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Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Laying there recovering from their rape by the Drinker worm, which had slithered off a bit more plump than before, Vilana finally regained the ability to move after a few short minutes and went over to nudge Theresa, who was still out. Theresa stirred slightly when Vilana touched her, a soft groan coming from her lips, and after another nudge or two Theresa stirred more, a deep breath coming from her that made her chest rise and fall, accentuating her ample breasts as they jiggled a little upon exhaling.

"Oh... that was... intense... and pleasurable at least, like usual. This makes the fourth time all told that one of those has grabbed me before I could get away," Theresa said with a soft groan as one hand ventured down between her legs and gently touched her flower, which was leaking the warm thick sticky cum of the Drinker worm. Theresa cooed softly as she gently wiped a strand of the Drinker's seed off of her lower lips and brought it up in front of her face to look at, a slight grin on her face as she stared at the sticky stuff, where she then licked it off of her finger.

After a couple of more minutes, Theresa finally had the strength to raise up to sit, where she stretched a bit while gently pressing down on her belly to force the rest of the Drinker's seed from her lower holes. She then looked down at her breasts, where she noticed her nipples were a bit puffy and still slightly erect with milk beaded up on the tips. "Aw man... stupid Drinker worm. Made my tits lactate again," Theresa groaned as she looked at her breasts. Theresa then looked over at Vilana and shook her head clear of what had happened as best she could. "C-Come on, we should get cleaned up some before we head into town... there's a creek not too far over there," she went on to say, pointing in the direction of the town again, though Vilana could faintly hear running water that way as well.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana felt her own temptation to suck Theresa's fingers dry... and maybe even use her emptying holes as her own fountain of the juices that dripped from her companion. Her face went red as she realized what thoughts crept into her consciousness!

She gave her own head a panicked shake, before gathering herself up with a nod.

"Y-yeah, cleaned up." She was still sore, and aching, and wanted to rest in a bed so badly. She used the blunt end of the scythe to prop herself up once she recovered, and wearing what was left of her clothes, if anything, began to move to the source of the rushing water.

"Are... are all creatures like that?" She asked Theresa awkwardly.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Theresa lay there, gently rubbing her fingers together which caused a wet squishy sound to come from them as she did so, which Vilana would easily hear. "Y-Yeah... well... many of them are at least. It's better than they were ages ago though when they might try and actually eat you or just kill you," Theresa replied, shuddering a slight bit at the thought.

Theresa got up slowly, recovering her book and the tattered remnants of her robes, which weren't really worth wearing any longer from the looks of it, as they had only enough left to cover her arms and legs somewhat and a bit of her shoulders, but nothing else. Vilana's clothing was in much the same shape as Theresa's, though her shirt could at least be tied around her chest thankfully to cover her breasts, but her shorts however were another story, as were her panties for that matter, as neither were salvageable in any way really, unless she wanted to try and tie the two together to try and make them fit around her hips to cover her crotch.

"C-Come on, it's this way," Theresa said softly as they began heading towards the stream she spoke of before that they could clean up at.

A few short minutes later, they stumbled out of the trees up to the shore of the creek that Theresa had mentioned, with the two mostly naked girls stumbling to their knees as they got over to the water, with Theresa scooping up a few handfuls of water to wash her mouth out a little before she drank down as much as she could in one breath.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana does her best to at least cover her chest, and moves along side Theresa. Her face is red from the noises, she makes her way to the running water. She doesn't sip, or step into it. She quite literally lays down in the midst of the stream, letting the water bathe over her!

"If the monsters are like this... what about everyone else?" She asks after a minute of feeling the cool water rush over her.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

"Well... there are some people and tribes that are quite peaceful and stuff and will help anyone however they can... like the village we're going to. But there are others that... well, they can be more hostile in some ways, but they'll usually not kill anyone though no matter how hostile they are. Then there's the various kinds of... well for lack of a better term, monster girls. They can be rather... forceful much like the monsters and stuff, but they'd never hurt any girls or futanari they might catch, or men for that matter. But there's not a whole lot of men here compared to what used to be, some sort of calamity years and years ages ago," Theresa said, joining Vilana in the stream, but sitting in it and scooping water up and splashing herself with it to clean herself up.

After a few minutes, the girls had themselves cleaned once more, but they were still naked for the most part unfortunately. "That was just one of the mindless monsters though thankfully that was after our juices. There's some that try to pump girls full of eggs, which isn't quite as unpleasant as it sounds. Mostly because they come out not too long afterwards and it's usually a pleasurable experience thanks to the slime coating the eggs. But hopefully we won't run into one of those," Theresa said as she finished up and collected her things from the shore of the creek, waiting for Vilana to get done so they could move on, and looking cooled down now from earlier.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana let herself float for a little while longer, pondering to herself.

What is all this? And will I return home?

She sat upward, standing up and she looked to her only companion that she knew could help her.

"Futa...nari?" She asks, moving to her side as she began to walk the direction of their intended destination. She tried to put the consequences of the sudden shift in scenery out of her mind, for now. At this moment, she needs a glass of wine, and a soft bed, and a nice warm robe...
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

"Yeah futanari... or hermaphrodite if you don't know the term. Girls that have both a pussy and a dick... and some also have testicles which are always fun to tickle and play with when you got one of those gals playing with you. B-But anyway, I uh... h-help me up and we can get moving," Theresa replied, stuttering and looking a bit embarrassed about the bit she'd said about the hermaphrodites and them having testicles to play with.

Once Theresa was up again, she grabbed her stuff once more and began moving onwards towards the town again. "Are you alright Vilana? That's got to be a rude awakening of sorts with that Drinker Worm," Theresa asked while the both of them walked along, though she was keeping a better look on the trail they were following to make sure nothing else was able to sneak up them both again.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana pursed her lips together as she thought about such a thing. "H-huh..." The residual effects of the drinker still left her with some warmth, and there was a squirm in her hips. She moved along after helping Theresa to her feet. The silence was deafening, until she heard Theresa's question.

"Ah, no, I'm fine... Just trying not to think about it." She said with a smile. Her mind wandered back again to the violation, and she felt her body grow warmer. Wrestling with the reflex of being repulsed and the desire to be filled, she felt a blush creep across her face as she peered sheepishly down at her feet as they walked.

"So, ah, what kind of job do you have? Or do you just miss monsters for money?" She teased, changing the subject.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

"Mmm, I guess that's a good thing. It's bound to happen eventually though most likely," Theresa said, looking down at her feet a little as she replied.

When Vilana asked Theresa what kind of job she had, the mage girl brightened up and looked back. "Well... like I said before I'm a mage. I mostly do little spells here and there for people that can't do magic, and I make fertility potions for girls trying to get pregnant by the matriarchs in their respective villages when I'm passing through. But I can also do a birth control potion too along with a few others. I'm not the greatest mage as you can probably tell, but spells aren't my strong point, potions are," Theresa replied, looking a bit brighter now that she was talking about her occupation a bit. "But... I don't fight monsters normally so long as I can help it. I'm not very good at it. I... w-well... I have s-sold my body before though when times were tough and I needed money. The village elders often pay good money or goods for any outsiders willing to please one of their matriarchs for a night so they can take a rest from their duties of doing so. The matriarchs just so you know are what the folks around call the hermaphrodite gals. Most every village has at least one matriarch to breed and stuff, and they're protected by all the villages too regardless... or at least most of them anyway. Some villages are a little mean about it and try to force them into being their breeders though, but they're mostly fairly far away from these parts. But even they rarely kill other folks, because that's just one more girl who can't have a baby by the matriarchs," Theresa went on to say, blushing a bit about Vilana's teasing.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana tried to soak all of it in, but it seemed so foreign to her.

"This place revolves a lot around sex it seems..." She said finally, raising a brow at Theresa.

"I guess it's better than killing, like my home." She said after a brief silence to re-assure Theresa.

"So is being a fertility wizard common? Like, a fast food worker?" She asks with a grin of self amusement.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

"Yeah... it kind of does I guess. We're kinda used to it," Theresa said, shrugging a bit as she answered. "And... no offense but your home sounds dangerous, and a little scary if things and people try to kill you," she added with an apologetic look on her face.

"As for being a fertility wizard as you put it. Like me, no there's not a whole lot of people that have magical talent and stuff. Maybe about... I dunno, probably around one in every ten has magical talent of some sort, of humans like myself at least. Elves have probably one in every five at least, hell most of them have talent. But, I don't know what a fast food worker is, unless it's someone who can use magic to literally create food using it. I can't do any of those food spells yet, but I can do a magic ritual that can act as a fertility spell of sorts for plants and make them bear fruit or make vegetables grow faster. There's upgraded forms of that ritual that can make plants and crops ripen within seconds so you can pick and eat them," Theresa said after Vilana asked about her magic skills.

Theresa continued leading the way they had been going and soon they were back on the main trail they'd been on when the Drinker worm had came upon them. They came up to the crest of a hill and before them was a lush green valley, a few clearings here and there in the far distance near a large hill which Vilana could see smoke rising from a few chimneys at. "It's a small village. Maybe about seventy five people give or take. More of a stopover kind of place for people to rest at on their way through the little valley here. It's a part of the Sethana clan's lands," Theresa said as they topped the hill, the trees still quite thick around them and through this small valley.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

"E-elves? Like fairy tale elves? With pointed ears and escorting short people?" Vilana blinked in surprise of the revelation.

Am I even in the same universe?

She fell silent again, rearranging her makeshift covering several times to try and cover herself, letting Theresa fill the void of conversation. When they came upon the signs of the village, her face brightened a little. She took a deep breath, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Those... are very specific numbers. So! Ah... Can I borrow some cash for new clothes, and a nice hotel room?"

She asked with wide eyes as she leaned over.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

"Y-Yeah... kinda... I guess. You've never seen an elf before? And there's an inn there too we can rest at. It's actually where I was heading. I had just been resting my feet and reading my spellbook when you came along. As for clothes... they'll probably give us some when we tell them what happened to ours. People from the Sethana clan are fairly generous thankfully," Theresa said as they looked over the small valley at the town, which was on the far side of it. "It'll probably take us a good couple of more hours to get there at least, maybe more depending on who or what gets in our way. Hope you don't mind walking, but they'll help us out when we get there. I've been through here before and they're pretty good people," she added before started the trek down the hill they were on and into the valley.

Leading the way, Theresa picked them out a safe looking path down the hill so they didn't fall or get hurt, and once they approached the bottom where it leveled off they were on their way easily enough once more. Travel along the forest in the valley was a little slower going even on the fairly traveled path they were on, and as they walked along they passed several little creatures that Vilana recognized, such as squirrels and birds of various kinds, a few bugs here and there she recognized as well such as bees buzzing around and a grasshopper jumping to and fro, as well as butterflies flying around, one of which nearly slammed into Vilana's face.

After walking for about half an hour or a little more, the pair came to another small creek, though this one was wasn't deep or difficult to cross. As they were climbing up the small embankment on the other side of the creek, the girls heard the sound of a twig snapping under someones or somethings foot. Theresa gasped and looked up, where about 20 feet away the girls saw a tall woman, at least 6 to 6 and a half feet tall, though from this distance it was a little hard to tell from where they were. She wore a leather loincloth skirt and top and held a large axe in one hand, and she had long blonde hair and large breasts, and she was fairly muscled, though not very greatly, and she looked quite young, likely not much older than Vilana herself from the looks of it.

"Oh no... an Amazonian goliath girl. They wait along the paths and roads and ambush anyone they feel like, they come down from the mountains to try and get girls to take back to their matriarchs for breeding strong warriors. These girls are pretty tough, though they aren't evil really, just... pushy I guess. Looks like there's only one thankfully. But she's probably a scout for a group, so be careful and ready to run if any more show up. We may be able to talk our way out of a fight though if there's not a whole lot of them," Theresa whispered to Vilana as they climbed up the rest of the way.

"Halt right there you two. I don't want to hurt you unless I have to," the blonde amazon said, taking a step towards them as she pointed her axe their way.

"W-Wait... we don't want any trouble. We're just trying to get to the village to rest. We got ambushed by a Drinker earlier and it... kind of got us," Theresa said quickly, trying to keep the situation from escalating as she held her hands up in a sign peace.

"If you two surrender to me peacefully and come back to camp with me, I'll take very good care of you and you won't have to worry about any Drinkers catching you again. If you choose to fight... I'll bonk you both on the head and drag you back to camp and tie you up, and then I'll take very good care of you both," the blonde amazon told them, taking another couple of steps closer.

Theresa looked over at Vilana and sighed slightly before looking back to the blonde amazon woman. "We don't want any trouble I said... so please, just back off. I know magic... and I'm not afraid to use it," Theresa replied, her voice a bit shaky as she tried to bluff the woman.

The blonde amazon woman stopped when Theresa said she knew magic and narrowed her eyes a bit, but she looked over at Vilana and smirked a bit. "Hmhm... yet you both got caught by a Drinker earlier you said, so therefore you're both not at full strength, so an easy win for me since you won't surrender. I'll enjoy defeating you both, and then when we get back to my camp, I'll show you some good loving," the blonde amazonian woman said with a smirk, chuckling slightly as she spoke and took up a battle stance, obviously intent on fighting since she wasn't getting what she wanted, which was apparently Vilana's and Theresa's asses.

( :p)
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

"Oh, well, that's good then." She said simply, giving a nod as they strolled down the path. She took in the scenery, relaxing as they strolled closer to their destination. That changed once they shadow of the tall woman appeared. Vilana wrung the shaft of her scythe as she looked up, listening to Theresa.

She let Theresa speak for a bit, and as the situation escalated, she hmmmed. Maybe it was the residue of the drinker, but she has a crafty plan.

"Why share us with the rest of the tribe, hnn?" She said in her most appealing voice, cocking her hips to one side. "You can take your... uh, fill... and we can be on our way after? We both get what we want, right?"

She asked, her arm still tense, preparing to defend herself in case the conversation ends abruptly.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

The blonde amazonian woman stopped at Vilana's words and seemed to consider what she'd said a good bit. She tilted her head to the side a bit as she stared at them and considered Vilana's words. Theresa meanwhile gulped slightly and looked over at Vilana too, looking at Vilana questioningly for a moment before the amazon girl lowered her axe and smiled.

"Alright I accept. And if you're heading to the village I can escort you if you like... since you're right about us both getting something we'd want and all I mean. You would both have my protection since you're both obviously worn out a little from that Drinker you mentioned, and I get to have a little fun since I got an itch that needs scratching. But I'd rather do this in our camp and not out in the open where just anything could sneak up on us while we're... distracted. Come on my camp's this way," the blonde amazon said, smiling amazingly as she nodded her head off to her left, where she began walking, leaving Theresa looking a little dumbfounded as to what had just happened while she was ready for a fight.

Theresa hesitantly followed Vilana and the other girl, her large tits bouncing a bit as the mage girl finally became self conscious about them doing so and wrapped an arm around them to prevent them from doing so. "My sisters and our friends ought to be back in camp by now, so... you two might have your work cut out for you since they'll want in on this action, but we won't try and take you back home... because we're heading the other direction for something. And we goliaths might be a bit brutish often times, but we do know how to show compassion to those in need. So we can spare some clothing for you both, and a bite to eat at least," the blonde amazon said after a they had walked a little while, her hand still on her axe, but she wasn't brandishing it at them any longer and was talking to them in a relatively peaceful enough manner, though that could change in an instant Vilana knew, if her earlier actions were any indication at least. Now that Vilana was closer also she could see that the blonde amazonian girl was taller than 6 and a half feet tall, and more like 7 and a half feet tall.
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana chit chatted a little, and began to fall back to Theresa. She leaned over and whispered, "Slow down..." Before resuming questions about the amazonian's tribe. Vilana took Theresa's hand in hers, continuing to slow down, and raise her voice a little to keep the conversation going. If she felt she had enough space to make a clean break, or if the amazonian paused or became suspicious, she'd make a break for it, tugging Theresa in tow behind her.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

As they walked, the blonde amazon girl picked her path carefully, stepping over a fallen branch here, a rock there, making it apparent her camp was a ways off the main path they had been on. Theresa for her part was following along looking a bit tense, but when Vilana began to fall back a little bit every so many feet or yards and pulled Theresa with her, the mage girl finally realized what she was doing, looking over at Vilana and nodding at her as she gently squeezed Vilana's hand.

"So you two... what're you doing so far out by yourselves, hmm?" the amazon girl said, looking over her shoulder at them, where Theresa quickly acted as if she were helping Vilana over a rather large fallen branch, the pair quite lucky it was there to trick the amazon woman with.

"Well... I was actually kind of... well, resting when Vilana here came upon me. We just met earlier today for the first time. Might I ask what your... something you're heading away is?" Theresa replied, where the tall blond amazon girl came back and rather gently grasped Vilana around her waist and lifted her over the branch as she and Theresa started picking their way over it, and then Theresa was lifted across where the amazon girl trudged on ahead.

"Well... we're looking for something... or maybe someone. We're not entirely sure. All we know was one of our seers had a vision and said we may find a great treasure of some sort if we went to the southwest. She told us that the treasure wasn't in gold most likely, though that would help us out a lot, but that it was possibly something magical," the amazon replied to Theresa's question, moving further ahead as the pair began falling back now that they seemed to have their opening to do so.

The amazon girl chatted back and forth with Vilana, ending up telling the pair the exact numbers with her at her camp, being her 2 sisters and 5 friends, with her oldest sister being their leader. She did seem quite sincere about giving them something to eat though as well as getting them some clothing of some sort.

[Stealth/Escape: Vilana failed 8 vs 13 for the amazon girl, and Theresa failed also 16 vs 20 for the amazon.]

When Vilana began trying to slip back further and away from the amazon girl, she made the mistake of stepping on an old dried out stick which snapped instantly under her foot, and Theresa made things worse by sneezing unfortunately. "Hey... where do you two think you're going? I thought we made a deal? Your sweet asses for some food, clothing, and an escort," the blonde amazon called to them as she looked over her shoulder, catching them both red handed as it were.

When Vilana bolted and made a run for it, she heard the footsteps of the amazon woman behind them, gaining quickly from the sounds of it. She jumped over an overturned log and threw her axe towards them, the thing hurtling through the air and slamming into a tree in front of them, which caused Theresa to gasp and let out a small yelp as she stumbled back away from the axe, pulling Vilana with her accidentally to the ground. This gave the amazon time to catch up where she jumped over to the tree her axe was buried in, where she wrenched it free and brandished it at the two again.

"Alright then you two... now I'm gonna have to spank you both and drag you back to camp. I was going to be nice, but since you had to go and try to run away on me, I'm not going to be able to go easy on your cute asses now," the amazon told the two of them as Theresa scrambled back to her feet, helping Vilana up too. It seemed they had a fight upon them and the amazon didn't look incredibly happy about it. "No matter though, gives me the chance to wrestle you both into submission... and that's so much more fun, especially when I get to hear yours squeals of submission when I'm through," she added with a grin, seeming happy at the thought of defeating the both of them at least if happy about nothing else.
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana felt the reverberation of the snap echo like thunder, the strained pause made only worse by Theresa sneezing. "Ah, uh, well..." Vilana's hand shot out and grabbed Theresa's before turning and launching herself, scythe bouncing on her shoulder.

The rhythmic whooshing of the axe was the only signal for Vilana to move, which she pulled herself and Theresa from it's path. She slid, and instead of falling to the ground, whirled around to face the amazon.

"Tch, alright, round two... Come on Tee!" She said as she broke her grip to grab her scythe. "Let's put her in her place!"
Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana 10 vs 3 Amazon, hit for 1 FP dmg
Theresa 13 vs 19 Amazon, miss

Amazon 19 vs 16 Vilana, hit for 1 FP dmg

Vilana 7 vs 19 Amazon, miss
Theresa 6 vs 4 Amazon, hit for 1 FP and 1 AP dmg

Amazon 12 vs 8 Vilana, hit for 1 FP and 1 AP dmg and grappled

"Put me in my place? Ha, you two couldn't put the Drinker worm in its place. How could you hope to put me in mine?" the Amazon said to the girls with a chuckle, obviously amused by Vilana's words.

As the amazonian girl approached, Vilana swung her scythe out, just catching her with the thing on the leg. Theresa followed up by throwing out a spell at the blonde amazon girl, who ducked the fireball sent at her which hit a nearby rock and fizzled out. The blonde amazon then jumped up and charged at the two with her axe up and ready to swing, swinging it around at Vilana and catching her with the flat of the axe blade right across the butt as she sped past the girls, laughing as she did.

"W-What the... stop right there you," Theresa said, spinning to follow her movements as she held her hand up.

Vilana's next attack missed as she swung at the blonde's legs again, the amazon jumping up enough to avoid getting struck again. Theresa managed to hit though as she murmured another spell and shot out a small bolt of electricity at the amazon girl, who was jolted a bit and squealed some, her cheeks left a little pink from the jolt and her loincloth bottom noticeably tenting.

"Ooooh yeah, already getting me riled up I see. Looks like the mage there knows what she wants," the Amazon girl said with a grin, where she dashed back in and tackled Vilana to the ground, wrapping her arms around Vilana and groping her butt a bit with one hand while the other held the axe and wrapped around Vilana to try and hold her down. Vilana could feel something from under the loincloth poking against her tummy while her butt was being groped.

Vilana - FP: 3/5, AP: 1/10, grappled and being groped by the blonde amazonian girl.
Theresa - FP: 4/4, AP: 0/10

Blonde Amazonian - FP: 8/10, AP: 2/10, grappling and groping Vilana.
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana grinned a little triumphantly as she saw the scythe find purchase on the amazon. She retreated back as the amazon ran upto her, delivering another swipe that was less successful. While recoiling the scythe back, she found herself ensnared by the amazon! The sudden grasp forced her to squirm as she braced the shaft of her weapon against the amazon's front, attempting to push herself free. All the while, the remains of the drinker worm's saliva still had it's effect, and a heat grew in Vilana's cheeks.

"Tch! Let go of that-?!" She paused, feeling the growing form against her midsection, that confused her.