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The Kidnapped Princess CYOA


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
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Hey there came back on here after a couple years of just lurking for games and honestly wanted to do a CYOA this time. I tried once before and lost interest, this time I'm more focus and look forward to seeing what adventures we can take the lovely princess Silvia on as she attempts to escape her kidnapper.

The Kidnapped Princess

Princess Silvia awakens in her meager cell in the bowels of the dungeon. Her mind shifts slightly attempting to remember how she got to this strange room. She rises and finds herself in nothing more then the party dress she wore to her ball. It clicks then she was at her ball, and she went outside to see someone do something. Afterwards she felt something move over her face and darkness was soon to follow. She was kidnapped.

She took stock of the room she currently resided in, it was a simple cell with four stone walls and a ceiling, she had a window to the outside world at the very top of the wall. As it was six feet up to the cil of the window she had no way to looking through it carefully, but she could see the night sky. At least she knew she was partially underground.

She looked to the door to the room and found it a large circle with two orbs resting in it, as she moved closer the orbs began to shift slightly, as a long shaft emerged from it. Easily eight inches long and rest there, lightly glistening with some fluid. She smirks as she mutters to herself.

“Why are they always trying to fuck princesses, why can’t they just have nice normal political motivations for their actions?” She said mostly to herself as it was obviously a trigger for a message as her captors face appeared upon the wall, it was not an ugly face to say the least. But it was also currently made of stone so who knew what he really looked like.

“Really fucking you also has political connotations, I want your mothers kingdom and you as my sex slave and wife is an easy way to get it.” He said although his image did not await her answer. “You’ll notice that lock is on your side of the door, you're welcome to escape the cell, if you can reach the ground outside of the castle wall you’re free to leave. If you fail, well we both know what happens to you if you fail. Good luck princess.” He finished and his image faded from the wall, and she is left by herself again. She turned to the lock and stared at it, she disliked the idea of blowing a magical locking mechanism, so she investigated the room more thoroughly, she wanted options not just doing the horrible things he wanted her to do.

As she walked the wall of the room she noticed a hole, it was not large, but it was right against wall and barely big enough for her to squeeze into the next room. Although looking into it she knew the next room was not a cell, but also something was in the room. The only sound moving from the room was a soft sound of something sliding along the ground, and the squish of moisture. It was honestly just a little disturbing, but she pushed that from her mind, she could probably get out of that room, probably.

“Great left with two bad choices of what I could do going forward, I can attempt to suck off a magical trap, or I can go into another cell with probably a horrible beast there just waiting to fuck me senseless.” She paused as she gazed up at the ceiling, “Choices, choices.” She finishes as she mulls her options and makes her choice..

Two choices available to you, obviously.
Suck off the lock
Squeeze into the other room and deal with what ever is causing that noise.

(Ooo sorry I just copy pasted it from my work processor and didn't notice the lack of good formatting, my bad I'll be more on the ball for it going forward, thanks for the heads up.)
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Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Squeeze into the other room, if just to de defiant. :D
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Squeeze into the other room

There's no way to know how many times she'll have to suck the "lock"...
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Please format your post a bit better, double-spacing between paragraphs rather than just using the next line. its difficult to read with everything being bunched up like that.

Also, B) Squeeze into other room.

Edit: Much better! Thanks for fixing it real quick. :)
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Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

(the B's take it decidedly)

Silvia steeled herself as she moved to the small hole, it would be a tight squeeze but she would make it. She laid down and began slowly inching herself into the next room the pace was slow. Every inch a struggle as the walls pressed against her body, a slightly bit of sweat coating her body, sticking her silken dress to her sexy body. She found the wall path was decidedly longer than she expected, at least five feet to the next room. When she saw the room and the noise from the room she knew why, it was not another cell, but a pen for odd creatures.

She stared at the large collection of worm like creatures slithering about in their own slime. At least ten of them slithered about the small little holding area for them. She watched as a pair of feet moved to the hole at the far end and tossed another one into the entrance, it slithered lightly and moved into the group of them. The man muttered as he moved away.

"I hate messing with those stupid worms, can't touch any of your skin with that slime or you find yourself hard for hours and nothing you can do will make it go away." He said with a grunt as he moved back away from the hole and out of sight, Silvia stared at the mass of worms, she had only one way past them that would not rub them all over her body. She grit her teeth and began crawling through the pen.

It was barely big enough for her to sit without hitting her head on the ceiling. She had to crawl to move through it. She stared at the worms again, they moved absentmindedly without any direction or senses to guide them. She figured they responded to touch, although maybe they were simply creatures made from magic, for their slime They were about five inches around and each one at least ten feet long. It explained the pen, it was easily as large as her cell, teen feet by ten feet but only three feet tall, dark cold storage for these creatures.

She drew in a breath and began crawling forward along the wall around the large mass in the rooms center. Attempting to keep her back as close to the ceiling of the room as possible. She had to cross five of them, the first was easy enough, she had managed to avoid any puddles of slime them with her hands so far. As she moved over it her her experience in the room turned bad, her dress slide over the one she had just crawled over. Three of the worms moved upwards into her body, the first slide across her stomach and between her breasts slathering her dress in the slime. She felt the another slide against her naked arm as the first slide up around her other leg, slathering her skin in more of the slime. The heat and arousal washed over her body, all but numbing her to the cold and discomfort of the stone under her knee's and hands. She kept moving forward pushing her body to get herself out. As she rushed towards the exit two more rushed up sliding over her body, covering her arms in more slime as they did. Her body screamed for attention all but denying her control of her limbs, and collapsing her into the full mass of worms. She knew that would be her end, but she kept herself together and kept moving reaching the end of the pen and rapidly crawling free of the horrible pen.

Panting, barely able to stop herself, she crawled into the far corner of the hallway. She slide into an empty cell at across from the pen. She shuddered as she felt the slime on her body, and slowly slide her hand between her legs. She was already wet and ready. She desired the touch of anything, man, woman, monster, just something to fuck her. She slide her dress aside and slide her fingers over her silk panties, a small moan escaped her lips as she did, her eyes fluttered for a moment. They shot open again as she realized what just happened and she clapped her hand over her mouth, as her eyes darted down the hallway.

She held her breath as she waited, after thirty seconds it seemed that nobody had heard her, she took off her panties daintily and balled them up placing them into her own mouth as she attempted to muffle her coming moans. She slide her fingers over her pussy again, feeling them slide over her clit with a moan as she felt her body cool down she slide two fingers inside of herself and a muffled moan escaped her pussy. She knew what to do to make her orgasm, as hse pulled her other hand forward and began lightly circling her clit as she thrust her fingers inside her. Her orgasm came rapidly and with little warning, as she felt herself slide over the edge and cum, her eyes rolling into her head as she let out a muffled moan from her pantie stuffed mouth..

She had played with herself before, but never had her orgasm come so quickly or so powerfully. 'Good gods that was intense,' She thought to herself as she sat panting against the wall 'I've never orgasmed that hard or that quickly before. That stuff can easily make any normal woman into a completely broken sex slave in an hour.' She continued to herself 'Maybe less.' She made a mental note of the worms, and her need to destroy them once she killed the mage and took the castle with her mothers army.

She rested against the wall panting through her balled panties as she leaned into the corner for a moment, her mind snapping back to focus as the fire from the slime passed mostly. She removed her panties from her mouth and held them. 'Well not putting these things back on.' She thought to herself as she tossed them into the empty cell. She rose to her feet and began sneaking down the hallway moving in the same direction as the man who dropped off the worm had. She moved around a corner keeping to the cell entrances. She stopped in the first cell on the final hallway, staring at the guard position. There were two sitting at a table playing cards, she needed to get past them somehow.

She looked to her left at the cell across from her and saw a minotaur, a beast of burden. It had smelled her and had pulled itself tight against the chains in it's cell holding it restrained. It's eyes consumed by violent lust. Releasing him would probably draw them away from their posts. The beast itself could also just as easily grab her and fuck her senseless as well.

'great from pleasure worms to minotaurs, this place gets better and better.' Silvia thought to herself as she looked to the cell to her right. Inside against the wall rested a young woman, a strikingly beautiful young woman. She could also be useful, but a pang of guilt passed through her as she contemplated using this young woman as a distraction for the guards.

The woman's cell was open and so she entered the cell and the young woman raised her eyes to meet hers. They were unfocused and glazed over, empty of any humanity. Silvia shuddered as she realized this woman has been enslaved by either magic, the drugs here, or both. Her mind completely gone, at least the mind she had before.

"What does mistress desire of me?" She asked with a large smile, her expression was one of happiness. Silvia stared at her as she moved into the cell, surprised she was so aware of her surroundings.

"Can you help me distract to guards?" Silvia asked chewing her lip as she did, she knew what she was asking but she also knew the woman would say yes. Her eyes began looking over the beautiful woman. The woman was in little more than a white chest wrap barely holding her breasts to her body and a white loincloth. Again leaving nothing of her to the imagination. Her skin was shimmering and Silvia realized why, it was covered in the slime.

"If that is my mistresses desire, I can easily distract them." She said as she removed her chained hands fro the wall, they were still shackled but the chain only connected her wrists by a foot and a half of chain. It was resting on a hook before silvia met the woman's eyes, and felt drawn into them, it had to be the slime side effect. The woman spoke again, "But I can see desire in mistresses eyes, does she desire me to pleasure her?"

She looked away rushed, doing her best to avoid the woman she took a step away from the advancing slave and thought over her options. She could release the minotaur, and if she kept it from grabbing her it would probably fight the guards letting her sneak past. She could also dress the slave girl up as her and send her out to distract the guards. Although the idea of the girl pleasuring her was also appealing. She shook her head and let her mind focus on getting out of here, but the flush in her cheek remained.

A. Use the minotaur
B. use the girl
C, fuck the girl?
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

If we were a bit more evil I would suggest using the Girl on the Minotaur.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

C, then B
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

B is for bandwagons!
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

(B does seem to be for bandwagon)

Silvia stared at the woman as she slowly approached and began removing her silk dress from her neck letting the soaked fabric fall from her body. standing before the woman naked. A light blush on her cheeks as she stared at the woman her eyes never changed from their position they simply stared at her empty.

"Disrobe and put that on please, I need you to distract the guards ideally down another hallway so I can get out of here." She said in her most commanding tone, a small smile on her face she sounded very convincing. The slave woman wasted no time and instantly removed her white top and loin cloth and moved picking up the dress sliding her rather voluptuous body into the dress.

She stared at her something behind her eyes making her confused, as she donned the dress her eyes light up and seemed to gain more intelligence and awareness. They were still empty of humanity but she seemed better able to think with the slime on her body.

“Understood mistress, would you rather I just incapacitated them with me at their table, that would be easier.” She said as she watched Silvia don her previous clothing.

She sighed happy to have something not covered in pleasure slime wrapped around her body. She ignored now revealing they were and simply watched the slave woman stare at her. She contemplated what she had said.

“Can you really manage that?” She asked staring at her as the slave girl slide her finger over the slime on the cress collecting a bit of it upon her finger. She stared at Silvia and smiled.

“This much can incapacitate anyone for about a minute, I will make sure they get some inside their mouths, when ingested the slime is a hundred times more potent.” She said staring at her as Silvia watched her, a thought finally creeping into the princesses mind.

‘Why exactly was this slave girl obeying her orders? Silvia watched her and realized something, that slime might be addictive.” She paused herself for a moment and asked the slave woman the question on her mind.

“What happened to you here?” She asked her teeth tight as she expected to dislike the answer. The slave woman stared at her her eyes seemed intelligent and active but emotionless, aside from lust.

“I was brought her to serve my masters pleasure, and I molested by the pleasure worms he created over a month. After that month the only time I had any semblance of my mind left was when the lovely slime was slathered over my body. Good bye mistress, good luck on your journey.” She said as she turned and left the room turning to the guards and heading their way.

Silvia stared at her her eyes widened as she wished her luck on your journey, the mage ordered her to help her if she could get to her. The fucking bastard set her up to use a broken sex slave to get her out of the dungeon. She felt violated and angry but pushed all the emotions from her mind, trying her best to focus on getting out of her. She heard a pair of moans and knew she should get moving. Although she had not prepared herself for what she saw.

The Slave woman was laying her back upon the table the slime covered fabric of her dress was pulled between her breasts and her hands were currently slathering the remaining slime over her nipples as she pinched them. Her head hanging lightly over the edge of the table as one guard passionately pounded into her throat while another pounded away between her legs. She had never seen a woman so completely absorbed in her pleasure, she loved every second of her rough fucking, and the guards loved it too. Silvia got about to the stairwell upwards before she turned and watched them going at it again. She was tempted to stay and watch, but knew she had more important things to do.

The mage had cast something on her, she was never this horny or lustful before, she needed to get out of here before she fell into a trap and lost herself possibly forever.

She rose up the stairwell eventually coming upon a door into the main courtyard, the tower itself had a moan around it, but it looked like still water she it shouldn’t be too hard to get across. Although she heard sounds from above her, electricity moving between bars, and the light hum of magical lights. Silvia could investigate that, it might wind up giving her something useful to help her escape, although it could also be a trap.

A. Investigate the tower
B. Cross the moat into the castle proper.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

A. Investigate the tower. Search for something to help cross the moat without touching the water.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

(I apologize for the delay on responding here, had a family reunion that ate much of my time recently. it is done so I should be continuing as normal)

She stared at the moat it was escape, ideally the way out but the moat itself was obviously teeming with things that would want little more than to drag her under and do horrible things to her. She needed a way to cross the water, ideally without going into it.

Silvia turned and headed up the stairs deeper into the tower, she only needed to head on floor up before she found what she was looking for. The source of the noises she heard at the base of the stairs she saw the mage standing before a magic circle with a beautiful woman bound in magic inside the circle. She stared at him with hatred in her eyes as she obviously disliked her situation. Their conversation was too quiet to hear but she could tell they were talking. After a short while he stopped and turned towards the door she was peering into the room from.

She needed a place to hide but the stairwell up was less than helpful for her hiding. She paused for a moment and with a stroke of luck found a small crevice to conceal herself in as he passed. She watched him walk past, as he moved she noticed him deep in a book as he walked down the stairs. After he left she sighed and left the hiding space, and moved into the large room, it was filled with three tables and covered with many arcane words. The woman in the center of the room turned to her and smiled and spoke to her with a musical alluring voice.

"Well well well, what do I have here." She said with a large grin. "It seems his prize has escaped, although he expected it, and came to me. Why are you here puppet?" She asked and Silvia found herself unable to stay quiet she responded to the lovely woman.

"I am the princess and I escaped his stupid dungeon. I need to cross the moat and need something to assist me with that." She said taking a step back from the bound woman, her ability to coerce her into speaking was terrifying to the young princess.

"What are you?" She asked the fear in her voice palpable at this point.

"A succubus, bound to this circle by that bastard. If you free me I can get you across that moat very easily. And I promise that the mage will not have you." She said with a smile as she locked eyes again with the princess her body arousing as the succubus stared at her, her gaze was powerful and enticing.

She knew staying here would be hazardous to her health, and her mind, but she needed help getting across the moat. She turned back to the beautiful seductress and stared at her doing her best to avoid her gaze. The succubus smiled at her as she watched the princess attempt to avoid her gaze it amused her to no end.

“Well if you release me I can help you get across the moat, although I doubt you trust me. I will state this, if I wanted to simply control you into doing what I wanted then you would already be doing it. Your mind is strong enough, release me and I can get you across the moat, and on your way.” She said with a large grin, Silvia did her best to ignore her and take in the rest of the room but it seemed like a summoning room, with little else inside but the bound demoness.

‘Can I really risk the moat? Or should I to avoid becoming her pawn, I assume the binding limits her powers and she is already captivating with that.” Silvia let her mind wander the succubus watched her her chest rising and falling, Silvia finding her eyes drawn to her rising and falling cleavage, ‘She’s already inside my head, I need to get out or let her free. Or she’ll just dominate me and make me do it anyways.’ Silvia shuddered as she thought this, it was decision time.

Release the succubus, Leave and return to the moat, try another plan.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Release the succubus.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

(OOC note I apologize for the delay, I find that my posts are getting a little long. Do you guys think they are too long, just right not long enough? And is there an update schedule you would prefer. Nothing set in stone just like at least a post per week? Just kind of want an idea of what people think and what they want, feel free to speak your mind I would rather know where I'm falling flat then keep going on something that's not desired.)

Silvia stared at the lovely demoness she closed her eyes and made peace with her horrible lot.

'I don't have another choice, I need her help to get over that moat. I really hope I don't come to regret this choice.' She thought with her teeth clenched as she walked back to the succubus.

"What do I need to do to free you?" She asked doing her best to keep herself together before the lustful creature radiating the sexual energy and her seductive captivating eyes. Hey eyes gleamed in joy as she watched the princess and heard her speak.

"It's simple really, just use your foot and smear or remove a symbol from this circle." She said with a smile towards the scantily clad princess, Silvia stared at her. She moved her foot over to the circle and placed it over a symbol and ran her foot back to her side smearing the symbol completely as the succubus spread her wings and sprang back to her feet again. Her eyes glittering with joy and hunger.

"Thank you my dear, he had me there for hours trying to bind me to him. You have no idea how hungry I am after all that teasing. I must admit you look delicious." She said with a smile as her eyes locked with Silvia's again and her body tensed for a moment then relaxed as she felt magic once again wash over her. Her mind went into a panic as her body relaxed and her eyes glazed over as the succubus deftly tore the slave girls cloth from her skin.

"Your so horny princess. Let me ease the lust coursing through your body." She said as she grabbed hold of her breasts sending another wave of pleasure through her body. She locked eyes with her again as Silvia finished succumbing to her seduction spell. Her body was completely limp and Silvia's mind unable to order her body to do anything. A smirk on her lips as she began kneading her breasts Silvia moaning lightly as the woman expertly played with her breasts. Her fingers gripping onto her nipples as she continued playing with the lovely woman. Her lips kissing her neck sucking upon her skin, Silvia felt mana flow out of her body as her lips attached to her body.

Panic began to set in as she felt it flow out of her body, she knew what happened when you ran out of mana, your mind faded away. She watched as the succubus released her neck licking her lips a whisp of something blue, almost like smoke floated from her lips. She moaned pleased as obviously the princess was as delicious as she seemed. Her mouth moved hungrily to her breast wrapping around her lovely nipple sucking upon it again. Again she felt the pull of her mana leaving her body, but it was different. This time it light her body up with pleasure, every nerve ending on her chest screamed in ecstasy as the succubus fed upon her breast. Her own body orgasmed almost instantly as her lips wrapped around her breast. Her body writhing in irresistible pleasure as the succubus toyed with her body and drained her mana.

"You're so wet princess, you're practically begging for me to penetrate you with my tail. Although I like drinking my meals personally.” She said as she slide down her body kissing her stomach sucking a small amount of her mana from her with each kiss.

After the first kiss Silvia came hard as the succubus moved another few inches down kissing her again, the surges of pleasure were intoxicating for the princess. Her own free mind almost completely worn out from the orgasms, and intense pleasure that the kisses of the succubus was exposing her to. She was unsure how much more she could take, and it was then that the succubus reached her pussy and kissed her clitorus.

Her body arched it's back as it orgasmed again instantly, as her juices flowed from her pussy the succubus said nothing but slide her tongue inside her, slithering it deeper and deeper. Obviously her tongue was designed to give the pleasure that she needed to keep her prey docile. And Silvia felt her mana draining from her body, she had no idea how much she had to begin with let alone now. Her body orgasmed again, as her mind weakened again, the succubus retracted her tongue from the lovely princess. Sliding her fingers over her wet lips moving them to her mouth and sliding it inside. Silvia licked the succubuses fingers clean mindlessly, releasing her fingers she lay back upon the table panting, her body slowly returning to her control. Although her mind was still hazy and weak from the pleasure, wave after wave, orgasm after orgasm.

"Well I promised to get you across the moat, and I will. But I would not be a demon without offering power, the trade is simple, serve me as my minion and I grant you power. It's simple give yourself to me and embrace my power and start your new life." She said with a large smirk as Silvia could see her juices still around the succubuses lips as she licked the liquid from them. Her body was sore and drained, but she could think, it was slow but clear. She had obviously lost much mana, but she was not in danger of mentally dying.

(Accept the succubuses offer, Fight the succubus and make her submit to you! take the original offer across the moat and go on your drained way into the second phase of your escape.)

(OOC note, accepting the offer from the demon, she obtains the boon pact of lust. Gives her the negatives of demonic power, she can be bound and feeds only on others mana. But she obtains seduction spells and a boost to physical power.)
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Does accepting the pact mean she starts to become a succubus? I'd be okay with that.