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RPG [Ahriman] 風紀剣士アサギ/ Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (RJ149951)

Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I would think that changing Locale under Keyboard and Region settings in the Control Panel would help (plus installation of the Japanese Language Pack). But if that doesn't work, then the best bet is to copy all of the scripts into one large text file in notepad and search from there.

What was the exact text you were searching for?

I can search through text files in notepad just fine. Which is exactly what I did for all the large custom scripts he included and found nothing.

I'm looking for anything that might deal with '捕縛の縄' which is the binding rope. No idea why the translation is messing with the function of it going away after use.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Two methods to install:

Method one with manual extraction and overwriting:
(Look down at CTormaed's post)
Get that.
Use it to extract Game.rgss3a.
Move extracted files to game folder.
Rename/move/delete the Game.rgss3a
Overwrite those files that you moved into the game folder with the files from my 'latest translation.zip'.

Method two with RPGMaker Trans:

Install that. And run it.
Under 'Game Location' browse and select the game.exe in the untranslated game folder.
Check the create patch box.
Let it run till it finishes.
It should automatically extract the game folder and create two additional folders.
One that has _patch suffixed on the end of the original folder name and another that has _translated suffixed on.
Now download the patch.zip from the subfolder in my MEGA link.
Extract the patch folder from that and overwrite the patch folder in the _Patch folder.
Then rerun RPGMaker Trans and this time have rebuild patch checked.
This should patch the game with the translation patch.
Run the game from the _translated folder.

Thanks for the help and translation ^^

I will post a video on this is a couple days. So simple but never thought to do this must help fellow noobs and as a bonus you will get less questions about how to do it
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I can search through text files in notepad just fine. Which is exactly what I did for all the large custom scripts he included and found nothing.

I'm looking for anything that might deal with '捕縛の縄' which is the binding rope. No idea why the translation is messing with the function of it going away after use.

Do you have a backup of an older translation? This was working until 2 days ago or so. At some point it might be faster to recopy to a working function than to search for the unknown.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ



  • bluewr.zip
    13.8 KB · Views: 19
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Do you have a backup of an older translation? This was working until 2 days ago or so. At some point it might be faster to recopy to a working function than to search for the unknown.

The Mega link should have back ups of everything from the start. Up to Old Translation 15.zip now. I wonder if the transition to 1.4 broke it.

I also have 26 versions/copies of the RPGMaker Trans patch folder. Put em all in a zip and stuck em up on Mega.
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

The Mega link should have back ups of everything from the start. Up to Old Translation 15.zip now. I wonder if the transition to 1.4 broke it.

I also have 26 versions/copies of the RPGMaker Trans patch folder. Put em all in a zip and stuck em up on Mega.

I found it! It wasn't in the script (which I found I was fine in search japanese characters). Rather, I found it in common events. Note common events 306-310, there are the following comments on top:

Comment: ==行動前イベント:使用後==
Comment: user.actor? && user.id == 1
Comment: use.name == "捕縛の縄"
Change Equipment: [Asagi], Body = (None)
Change Armor: [Binding Rope] - 1

Turns out comments actually have an effect, which I had seen in one of the latest games of ONEONE1. If you change the third line to:

Comment: use.name == "Binding Rope"

then it will work as intended. Note that doing this for common event 306 makes a message come out "The rope of arrest shines strangely!" when in use from now on.

Of course, I have no idea how comments are to be used in RPG Maker. Where does the use or user variable come from? How is it different from scripting? This is an area I have no idea about. Furthermore, you can't search in common events, which makes this a huge pain to find.

EDIT: Was trying out the newest translation patch from using 1.4, and I found Graphics/Pictures/capture01 missing when I talked to one of those moral policewoman on the left after entering with the crystal.
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I had never thought the comment lines would do anything.
Damn it, comments aren't supposed to do anything. That's a fundamental coding assumption.
But that explains it. God damn it RPGMaker, god damn it.
I'll have that updated for the next version.
... Fuckin' hell.

Edit: Nowhere in the RPGMaker Trans files so I'll have to modify my base untranslated common events.rvdata2 so that the changes will carry over to my translated version. If I modify the translated version, it'll just get overwritten the next time I re-apply the patch. I think I'm going to just play Warframe tonight, deal with this tomorrow if I have time in the morning before work/classes.
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Updated version uploaded. All the common events like the binding rope should be fixed. Someone may need to remind me on each update to reapply this.

Also some events like the ninja trap in the sewer have been translated but not checked.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Double update today. This could be called the Ura update. I finished and checked over the Ura purple guy scenes and her rescue from Komusou the Big. Working on the Sadist boss fight intro now.

If there are any issues with the line sizes, grammer, typos, etc or any japanese text before the Sadist Boss Fight scenes, let me know. If I hear nothing, I'm going to assume everything is fine.

Translation files are up on MEGA as always.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Is wfAudio.dll in this game clean? My anti-virus is detecting this thing.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Is wfAudio.dll in this game clean? My anti-virus is detecting this thing.

Mine didn't and I haven't had any issues.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Mine didn't and I haven't had any issues.

Okay, I also tried to download from multiple source. The result still the same.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

On a slightly different note can anyone here tell me how the first game is? The one before Moral Sword came out. Is it as good? I'm thinking about getting it but wanted a review first

Gameplay is simple enough, you can play it with one hand (wink wink nudge nudge). Try a demo to see if you like the gameplay. The game over scenes are nice and losing during the gameplay feels authentic, like your heroines are really being overwhelmed and subdued.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Double update today. This could be called the Ura update. I finished and checked over the Ura purple guy scenes and her rescue from Komusou the Big. Working on the Sadist boss fight intro now.

If there are any issues with the line sizes, grammer, typos, etc or any japanese text before the Sadist Boss Fight scenes, let me know. If I hear nothing, I'm going to assume everything is fine.

Translation files are up on MEGA as always.

Don't forget, I got the intro for the Sadist boss already translated for you; I'll repost it.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I just finished putting that all into the game yesterday. Haven't checked it over in-game yet to see how many typos or how bad I am at judging line length yet. But after that progress will go much slower with the rest as I'll have to translate it myself rather than copy pasting from much better translations than I can manage.

More would always be great, it's so much easier when the hardest part is already done. :p

Edit: Going through the defeat scene.

Scene: Ura and Asagi up on the auction block all tied up and trained.
Ura says this:
Translator isn't doing too well here.

This line is the Sadist talking to Whip after the auction. The 3rd line was giving me trouble and at that point didn't feel like continuing to the 4th at the moment.
> CONTEXT: Commonevents/234/258/Dialogue < UNTRANSLATED
They are certainly in such a situation.\\!

I'll stick what is done so far up on MEGA. I'll also include a save just before the Sadist fight if people want to check the current state of it easily.
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Thanks for the translation~

Not sure if anyone said it yet, during Sadist boss if you are holding the Binding Rope item, when the Female Ninja appear and attack, the rope will deal 10k damage and captured them and help saved the trouble in facing them.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Aye, that will also happen in the sewer ninja ambush. But you have to be careful there as the Ninja boss can steal your binding ropes and use them on you.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Yeah and I believe all you need is equip one of the character with the rope. Since the Female Ninja will immediately escape after her ambush, the Boss Ninja will mostly 'Snatch' a potion or Cuff.

Question, whats the highest numbers of girls Boris would ask? I've reached the stage when he asked for 150. Is the only way to reach that amount is through catching succubus?
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

I think 150 is the max.