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A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Ariel 81 = 91 - 10
Orc soldier 47= 57 -10

Areil's attack 58 vs 47= hit
Ariel's damage 39 - 6 = 33

Orc's attack 70 vs 81 = miss

I believe I did the rolls correctly.

The knights fell into line with practiced ease. With the blast of her horn her knights followed after her as her mount raced down to meet the orc ranks. Having blasted the horn, the orc ranks shifted and surged as a few lines moved out from the cent to meet the steel tide of the knights. A brief glance only revealed few shields, and mostly light foot soldiers, likely being a quick response unit to help reinforce various posistions.

With her mace coming down as she met the orc rank, it met an orc with a loud crunch of bone, and the steel clash of the rest of the knights meeting the orc formation. After a brief struggle with the orc and his blade, she found herself with two other knights facing off against the wounded orc and three of his pals. The orc calling out a challenge as the turned to face the humans. All around her knights battled with orcs, a hulking stone golem smashing orcs sixty feet away.

Ariel Carellin: HP= 56, PP= 38, EP= 38. Status = Fine.

Knight A - Unharmed
Knight B - Unharmed

Orc Mook A - Serious wounds.
Orc Mook B - Unharmed
Orc Mook C - Unharmed
Orc Mook D - Unharmed
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Shouting in fury as she charged into the orc lines, Ariel felt her mace hit flesh, felt the impact crush bone and send her target reeling. 'Finish the wounded one first,' Ariel thought silently to herself as she wheeled her horse, facing off with the one she'd wounded and several others with two other knights immediately at her side. They weren't heavily armed or armored, seeming more like a reserve strike force than anything else, and Ariel quickly spurred her horse towards the orc while preparing another strike, this one an overhanded slam aimed to crush the skull of the orc she'd wounded while she kept her shield at the ready to defend herself from any counter attacks.

(Same as last round!)
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Orc Mook A - 22 - 10= 12
Orc Mook B - 46 - 10= 36
Orc Mook C - 45- 10= 35

Ariel = 97
Knight A = 42
Knight B = 45

6,10,8,6,9,9,6,10,1,3,6,5,3,-1= 81 vs 12= Hit
A - 2,4,6,5,2,5,6,3,3,4,2 = 42 vs 36 = Hit
B - 5,6,7,4,3,10,5,10,2,3,2 = 57 vs 35 = Hit

A - 1,2,1,8,7,10,3,7,9,10,4,10,9,1 = 82 vs 97 = Miss
B - 9,8,2,7,3,2,10,5,2,3,8,3,1,5 = 68 vs 42 = Hit
C - 7,3,1,1,1,2,6,1,6,6,10,1,3,7 = 55 vs 45 = Hit

D - 1,4,7,6,1,9,4,3,7,7,1,5,7,10 = 72 vs 45 = Hit

2,1,35 = 38 - 6 = 32
A to B 4,5,19 = 28 - 6 = 22
B to C 1,6,19 = 26 - 6 = 20
B to A 1,5,19 = 25 - 18 = 7
C to B 2,5,19 = 26 - 18 = 8
D to B 4,1,19 = 24 - 18 = 6

Ariel charged the orc as it charged her, his sword upraised. The sword bounced off her shield as her mace came down to meet the orc head. A resounding crack and the subsequent squish the only sound the orc made as the mace turned his head to pulp. As Ariel turned her mount around, she could see the knights facing off against the orcs. A female knight squared off with a sigle orc, a nasty gash on the orcs shoulder and arm. The second a male knight faced two orcs by himself, one orc having a nasty stab wound to his abdomen. Both knights only appeared to have been scratched by the orc blades, their chainmail having stopped most of it.

Ariel Carellin: HP= 56, PP= 38, EP= 38. Status = Fine.

Knight A - Lightly Wounded
Knight B - Lightly Wounded

Orc Mook A - Head turned to goop
Orc Mook B - Moderate Wounds
Orc Mook C - Moderate Wounds
Orc Mook D - Unharmed
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Off her shield the orc's blade clanged, never so much as touching her flesh, and in return she felt his skull give beneath the blood of her mace. She wheeled her horse, grinning, and lined up against those facing off with her comrades. Quarters were tight in the chaotic battle, shouts and the sounds of clashing blades ringing around her, but Ariel maintained her concentration on the immediate surroundings as she moved to charge the orc facing off against the lone female knight. She was confident that the other knight could hold off the two orcs attacking him long enough for the two of them to mop up her one opponent, and then the last two orcs would be easy to mop up, allowing them to begin moving on to other groups of the orcish reaction force.
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Ariel - 105
Female Knight - 43
Male Knight - 37
Orc B - 50 - 10 = 40
Orc C - 38 - 10 = 28
Orc D - 39 - 10 = 29

Ariel vs B - 7,3,6,6,4,8,7,9,10,3,4,9,10,-1 = 85
Female Knight vs B - 5,8,10,10,10,8,4,3,5,7,9,6,9,5 = 99
Male Knight vs C - 1,5,3,5,10,9,1,9,6,7,6,10,2,5 = 79
Orc B vs Female knight - 10,10,4,8,7,6,7,1,5,3,9,10,9,10 = 99
Orc C vs Male knight - 5,2,4,1,1,2,2,4,1,8,4,9,7,7 = 57
Orc D vs Male knight - 10,9,8,5,6,6,10 ,6,10,6,8,1,9,2 = 96
All hits.

Ariel vs B - 42 - 6 = 36
Female Knight vs B - 29 - 6 = 23
Male Knight vs C - 29 - 6 = 23

Orc B vs Female Knight - 26 - 18 = 8
Orc C vs Male Knight - 26 -18 = 8
Orc D vs Male Knight - 30 - 18 = 12

As Ariel turned to face the female knight at her orc, she could see her giving up ground as the large orc slashed her arm. Kicking her mount as she rushed to aid the other woman, her mace smashed into the shoulder of the orc with a resounding crack. The orc turned with a surprised look at Ariel, the distraction proven quite fatal as the other knight slid her sword between his ribs. With a soft gurgle he slumped to the ground. As they finished off the orc, she could see that the male knight was in dire straights. His shield arm hung limply at his side and he slumped in his saddle, dangerously close to falling off. One of his opponents were in just as rough shape, while the other remained unharmed by the battle.

Ariel Carellin: HP= 56, PP= 38, EP= 38. Status = Fine.

Knight A - Lightly Wounded
Knight B - Moderately Wounded

Orc Mook B - Dead
Orc Mook C - Mortally Wounded
Orc Mook D - Unharmed
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Giving her companion a salute as she dispatched her target, Ariel turned to the other knight to see him in dire straits, and quickly turned her horse and spurred it into another short charge. Issuing a battlecry to hopefully distract the ones seemingly cornering him, Ariel raised her mace and aimed for the uninjured orc, intending to take his attention while the knight she'd already aided would be able to choose her own target and the man they were coming to rescue could hopefully keep himself from being injured any further.

I only just noticed that you're forgetting the base 3d10 for attacks. I don't usually include that in stats because they're looked at separately in order to count whether or not an attack is an automatic miss, auto-hit, or might be just a glancing blow. Not a huge deal since everything so far seems to have hit anyway, but I felt the need to note it since it might matter. Still the same overall stat block for Ariel.
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Oh, whoops. Didn't realize I was missing something.

Ariel 88
Knight A 44
Knight B 38

Orc Mook C 24 = 44 - 10
Orc Mook D 18 = 28 - 10

Areil vs Orc D
7,4,9,1,4,10,3,1,4,2,8,8,4,-1 = 64
5,9,3 = 17
4,1,35 - 40 - 6 = 34

Knight A vs Orc D
9,6,8,1,7,6,7,6,8,7,6,1,7,4 = 83
1,9,9 - 19
1,6,19 - 26 - 6 = 20 damage

Knight B vs Orc C
4,8,8,2,5,6,4,1,6,7,3,6,1,2 = 63
1,10,6 - 17
3,5,19 - 27 - 6 = 21 damage

Orc C vs Knight B
9,1,4,1,4,2,4,6,10,3,4,4,1,3 = 56
6,8,1 - 15
5,5,19 - 29 - 18 = 11 damage

Orc D vs Knight A
10,5,3,9,2,8,7,7,1,9,9,6,5,4 = 85
4,10,1 - 15

4,6,19 - 29 -18 = 11 damage

As Areil rushed to the male knights aid, he traded a blow with the wounded orc. His sword cleaving into the orc's side and making him give a bloody gurgle before falling to the ground. The female knight rushed ahead of Ariel, her blade slicing the orc's back as she charge him. The orc snarled and lashed back, cutting deeply into her thight. Ariel's mace landed with a crunch upon the remaining orc's shoulder, causing him to spin about and collaspe onto the ground.

As the dust settled for a moment, Ariel could spy the tops of the wagon's a little northwest of her current position. She could also see a group of knight's struggling with some of the orc warrior to the south, these ones in plates of steel.

Ariel Carellin: HP= 56, PP= 38, EP= 38. Status = Fine.

Knight A - Lightly Wounded
Knight B - Seriously Wounded

Orc Mook C - Dead
Orc Mook D - Dead
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

"Get back to the mages!" Ariel grumbled to the badly wounded knight after the next bout saw the fall of their immediate opponents, making sure to keep her tone low and directed so that no one would mistake that she had called for a full retreat. They needed to keep up their momentum, and as she spotted a group of her allies having trouble with a heavy group she raised her mace and pointed it at them, "to me! Bring them down!" She charged that group, intent on taking them from the side with at least the female knight beside her, her mace aimed at the first armored head she could reach, trying to send the orc stumbling.

(Stunning Blow.)
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Ariel = 82
Knight A = 49
Knight B = 42
Orc Warrior A 10 - 44 = 34
Orc Warrior B 10 - 35 = 25
Orc Warrior C 10 - 30 = 20

Ariel vs Orc A
6,8,8,1,1,9,1,2,3,4,4,-1 = 46
Stun check - 34 vs 24 = Stunned
2,4,35 = 41 - 12 = 29

Knight A vs Orc B
5,1,2,10,6,3,10,7,6,3,8,9,7,10 = 87
3,3,19 = 25 - 12 = 13

Knight B vs Orc C
3,4,7,8,6,1,6,6,1,6,3,5,9,10 = 75
1,4,19 = 24 - 12 = 12

Orc B vs Knight A
4,7,2,7,9,5,10,3,7,6,6,3 = 69
2,3,23 = 28 - 18 = 10

Orc C vs Knight B
7,4,2,8,8,2,7,3,2,6,1,6 = 56
6,6,23 = 35 - 18 = 17

As Ariel rushed towards the new line of battle, she could hear several other fellow knights following after her and relaying her orders to help reinforce the south side. As she closed with an orc, her mace caught him upside the head, his helmet ringing for a few moments as he collapsed to the ground. All about her the knights that had followed her collided into the backs of the armoured orcs. Soon, she found herself facing off against the stunned orc and two of his fellows. Two knights stood next to her, the female knight from earlier and another female knight she didn't recognize.

Ariel Carellin: HP= 56, PP= 38, EP= 38. Status = Fine.

Knight A - Lightly Wounded
Knight B - Lightly Wounded

Orc Warrior A - Moderately Wounded, Stunned
Orc Warrior B - Lightly Wounded
Orc Warrior C - Lightly Wounded
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

"Crush them! Break them! Cut through their lines!" Ariel chanted aggressively, the knell of her mace colliding with the armored orc's completing her battlecry. She saw him stumble and turned her horse, intending to let it trample him, though such would make her next attack at the next nearest orc, aiming to do the same thing as she had to its comrade.

(Another stunning blow at orc B, try to get ye horse to kick orc A)
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Ariel = 88
Knight A = 37
Knight B = 41
Orc Warrior A 10 - 32 = 22
Orc Warrior B 10 - 48 = 38
Orc Warrior C 10 - 37 = 27

Reflex save
28 vs 25 = Pass
Ariel stays mounted

Ariel vs Orc A
3,3,4,1,5,1,9,4,10,6,8,-1 = 53
Stun check - 31 vs 24 = Stunned
4,4,35 = 43 - 12 = 31

Horse stomping Orc A
3,5,8,4,10,10,1 = 41
5,4,13 = 22 - 12 = 10

Knight A vs Orc B
9,9,10,10,6,3,10,4,8,1,4,9,8,2 = 93
3,1,19 = 23 - 12 = 11

Knight B vs Orc C
1,2,2,1,4,6,10,6,7,8,9,9,1,6 = 72
4,3,19 = 26 - 12 = 14

Orc A vs Knight A
6,6,10,7,7,7,3,3,3,2,1,2,9 = 66
2,2,23 = 27 - 18 = 9

Orc C vs Knight B
9,2,3,9,4,10,4,9,8,8,6,4,8 = 84
1,2,23 = 26 - 18 = 8

Ariel felt her mount buck a moment. Her shield hand and legs clamping tightly to it. Fortunately she remained seated in the saddle. Her mace donged off her target's helmet causing them to stumble into the blade of the waiting knight, though it wasn't enough to kill the orc. The orc she had knocked senseless before turned and slashed at one of the knights, while the other remained squaring off and trading blows with his opponents.

Over the din of clashing blades and the screams of the wounded, she could hear a roar nearby. Turning Ariel would see a massive orc making his way to her. His great sword cleaving knight and horse alike every time they got between him and her. Seeing her as the one giving the orders, he bellowed out a challenge to her.

Ariel Carellin: HP= 56, PP= 38, EP= 38. Status = Fine.

Knight A - Lightly Wounded
Knight B - Lightly Wounded

Orc Warrior A - Mortally Wounded
Orc Warrior B - Mortally Wounded
Orc Warrior C - Lightly Wounded
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

It wasn't going well, but neither was it going poorly. Falling into the rhythm of battle, Ariel clung tightly to her horse as it reared, felt its hooves connect with an orc as its shifting weight momentarily hit resistance, and then slammed her mace into an orc as it came down. None of their more dangerous foes had fallen, not yet at least, but many seemed to be on their last legs.

Then she heard a below, and turned her head to see a knight cloven in two.... With their horse. She met the orc's eyes as he bellowed his challenge, her eyes narrowing. She spun her mount toward the challenger and charged, her mace high as if she meant to simply ride him down. It was a dangerous gambit, hoping that the orc would take her charge as a simple attack, while her true target was not him but his blade. She aimed her strike carefully, leaning out of her saddle and clenching with her legs just before she would strike, meaning to take smash the handle of her mace into the fingers holding his blade while the head of her weapon went right for her opponent's head, aiming to both foil his counterattack and knock him senseless all at once.

Ariel uses Meisterhau, Stunning Strike, and Aggressive Fighting trading 4 dice for extra attack. That neutralizes the attack penalties of those two skills but costs a total of 6 dice from Dodge for her skill use.
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Ariel = 55
Knight A= 44
Knight B = 25

Orc A= 54 - 10 = 44
Orc B= 26 - 10 = 16
Orc C= 42 - 10 = 32
Orc Captain= 73 - 10 = 63

2,4,9,4,6,7,4,7,4,8,9,2,8,-1 = 91
Ariel vs Captain
20+23 = 43 vs 45 = 25+20
4,1+35 = 40 - 26 = 14

Stunning Blow
7,5,7,2,5,2,7,10,1,10,7,5,1,-1 = 73
Ariel vs Captain
7+23 = 30 vs 32 = 25+7
1,1+35 = 37 - 26 = 11

Knight A vs Orc B
9,2,7,8,8,5,9,10,2,6,6 = 94
1,4+19 = 24 - 12

Knight B vs Orc C
9,3,5,1,2,7,10,4,3,4,3 = 63
2,2+19 = 23 - 12 = 11

Ocr A vs Knight A
5,3,6,10,5,3,1,6,4 = 58
5,2+23 = 30 - 18 = 12

Orc B vs Knight A
4,6,7,6,7,1,6,7,8 = 67
6,6+23 = 35 - 18 = 17

Orc C vs Knight B
8,8,2,7,6,7,2,6,3 = 66
2,3+23 = 28 - 18 = 10

Orc Captain vs Ariel
9,9,8,4,1,2,9,3,7,3,1,5,10,3,+6 = 106
5,2+46 = 53 - 26 = 26

The giant orc's fingers didn't seem to feel the haft of her mace smacking them. Though her mace struck true, the orc's helm deflected the head away from knocking him senseless. With a large snarl he raised his weapon and struck out stabbed out, his large blade grazing across her belly. Returning his blade to his body, he watched her warily as he muttered out some words. Though Ariel really only understood a couple being Human and Whore, likely an insult.

As she eyed her opponent, she could see the other orc seem to draw strength from the appearance of the larger orc. Each striking out at a knight with renewed strength. The two knights returning their assualt and felling two orcs before turning to the remaining orc.

Ariel Carellin: HP= 30/56, PP= 38, EP= 38. Status = Moderately Wounded

Knight A - Lightly Wounded
Knight B - Lightly Wounded

Orc Warrior A - Slain
Orc Warrior B - Slain
Orc Warrior C - Lightly Wounded
Orc Captain - Lightly Wounded
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

The orc was tougher than she thought, it seemed. Her mace struck both targets, but he didn't seem phased by either blow, and returned her attack with a slash that had enough force to bite through her armor and into her side. She winced and hissed, but it wasn't a fatal blow, not even enough to unseat her or leave her bleeding badly enough that she went woozy, so it wouldn't be too bad. "You'll have to do better than that to get the right to call me whore, weakling!" she spat back at him in fluent orcish, and wheeled her horse to get her shield in line. She needed to block the next strike, but the orc captain seemed to be relying on his armor to keep him fighting. She didn't try to stop him with her mace this time, but instead opted to try and deflect his blade away with her shield while aiming another blow at his head.

The Meisterhau and Stunning Blow should have only been one attack, so they should only have dealt damage once. Also her armor is strong vs slashing weapons, so it would be more effective against the orc's hit. Effectively her armor adds 39 AV on top of her existing 13, so she should shrug off 52 damage. Also, keep track of the armor damage she takes, which would be 7 by my reckoning, 53/8 out of its 60 TP.

Stunning Blow with 2 dice into defensive fighting for extra Dodge, no use of shield bash, so her Dodge should be 12d10+22 vs ye orc including the hatred and mounted penalties, with 9d10-1 to hit vs his Dodge -10 for 2d4+35 + mount damage and another Reflexes vs Focus check to avoid being Stunned.

Reminders for me.
Attacking with a melee weapon from a mount inflicts a -2d10 penalty to hit, but gives the target a -10 penalty to Dodge, and the attack adds half of the mount's Body stat to damage. Horses usually have about 40 or 50 Body depending on the quality of the breed.
Unskilled Riders like Ariel take a -10 penalty to Dodge.
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Ariel = 79
Knight A= 37
Knight B = 40

Orc C= 40 - 10 = 30
Orc Captain= 69 - 10 = 59

Stunning Blow
4,1,8,10,9,10,9,5,5,-1,6,5,2, = 73
31 vs 24 = Success
59 - 26 = 33 damage

Knight A vs Orc c
8,4,9,2,5,9,6,9,10,5,9,9,-0 = 85
3,3,+19 = 25 - 12 = 12

Knight B vs Orc C
3,8,6,7,4,7,3,5,3,2,4,9,-0 = 61
5,3,+19 = 27 - 12 = 15

Orc C vs Knight B
5,2,1,8,8,5,2,5,10,1,10,6,-0 = 63
4,2,+23 = 29- 18 = 11

Ariel's mace struck true, her mace rebounding off his brain basket. The metal helm ringing dully like a bell, the head inside likely just as hollow. Due to her blow to his noggin his blade went wide and didn't even come close as it was knocked off course as the swing began. She could already see the fog of the blow clearing up, and it wouldn't be long before he was swinging his blade at her once more.

Near to her she could hear the sole orc cursing as he fell to a knee, a hand held to his belly and likely keeping everything where it was inside him. He was shouting for help for him and his captain. A call that was likely not to be ignore for long.

Ariel Carellin: HP= 55/56, PP= 38, EP= 38, TP = 54/60 Status = Moderately Wounded

Knight A - Lightly Wounded
Knight B - Lightly Wounded

Orc Warrior C - Mortally Wounded
Orc Captain - Moderately Wounded, Stunned
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Grinning as she saw the orc stumble from the force of her blow, Ariel pressed her horse forward, urging it closer as she spun her mace and turned the momentum of her strike into a downward arcing swipe. It was the same tactic as before, aimed to come down on the orc's head and keep him on his back foot, as even her heavy armor would be hard pressed to hold up for long against strength like his.

Even focused on him as she was, however, Ariel realized that the call for help from the ailing orc warrior would be headed, and she issued a rallying cry of her own. She needed any reinforcements intercepted before they could save the captain she was dueling against, and after they were done with that they would need to regroup and mount another charge. The knights were strongest when organized, when they could form a coordinated assault against vulnerable targets. Their mounts were almost more of a hindrance than a help when they were stuck in like this, but if they could get out of the wild melee and get into a new charge they might be able to break this army entirely.

(Second verse, same as the first.)
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

Ariel = 90
Knight A = 49
Knight B = 38

Orc C = 38 - 10 = 28
Orc Captain = 66 -10 = 56

Stunning Blow
10,1,7,1,6,7,8,8,4,-1,1,2,1 = 55

Knight A vs Orc C
9,2,1,5,7,10,9,5,1,4,8,2,8,9 = 80
5,4,19 = 28 - 12 = 16

Knight B vs Orc C
1,5,4,7,5,1,10,9,6,4,9,2,3,9 = 75
6,5,19 = 30 - 12 = 18

Orc C vs Knight B
8,2,9,4,9,5,4,1,3,8,5,9,1,8 = 76
4,4,19 = 27 - 18 - 9

Orc Captain
8,5,7,8,9,10,8,9,10,4,9,9,4,1,6,7,8,6 = 128
4,6,46 = 56 - 52 = 4

Ariel's blow just grazed the large orc's helmet, and swinging harmlessly away from him. The orc gave a growl as he cleared his head with a shake before glaring at Ariel. With a thumping of it's sword against his chest as he seemed to get extremely pissed off at the knight. He growled like a beast as he slashed out at her, leaving a gash in her arm. His sword spinning back around as he prepared to rush both her and her horse with his large bulk.

Behind her, the last orc fell though not without leaving a cut on the female knight that had stuck with her. Several orc had emerged to engage the other knights, but were quickly joined by knights responding to Ariel's order. The other two knight turned to face a new enemy each.

Ariel Carellin: HP= 51/56, PP= 38, EP= 38, TP = 46/60 Status = Scratched

Knight A - Lightly Wounded
Knight B - Lightly Wounded

Orc Warrior C - Dead
Orc Captain - Moderately Wounded, Raging
Re: A Daring Struggle (Tassadar) GMed by Rathuris

'Shit,' Ariel thought as her strike harmlessly glanced across the orc's helm. Then she saw his eyes bulging with fury and realized that she had a new problem to worry about. It would be much harder to keep him locked in a daze with her blows now, and his ferocity let her break through her guard and left a gash on her arm even through her thick, blade resistant plating. The pain didn't bother her at that point, however, and as the melee continued around her Ariel concentrated on her own foe, letting the others deal with their own opponents on their own.

She waited for the orc's next swing, aiming to deflect his swing and respond with one of her own aimed at his shoulder, hoping to take some of the force out of his blows by smashing his bones.

Meisterhau the orc.