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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

i think it is this one on the screenshot

Yeah sorry, that's the one. As far as knowing about her, well, I didn't. I just search for H-mugen characters and stumbled across her; took a great deal of luck. I have no idea where I found her...I think it was one of the message boards connected to the main Hinanjo one. The creator is "kkmrj8a", he's got a twitter and some 3D modeling samples, but that's pretty much all I can find about him. As for the character itself, it seems to be made expressly for Minotaur given the cow theme and her numerous animations, but is also compatible with most other rapers. In addition, she's only rapeable (grabable) after receiving enough damage to remove both her undergarments...which unfortunately allows her to use a very damaging milk attack move. :/

@Sithri, Hah, I didn't even think to use the debug feature. Usually, I just look through the anims/sprites of victims and then sort of identify what's what. I've got most of the anim/sprite #s down already, and so it's fairly simple anyway, but if I had thought to use the debug or mugen console, I could've saved myself a lot of time. -__- Oh well, I guess that's something to teach others now. :D

The mugen uploader produced a bunch of goodies the other day. Another update to Koneko (not my favorite character, but whatever). An H-patch for the Cathy Wild fighter (you need her original mugen character, which isn't too hard to find using clues from the patch docs, or just google). She looks fairly decent as a H-character. And lastly, an update for Birdie. It takes some time to add in the new sprites and anims, but it not only makes the cum anims look a lot better and also replaces Birdie's full-transparency issue (so you can see the 'action' now with half-body transparency), but also adds his reverse CG as a move, which is the sole aspect we've missed from the 'mugenero' version. Soon, Jill and all his other characters will be ours. Mwahaha... >:)

TBH, while the new Schlussel is excellent in terms of spriting and anims, I prefer the one I have now. I get this one's still in beta, but it doesn't seem too different from the old one, save for the better looking sprites and mino finish (which one can make for the old one with minimal effort). I still need to play around with her more though. And yes, the oral isn't done (the sound is there though), so we'll have to wait on that. At least this replaces the spot for my Goeniko now...I've seen this version (1.8b) on a bunch of FC2 vids, so it's good to have her finally.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Yeah sorry, that's the one. As far as knowing about her, well, I didn't. I just search for H-mugen characters and stumbled across her; took a great deal of luck. I have no idea where I found her...I think it was one of the message boards connected to the main Hinanjo one. The creator is "kkmrj8a", he's got a twitter and some 3D modeling samples, but that's pretty much all I can find about him. As for the character itself, it seems to be made expressly for Minotaur given the cow theme and her numerous animations, but is also compatible with most other rapers. In addition, she's only rapeable (grabable) after receiving enough damage to remove both her undergarments...which unfortunately allows her to use a very damaging milk attack move. :/

@Sithri, Hah, I didn't even think to use the debug feature. Usually, I just look through the anims/sprites of victims and then sort of identify what's what. I've got most of the anim/sprite #s down already, and so it's fairly simple anyway, but if I had thought to use the debug or mugen console, I could've saved myself a lot of time. -__- Oh well, I guess that's something to teach others now. :D

The mugen uploader produced a bunch of goodies the other day. Another update to Koneko (not my favorite character, but whatever). An H-patch for the Cathy Wild fighter (you need her original mugen character, which isn't too hard to find using clues from the patch docs, or just google). She looks fairly decent as a H-character. And lastly, an update for Birdie. It takes some time to add in the new sprites and anims, but it not only makes the cum anims look a lot better and also replaces Birdie's full-transparency issue (so you can see the 'action' now with half-body transparency), but also adds his reverse CG as a move, which is the sole aspect we've missed from the 'mugenero' version. Soon, Jill and all his other characters will be ours. Mwahaha... >:)

TBH, while the new Schlussel is excellent in terms of spriting and anims, I prefer the one I have now. I get this one's still in beta, but it doesn't seem too different from the old one, save for the better looking sprites and mino finish (which one can make for the old one with minimal effort). I still need to play around with her more though. And yes, the oral isn't done (the sound is there though), so we'll have to wait on that. At least this replaces the spot for my Goeniko now...I've seen this version (1.8b) on a bunch of FC2 vids, so it's good to have her finally.

Could you link that character? Sounds fun.

Also try the Schussel in AI mode, she's a monster now and kicks ass.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Is that like, the only footage of her? Mugen modding is so weird, its almost like a mystery at times.
no,that's just a screenshot from my mugen,it was available on the ryona mugen uploader.

Yeah sorry, that's the one. As far as knowing about her, well, I didn't. I just search for H-mugen characters and stumbled across her; took a great deal of luck. I have no idea where I found her...I think it was one of the message boards connected to the main Hinanjo one. The creator is "kkmrj8a", he's got a twitter and some 3D modeling samples, but that's pretty much all I can find about him. As for the character itself, it seems to be made expressly for Minotaur given the cow theme and her numerous animations, but is also compatible with most other rapers. In addition, she's only rapeable (grabable) after receiving enough damage to remove both her undergarments...which unfortunately allows her to use a very damaging milk attack move. :/
The mugen uploader produced a bunch of goodies the other day. Another update to Koneko (not my favorite character, but whatever). An H-patch for the Cathy Wild fighter (you need her original mugen character, which isn't too hard to find using clues from the patch docs, or just google). She looks fairly decent as a H-character. And lastly, an update for Birdie. It takes some time to add in the new sprites and anims, but it not only makes the cum anims look a lot better and also replaces Birdie's full-transparency issue (so you can see the 'action' now with half-body transparency), but also adds his reverse CG as a move, which is the sole aspect we've missed from the 'mugenero' version. Soon, Jill and all his other characters will be ours. Mwahaha... >
mine was modded by Jeffry081,to remove the requirement of the removal of clothes,
Cow Modded by Jeffry081--->
also he modded a Jill with hentai helpers,(the dog and the zombie)
Jill with Rapist Helpers--->
video of that Jill--->
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I'm probably the wrong person to ask, but I'll give it a shot.


Let me start off by saying I'm not upset that you're not sharing your work. It is, ultimately, your choice and I respect that. Also I really don't care enough about Hentai Mugen to cry that much over it. Your attitude however, and I say that as neutrally as I can, is one that I've always disliked and that's why I'm even bothering to throw in my quarters. Besides, there are tons of people out there who have done amazing work and ARE willing to share it, so getting upset over the minority who do not is rather disrespectful to those who have already given to the community.

While I get where you're coming from it's in general (in my humble opinion) a very toxic and negative outlook with the one fact being it's also in the minority (thankfully, and for good reason I'd assume). You gain nothing from holding your work, yet handing it out would have at the very least given options to enhance other people's experience. That is the mentality many mugen developers, and as a whole the larger game modding community I am an avid supporter of, have taken. Sometimes they are directly thanked and known for it, sometimes it makes them money, sometimes they get nothing, but at some level people appreciate it all the same.

Your reason has nothing positive going for it. All it would take is one person doing exactly what you did then putting his work out for everyone and the result would be the same... minus it wasn't you (which you may not care about, granted). In the modding world people with the same mentality have appeared from time to time. Usually they are either negatively viewed if proof is given or called liars/attention grabbers if it isn't (no, that was not some veiled attempt at calling you a liar). Those kind of people just don't support the community in any shape or form. For example, many modders release their work and still offer tutorials on how they did it. It doesn't have to be one or the other. This is nothing like your example of being the kid who didn't want to give out his homework. I was that kid too, and the situation is not similar at all in my opinion.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to explain how you did it at least. It's unfortunate that you're holding on to your work, and I understand that maybe my reaction may seem over exaggerated simply over the few sprite modifications you did, but that form of mentality is a smile flipper for me, and since you took the time to explain to us your thoughts I thought it worthy to do the same.

Have a good evening.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Thanks for your input, Drake. I do appreciate your understanding, even if you disagree, as well as your calm demeanor and civil expression. Here's my reply, though it probably doesn't matter much if you don't really care for H-mugen.

I suppose I can share a bit more on why I feel the way I feel. When I first started out here, I had the same mentality you did. I hated hoarders and felt that excellent modders like mugenero (and the other guys on FC2) should share their stuff. But after reading some of their comments on why they stopped sharing, I get their mindset too, which is that if you spoonfeed people with free characters, they don't learn or have ambition to make things for themselves. The comatose state of the H-mugen mod community only solidifies their mentality. And because I know myself, I absolutely understand the temptation to be lazy and just wait until mugen characters are uploaded, rather than mod or make my own. Heck, it's only when RMDB closed down that I really started to learn, out of desperation and need. That lack of trust for others to put out an effort to mod after being spoonfed is a crucial reason I'm not sharing.

Again, as a mentor and teacher IRL, for me it's the 'I'll help you, but I won't give you the answer' process that I enjoy, the 'teach a man to fish' mentality. And while I know you don't agree with that, the one thing that I feel separates me and my ideology from the other guys is that I'm willing to help others mod. If I didn't put that offer out there, I totally agree that it's quite rude, arrogant, and even manipulative to just tempt people by saying I've got this and that without wanting to share. As you've said, hoarding characters doesn't benefit others, just the same as lurking and waiting to be spoonfed doesn't as well.

And TBH, I admit I do feel a bit indignant about even sharing characters I HAVEN'T modded, just because they took so damn long to find and knowing people are just sitting there who can simply wait on their asses for me to upload. That being said, I don't think I'm a selfish person or a hoarder. The me two years ago would've uploaded my entire collection just because I remember how it felt to know others had special/rare H-characters and could easily upload without much effort/investment. But the reason why the H-mugen community suffers and is nearing extinction is two-fold: #1.) The people stop/never start modding because they can just wait for modders. #2.) Because of #1, the remaining modders stop sharing, due to a lack of respect for lazy asshats and a loss of passion for contributing to a dead and unproductive community. I could be wrong and get a lot of hate for this, but I think the solution is for all of us to start learning to mod. I know we'll have a ton of lurkers just waiting in the cut to download stuff and who never want to help/mod, but if we could get a few people who actively participate in growing the community--even if they start out as newbies--it'd turn this thread from the myriad "hey, how do you start mugen/do you have ___ or ___ character" inquiries to "hey, I'm working on actually making/modding ____ character, I could use some help." That's progress.

Sorry, this was a bit of a catharsis here, but I've lurked for so long knowing that I'd get a TON of flaming if I said what I'm saying now. If I'm proven wrong with new modders coming out of the woodwork, or if I can help new modders to the point where we all can create new/better characters (unlikely since I'm still a newb), then yes, I'd definitely push out all my characters and we'd improve all of our characters in a collective effort. Even seeing that people are talking and being a bit more engaged on this thread motivates me to get out of my shell and do the same.

TLDR: We lazy/unmotivated. Prove me wrong and start talking, learning, and working on bringing out new characters, while I provide as much support/guidance as I can. When the H-mugen community starts to actively engage and develop stuff productively, that'll be my cue to be more open and trusting to a living culture. Feel free to disagree and/or voice your opinion (hell, go ahead and bash me, because I once felt your exact frustration), but I hope you can see where I'm coming from. One last thing about uploading characters I don't own is that I'm sensitive to modders who don't want their stuff promulgated even after it's uploaded. If I do upload, I'll be sure to give credit and never take compensation for doing so, but sometimes modders just change their minds about uploading and I respect that. Minor point, of course.

@mugenhti: Thanks for the links. (THAT'S where I found the cow, sorry). I actually prefer the clothing one since it's an added challenge to remove the clothes, but I believe all Jeffrey did was change some code to do so. As for the Jill, I've had that for a while and it's actually the one I'm using to try to emulate mugenero's Jill, which has more raper creatures and can actually rape Jill herself, along with the added missionary anims and the breast squeeze (don't like that the zombie doesn't actually perform the rape anims). Problem is while I'm fairly good with changing things that already coded in the CNS files, I'm pretty awful at adding new things to the code. :( And despite my whole spiel above about not sharing, I don't hate on others who decide to do so, even if it may be counter-productive to my mission. So kudos to you.

@thorn: Hah, TBH, I don't even play mugen much. I just mod and use the 'watch' feature a lot, so all I get is the Schlussel AI. My original Schlussel typically beats the 1.8b version though. No idea why. :/ Enjoy the cow though...if you want to add the clothes for any reason, just say so and I can provide the code.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I accept that there is not much that can be done for mugen because lets be honest, its either involve editing existing work to make it look good, and a lot of edits are "Meh" at best, or creating your own god damn 2D fighter which is REALLY hard to do.

And often for a very niche, possibly unthanking community, and all for free too. Its a miracle H Mugen even exists.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I accept that there is not much that can be done for mugen because lets be honest, its either involve editing existing work to make it look good, and a lot of edits are "Meh" at best, or creating your own god damn 2D fighter which is REALLY hard to do.

And often for a very niche, possibly unthanking community, and all for free too. Its a miracle H Mugen even exists.

Yeah man, it's definitely not easy. And I've seen some pretty terrible edits; there are many so-called H-characters who only have 3-4 anims. I think a lot of people get disappointed or bored easily with mugen, but the advantage mugen has over so many games is that it's very, very customizable and anyone can contribute.

Creating your own character isn't easy either, but there are a lot more tutorials and communities that are still active for mugen. I think the hard part is creating a H-character, because most mugen communities frown on H-content or simply ban it altogether; the resources for H-mugen are either international (Japanese or Spanish) or unshared...or both.

All the same, I'm hopeful at least that people come together with a shared passion and devotion to this. :/
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Damn, if only Mugen_Rape would share his creations...

Mugen would be a better place.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Fighter Factory link is down in the OP. That being said, is this what it was suppose to be?
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Fighter Factory link is down in the OP. That being said, is this what it was suppose to be?

Thanks for the heads up. Yes, that's another (working) link to the program I meant.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

It's still quiet here, which either means nobody really cares about H-mugen (likely), or there's not much activity in working on stuff (unlikely, given there's a lot of stuff on the uploader--D4Cathy patch, new Birdie anims, the new Schlussel). So I guess I'm resigned to the fact that I'll never see the H-mugen mod revolution I had hoped for. It was a long shot anyway.

That being said, if anyone cares, I'm working on Ange (not really sure where she's from or what her actual name is, but don't care). She's one of the most detailed characters I have, with nearly ten thousand sprites, but has very few H-anims. Right now, I'm combining the version I have with RMDB's (in QoF), which has less than half of the sprites in it, but a few H-sprites. Still, I must say that she's barely H-compatible even when done...the way RMDB has her H-anims is just a single sprite moving back and forth and unless I can find sprites/anims, all I can do is clean up his anim coding and combining it with the more complete character.

On the flip side, RMDB himself came up with some sprites to add the "F*ck Me" kuro anims and piledriver anims off the mugen uploader, so I'll be adding those sprites and adding the anims myself, to make Ange at least somewhat compatible. I think I'll actually upload my finished product (if it's okay with RMDB and Ange's original author) though, if someone can teach me how to use megaupload or a similar site. If anyone can help me find additional Ange anims or sprites, I can also add them to this character.

EDIT: Apparently, she's USHIROMIYA ANGE from Umineko no Naku Koro ni, with mugen creator YU-TOHARU. Also, hopefully I didn't piss off RMDB with my comments on the lack of H-anims. It's not easy to make a character H-compat if you don't have the sprites available.

@Papa: Yeah, it would be. But then again, as per my original argument, I doubt anyone would be inspired to make new creations and just rely on mugenero/mugen_rape to feed us, should that happen.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

It's still quiet here, which either means nobody really cares about H-mugen (likely), or there's not much activity in working on stuff (unlikely, given there's a lot of stuff on the uploader--D4Cathy patch, new Birdie anims, the new Schlussel). So I guess I'm resigned to the fact that I'll never see the H-mugen mod revolution I had hoped for. It was a long shot anyway.

That being said, if anyone cares, I'm working on Ange (not really sure where she's from or what her actual name is, but don't care). She's one of the most detailed characters I have, with nearly ten thousand sprites, but has very few H-anims. Right now, I'm combining the version I have with RMDB's (in QoF), which has less than half of the sprites in it, but a few H-sprites. Still, I must say that she's barely H-compatible even when done...the way RMDB has her H-anims is just a single sprite moving back and forth and unless I can find sprites/anims, all I can do is clean up his anim coding and combining it with the more complete character.

On the flip side, RMDB himself came up with some sprites to add the "F*ck Me" kuro anims and piledriver anims off the mugen uploader, so I'll be adding those sprites and adding the anims myself, to make Ange at least somewhat compatible. I think I'll actually upload my finished product (if it's okay with RMDB and Ange's original author) though, if someone can teach me how to use megaupload or a similar site. If anyone can help me find additional Ange anims or sprites, I can also add them to this character.

EDIT: Apparently, she's USHIROMIYA ANGE from Umineko no Naku Koro ni, with mugen creator YU-TOHARU. Also, hopefully I didn't piss off RMDB with my comments on the lack of H-anims. It's not easy to make a character H-compat if you don't have the sprites available.

@Papa: Yeah, it would be. But then again, as per my original argument, I doubt anyone would be inspired to make new creations and just rely on mugenero/mugen_rape to feed us, should that happen.

yeah no a revolution in modding isn't gonna happen ever unless really easy tools come out (and i mean REALLY easy) and people stop being lazy/busy

also mugen is so niche anyways so yeah, its not gonna be super active ever
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Could someone post the updated birdie?
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

@Sithri: Agreed. A pity, because Mugen isn't very difficult once you put in time and effort. Problem is that people are suckers for instant-gratification and I don't blame them. We've got so many devs pumping out easily accessible H-games that we can simply play and toss without much thought. Still, Mugen is one of a kind in that it's made for customization and you're limited only by your skill and imagination (as well as the aforementioned effort/time).

I'd say that mugen isn't niche, since there are huge forums and online sites/databases dedicated to it, and they've been thriving since mugen's conception many years ago. However, H-Mugen is very different and very niche, since it's mainly Japanese/Spanish driven. English users don't care much for it, and those who do have failed in their efforts to establish a community for it (since I've read this and the previous thread, at least two attempts to create an English forum have died near-instantaneously).

@thorn: You'll find the patch on the ryona uploader, under 1159 (it should have a label of 0D Birdie anyway). It does require some effort to add the sprites (the .sff file) and the anims (the .air file) to the original sprite/anim files, but it's simply an "import all" step away in Fighter Factory. Then all you need to do is copy and paste the rest of the files into your original Birdie folder, overwriting any existing files. It goes without saying now, but the PW is 'ryona2'.

I finished the Ange character but it still looks ugly as heck. RMDB's piledriver and Kuro Fck Me anims look fine. Still, I think I'll wait until more anims come out before I consider uploading.

Btw, I discovered that Schlussel DOES have a basic oral/fellatio animation, after looking in FF3 and playtesting with Joker/Kuro; guys like Mino and Psychoraper use the titjob variation (26836-26839), which Schlussel doesn't have...yet. Just take the sprite group 16007 (16007,0; 16007,1) and duplicate them, renaming them under the group 26836 (26836,0; 26836,1) with FF3. Do the same for the anims, duplicating and renaming Schlussel's basic 16007 anim to 36836. If you know how to, I'd instead suggest taking a character with existing 36836-36839 animations and copying the text code so the timings look better on Mino. And lastly, she doesn't have a 'fellatio finish', which is sprites 16008 (0-4 or whatever) and anim 16008, so just make one yourself if it bothers you. Isn't too hard to add cum to her final fellatio sprite...cum's white, right? :p
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

well..some would be wondering about my chars Jessica and Claudia hentai stuff..well this is..with a link about tutorial to be compatible with them...:
there we are, with new stuff like Sexy Nude Ko and Cheap KO.They works with Winmugen and mugen 1.0 (non tested in 1.1 but guess it works as some said me...).
Jessica Smoke


Compatible with Slime,Kuromaru, Minotaur,Jessica, and Claudilla.


My gift for Mai,I am the queen of hentai, not her:



her new hentai moves:


her compatibility with Slime, Kuromaru,Minotaur, Jessica and herself.


her sexy winpose and* sexy cheap KO


Annie Polley
Sexy and Cheap KO, compatibility with Claudilla and Jessica.



enjoy them.

How do your char compatible with them read :
Enjoy it...
Annie Polley is here:
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Related to the discussion a little while ago, I think the big reason the h-community for Mugen is so small is...well, the attitudes, I guess. This is really the only active place to discuss it English-wise, and Japanese wise? It's hidden beneath layers and layers of stuff so that it's nearly impossible for someone unfamiliar with the language to navigate it and get to it.

It doesn't help that Fighter Factory is still clunky as hell and has tons of glitches. Nor does it help that making h-characters that are actually decent means knowing how to sprite. Knowing how to replace stuff and add animations is all fine and good, but it doesn't help if you're absolutely helpless at spriting.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

well..some would be wondering about my chars Jessica and Claudia hentai stuff..well this is..with a link about tutorial to be compatible with them...:
there we are, with new stuff like Sexy Nude Ko and Cheap KO.They works with Winmugen and mugen 1.0 (non tested in 1.1 but guess it works as some said me...).
Jessica Smoke


Compatible with Slime,Kuromaru, Minotaur,Jessica, and Claudilla.


My gift for Mai,I am the queen of hentai, not her:



her new hentai moves:


her compatibility with Slime, Kuromaru,Minotaur, Jessica and herself.


her sexy winpose and* sexy cheap KO


Annie Polley
Sexy and Cheap KO, compatibility with Claudilla and Jessica.



enjoy them.

How do your char compatible with them read :
Enjoy it...
Annie Polley is here:

I think you forgot to put the link for annie polley. There is only a icecream/faq and a picture of the icecream. Nothing happens when I click the picture.