplay wise it's kinda unbalanced, proper min maxing renders almost every fight endable before they get more than 3 turns
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

save the end of the demo is not incompatible or vollvsersion is flawed.
in the snowfield is the boss invincible.
Re: [RJ145464] 姉の盾

save the end of the demo is not incompatible or vollvsersion is flawed.
in the snowfield is the boss invincible.

no, actually ya must choose run away (available after defeat soldiers):
when ya is going down, ya'll be ambushed by the soldiers and a girl that wears a kimono. So all ya need is defeat the soldiers that appear behind her, and then choose escape.
Just keep running down until get on the car to go down. The girl that wear kimono will chase after ya, and then the real battle will be begin!
The girl that wears kimono is no longer invincible on the real battle.
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