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Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Character Bio:
Name: Vilana Sundora
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait: Scythe!

Attitude: A high risk, high reward mentality, Vilana is a natural acrobat, and impromptu thinking usually keeps her one step ahead of most.

Extra Notes: Nope! Let's have some fun!

Settings and stuff
Here you just put beside each option a Y and 1/5 setting with 1 being the lowest frequency of it happening and 5 the highest, and an N for things you don't want to see at all. For example if you want to see humans but not a whole lot it would look like this... (Humans: Y 2/5)... and if you don't want to see bestiality it'd look like this... (Bestiality: N).

Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...):
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.):
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen):
Anthros (Furry and non furry kinds both):
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE):
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like):
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things):
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa? Would you like to run into futanari enemies/NPC's:
Non-Consensual Sex:
Fey Beings:

Roughness - how rough do you want things to get? (same scaling as the above settings with the 1/5 with 5 being very rough.):

If there is anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above, add it in here:

Vilana remembered having gone to a rather nice party with her friends, the dancing and music for the first hour or so still being remembered, but as she woke back up, Vilana didn't really know where she was. She felt a hard surface underneath her, like... solid wood rather than a nice comfortable bed. What had happened at that party? A bit more came to her as she remembered sitting down with a couple of her friends and having a drink... and then... just blackness not long after that. Had someone spiked her drink?

As she began waking up a bit more, she felt a breeze blowing and heard what sounded like water flowing nearby. God had she been drugged? It was really a bit hard to tell considering her head was aching a bit as if she were coming out of a mild hangover.

To what does Vilana open her eyes to see around her?
A heavily forested area.
A large open highland plain.
A grassy riverland area.
Rolling hills all around.
A lush green valley surrounded by large snow capped mountains.

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)


Humans: 3
Male/Female: 2
Female/Female: 2
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, etc...): 3
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.): 3
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen): 3
Anthros (Furry and non furry kinds both): 3
Monster Girls of any kind (from the MGE): 2
Plants/plant like enemies (like alraune or shorn weeds and the like): 2
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things): 1
Futanari - Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa? Temporarily? Sure
Would you like to run into futanari enemies/NPC's: 4
Non-Consensual Sex: 4
Slavery: 2
Fey Beings: 3
Corruption: 3
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Oviposition/Seedbearing: N
Lactation/milking: N

Roughness - how rough do you want things to get? (same scaling as the above settings with the 1/5 with 5 being very rough.): 3?

If there is anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above, add it in here:

Vilana's dark eyes blinked at the blinding world around her. She thought the pounding in her head was the bass of the party still going for a moment, but that was shattered with the strange melody of wind and water...

This new age music is getting ridiculous...

She rubbed her eyes, getting up to look at her situation. From being in an urban party to out in the middle of nowhere was really disconcerting, enough to make her jump to her feet.

Is this a bad prank?

She took a good look around, and then re-assessed herself.

Well someone has my purse... What about my phone?

A heavily forested area!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Opening her eyes and looking around, Vilana found herself sitting in the middle of a fairly heavily wooded area, and within sight of the small hill she was on she saw a stream flowing. She could hear birds chirping and other normal forest sounds around her, and looking to the ground around her she found neither her purse nor her cellphone. Shaking her head as she got up, Vilana tried to think and remember what all had happened, but all she was getting was a blank spot that could only have been from either drinking too much,which was unlikely, or someone had drugged her perhaps.

She couldn't tell much about her surroundings save it was a fairly dense forest, but the stream was a good 10 feet wide or so and was flowing as far as you could tell southward, at least if the sunlight which shined through the trees was any indication. To her north though, Vilana saw what appeared to be an old game trail that led through the foliage, which she could also follow. Either way, finding some signs of civilization was probably the best idea at the moment, that way she could figure out where the hell she was exactly. The only things that Vilana found of her possessions that she'd had at the party was her clothes, which she still wore, her watch and any jewelry she still had on, and sitting beside her on the ground was what looked like... a scythe.

Oh yeah, just so you know, those settings can be changed at any time if you like. So like if you wanted to bring in lactation/milking, then you can just put it into your post. Or you could just PM me too I guess.

Also, You can give her some jewelry to have if you want to go with her watch, which I'll say is a pretty little gold one. Since she was at a party and all, I'd figure she would have some jewelry to look nice and stuff.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana placed her head in her hand, trying to still the pounding that reverberated through her entire skull.

"N-nugh... I hope that stream is clean..." She murmured as she stumbled over to the side of the running water. She lowered herself by it's edge, wincing as her clothes began to pick up the dirt from the side. She peered into the reflection of it, and then through the depths.

Desperate times... But if it's good enough to be bottled...

before placing a hand into it, and taking a few sips. She relaxed, after a few drinks of the stream, and straightened up before looking around. She looked at her reflection again, and re-arranged her black hair, pulling the curling tips down as far to her jawline as they could go.

I should at least look presentable if I'm lost, right?

After readjusting herself, she slowly got to her feet, and peered around, finally locating the odd item left by her side.

Huh... someone lost their... Farm implement?

She strode to the side of it, and lifted the shaft with her boot, tilting up the handle before grabbing it.

Maybe if I found who lost this, I'll figure out how I got here.

She swung it around, and rested the blade of it over her shoulder. After scanning the area further, she twisted her lips in a disappointed look at the game trail.

Guess it's a good place to start.

With that, she began to stroll down the path laid before her...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Moving over to the stream, Vilana found that it was relatively clean, and giving the water a taste it tasted much like fresh mountain spring water. After wetting her throat with plenty of water from the stream, Vilana fixed her hair and went over and grabbed the scythe, where under the rather wide blade she found something else, which was a waterskin, that was already full of water she found upon investigating it.

Swinging the scythe around, Vilana could feel perfect balance in the thing, giving her a more secure feeling that she at least had something that could be used as a weapon to protect herself in this strange place. Once she was ready to move on and everything, Vilana headed over towards the old game trail she'd noticed before, where she found it wasn't very well traveled by whoever or whatever and in some spots it was starting to get overgrown.

Walking for a good 15 to 20 minutes or so without too much trouble on the path save having to hack a few low hanging tree limbs out of her way, Vilana soon came to a small grove in the midst of the woods, where at the center she saw a single apple tree growing there, at the bottom which sat a young woman, who looked around Vilana's age. She sat there against the tree eating an apple and reading a rather thick book of some sort, which sat in her lap. She had long black hair with some sort of headpiece on her head, and she wore strange clothing with a cape draped down her back which she had pulled around her a bit while she sat there. The girl didn't notice Vilana for now, seeming quite absorbed in her book she was reading, but she didn't look dangerous or unfriendly really... though Vilana knew that looks could be deceiving of course.


Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana peered down at the waterskin dubiously, then picked it up. Uncapping it, she sniffed it, then gave it a taste. "A bladder of water? This is... really weird..."

She pursed her lips to one side, but continued down the path nonetheless. Bouncing the scythe on her shoulder as she went, she would take in the beauty of the woods.

It's not that strange...? Or is it...

Her eyes focused on the strangely garbed woman reading. Her lips would split into a grin as she'd to try and sneak closer, reaching out with the toe of the boot with each step and hopefully catch her by surprise. If she were successful, she'd lean down with a chesire grin and ask "Wacha reading?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

The forest was quite beautiful all things considered, and it didn't seem any different to the forests she'd been to in the past. She even saw some squirrels running back and forth along the ground, grabbing nuts and other things on the ground to eat. The stream from earlier ran back nearby the path... or it was possibly another stream altogether, it was hard to tell really, but it came around within sight of the path for a minute or two before it curved back off again. It didn't look all that deep either, maybe only 2 feet at most, so she could easily traverse the thing if necessary, but for now she continued following the path.

Upon seeing the woman, Vilana decided to creep up closer to the woman so she could surprise the woman. As Vilana snuck closer to the woman, her footfalls as quiet as a mouse, she noticed that the woman was still absorbed in her book and didn't notice her still as she ate some more of her apple. Vilana managed to get around behind her target without too much trouble.

When Vilana leaned in and spoke, the young woman let out a a yelp, her left hand which held her book flipping the book into the air as her right hand tossed the apple clear across the little grove to the other side of it. "N-No please don't take me!" she cried as she tossed what she'd had in her hands before throwing herself to the side and covering her head with her hands, clearly having been extremely frightened by Vilana.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana giggled with a smile, leaning down a little. Then she realized how badly she frightened the girl. Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you that badly." She kneeled down, resting on the shaft of the scythe for some balance. Vilana shifted a little uncomfortably, a guilty expression crossing her face. "Here, let me help you up." She offers, reaching out a hand slowly to the girl.

I didn't think I was that intimidating...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

The girl slowly raised her head enough to look back up at Vilana, her hands shaking a good bit as she did. "W-Who are you?" the girl asked carefully as she took Vilana's offered hand to get up, where she dusted herself off. "Thank you. But... why'd you scare me like that? My heart nearly stopped. I thought I'd been found by one of them," she then said, her hands still shaking a bit.

As soon as Vilana answered her, the girl gasped and looked around. "Oh no... gods no, where is it? Where's my spellbook? It has all my spells in it," the girl said in a panic as she crawled around the tree looking frantically for the book, which she obviously overlooked as it was right next to Vilana's feet.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

The lost girl would raise a brow as she would pull the other one up. "I'm Vilana... I'm kind of lost. Just found myself here with this..." She gives the scythe a simple tap. "And what do you mean, found by who?" She asks as she peers around.

This girl's making me nervous... She needs to lighten up.

"Spellbook?" Vilana asks, tilting her head. She took a step forward, and felt the toe of her boot brush against the flung text. She leaned down, picking it up. She hmmed, then grinned, before strolling over and patting the thick volume on the bottom of the crawling spellslinger. "Found your...uh, spells." She said in a teasing tone. "Are you...what do they call it? LARPing?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

As the girl searched for her book on the other side of the tree, Vilana knelt down and picked the thing up as she had her inward thoughts about the girl, not seeing anyone or anything around when she looked around at the trees. When Vilana got the girl's attention with her book, she gave a little "Eep!" as her quite full yet soft butt was tapped with the thick book before she got back up and graciously took it back, starting to calm down now as she did.

"Oh thank you so much, I need this to do my spells. I'm Theresa by the way. And... the wild creatures, I thought one had snuck up on me. They can be a bit dangerous to the unwary. I was just so absorbed in going over all of my spells that I didn't realize you were even here," the dark haired and rather voluptuous girl said as she introduced herself to Vilana, standing up straight with her hands on her book which she held against her stomach as she bowed politely. "And... what's LARPing? I've never heard of that word before," she then asked curiously, looking around the grove into the trees just as Vilana had done a few moments before.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana did enjoy being such a tease. She giggled and relinquished the book to Theresa. "Nice to meet you." She said off handedly, then quirked a brow at the mention of creatures. "Okay... Uhm, well, I understand, I think." She gives a sly wink. "Not breaking character and all that, It's fine. So, where's the park entrance?" She says, looking around again. "I need to get back, I don't think Starbucks will accept being hungover as an excuse to be late again..." She began to tap the scythe impatiently on her shoulder.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

"Huh? But... there are creatures about these woods. I'm a traveling witch. I go from place to place and do my magics. I'm really good with fertility spells, so my services are always in demand," Theresa replied with a quizzical look on her face. "Also... what's a park? And who's Starbucks?" Theresa then asked, a sincere look of not knowing what Vilana was talking about on her face.

"I know a Starla, she runs a tavern over that way, but I don't know any Starbucks unfortunately," Theresa then said while Vilana likely sighed and rubbed her head at Theresa's questions, with the dark haired beauty pointing off to her left as she finished speaking and then pulled her book up against her chest, which pressed her breasts together a little bit under her clothing in a quite noticeable way.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana gave a defeated sigh as her fingers massaged her temples. "Sure, sure, show me to the 'tavern' you speak of my lady, and I shall gladly aid you on your quest to be fertile." Vilana said almost dismissively, losing her patience for the charade.

"Is this one of your guys props or whatever?" She waves the scythe around. "This seems really dangerous to be playing with you know." She almost chides.

These guys are hardcore... But I need to take Theresa to the bar to meet some better guys, she's probably roped into this with some geeky boyfriend...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

"Um... o-okay then, it's this way. Be watchful though, monsters can try to sneak up on the unwary when they walk in the wilds. And no, I believe that's an actual scythe, I'm not a stage actor for plays and whatnot, so I wouldn't have any props," Theresa said before collecting a bag that was sitting next to the tree where she'd been and leading the way off towards the tavern she'd mentioned.

As the pair walked along, they came across the stream Vilana had seen before and Theresa led her down to the edge of it where she hopped up onto an overturned log that lay across the stream. Theresa offered a hand once she was to the other side, helping Vilana to get down, and then they continued onwards. After about 10 more minutes of traveling, Theresa stopped dead and raised a hand, a worried expression on her face. "Shh... listen, you hear that?" Theresa asked quietly.

If Vilana listened, she'd hear leaves rustling nearby, the sound coming from something larger than a squirrel or a bird. Theresa grabbed Vilana's hand and hurried along, whispering to her to hurry and stay with her, and that they would hopefully be safe. Before they got even a minute further along, something jumped out in front of the two, something that you would never have believed if you hadn't seen it for yourself. It was what appeared to be a large tentacled slug looking creature of some sort, which looked straight out of a fantasy book. It had a dozen tentacles that extended from it, and at the tip facing them was a large mouth like opening that had a few more tentacles lashing out and licking the air like tongues.

"Oh... this isn't good Vilana. It's a Drinker. They... they capture us girls and... well... they do naughty things to us with those tentacles before they swallow us. They... don't actually kill us, but they keep us inside of them for a time until they've drained us of enough of our... sexual fluids, to sustain them," Theresa said, her cheeks turning beet red as she whispered the two words to Vilana.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana just chuckled and nodded. "Sure, sure..." She said following behind the mage.

During the stroll, Vilana couldn't ignore the lack of lamps... or streets... or benches... Or people...

Did someone really drop me off in the middle of the woods for an elaborate prank? This is really weird...

She took Theresa's hand in hers, moving across the log. She opened her mouth to speak, then paused, and continued on silently. After a few more minutes, and a determined look pressed on her face, she tried to speak again, only to be shushed and pulled along. "What's going on..?!"

Vilana took a few steps back, gray eyes wide at the giant beast before her.

"W-what the hell?!" She removed the scythe, and held it before her as she felt her heart pound in her chest from fear.

"You mean I'm really not in New York anymore?!" She said as she turned to the mage. "Where the hell am I, and why are there monsters?!" She kept a close eye on the monster.

"Tch, alright, never mind that. First, what do we need to- wait, what do you mean, drain us?" Vilana blinked, giving Theresa a quizzical look mixed with worry.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

"W-Where's New York? Is it a nice town? If so then I wouldn't mind maybe going there and showing off my magic some," Theresa said in a shaky voice as the Drinker as she'd called it began slithering towards them, rather quickly in fact. "And this is Amazonia, and you're in the lands of the Okami tribes. And as for monsters... they live in the wilds all around, which is why I said they're dangerous for the unwary. I take it you aren't from around here if you don't know that much at least when it's common knowledge," she added, taking another step back.

"And they capture us girls, and d-drain us of our sexual fluids... o-or c-cum to put it bluntly," Theresa added as an afterthought, her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as she spoke again. "I... I can fight with my magics, just be careful getting too close to it. If it grabs you it'll be hard to break free," she then said as she pulled her book up and readied herself for a fight.

The Drinker slithered closer and was getting within range for its tentacles to reach them at, and Theresa she saw looked very worried about fighting this, so if they wanted to try and escape now was their last chance.

OOC: (Just so you know, I do 2 turns of combat per post in a fight. And Vilana has 5 FP, and each attack deals 1 FP of damage, with a critical hit dealing 2. I do critical hits on here as 15 or higher than the opposing roll, anything less is a normal hit, while if say you rolled a 2 and the Drinker here rolled a 19, then it would be a crit miss and counter against Vilana, meaning she'd take some damage and probably get grappled. AP is your arousal points, and they start at 0/10 and climb by so much each time they are hit with a pleasure attack.)
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Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

I'm in the amazon? Like... South America?

Vilana blinked, then looked toward the creature slithering toward them.

"It figures, monsters here are still better dates then most men I've met..." She grabbed Theresa by the hand and twisted on the ball of her foot, launching herself into a sprint away from the monster.

"Screw that! If you can actually cast spells and you're afraid of it, we don't have a chance with me holding an old farm tool!"

She wasn't dressed to make a dash, but she seemed certainly built for it. "Where can we hide?!" She calls back, pulling her incidental companion.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Theresa gave a yelp as Vilana grabbed her hand and sprinted off away from the the thing as it slithered after them, its tentacles waving threateningly at them. "We need to loop around it and keep heading east. And... I'm not exactly scared of it, I just... I've been caught by them before, and it... it feels good, but it's tiring, and not something I want to repeat," Theresa said as they ran, her rather large breasts bouncing under her clothing quite noticeably where Vilana could see.

[Escape: 16 vs 10 Vilana succeeded, 13 vs 16 Theresa failed and got tripped up.]

As they went, the girls sprinted off the path and into the woods a bit so they could get away from the creature, they started jumping over a few overturned logs and rocks to try and throw the thing off their trail. Unfortunately though, Theresa tripped on a limb of one of the logs that hung out as she jumped the second or third one, where she fell face first right onto the ground, letting out a grunt as she did. "Oof, dammit, stupid skirt," Theresa grunted, scrambling to get up to her feet as the Drinker climbed over one of the logs, one of its tentacles darting out and wrapping around her ankle. "D-Dammit to hell, not again. H-Hurry Vilana, cut it please, I don't want to get raped by another one of these," Theresa then said as Vilana was likely helping her up.
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Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Vilana Sundora (Antithethical Inquiry)

Vilana's pursed her lips, then looked to Theresa. "You... didn't give yourself any magical enhancements, did you?" She asked while running, her cheeks tinting a shade of pink at the personal question. "Ah, nevermind..." She murmured as she got to the logs.

As soon as the tentacle wrapped around Theresa's ankle, the scythe was already launching off. The tip dug into the ground to curl beneath the appendage, while her foot stomped on a part closer. Between the two, she hoped to yank up and sever it cleanly, while her foot remained on the cut-off portion.

"See what happens when you bring a skirt into the wilderness?!" She chides a little.