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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

The method is just like the emperor thing from LoV, but sadly not much people doing it. Usualy people just straight up beating that boss, not to mention its not just our friendlist can hit that boss. Random guy can joining too, so its kinda hard to do those thing

ah at least 7 ppl in my friendlist doing so...
I did check the dmg dealt sometime when clearing my friendlist who seem like quiting so i'm all good keeping it up.
someone just gota start doing it, and its not like i always chage team all the time just whenever i felt like it
*specialy on last stamina use i usualy didnt bother chage my team or else my assist will be bad for ppl who need my team*
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

What i do is whenever i find the boss or helping other ppl boss i always change my team to single unit and let the boss kill me... leaving it with still almost full hp and let other kill it.
The method is just like the emperor thing from LoV, but sadly not much people doing it. Usualy people just straight up beating that boss, not to mention its not just our friendlist can hit that boss. Random guy can joining too, so its kinda hard to do those thing.
How players have to know about it? No one tip doesn't say about it, does it? I didn't know about it till this moment, too.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yeah, ever since the last update patch up to 30 people can join the raid boss including random people too, so it kind of hard to share raid boss. Not to mention the daily quest require you to be the one last hit the boss (killing the boss doesn't count if the boss already defeated by others).

Also, I lost some friend list after switch to weak team for clearing 40 stam event map that take a while, probably because the power level take a while to update, and my team look weak.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

How players have to know about it? No one tip doesn't say about it, does it? I didn't know about it till this moment, too.

Well sadly FKG dont have like status/comment or whatever to tell about it, if you think about it none of the raid boss hp reach 2m (unless its the scorpion thing that have 12m hp). And judjging by how much damage player (Probaly around 300k more) It only req 2-3 people to kill the boss, by reducing/lowering your damage more people can join in. Well no one know about this method cuz no one ever to bother lowering the damage, and i was one of them than i start to think "What if i lower the damage so more player can join in and will i still get the same reward?" And than yeah i still have same reward even tho i only hit so little damage, than some of my friend do that method. No one bring this up untill altrius, i though im the only 1 who's doing it. Hope after you guys see this method, you guys start doing it :D
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

and this : o

after i redid my team this poped up :eek:

TwilightFae game name
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

That might be the no more space in your inventory notice
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yup, girl inventory is full, go sell a couple or use some for low level exp fodder.

Yay, praise RNGesus for I finally 3* the 10-3 map! Now for 10-4, which is almost as bad.......
Also my first girl (Suzuran) evolved finally, holy shit such a power boost they get from evolving of level 60 and full affection :eek:
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

For the past few weeks I've been spamming dmm with disposable emails to try and see if the gatcha system is based on time. About 10-15 accounts per day.

At around 5 PM (google japan time) +- 15 minutes I get the best rolls in all games, including FKG. I don't know why, but that's how it is. This is the daily observation.

Now, best rolls means all silvers or golds. This is the part I'm having trouble taking apart. One day I could get a couple of accounts with three golds drawn in a row, while another day gives three silvers in a row. On a particular day I suddenly get spammed with rainbows, though only one, never two or three in a row. This has only happened twice where now I have 8 accounts that has the 2nd or 3rd drawn a rainbow.

This is what happens when I get impatient and roll anytime away from 5 PM, complete garbage. Sometimes good results on days where I draw mostly golds.

It appears I'm not the only one doing this. Others also spam dmm with disposables until they get what they want and start from there.

When starting new accounts I notice that those who started with me draw almost the same starting silver.

I don't know what triggers days with triple silver/golds, or rainbows, and haven't been doing this long enough to guesstimate. I don't see a pattern.

Take the above info how you want. This was more fun than playing the actual game itself XD. It's nothing but a beautified slot machine in my eyes.

If it had the same skip function that raid bosses have for stages then I would play, but instead get an idiotic ability that forces me to stare at the same maps and spam clicks to proceed -> not fun.

The disposable accounts from weeks ago haven't been deleted which tells me dmm doesn't give a fuck XD.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Prepare to rage quit on second map, you will feel how i feel on the last 30,50,80 map :mad:
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

RNG was kind to me, only took 2 attempts to 3-medal the 30-stam map for me. One because I had no idea about the spawn hiding under the leftmost start. I intentionally brought a weaker assist to suicide against the boss, but it ended up not being necessary.

That 50-stam map, though... Top-left spawn is a trap, the bottom-middle locked circle is another spinner, and that teleport takes you to the top-left. I haven't 3-medal'd it yet but it looks like you need 2 teams to start in the top-right, 3 in the bottom spawn... And then it's a matter of praying that they don't all teleport out before opening the bottom left lock, and that whatever team makes it out first goes to the middle spawn off the spinner.

Edit: Managed to get it after a couple attempts with the setup mentioned. No team gets a free pass to the boss if laid out this way, they'll just loop around until they exit out the teleport. I did luck out in that the first team to get free and make it to the boss was the ~50k power assist team, with my primary team hitting the spawn off the spinner before making it to the boss.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Much appreciated. Got 3 medals on my first attempt thanks to you.

Happy to be of assistance. :D

I'm afraid the 80-stam map is even more of a case of just praying to RNGesus.

You have to send 3 teams top to get 2 units through the spinner, which leaves you 2 teams at the bottom. The dead-center middle lock is a boss spawn, and the rest of the locks are spinners, one of which can lead to the last boss. There is no way for units in the middle to go up to the top 2 spawns.

I've only gotten 2 attempts in, but I think the positioning to use would be: 2 teams in the top-left, 1 in top-right, and then 1 in each of the bottom starts. The argument could be made to put both bottom teams on the bottom-left spawn, but you're still essentially putting yourself at 50/50 odds if you do.

The boss is a level 65 big red scorpion, and will probably take 2 <85k teams to kill for the most part.

In short: You have to win 3 50/50s and have a team make it to and kill the middle boss before another ends it.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Prepare to rage quit on second map, you will feel how i feel on the last 30,50,80 map :mad:

I haven't even able to play the map and already feel to rage quit cause after freaking long to load the event map, I went AFK and the game force me to re-login, wasting my stamina again. I think they should add skip function which skip the entire extra dialogue(without download it) or having the player enter the event map after the dialogue, so no stamina wasted when the loading fail.

Now that the loading finished, lets hope the RNG won't fail me this time :(

Edit: Thanks to the tip I cleared 30 and 80 map in 1 shot, while 50 stam map in 2 tries for my main team, as for the other team still stuck on 50 map after 4 tries :(
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Pfiou event over for the 3 account , the rng on map 50 was really annoying. I'm glad is over now . Let's hope that the next event isn't rng base like this one , dead to the random arrow :D.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

it looks like you need 2 teams to start in the top-right, 3 in the bottom spawn...
Yep, worked for me too except I had to figure out how not to get my main team killed by the end boss every time so I could 3* it... Eventually it hit me and I put my main team on the top right tent and let my strong assist on the bottom tent to wreck the boss :)

Maybe might be able to 1* the 80-map, but seriously need to get my teams stronger first :l
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

So here's a fun little thing that happens once in a while, thanks to Rose's ability.


  • walking-dead.jpg
    78.6 KB · Views: 0
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl


Best pull ever!
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Hi I´m thinking about start this game, but on the info page, are two buttons one pink and the other is kinda blue, any one can tell me what are the diferences?