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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I have to admit, I really enjoyed this game, but considering how enchanted Bogwort is by Aylia's ass, I felt there was a missed opportunity near the end of the Prologue to have Bogwort trick Aylia into the stocks to stare at her ass some more, until Aylia gets mad enough to force Bogwort to release her again.

On the other hand, Bogwort doesn't seem to plan ahead very much, he just takes chance of certain situations when they naturally arise, so even thinking like that may be too much forethought for our pervy little goblin friend.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I have to admit, I really enjoyed this game, but considering how enchanted Bogwort is by Aylia's ass, I felt there was a missed opportunity near the end of the Prologue to have Bogwort trick Aylia into the stocks to stare at her ass some more, until Aylia gets mad enough to force Bogwort to release her again.

On the other hand, Bogwort doesn't seem to plan ahead very much, he just takes chance of certain situations when they naturally arise, so even thinking like that may be too much forethought for our pervy little goblin friend.

Haha, I don't see why that couldn't still happen! I bet they'll be walking through and past that area a lot more.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I've been quite busy, but I have not forgotten about everyone. I don't mean to only post on Patreon, but I also didn't want to bump this thread without anything substantial. I mean, "Still working on the game," only does so much :D.

Anyways, I plan on posting a battle teaser later today on all the public forums. It will actually be more detailed than the Patreon stuff, since the Patreon post system is pretty damn lame. So, see you all tonight!

Now, to stop Osawari Island from eating away at my life :p

Edit: When I say, "later today," I actually mean tomorrow :)
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hello again! Been awhile since I have given any real updates, so thought I would post a little of what I've been working on. If you want to be completely surprised when you finally play chapter 1, ignore this post. Otherwise, there are a few battle system pics below.

The following is a picture-based teaser of what one might expect in an H battle in Aylia's Story.


The battle begins as Aylia is attacked by a munchkin. She decides to use a special attack against the loathsome creature.


Feinting left, she then lunges forward from the right and slashes at the creature, scoring a hit. The munchkin staggers in pain, but strikes back and hits Aylia. Against her better judgment, the next turn Aylia decides to try and throw the munchkin off with a little teasing and uses the breast push skill.


Pushing her breasts together, she accentuates her cleavage and hears the munchkin grunt in appreciation. The creature wastes a turn thrusting its pelvic area back and forth in a disgusting fashion. In her fury, Aylia strikes at the creature, but the tricky little bastard catches her off guard!


Aylia watches in disbelief as the munchkin grabs her dress and yanks it downwards, leaving her breasts bare.


She grabs her blade and strikes back with unbridled fury scoring a deep wound across the creature's chest. Unbelievably, the munchkin springs forward and scores a hit of his own.


Using every advantage she can muster, Aylia once again taunts the creature with her breasts. Only this time, they stand bare in all their glory. The munchkin's eyes go wide and the creature is stunned by the sight!

Aylia takes the opportunity to plunge her blade into the munchkin's stomach and the creature slumps to the ground, defeated. She quickly fixes her dress, ignoring Bogwort's excited huffing behind her.

I took a few liberties in describing the whole ordeal, but that should give you a slight glimpse into the battles I have been pouring my time into. Note, the artwork is not finalized and a few things will change. A couple key notes: All monster H attacks and sex appeal skills will have outfit specific graphics. The graphic will also changed based on her exploitation (as you can see above). Finally, battles can end by the monster "finishing" in excitement and leaving satisfied. This would result in something like the monster cumming on her tits, face, etc. Obviously, not an option Aylia would be happy with. This is not a game-over rape type of situation.

Anyways, I hope you are excited to see some of this, and I can promise you that I am excited as hell to actually get this release out the door. I actually do believe the November will be the month, but as I stated on Patreon, December is my "must finish" deadline. If it is not done by the end of the month, I'm going to take some time off work and bust my ass to get this bastard out the door. Then, it should be much smoother sailing from then on.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Glad you guys liked the battle pics. I'm very excited about how that is coming together! Trust me, it has eaten up far too much time trying to figure it all out, but it'll be cool in the end I think.

@Bigtotoro: Battles will go beyond undressing and groping. How battle H progresses will depend on how her outfit is exploited. So, if her breasts are exposed, then it will all center around playing with them. If her ass is exposed, then it will focus on that.

Additionally, there will be a wide variety of sex appeal skills she can learn. Who knows what might happen if she gets corrupt enough to spread her legs invitingly? :eek:

@Fagballs: Honestly, I don't know how to change monster sprites mid battle. It would require more scripting work, which I am loathe to do at this point :p

And don't worry, Bogwort may just get a bit of relief soon, hehe.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

As always, I gotta admit that this is one of the few games living up to the (huge) hype machine. The pictures are great, and while the battle system isn't revolutionary, it looks great. Two questions though:

1) This obviously isn't the full battle system. Where's Bogwort at (besides rockin' a tent)? I know that he has a special part to play in the combat, and I was curious to hear if that's a surprise or not [NOTE: not so subtle wish for more screens].

2) Will the battle-H vary at all by outfit (besides a picture overlay marking the outfit type)? This might have been asked in a previous post, but since this thread is huge and the game is constantly changing, I thought I'd ask. Sorry in advance if this is a repeat question.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

As always, I gotta admit that this is one of the few games living up to the (huge) hype machine. The pictures are great, and while the battle system isn't revolutionary, it looks great. Two questions though:

1) This obviously isn't the full battle system. Where's Bogwort at (besides rockin' a tent)? I know that he has a special part to play in the combat, and I was curious to hear if that's a surprise or not [NOTE: not so subtle wish for more screens].

2) Will the battle-H vary at all by outfit (besides a picture overlay marking the outfit type)? This might have been asked in a previous post, but since this thread is huge and the game is constantly changing, I thought I'd ask. Sorry in advance if this is a repeat question.

Re #1: For some reason, when I do the battle cut-ins, it removes the battle HUD. I don't know why, but I'm okay with it, since it might clutter things up too much. Once the scene stops, the HUD reappears, and the nice thing is that because of this, I think it reloads the character portrait which solved one of my issues with her battle image changing. Bogwort's role in combat is limited to support for the most part. As their relationship improves, it might go slightly beyond that, but it is doubtful he will participate much in battle sex, that voyeuristic bastard!

#2: Absolutely! In fact, there are no picture overlays here--at least for the vast majority of things. The potato sack was an exception due to its very low presence in the game. Each outfit will have a unique battle picture, different battle attack graphics (THIS might be an overlay), unique sex appeal graphics, a unique way it can be exposed and therefore, new battle H.

This might sound like a ton of work, and it is. For this reason, I'm guessing there will be 4, maybe 5, outfits Aylia can wear outside of town (battle usable). There will be other outfits, wench/dancer/etc., but they will be quest/town specific. Primarily, it would be too much work to fully integrate all I want to do into battle. Don't worry though, there will be a shitload of variety to enjoy.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

As you referenced dialogue ingame will be affected by her corruption stat, will that also change her expression when she does the tease moves? Or will she always aim for the innocent expression?

As always, great looking work! I can see now why you didn't add any of the H-battles to the demo - they look like a lot of work went into them. I'm still hoping for a release within the next couple of weeks! (Birthday present >.>)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Bigtotoro: Battles will go beyond undressing and groping. How battle H progresses will depend on how her outfit is exploited. So, if her breasts are exposed, then it will all center around playing with them. If her ass is exposed, then it will focus on that.

Additionally, there will be a wide variety of sex appeal skills she can learn. Who knows what might happen if she gets corrupt enough to spread her legs invitingly? :eek:

Exploiting weaknesses in clothes is certainly an interesting main theme for the H combat, haven't seen approach like that so I'm really curious how it will go.

Will there be stages in the exploitation, or some H status effects or something, so for example if you had a giant spider monster, it could first roll up her skirt, but later also strip her entirely and even bind her in webs. In Asagi, the "Torn" status effect very roughly corresponds with your exploited weakness in the outfit, but there are also other status effects after that, like Naked, Restrained, Masturbation (if affected by an aphrodisiac), Slave... (don't know what else, I am patiently awaiting more of TNT's translation). Or is that something you don't want to go for and you are more likely to put content like that into the scenes instead of the actual combat?

I'm asking because I love it when it's obvious even during the battle, that the enemies are trying to subdue the heroine, with some careful gradation that leads directly into the defeat H-scene if you're not careful. :D It's much better when the undressing is an enemy strategy instead of just hearing ripping clothes during the fade to black before the defeat scene. If she is bound during the scene, it is awesome if she got bound like that while still in combat :D You get my meaning.

Of course, you already have your game in progress. I'm not trying to manipulate you into changing absolutely nothing. (As I was writing, I started to fear it might sound like that because I got a bit carried away talking about what I like. So, just to make it clear, I'm not :D) I'm just curious if you thought about it that way :D
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

You know, I was thinking that with Aylia's people having been gone for over 600 years that there probably is an apothecary or physician of sorts out there that would like to study her. I mean, there has to be someone out there in Zalran that would catch word of an elf girl wandering around and would want to examine her. Maybe that person would coerce Aylia into letting him (or her) examine her and then maybe that person would get a little carried away? For science, of course. If you're going to study the last of something, you might as well be thorough.

It's just a thought but gee, I wonder how that would play out.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I'm a bit new here, so sorry if I missed the answer to this, but I notice on your banner that it says coming 2015, but you're still working on a battle system. Is it still slated to come during the year? I'm just wondering cause so far, it looks amazing, and I guess you could say I'm on the anxiously waiting, hype-bandwagon at the moment.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I'm a bit new here, so sorry if I missed the answer to this, but I notice on your banner that it says coming 2015, but you're still working on a battle system. Is it still slated to come during the year? I'm just wondering cause so far, it looks amazing, and I guess you could say I'm on the anxiously waiting, hype-bandwagon at the moment.

Yea, I need to update that. I think I'll do that this weekend. There was a time, long, long ago, when I believed I would release the full game in August. Ahh, youthful optimism ;)

To answer your question, no, it won't be released in 2015. Chapter 1 should be. I'm guessing the full game will be done early summer 2016. I'm assuming it'll take about 2-3 months for chapter 2, and 1-2 months each for 3, 4 & 5. I have some plans for a few minor things in between.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

If I may make one small criticism about the proportions, on a full grown up female the width between the shoulders is a little less than twice the size of the head. It’s smaller for younger girls
On some pictures she almost reaches a 2 heads shoulder width so she looks like a young adult
But on others her head is a lot bigger in comparison, here she’s 15 at most
Of course she should always look the same age. Plus, when she looks the youngest I find her a little weird because she has mature breasts with an immature torso.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I like what I see!

Needs some straight shota on Aylia and it would be perfect.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Darian: Not sure if the same critique stands for other pictures, but the picture you are using for your comparison is not finished. I stated in the original post that they were not finalized. I often re-use assets like hair, head base, facial features, etc. between drawings. So, one of the final steps is to re-proportionalize everything to fit with the final setup. Her head IS too big in that shot, but not by enough that I felt it warranted not posting it. Her neck is too small too, btw :)

@Troufas: Shota is actually a huge fetish of mine. I even have a tutor game started that never got fully developed. I'd be shocked if something in the game did not have a shota vibe :p

Anyways, glad everyone is liking the way things are looking. I'm loving how it is all coming together. Between the quests, writing the characters, adding little mini events, I'm having a blast building this.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Before this thread devolves into a major shota discussion. I'd like to clarify. Shota is a fetish of mine, but in terms of a younger male (teenager type) tricking or convincing an older female into sexual acts (flashing, blowjobs, etc.). There will not be any extremely young characters engaging in sexual acts in this game.

What you'd probably see is something like Tian convincing Aylia to flash him or boob groping, etc. In the game, Tian is actually set to be an old enough. He just acts younger, which annoys his father. His father knows that Tian should be learning to defend himself and assume responsibility, but he just refuses to grow up and act his age.

As such, this type of situation will have a "shota" vibe, but will not be true shota. As for other situations, there will be some, but again, it will not be extremely young boys. That may not appease everyone, but that is how it will be. My suggestion would be to give chapter 1 a try when it is released and see if it fits your fetishes.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

How did you even notice that at all?
I work on a project involving body aesthetic too (not H tough), and when each part of the body looks fine but there is still something bothering me it’s usually because of their proportions compare to each other’s.
On that picture it’s the same problem, making her looks like a little girl with big boobs
That’s why I said it in my previous reply, there’s the same little mistake on more than one picture. Of course it’s not a big deal, but it’s not a big deal either to say sometimes the shoulders should be a little wider.

And it’s my right to demand perfection dammit!

About the shota thing, I always got the impression it was part of the main fantasy of the game. I mean, Aylia is some kind of Mary Sue; she’s hot, she’s one of the last elf, she’s a priestess and soon to be a badass warrior. She’s too good for anybody but she will have to submit to the lowest possible males, to those she looks down on, so weak she could/would easily bitchslap them in any other circumstance. There is a goblin, a teenage boy, that homeless dude... the higher she is compare to them the more embarrassing it is for her.

Assuming it’s correct, Tian is young enough for Aylia to be condescending with him but old enough to want to do things with her and to trick her into doing them (since she’s the one to be submitted). It’s not really a shota because his desires are the same of a grownup, he’s just underage because it’s even more humiliating for her to obey and being tricked by someone she sees as a brat.

Plus, there can be a lot to be done on the humorous side, complying with even mundane orders from a spoiled child is embarrassing for a fearsome warrior or a respectful priestess. There can also be some sort of progression, since he’s young at first he will be satisfied with a flash but soon he will want to see if his lever to get flash can get him more.

Even if I’m not really into shota I think it would make an interesting side story. But that’s only how I understand the game so far.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

That’s why I said it in my previous reply, there’s the same little mistake on more than one picture. Of course it’s not a big deal, but it’s not a big deal either to say sometimes the shoulders should be a little wider.

And it’s my right to demand perfection dammit!

Eh, that one is finalized for the most part. I guess I'm not seeing the same thing. I definitely know her head was a bit big in the prior picture, it is on my list of things to correct, but the proportions seem fine to me here. Elves, in my mind, do have a more slender frame, but I don't see a young girl's body with big boobs. To me, that is a slim younger woman with large breasts. Perhaps it is just semantics though and we just see it differently.

Usually, my biggest measurement is head length, and I go one head length from nipples to chin as my proportion scale. In that picture in particular though, I think it is hard to judge shoulder width given her angle. The first picture you used, I'm actually not in love with her shoulder, I feel her left shoulder is unnaturally long. So, perhaps these thinner versions are more in-line with my vision. Or, perhaps I'm just all over the board when it comes to drawing ;)

I don't mind the critiques, as long as they are civil, which this definitely was. If you see something weird, PLEASE tell me. So, thanks on that front Darian. Although, you frighten me a bit with your demands for "perfection." :p
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

In that picture in particular though, I think it is hard to judge shoulder width given her angle.
I knew the angle could be raised as an objection, that’s why I used the other picture at first. But there is another way to see the problem.
We take the presentation image of Aylia and we change a 3D model to roughly look like her:
Then we take that 3D model and we give it the pose of the picture:
To me it’s rather obvious the shoulders are not the same.

I don't see a young girl's body with big boobs. To me, that is a slim younger woman with large breasts. Perhaps it is just semantics though and we just see it differently.
It’s not just semantic in my mind: one of the female sexual characteristics is a small waist compare to the hips and upper torso (the hourglass figure). If the shoulder width is thinner the waist doesn’t look as small and sexy. On the second picture Aylia has almost no apparent waist, that’s why I said she looks like a little girl and not like a slim woman, one of her sexual characteristics is greatly reduced.

Elves, in my mind, do have a more slender frame
Then may I suggest you to skew the proportions the other way around? For the same head size, not keeping the high and reducing the wide of the body but keeping its wide and increasing its high.

That’s how Masamune Shirow does his drawings:
That way Aylia will be slimmer, she will have longer legs (another sexual characteristic), she will look taller and by looking taller she will also look more superior.

you frighten me a bit with your demands for "perfection."
Hmm, you’re right, since it’s your first game maybe it’s a little too much. I will settle for a Michelangelo-grade masterpiece then, the last thing I want is to set my expectations too high.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Then we take that 3D model and we give it the pose of the picture:
To me it’s rather obvious the shoulders are not the same.

It’s not just semantic in my mind: one of the female sexual characteristics is a small waist compare to the hips and upper torso (the hourglass figure). If the shoulder width is thinner the waist doesn’t look as small and sexy. On the second picture Aylia has almost no apparent waist, that’s why I said she looks like a little girl and not like a slim woman, one of her sexual characteristics is greatly reduced.

See, I think the shoulders are quite similar in those two pictures. In fact, I'm kind of happy in seeing this comparison, as I think it matches up even better than I'd thought :).

Yes, I see the left (her right) shoulder difference, although, the 3D model's arm is not in the same position and as such, the shoulder is sitting lower and extended. I'd the the biggest difference is probably the upper back jutting out a bit.

On the hourglass comment though, I don't know that my drawings are without the feminine shape. Look at Kira, her straightforward posture really shows an hourglass shape. Sometimes though, it can be hard to accentuate that shape in these postures. Remember, I've never had any real training as an artist, in fact, this past year is the most drawing I've ever done. If you compare the difference between my earliest work and now, there has been a lot of improvement. It'll get better. That said, it is good to temper expectations. I am not a Japanese circle with loads of experience. I am a single person who has never designed a game trying to create the game of my dreams. I think it'll be fun, but it won't be perfect.

Still, I'll keep this conversation in mind as I continue drawing (which is almost exclusively what I'm working on right now). I'd probably avoid the slender style you mentioned, as it is not my favorite, but I LOVE the hourglass feminine form, and want my women to have curves (more than just breasts). So, the best I can do is just keep at it, hehe.

EDIT: Decided to just do a quick comparison, cause I was curious :). This is using the body I have drawn under the dress just quickly outlined.


For me, I think they match up pretty nicely actually. I agree that the head is quit a bit larger, perhaps I need to scale that down a bit. Although, larger heads seem pretty commonplace in anime. In fact, I think one of the weird things in Osawari is their attempt to reduce the size of the head/eyes to a more normal/western look. Doesn't always end up looking right. Still, I might tinker with the head size a bit, it is all layered and vector, so tinkering is not a crazy amount of work. Of course, the more I nitpick (which I tend to do anyways), the longer things drag on.
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