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ADV [暗黒郷物語 / Dystopia Story]トビ姫 -Inter Breed- / Flying Princess -Inter Breed - (RJ154397)

Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Ah, so that explains why this happened before:
so I made a purple slime girl land on a yellow slime monster in 1-5 with hearts and the, um. Purple slime girl changed colour :Va

Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

how can i download the game? seriously i'm trying but without success, please help.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Oh? thats the bug they meant?

Disappointing, I wanted to play with elements a bit but if it was just the graphics of that (which I'd already seen and not made the connection) then I guess I need to wait for 0.9. :p
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Ok so... the dropbox link on the blog seems to be disabled for now and i can't figure what i'm supposed to write in this :

右側の英数字 :
(it's on the axfc link)
there is a capcha of course but i don't know where i should write it and what is the other one asking for :/

Can i get some help ?

Edit : thanks for the help :)
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Ok so... the dropbox link on the blog seems to be disabled for now and i can't figure what i'm supposed to write in this :

右側の英数字 :
(it's on the axfc link)
there is a capcha of course but i don't know where i should write it and what is the other one asking for :/

Can i get some help ?

Edit : thanks for the help :)

like before with all other versions..
pass : ankokukyo

(first textbox is for pass, second is for capcha)
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Hoi people guess im making a translation to all the attribute stuff cause Im bored, and this game rocks!

but dont exspect any ingame translations or other professional stuff^^


名前 = item name
???ス口ソ卜数??? = ???looted/used how many times???

H P = Health Points
攻撃 = Attack
防御 = Defense
回避 = Avoidance
クリ = Chestnut eeeeeeeeeehhh? maybe some connection to spikes/reflect dmg
飛距 = fly from ???How many times your character can attack in one round???
購入 = buy price
売却 = sell price

説明 = description


Name of the character/ Race

Lv: [Element] [Weapon Type]

経験値 = Experience

HP = total Health points
攻撃 = total attack
防御 = total defense
回避 = chance avoid attacks
クリ = Chestnut rate of your Character XD (I guess its dmg reflect)
飛距 = attacks per turn ( I think)

SEX回数 = How many times had sex
出産回数 = Gave birth how many times

Elements so far:

水 = water
闇 = darkness

Weapon Types so far:

剣 = great sword
刀 = sword / knife
弓 = bow
槍 = spear
無 = No weapon

Hope it helps someone, Im open for any additions or persons with more japanese knowledge like that "chestnut" attribute^^
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Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

???ス口ソ卜数??? = ???looted/used how many times???

クリ = Chestnut eeeeeeeeeehhh? maybe some connection to クリ = Chestnut rate of your Character XD (I guess its dmg reflect)

Hope it helps someone, Im open for any additions or persons with more japanese knowledge like that "chestnut" attribute^^

First one is ITEM "SLOT" (you can equip those cards into slot for extra stat)

クリ = クリティカル = CRITICAL

._ .
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Hoi people guess im making a translation to all the attribute stuff cause Im bored, and this game rocks!

but dont exspect any ingame translations or other professional stuff^^


名前 = item name
???ス口ソ卜数??? = ???looted/used how many times??? ...

スロット数 = Number of slots

... 回避 = Avoidance ...
While correct, I generally translate this as "Evade", to correspond with the same term used in many English RPGs.

... クリ = Chestnut eeeeeeeeeehhh? maybe some connection to spikes/reflect dmg ...

Crit. Short for critical (クリティカル).

... 飛距 = fly from ???How many times your character can attack in one round??? ...
飛距離 = Flight distance. How far your characters can be launched.

... 剣 = great sword
刀 = sword / knife ...

剣 indicates a straight, double-edged sword. 刀 indicates a curved backsword (single-edged). 剣 is used to describe older Japanese swords (which resemble Chinese jian) and most European swords (like the ones used by Princess Galeo). 刀 can refer to any single-bladed knife or sword, but here it explicitly means a Japanese katana, as used by Persica the Maid (she's using iaijutsu sword-drawing techniques).

... Hope it helps someone, Im open for any additions or persons with more japanese knowledge like that "chestnut" attribute^^

Good try, nonetheless.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

I knew that chestnut/critical and elements from LoW, lol.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Thx for the help especially with chestnut and item slot and yes that with the sword was really tricky there are many different meanings to sword thanks for explaining ^^

I can only use a bunch of tools to translate and a bit thinking

Fly from is the range told me a friend lately, also one thing that was pretty hard was to actually identify the japanese signs cause evrything was so small ^^
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

At this rate I think we can expect the full, finished game around April.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Updated to v0.9 today. Google translate is a mess but it looks mostly like bug/animation fixes and there seems to be something about some events being added in. Stage 2 clear and 2-5 are mentioned specifically.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Ooh I wonder if that means it is getting close to official release?

Maybe this is the last version that can downloaded for free?
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

another girl unlocked on the game
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Nvm, just ran his comment through a translator and he says it should be end of April. I wonder if there will be any more updates to the demo before then.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Not like it needs it. Again, I'm surprised by how much he's adding to the demo. I really hope it's only a small fraction of the finished game, seems like he's given us like half the game already. Most demos would have ended after a few maps.

Hope there's plenty of content to look forward to, I'll be avoiding this demo update and any others until it's complete. Don't wanna spoil it x.x
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Not like it needs it. Again, I'm surprised by how much he's adding to the demo. I really hope it's only a small fraction of the finished game, seems like he's given us like half the game already. Most demos would have ended after a few maps.

Hope there's plenty of content to look forward to, I'll be avoiding this demo update and any others until it's complete. Don't wanna spoil it x.x

Well, some of these might get disabled for actual trial (gallery for example) but I think right now the author just want to test it to ensure that everything works.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Not like it needs it. Again, I'm surprised by how much he's adding to the demo. I really hope it's only a small fraction of the finished game, seems like he's given us like half the game already. Most demos would have ended after a few maps.

Hope there's plenty of content to look forward to, I'll be avoiding this demo update and any others until it's complete. Don't wanna spoil it x.x

With v.09 of the demo only having 2 main zones(excluding the extra zones), it seems to me like it's just a fraction of the game. I am assuming the creator is going to use up the whole map.

P.S. I only found this game when v.09 was out. So my statement is based only on v.09 of the demo.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

'. ' So the new character is the green hair girl.

To my surprise, her weapon is a bow.

Her attack is boosting herself up with 'cluster arrow' then fire at the nearest enemy.
Re: [暗黒郷物語]トビ姫 -Inter Breed-

Hey, um... didn't see this mentioned yet. I somehow managed to disable the dotted line showing where my shot is gonna go. Is this a bug or an option somewhere I missed? pls help