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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Just had a great idea myself.

After Bogwort manages to finally get laid with MC he evolves like a pokemon into a blond prince and MC falls in love with him but now he doesn't want her anymore.

Well, I hesitated before making my previous post knowing it sounded presumptuous to say he could use some help from me. However, if you really try to find plots to justify Aylia being forced to have sex and Bogwort getting away with it without abusing the suspension of disbelief you will see it’s not that easy. Moreover, he will need a lot of those plots for the relationship to evolve slowly.

I just guessed it would be easier for him if he had a wider pool of possible scenes to choose from so he doesn’t have to shoehorn them into the main story, and since I think it might be fun to try and find ideas or even write some scenes within the given constraints (As far as I understand how he envisions his characters and the main theme) I offer my help so he can get some inspiration, that’s all.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@kadude: Not sure, I do like that particular fetish, and Bogwort would love to find Aylia in a state of deep sleep... so maybe.

@Darian: I always welcome ideas. I can't guarantee that they will get used, but I definitely try to be receptive to people's suggestions. So, feel free to send over your thoughts whenever.

@Krip: Quite outlandish! It would be pretty hilarious if Bogwort somehow became a Don Juan and ignored Aylia. Not really sure how she would respond to that.

@Danjuro: Not sure, but without the RTP I can't imagine it would be more than 150-200mb.

@Sergejim: I'd like to think so. I'm not a "circle" like many Japanese RPG Maker developers, I'm one person... and a non-programmer person at that. It has taken me a long time to learn RPG Maker and to find (and develop) the necessary custom scripts to get it to do what I want. So, will it be released? Yes, unless something major happens to me. Will it be released soon? No.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hmm, suggestion for a series of scenes I guess.

Generic Evil Mage manages to hit Aylia with mind control magic and has her beat the shit out of Bogworth. The two of them leave for typical mind controlled sex slave sex and Bogworth wakes up hours later.

So Bogworth tracks down the G.E.M. and manages to steal the crystal that is keeping Aylia under control, and snatches her away back to whatever place he was using as a hideout nearby. Proceed to him abusing her while she is under his control, etc.

Since this is Bogworth and he is supposed to be a loser, he unfortunately does not get the sex he wants. Instead the group of Generic Heroes that was hunting the G.E.M. managed to track the energy of the crystal (which was known due to it being used in the past) and break in, they think Bogworth is the G.E.M.'s minion and easily defeat him. Smash the crystal and free Aylia.

Aylia proceeds to beat the shit out of Bogworth for what he made her do.

Possibly include a Alternate if Bogworth fails to steal the crystal where the Generic Heroes save Aylia... and Bogworth gets his ass kicked for trying to salvage the mind control crystal to use on her.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

YummiTiger, do you know the stories of cockweasel the horny goblin on literotica?

In a lot of his adventures he travels with a busty blonde paladin. Of course she doesnt want any sexual relationship with him, but he still manages to get a few blowjobs and even to fuck her once.
And all of that without jeopardizing their partnership/friendship.

Maybe his adventures can give you some ideas on how to let Bogworth have sexual activities with Aylia. :)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

YummiTiger, do you know the stories of cockweasel the horny goblin on literotica?

In a lot of his adventures he travels with a busty blonde paladin. Of course she doesnt want any sexual relationship with him, but he still manages to get a few blowjobs and even to fuck her once.
And all of that without jeopardizing their partnership/friendship.

Maybe his adventures can give you some ideas on how to let Bogworth have sexual activities with Aylia. :)

Haha, yes I know the stories of cockweasel. Love GeorgeTasker's stuff, and there is a good possibility that cockweasel was the impetus for Bogwort when this all began. Granted, I thought the paladin gave in a bit too easy to cockweasel, but it is a short story after all.

@TankHunter: So, you want Bogwort to get the shit beat out of him a lot, eh? I'm not sure if mind control will make it in or not, we'll see how things play out. I do know the gauth has some mind warp abilities, but it is not full mind control.

@Angmir: Thanks! I appreciate it.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Lets just say that Bogworth grates on me.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Haha, yes I know the stories of cockweasel. Love GeorgeTasker's stuff, and there is a good possibility that cockweasel was the impetus for Bogwort when this all began. Granted, I thought the paladin gave in a bit too easy to cockweasel, but it is a short story after all.

@TankHunter: So, you want Bogwort to get the shit beat out of him a lot, eh? I'm not sure if mind control will make it in or not, we'll see how things play out. I do know the gauth has some mind warp abilities, but it is not full mind control.

@Angmir: Thanks! I appreciate it.

Story of Cockweasel has some weak points to it.
FIRST ! he has small cock ;p

ok now more serious ;]

1) narrative in thouse stories focus plainly on manly satisfaction and emotions.
Author never describes if Paladin or any other female actualy enjoys anything. Sex feels realy shallow in this stories. I feel like the author of thouse stories must be a real duche to his partner in RL ;p

2) There is little character development to Paladin and yes she gives up way to easy and way to plainly (circumstances are bearly setting the stage to it)

Sumarising - it is a good idea but slightly bad execution.

Id say that what i allready seen in demo Bogwart Aylia relation is allready so much better done. I hope you are good at writing and this style will carry through the whole game !

But plz dont make Bogwart have tiny dick ;p (lol)

After all in Hentai world all dicks are huge, pussies are always wet, and Orgasm always multiple !
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Tankhunter: You and Aylia both :D. There is a specific achievement path in the game for slapping... Bogwort's face will be forever bruised.

@Angmir: I agree with you, but I still liked the stories--a lot. It just struck a cord with me. You can get a sample of my writing on Literotica actually. I have stories there under YummyTiger. They've gotten decent reception. I'll finish Belar someday, and I guess I'll continue to Claire one too since I get emails every few weeks asking me to continue it. Working on the game really brought my writing to a halt ;)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

The pm has been sent. Was fun to do and I hope you will find some material to use. I tried my best to respect the characters (assuming I understand who they are), to give you an idea about what I did:
Bogwort would love to find Aylia in a state of deep sleep... so maybe.
I don’t think Bogwort would outright take advantage of Aylia during Her sleep. What he would do is opening her tunic (to help her breath, it’s a medical precaution), but while he’s doing so she’s having an erotic dream and start talking in her sleep, making sensual requests like “touch me gently”. After a second of hesitation he complies, after all she asked for it. But progressively her dream evolves and so do her requests…

Granted, I thought the paladin gave in a bit too easy to cockweasel, but it is a short story after all.
There is little character development to Paladin and yes she gives up way to easy and way to plainly (circumstances are bearly setting the stage to it)
I agree. It feels like a caper story involving the worst thieve ever and the most protected bank, but where you expect great details about how the bank is a fortress and about the planning and execution of an audacious plan the story just says: ”He enters the bank and takes the money”.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hmm, maybe a story approach to work Bogwort and Aylia could involve something that either gives him control over her, or causes her to experience crazy arousal in his presence, and have Bogwort try NOT to take advantage of it. With options for him to either get worn down to eventuall go for it, or mannage to mostly hold firm till a counter was found.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Lots of text.
I feel like this game is going to be cartoonish in a good way.
Like, Bogwort is one perverted goblin who have found a beauty.
The first thing comes to mind -- he will try to taste Aylia's "flower".
But you know... Every once and a while he tried to do that, he fails.
For example Aylia stuck in a wall of a dangerous cave, but it's actually a safest place in here and Bogwort thinks "NOW THAT'S A GREAT OPPORTUNITY". But there is a problem... She is too high for him and he can't just do it a normal way, so he needs some sort of... CHAIR, or, or, wooden box!(and rope)(don't feed me with this bullshit of a goblin crawling on girl's ass and have his way like that. Girl can still move and kick the fucker with her leg) You know what I mean... But where can you find that kind of thing if this is a cave with monsters? Nowhere. You could try to get some stones, but it's dangerous because monster might hear you and stones are heavy, especially for goblins.
Either Bogwort could go and by a mistake kill a huge boss and cave is starting to fall apart which frees Aylia or he could go back to the city for a chair and a rope, but when he comes back it's too late :D
There could be an attempt by Bogwort to have sex when Aylia is sleeping, so he sneaks to her room like a thief and things are getting closer and closer to his main target and then... *BOOM* -- the real thief appears with lots of noise and stuff like that.
There could so many scenes like that without actual sex, but close to it... Oh, man.
I really need to make my own game one day.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Yummytiger I have to ask, will Bogwort and Aylia have H-scenes among them? I hope they will, if not, that will dissapoint me.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Counter Idea to Bogwort turning into an hunk; Aylia turning into a (pretty) goblin.

Or do a body switch, Aylia becomes a goblin, and bogwart becomes good looking. Best of both worlds?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Why is anyone supporting the idea to make the heroine less attractive?

I agree with something that makes Bogwort super attractive to her for a while, that would make for some hilarious dialogue.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Haven't read this in a long time, so ignore this if anyone has said anything alike, but how about some monsters are inmune to some tease attacks, and some others have counter tease techniques, like groping aylia if she uses an lift skirt tease.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Why not a goblin hunk?
Men want to have sex with great bodies, women on the other hand want to have sex with great social status (wealth, fame, power,…).

If you want her to suddenly be attracted to Bogwort don’t give him the body of a Chippendale but turn him into a rock star, with dozens of groupies throwing their panties at him and begging for autographs on their boobs.

Bogwort, sure. I like the idea of making him become more attractive (at least to her, if not conventionally) at some point.
I guess he will be. The main subject of the game is the psychological evolution of Aylia about sex; her reluctance, her corruption, her struggle, etc. The maximum of her reluctance to have sex with Bogwort will be reached the first couple of times with him and that will happen quite soon in the game. After that, her reluctance will decline and YT will have to find something else. Aylia slowly realizing she increasingly enjoys having sex with Bogwort would give him many ways to tear her between contradictory feelings.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I found one bug in the new demo - there's one fight against a bat and a snake, and they are named the wrong way around in the targetting menu. I was having some trouble with combat as well, had to use all the healing mushrooms I had found to survive. I can imagine somebody who doesn't figure out the mushrooms will just die a lot.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I was having some trouble with combat as well, had to use all the healing mushrooms I had found to survive. I can imagine somebody who doesn't figure out the mushrooms will just die a lot.

Geez I overlooked them. Maybe they should be a bit more obvious for other people...

Unfortunately I can't finish the Demo, because when I try to enter Bogards house, I get the following error:


  • Bogart.jpg
    24.4 KB · Views: 0
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Ok, played your updated Demo (Patreons only, so don't ask) and really enjoyed it (again). I can barely wait for the release!!!

However are the battles intended to be that difficult? I could hardly get out of the cave without being killed... Still love the fighting-system :-D

Well, the initial enemies are a bit difficult because Aylia just got out of a long stasis. Her stats grow really quickly the first few levels, so by level 3, those enemies are practically one hit, one kill--they are rats after all. This makes more sense with the leveling messages... of course, that script somehow stopped working as I cleaned everything up. Along with the map overlays somehow going screwy. I was just doing damn housekeeping type stuff too... blah.

Long story short, the battles will be challenging, but not overly difficult. I might through in a few optional areas with higher difficulty, and as you roam the openish world, you'll definitely hit areas with tougher monsters than you can handle.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Long story short, the battles will be challenging, but not overly difficult. I might through in a few optional areas with higher difficulty, and as you roam the openish world, you'll definitely hit areas with tougher monsters than you can handle.

So long as you have a sort of shift of tone to indicate 'this area is different' (like from grassy plain to desert) then it should be fine :v