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Re: Trainer Games

Always interesting to see my games showing up in lists. :)

While BrothelS.im belongs on here (there are actually two games by that name brothels.im and old.brothels.im - confusing, I know, I can't post links yet), Lapis Azurai is a different genera and shouldn't be an the list. It has some stat-raising elements, but really it's more of a visual novel and trading sim than a trainer.
Re: Trainer Games

Always interesting to see my games showing up in lists. :)

While BrothelS.im belongs on here (there are actually two games by that name brothels.im and old.brothels.im - confusing, I know, I can't post links yet), Lapis Azurai is a different genera and shouldn't be an the list. It has some stat-raising elements, but really it's more of a visual novel and trading sim than a trainer.

Thanks for the informations (I will update the frontpage) and good luck with your kickstarter.
Re: Trainer Games

BTW, there is old but good game Poor Sakura Vol.4.
I think, it can be classiefied as "trainer game".
Re: Trainer Games

some links are not updated!

It would have been nice, if you had provide me with more information. e. g. which link...

I am quite busy at the moment so I will update this thread as often as possible.

New post from the Korra Guys. They posted their main menu theme on youtube:

Here is the full post:
Music Preview
This is the main menu theme our musician has created. We're drawing from the "Legend of Korra" Book One soundtrack to make the game really feel like it belongs to the fandom. There will be a good amount of unique tracks for different scenes, time cycles, and locations.

Thanks to Hank Plz for the piece of fan art used in the above "video."

Game Structure
There are three things to do in the game: tasks, quests, and events.

Tasks are actions that you can direct Korra to take. They are broken down into personal favors, public services, and jobs.

Personal favors are tasks which Korra does for you. They have three "phases."
1) First Time - unique dialogue options provide different amounts of obedience and corruption
2) Repeat - similar action dialogue provides a flat amount of obedience and corruption
3) Evolved - new action dialogue with some options that provide minimally different amounts of obedience and corruption
-There may be more than one "Evolved Phase," depending on the task.

In addition, there will be three "tiers" of tasks (for the most part). As you train Korra, you'll unlock higher tiers, to the exclusion of the lower ones. For example:

1) "Sit with Me"
-This is a simple, easy thing to do with Korra to make her more comfortable with you.
2) "Sit on Me"
-This is a more intimate thing to make Korra do and represents a new stage in her training.
3) "Lapdance"
-This is the point where Korra's training has been successful and she is even enjoying herself.

Of course, in New Game+, you'll have access to the lower tiers.

Not all personal favors will have an attached CG. Some will have chibis.

Public services are tasks which Korra does for others. There will be no unique dialogue options.
They will have a "phases" system similar to the personal favors, but public services will provide a flat amount of obedience and corruption throughout the cycle. There are no tiers. Not one public service is required to complete the game. If you want to keep Korra all to yourself, you can do that.

Jobs are tasks which Korra does for money, which allows you to buy sprite customization items and other items that unlock new scenes.
These will provide a small amount of obedience and/or corruption and a random amount of money within a certain range. At no point are you required to buy something to unlock a job; you just need the necessary obedience/corruption level.

Quests are adventures undertaken by the player to proceed through the game.
There are two main questlines which will be kept secret but have more to do with the Avatar universe than tasks do, as well as an assortment of job-related quests. Finishing quests will unlock new sprite customization items, tasks, and endings. Not one quest is required to actually complete the game.

Events are unique occurrences that provide a flat amount of obedience or corruption.
Every so often, you will be presented with an experience and then a choice. Depending on which choice you make, Korra will become more obedient or more corrupt. These will not provide any new art. Events can be skipped.

Future Updates
There is no new artwork that we can show in today's update. However, there will be another update on Monday in which there will be some new artwork. All future updates will take place on Mondays instead of Fridays.

Where can I contact you guys?
You can contact us at [email protected]. It is checked daily and responses will be timely.

The guy with the badwoman trainer posted a few story headsup on his blog:

Just a few things I need to put on the front page, if I have more time:

Hermione Generator:
Creator posts under HG !i21IVcbYVc
It contains a .xcf file containing layers to customize the Hermione sprite from the game as much as possible, using both Akabur's content and community made content.
Open it with GIMP (free, open source):

and play around with the layers. This is ought to give people chances to easily make sprites for their additional content.
It also contains files and explanations to make custom requests easily, read the text files and try your hand at it, writerfags.

Current version: V5

Custom Request Mod:
A mod built on top of bitch trainer, wich adds the ability to tack on custom scenarios

Custom Request Mod V7:

Updated the Custom Request mod:
A custom scenario must now be concluded with a jump to custom_request_wrapup
You will notice that the fishnetstocking dissappears when going in the custom request menu. This is a small sacrifice to make scripters not have to worry about the stockings/skirt messing up their sprites. After a custom request is concluded they should be automatically returned to how they used to be.
updated the custom request included to work with these changes.

Updated Hermione Generator:
added the Black Hair colour and everything it involves

Korra Trainer team posts under TrainerFan !M8QzEQxciE

Batwoman trainer dev posts under Batsbatsbats? !CCmRf7B5Y6
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Re: Trainer Games

I love these kind of games :)
Too bad there aren't that many...
Re: Trainer Games

I can't seen to find the said english patch for Tokubetsu Jugyou 3 SLG sadly...
Someone has been luckier ?
Re: Trainer Games

Whore Master has been picked up by aevojoey and crazy and is currently at v06.01.06.
Re: Trainer Games

anyone might tell me how to install Mo's mod?

somehow Hermione's hair and body disappear when I copied the mod files to the game folder....
Re: Trainer Games

There was an announcement for a Korra Trainer Demo:
Re: Trainer Games

just to keep things interesting...

sunsetriders7 wants to work on one with Justice League cartoon and wants to get it done in three months (which I think is special)

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Re: Trainer Games

just to keep things interesting...

sunsetriders7 wants to work on one with Justice League cartoon and wants to get it done in three months (which I think is special)

Seems interesting, but only 3 months?
Re: Trainer Games

Seems interesting, but only 3 months?

well here is the full quote from ssr7

"Here's a promo for the DCAU game I've been working on. This one is an actual game unlike Bend or Break which was more of a test that ending up becoming what it was. It's largely based on Akabur's style of game with generating money being the main focus. I wanted mine to be more about unlocking content, events and characters. Also heroines are the main way of generating money but you can get villains to pull off heists for bonus cash and items. Everything you do generates threat and heists especially will bring the wraith of Justice League. I just wanted a lot of variety and things to do so you're not just stuck grinding. There's over 50 characters now and probably be around 70 by the time it's done. There will be a lot of easter eggs and secret characters, events, scenes, etc. The superpowers you give yourself, your choice of henchwoman, items and everything will have different effects on how things go.

I'll make special versions for Patreon, since everyone supporting me there is pretty much funding the game, comics, and everything I do. Everyone in the $20 bracket will get access to info first, but it will also filter down through Patreon and eventually just out to the public. Also you'll get to see the game develop as it goes along. I'll try to release dev builds every 2-3 weeks, depending on how much gets done. Your feedback and playtesting will
really help me polish the game when I get to that point. I'd also like to support it down the line with expansions and extra content.

I want to thank everyone supporting me on Patreon which are really allowing this game to exist. All the money I get massively impacts how much I content I can work on week to week. I'm really grateful to how generous everyone has been and how successful it has been so far! It might not be so far off that I can quit my day job and focus on this, then I think I can really take on some exciting projects!

Right now I've only been working on this game less than a month but I'd like to push for it being released as in three months. This is pretty crazy deadline but I'll see how it goes. The one drawback to games especially is it's hard to set a timeline to get things completed. Once the game is functioning, hopefully in a couple weeks, I'll start on the events and content. I'd like it to just be exploding with content but I'll have to see just how much I can get done. As a single person it is a massive scale of a game compared to Bend or Break. I think BoB has 5 backgrounds in it, this game already has well over 100.

I'm excited to be working on a game which I've always had a dream of making a really good one. It will take a lot of time and work but I really want to thank everyone supporting me for making it possible in the first place!"

which if you read this was by the person who made Bend or Break so I don't doubt it being made... just gutsy as hell to say three months
Re: Trainer Games

OK, we'll see this game in December :D

Which, to be fair, would be a reasonable Deadline. I think the 3 months thing is just to get yourself motivated to work on it fulltime.

I don't think he will be able to manage it either.
Re: Trainer Games

Which, to be fair, would be a reasonable Deadline. I think the 3 months thing is just to get yourself motivated to work on it fulltime.

I don't think he will be able to manage it either.

Indeed, He hasn't factored in all the crazy stuff that could happen in 3 months, not to mention the burnout factor that he might encounter at that pace. I'd say good luck to him and hopes he can do it.
Re: Trainer Games

I actually hope that he doesn't rush things: it would lead to burn-out.