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[DMM] Trojan War Princess


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
Reputation score

Update: As of Feb 9th the CBT has ended and the game is offline until further notice:

Thought I'd get this started even though the trial hasn't begin since there appears to be preregistration benefits as usual. Title could probably be Troya Senki as well, I'm looking for any extra information I can find about it atm. I haven't found a date for when the trial begins, but might as well register. I'll update this at least so the first post in the thread isn't garbage once the game begins, regardless of if I continue playing it.

A 3D MMORPG from DMM, amazing. 3D combat with nude models, but it seems like the actual sex may just be in CGs. Appears to be clothing destruction and there is knock down of sorts, so who knows. Seems like they mix 2D and 3D a little awkwardly, but I guess we'll see how that goes. The 2D art looks great anywho. I'm only seeing female protags, so it might be game over sex/cgs.

Looks like some OLD Korean MMO's I used to play, I wouldn't really mind if the combat is okay. Hard to tell from the images though. The world is apparently centered in Greek Mythology for whatever that's worth.
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Re: [DMM]Troy Game Princess

GameGuide (Google) Translated Info:

Overall Description:

There will be a chat window, converse with fellow perverts I guess lol.

Something about setting "Automatic hunting". Description for it being: "Anyone handy play as, and is equipped with a automatic hunting system.
By the auto of the battle, while the work, you will be able to enjoy the game, even while watching TV." - So basically you can afk play lol.

There will be daily buffs that improve exp and item drop rate from certain monsters I believe. Helper system (Not yet implemented). War announcement, not quite sure what that is yet. Cave of moonlight, switching of war mode, commander system, god matter slot. It's got all kinds of things going on. There will be guilds as well. Seems things will be fairly open world as expected.

Class Types:

Typical Warrior, Hunter and Magician. I'm not sure if they're gender locked. Hunters will apparently be more "support" oriented and can slow enemy movement speed (Though Warriors apparently have a similar skill as well). Magicians are said to be weak on their own, but they have buffs and healing so are especially support oriented.

Seems you will have options on how to build, whether more offensively or support for each class. Warrior can be a tank type (There's a provoke skill that raises threat) or fighter type, Magician can be an attacker or more into healing, Hunter can use traps and poison and debuffs or be more direct damage oriented it seems.

H content:

In short, there's a pretty long chain of quests you need to do to unlock the ability to acquire H scenes. Each girl will have 5 scenes, etc, etc. Seems it might be a hassle to acquire a lot of scenes.

Overall Skill and Emoticon Information:

Detailed Skill Information:




Daily Buff Information:

Questing Information:

PvP and Contribution Shop Information:

Altar System:

Offer items, get rewards~

Shop/Merchant, Agency and Commercial Area Information:

There are private shops, whooo. Split items with shift clicking, because it's annoying not knowing how to do this.

Mount Information:

Okay this is going to take me a while to go through, I'm trying to link everything that seems significant, but I don't have time to explain it all. Just copy and paste all the text of these pages into google translate and you'll get a good idea of the world and how things work.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Troia is the latin word for Troy. The graphics look really nice, but unfortunately my crappy computer probably can't handle them. I'm gonna have to give this game a miss.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Oh, troya senki's finally releasing.

I wonder if they've changed their file format since the last time it was ripped
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Very good news, it seems the CBT trial has begun :D

Their DMM page was updated, I was going to post how the trial was probably soon to come and realized that it had already started. Here I immediately just thought they finally got rid of their janky starter page for one that looks more legit in preparation of the trial finally. There's a gameguide now and all kinds of information that I'm translating (Google translate x.x) atm, I'll update the main post when I figure out anything interesting.

The downside: It requires a download and mentions a list of things that you need to allow the application to do, including:

Read your browsing history
Communicate with cooperating native applications
Communicate with cooperating websites.

Maybe I should stop reading the ToS and such for applications/websites before I use them, they're always terrifying.

Beyond following the steps it mentions on the website, once you have the launcher up, you need to click the left most button near the bottom of it and specify where you want updates to go, I put it in the DMM folder that was created for the application. I'll update this if I notice any problems. Seems the download is going to take me like 44 minutes at this rate, so I won't know for a while.

Possible bit of warning:

After installing the game setup and trying to run it, my computer froze up and wouldn't restart, had to manually power down. When I started it back up, I got a message stating windows had to "Check my disks for consistency" and it ran through a bunch of tests and jazz.

I've never had that happen before and I'm not very computer savvy. Coulda been something I did wrong or a problem my computer had previously before the installation and the game just aggravated it or whatever. If it sounds suspicious to you be careful. Everything seems alright now.

Though trying to run the Troysenki_setup again has the processes just chilling in my Task Manager, not responding. Maybe I installed the wrong version or something? I have no idea. "Windows not responding", greeeeaaattt. Well I'm stumped and not like I'm going to find tech support for this easily, guess I'm done with this for now. Hope my comp is okay. Troysenki_setup.exe just taunting me in my Task Manager.

Update: So 50 minutes later after I had removed the setup.exe from my Task Manager, it just popped up randomly out of nowhere and started installing the game. WELL OKAY.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Alright game is up and running. It seems you get to choose between two factions, I meant to choose the eagle but ended up as Troy (Red) somehow? Blue is Sparta. Classes are not gender locked. A decent amount of character customization. You can choose panties and pube type in it, haha.

The 2d in game character art is like Vindictus, meaning it's fucking awesome. The CGs are cel shaded though, so there's like 3 different art styles going on. The 3d nude models, not the best. Kind of looks like a nude mode rather than the game was made for it. Neck seam and such x.X

If you've played any MMO's before, you should know just how to play. It is "Mouse focused" rather than manual/aimed attacking, but I expected that.

Oh there are also NPC who look like players. Well that's confusing. They lose their clothes when you kill them. Okay, there are scantily clad harpies, I'm sold.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Is there any other way to get the client setup file of this game? I'm trying to install from their launcher but my ISP keep randomly disconnect it so I can't complete the download/installation. :(
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Very good news, it seems the CBT trial has begun :D

The downside: It requires a download and mentions a list of things that you need to allow the application to do, including:

Read your browsing history
Communicate with cooperating native applications
Communicate with cooperating websites.

Cooperation with native applications means it needs to be allowed to read, write, and alter files in the install location. Apparently some data is saved locally.

Communicating with cooperating websites is a standard MMO deal. You need to have outgoing information to interact with the servers.

And finally, reading your browsing history simply means they're going to find your banking information and break into your account. Very standard Korean MMO procedure, nothing to worry about.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Harpies? Don't tempt me... But its probably a typical MMORPG huh.

It is. Right now there's a pretty major lack of skill variation, though it looks like that will be fixed eventually (Plenty of extra room in the skill menu).

It's basically a bit of an outdated MMORPG with hentai CGs. Certain enemies drop items you use to unlock CG scenes for seemingly random girls. They are voiced pretty well it seems, but I'm a bit disappointed that they aren't using the 3D models for anything but the nude models. Some enemies lose their clothing as you fight them but that's about it as far as the 3D goes. Like anybody on this forum hasn't nude patched an MMO before >.> Pretty much all it feels like.

I mean it's a step in a good direction for DMM games and it has potential. I'm not sure if I'll continue playing it though since communication with other players is kind of off limits for me. I don't want to be that one guy speaking a foreign language in the party, you know? That and the 3 different art styles is a bit weird. It seems like they just jacked an old MMORPG and shoved cel shaded CGs in it. There's the 3d models, the 2d art (Similar but a bit under Vindicitus' style, which is actually pretty great) and the Cel shaded 2D CGs. It's like somebody just smashed 3 different worlds together, so that's a bit awkward.

Pvp is interesting... You can 2-3 shot most players but everybody also has auto potions (That you can set when they activate, like at 50% health or 25% health or whatever). So you smack somebody to near death and they're suddenly fully healed, it's a bit weird to me but I guess it works. Seemed like just massive battles of TDM from what I could see. It was fun freezing enemy players in place and watching a dozen of my teammates flatten them. I could see how warriors are probably upset about balance at this point... The auto potions kind of make healing for a Magician pointless though.

Good news is if you've ever played an MMORPG, you won't even need to translate much. It's all pretty typical and easy to understand. It's actualy better than I expected, but I had very low expectations lol. It is solid for an MMORPG (That was created like 10 years ago).

And finally, reading your browsing history simply means they're going to find your banking information and break into your account. Very standard Korean MMO procedure, nothing to worry about.

Ah, of course.

Game does grow on you, and Warriors are stronger than I thought thanks to the chance to block. I did a lot better in pvp as a Warrior than as a Mage, and I was melting faces as a Mage lol. Maybe I'll try Archer soon.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

man if it wasnt typical point and click mmo fodder this game would be gold. I hope the cgs aren't hard to rip
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

man if it wasnt typical point and click mmo fodder this game would be gold. I hope the cgs aren't hard to rip

Yeah, I wish you could transform or something. There isn't really anything unique about it atm.

One of my favorite old mmos was this old Korean one where you could temporarily transform into beasts. You had to carry around an egg and grow it and there was like a tiger transformation and a phoenix transformation, was so boss. Can't remember the name of it though. Transforming always makes things better. Vindictus did it well too.

Oh hey, I found it, Kalonline:

Why is their website still active...OH GOD IT'S STILL ONLINE. HOW. There's even new transformations. MMO's live forever.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

MMO's never die. They just get stranger and stranger as the playerbase bleeds away to the only hard core players. Or they actually try to die and then some players pick it up and start their own servers.

Soo.... what am I doing wrong? I click the giant pick registration button and it reloads the page? Been having this trouble with a couple of dmm games lately.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

Ah if you click some of the links I posted in the 2nd post in the thread, it'll take you to the site I usually see when I log in. Try from there. I also updated the link in the main post, though I'm not sure if it'll help since it's a closed beta test. Lemme know if it works out. Maybe their registration page is just borked.

Oh there's an elimination style pvp too. I like the TDM one better, infinite respawns, makes for more interesting combat. In the elimination one, people just stand back and hide.

Inventory space is going to be a problem I can see. I can't tell what non equippable items are useful and which are trash, one downside to not understanding the language. The green text seems like it's used in things like equipment upgrades, not sure about the white text stuff.

Also Ice Mages are a bit awkward. Since there's a different skill for mana cost reduction and damage boosts between fire and ice, it's difficult to choose which to use. Ice's first attack has a bit of a cooldown while fire's doesn't. So you usually have to use fire and ice if you use ice. Well, a lot of the skills seems like you'll need most of them eventually anyways (At least on Mages and Warriors). Hope there's a way to redo your skills for free. I'll try to stick with ice for now.

Most mages I see are fire, maybe they know something I don't or maybe it's preference, hard to tell. Both trees seem similar to me except fire gets some weak dots and ice gets cc. Ice is probably more for pvp and fire for pve. Ah, I just noticed that fire has a much shorter cooldown on their 2nd spell as it ranks up, that's probably it. Oh well, gotta commit now.

Game has harpies, devil girls, fairy girls (They're full sized though :() and Naga so far. Good variety of monster girls. They aren't quite nude though. Do want a chance to get cgs from them~ Aww, the devil girls are so cute.
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

do not tell me you can just straight get the monsters/ girls cg like capturing pokemon that would totally make up for the typical fodder mmo setup
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

do not tell me you can just straight get the monsters/ girls cg like capturing pokemon that would totally make up for the typical fodder mmo setup

I don't think so, but I really have no idea at this point. By playing till level 24ish, I've only unlocked 2 of the starter girl's CGs scenes shown here:

I haven't even found other CG girls yet. Maybe it's just me not understanding the system well though. Went through the help topics again now that I understand the game better, and it seems like you need to unlock additional character's scenes (By "Repairing" her page, whatever that means. The option for it is greyed out to me.). Also if you finish a girl, you're rewarded with an item/items.

So far the CGs seem pretty random, I don't know if they're even supposed to be any 3D model girls in game or if they're just random characters. I think they're supposed to be "Sealed Valkyries", so I'm going with random characters. A shame they don't seem to be integrating the sex better into the world.


Alright I managed to complete the starter girl's CGs, it unlocked 2 more girls who I have to "Repair" before I can begin unlocking their CGs. The reward for finishing the starter girl was an inventory expansion, WHOOO. Though it may be temporary, I have no idea. All I know is that it was necessary lol. Repairing the girls in the H book costs 4 of this green liquid (White text) that drops randomly, not sure exactly where I got it from. Seems most the random items I've been collecting are for unlocking different girl's H scenes. So prepare to hoard all the items x.x
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

For those wondering about the 3D models and monster girls, I made a quick, sloppy little collage. Contains boobs. The NPCs don't lose their panties (Yet anyways). Things do look better in game, I had to resize these images and I have no idea if I'm on the best graphics setting. There are player look-alike npcs all over the place. They lose their top, bottoms and bra as they lose health.

Hard to get decent pictures when they're killing you... Boss Lamia seemed to have a bit of jiggle physics. Didn't really notice it too much with anybody else, but who knows. Top left girl is actually a nymph/fairy girl of sorts, but I missed her wings in the back.


Better image of one of the fairy girls:

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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

May I asking how to increase our inventory capacity? There are many items that I don't know what should I keep and what not. :confused:

I've attached my current inventory, could anyone tell me what should I keep? :p


  • Troy_Inv.jpg
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Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

May I asking how to increase our inventory capacity? There are many items that I don't know what should I keep and what not. :confused:

I've attached my current inventory, could anyone tell me what should I keep? :p

My inventory increased when i finish the first girl cg. After that, you got an item to expand your inventory.

After finishing the first girl, you also unlock 2 other girl. You need to unlock them with an item(green bottle?) to level up the cg.
Re: [DMM] Troy Game Princess

I like how I mention inventory expansion the post above his, lol. Try the search button next time. I even talked about what most the random items do in the same post. Maybe your first language isn't English or something so I'll clarify:

Item Explainations:

1: Most or all random white text items seem to be used for unlocking H CGs.
2: That green potion in particular looking item is used to "Repair" CG girl's pages so you can start unlocking their scenes.
3: Those different colored spirit/fire looking items you have throughout your inventory are temporary buffs that you generally receive from pvp or by buying with the pvp currency. Just double click to use them. You can buy these by clicking the middle button at the bottom of your inventory. Orange is Attack, Blue is Defense, Red is HP, Purple is MP, not sure on Green, probably Magic Attack
4: The Hourglass item increases the time you can AFK/Auto Farm. Click the A near the minimap to begin/set that up.
5: The random items with green text so far seem to be mainly for the crafting system you can use in the main town.
6: I believe this includes the crystal looking items, you can slot them on equipment.

TLDR: Basically everything has a purpose right now. I haven't found much that's "trash" items. I think you can tell specifically what's used for unlocking H CGs if you aren't able to put the item in your Bank Stash in town (Probably so you can't share those items among your characters for easy reward unlocking).

Finishing CGs Unlocks Stuff:

First Girl: Inventory Expansion
Second Girl: ??
Third Girl: ??
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