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The In'youchuu Series


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
Reputation score
I've played the first three games. The third had quite a cliffhanger. Then I get to the fourth and it involves none of the plot of the previous game. Plus, it spits out gibberish but that is besides the point. Is there something I'm missing?
Re: The In'youchuu Series

I've played the first three games. The third had quite a cliffhanger. Then I get to the fourth and it involves none of the plot of the previous game. Plus, it spits out gibberish but that is besides the point. Is there something I'm missing?

yes a looot,
you are missing informations about the game, maybe DLsite links or homepage links, what kind of games are that
Re: The In'youchuu Series

Yeah, I'd advise you to post links and possibly screenshots before people wake up and rage at you for making them take ten seconds to Google search.
Re: The In'youchuu Series

I found this:

Re: The In'youchuu Series

People who dont know what this series is should be banned from Hentai :D

VNDB Links

Re: The In'youchuu Series

You can get the CG's at hentai-cg.org

Re: The In'youchuu Series

Yeah, I'd advise you to post links and possibly screenshots before people wake up and rage at you for making them take ten seconds to Google search.

People who dont know what this series is should be banned from Hentai :D

VNDB Links

Hey, there's so many different hentai games/VNs/what have you that I wouldn't dare try to keep up (not to mention quite a lot of it wouldn't really fall into what I'd consider my fetishes - and to be honest, I have enough of a backlog with normal games).

Anyway, yeah, I assume people will be much more receptive and helpful when at least basic information about the game's posted, especially given the nature of these types of things (i.e. much of it is foreign and it's not exactly a well-known field - well, I assume not for most of us). I know it'd take me much more than a cursory Google search to figure out how to help here.

Then again, I think most people come here to just consume hentai and little else.
Re: The In'youchuu Series

There are hentai ovas of first 3 games
Re: The In'youchuu Series

The OVAs all contain the bad endings. And yes, I know the whole series. I do have access to vndb. I just found it odd that at the end of the third game, Mikoto, the main heroine, has been blasted in half (literally), the protagonist goes full demon and runs away with what is left of her body, and the rest of the team have to close shop to search for them, while Yamamoto's demon side and his girl search.

And then the fourth game just ignores that whole thing and goes back to tentacle rape sex. I'm not saying that's bad, I'm just saying I'm confused.
Re: The In'youchuu Series

I'm not a big fan of VN games due to the lack of "action". Would anyone mind giving me a summary of what happens in these 4 games? I've seen the CGs, but have no idea what's going on. Spoilers please. (or link me to somewhere that has the story explained)
Re: The In'youchuu Series

1st game:

Crew of four demon hunters: Mikoto and Takashi, twin sisters, Yamamoto, a classic pervert, and Kuro, a spirit cat-thing. Mikoto is the hot-headed one, Takeshi is generally more compentant, though no more powerful. They get a message that a demon has infested a school. Takeshi goes first but turns into an MIA. Mikoto and Yamamoto are sent in to find the school infested with yoma, in particular, tentacle demons. They are assisted by Yamamoto's childhood friend... who I can't recall the name of. Takeshi appears to help them, claiming she was hiding from the enemy and couldn't move. Surprise, surprise, she had been fucked silly by the tentacles and had become a double agent. They face a demon behind all this in the end. Demons are very powerful and they fail to damage it. Eventually, Yamamoto's hidden demonic powers assert themselves and he finishes the demon easily. Then Mikoto goes into his head to calm him. Along the way, Mikoto and Yamamoto profess their love for each other.

2nd game
Takeshi, Mikoto, and Yamamoto's childhood friend are sent to an island where disappearances have been occurring. This one is less plot-heavy. They find out it is a demon, have twin immortals girls help them, and defeat the demon.

3rd game:
This one is the doozy. Yamamoto's demon self has been asserting itself more and more. They go to their home and meet the head of the clan, Ryuuzuki, his sister Yu, Mikoto and Takeshi's mother, and Yamamoto's master. His master says that Yamamoto is a half-demon, a very rare event. She sealed his demonic side but it has become more powerful and is overcoming the seal. Meanwhile, Yamamoto's aunt, who is a demon, attempts to play with the cast but she kind of fades away. The twins, plus Yu, attempt to create a greater seal by letting themselves get impregnated by Yoma but fail.

Ryuuzuki arrives with seven powerful priests and says he plans to harvest Yamamoto's power, a ritual that would probably kill them. They manage to escape for a time. Then Yu reappears and Yamamoto's demonic self is born through her, creating his own body and making him independent from Yamamoto. Ryuuzuki appears and starts to attack Yamamoto's demon side. Mikoto, citing the fact that it may be a darker side but it is still Yamamoto, stays behind to protect him, causing Yamamoto and Yu to help as well. They are slowly pushed back and eventually Ryuuzuki fires a powerful blast at Yamamoto's darker self which Mikoto takes in his place. It literally tears her in half, leaving behind her top half which wishes for their happiness. Yamamoto freaks out the his master reveals that his father had been sealed within Yamamoto, I think. Anyway, Yamamoto goes full demon, massacres/tortures the priests and Ryuuzuki, and runs off with Mikoto's corpse.

In the epilogue, Takeshi and Kuro close down their branch, going off to search for Yamamoto with her mother and Yamamoto's master. Yamamoto's darker self, aided by Yu, also search for him. And that's how the story ends.

And then 4 says "Fuck it" and goes back like 3 never happened
Re: The In'youchuu Series

Are you sure you got all the endings and 100% the CG Gallery without DLing savedata in the 3rd game? There may have been a hidden or unloackable true ending that you missed.
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Re: The In'youchuu Series

I followed a walkthrough. That was the true ending.