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[How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial


Tentacle God
Oct 23, 2013
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This guide is outdated. Please visit :

For more info and a more updated guide.

Don't know how to use RPGMaker Trans? Allow me to explain! With images!
First off, we are going to need the program, you can pick it up right over here:

Click the above link then press this:

Now unrar that into a folder where ever you like. We will need it later

For this tutorial i will be using habisain's 淫魔領リリム・ユニオン as a example.

After downloading the game and the patch your folder should look like this:

Simply unrar them into the same folder and it should look like this:

Due to a bug with RPGMaker Trans rename リリムユニオン1.00 into Union or something else.

Okay, next head over to where you have RPGMaker Trans.
Open the rpgmakertrans_gui.exe program:

It should look like this:

Now click on the first browse button:

and locate where you have your game unrared and select the game.exe then select open:

Aight, with that done, select the second browse button:

After that , go to the folder you unrared the two folders and look for the

Click it and open it and your RPGMaker Trans should look like this:

Aight, hit GO!
Let the Bar work its magic and when it looks like this:

Yar done! Hit the X and start playing!
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Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

Thanks for posting this - at the very least, it's a good stopgap until I get the GUI docs done on the website.

Oh, and one thing: You don't have to unzip the patch. RPGMaker Trans will open zipped patches just fine.

For reference, the upcoming 4.0 release introduces a new option, but it's only relevant for translators. v4 should also hopefully fix the bug that you mention.
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

A problem with 4.0b:

When I try to create a patch for an XP game, if I use it on a game where the data's still packed, it fails with this error:

cx_Freeze: Python error in main script
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\Console.py", line 27, in <module>
  File "rpgmakertrans_gui.py", line 26, in <module>
  File "C:\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\controllers\coreprotocol.py", line 107, in run
  File "C:\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\controllers\coreprotocol.py", line 289, in update
  File "C:\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\interface\guicontroller.py", line 261, in go
  File "C:\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\controllers\headless.py", line 204, in initialiseHeadless
  File "C:\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\controllers\headless.py", line 222, in __initialiseHeadless
  File "C:\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\controllers\headlessrbarc.py", line 54, in go
Exception: Could not determine archive name


Also, when I choose the game, it identifies it in the GUI as a VX game.

If I try it on an XP game that's already unpacked, it correctly identifies the game as XP, but it fails with this error:

Got an unknown code: patchingAborted

It does copy over the game to the Translation folder.
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Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

I'm getting confused because I first "create a patch" which for some reason both extracts the files into editable .txt documents but also creates a "translated" version of the game that has nothing changed.

So I go through and translate the 60 or so map files turned into .txt documents.

Now I want to patch them back into an actual translated version of the game.

Except, this time I don't select "create" patch, and the only file it will actually find in the patches folder is a 0 kilobyte file named RPGMKTRANSPATCH without an extension. It was put there when the program first ran to "make" the patch.

I specify the folder where I want the translated version to show up and hit go.

However it completely repeats the "make patch" process. It re-extracts the original game's files, overwrites the translated .txt's with untranslated .txt's, and creates another untouched copy of the game.
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

I'm getting confused because I first "create a patch" which for some reason both extracts the files into editable .txt documents but also creates a "translated" version of the game that has nothing changed.

So I go through and translate the 60 or so map files turned into .txt documents.

Now I want to patch them back into an actual translated version of the game.

Except, this time I don't select "create" patch, and the only file it will actually find in the patches folder is a 0 kilobyte file named RPGMKTRANSPATCH without an extension. It was put there when the program first ran to "make" the patch.

I specify the folder where I want the translated version to show up and hit go.

However it completely repeats the "make patch" process. It re-extracts the original game's files, overwrites the translated .txt's with untranslated .txt's, and creates another untouched copy of the game.

As you say, run it the first time, and you get the patch file and the file with the translation applied (though currently there is no difference, because you haven't translated it yet). Now edit the text files - just add the translation to the blank lines under each line. So, for example, you'd replace

> CONTEXT: Map001/Map/events/3/Event/pages/0/Dialogue/1/

> CONTEXT: Map001/Map/events/3/Event/pages/0/Dialogue/5/

> CONTEXT: Map001/Map/events/3/Event/pages/0/Dialogue/20/

「ばすでー つーみー」
> CONTEXT: Map001/Map/events/3/Event/pages/0/Dialogue/23/

「はっぴー ばすでー 俺ー」
> CONTEXT: Map001/Map/events/3/Event/pages/0/Dialogue/26/


> CONTEXT: Map001/Map/events/3/Event/pages/0/Dialogue/1/
「I'm finally 30 today...
 Somehow, the time seemed both long and short.」

> CONTEXT: Map001/Map/events/3/Event/pages/0/Dialogue/5/
「Still, I shouldn't be too bothered by it.」

> CONTEXT: Map001/Map/events/3/Event/pages/0/Dialogue/20/

「ばすでー つーみー」
> CONTEXT: Map001/Map/events/3/Event/pages/0/Dialogue/23/
「birthday to me...」

「はっぴー ばすでー 俺ー」
> CONTEXT: Map001/Map/events/3/Event/pages/0/Dialogue/26/
「Happy birthday to me...」

Watch out for control codes like the \\N[1] (which is a name) that needs to stay the same. Stuff like colours changes, etc also show up.

I'd save the translated version in a separate place too, just in case it gets overwritten by mistake. Now run the programme again. Just select where the original game is in the top box, and it should automatically find where the patch and translated versions are. Run it, and it will update the translated version with the changes you made in the patch.

It seems to work okay for me; I tried translating Yonyon's God of the Top of the Tower game here:

and it worked well, once I realised I was supposed to put the translated lines underneath and not replace the Japanese ones.
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

For the love of... Why do I even bother making docs, anyway?

While I still haven't gotten round to documenting the GUI, Docs on the patch format can be found over at: . There's examples and everything.
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

As feedback on the latest build: You're packaging with the standard 2.1 ruby windows build,
which apparently got built in a way that doesn't work on 32bit win XP or a few other ancient platforms:

I was able to get it to work by deleting the pruby subdirectory, installing ruby 2.0, and renaming it to C:\Ruby21 -
which worked, surprisingly, not sure if there's maybe some 2.1-specific ruby feature used in another module I didn't run into...

Anyhow, thanks for making this thing! Really useful.
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

As feedback on the latest build: You're packaging with the standard 2.1 ruby windows build,
which apparently got built in a way that doesn't work on 32bit win XP or a few other ancient platforms:

I was able to get it to work by deleting the pruby subdirectory, installing ruby 2.0, and renaming it to C:\Ruby21 -
which worked, surprisingly, not sure if there's maybe some 2.1-specific ruby feature used in another module I didn't run into...

Anyhow, thanks for making this thing! Really useful.

Urgh. No, no it does not. Or maybe, I'm really not sure - it's really hard to tell.

I think the answer is 'it might work, but there is really no guarantee'. Ruby versions < 2.1 have bugs in their unmarshal code (whereby it will quite happily load something into completely the wrong class with no errors). As these errors are now used to work out how to load the file, using Ruby < 2.1 can result in some quite weird stuff happening to the game data.

What I don't know is if when RPGMaker loads the game data, the older version of Ruby in RPGMaker will undo the weird stuff by means of the same bug. So... yeah, I'm going to have to declare that WinXP is officially unsupported as of now. Although good for you if your workaround actually works...
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

woah nice to read on this page.. i read that site rpg maker trans interesting and saw one a sample too

DID this tool only translate text only??

how about MAP, skill, UI, items etc?? did that get translated aswell? :confused:

hope this tool Soon can reach all type of RPG Maker maybe Wolf including?
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

Uh, what on earth would be the point of RPGMaker Trans if it could only translate maps? Of course it can translate everything - although if you need to translate art assets, then you have to replace these assets yourself.

WolfRPG is an entirely different kettle of fish. It would require a lot of work to support it, and given that there are few games using WolfRPG (or at the very least, few games which I personally would like to see translated) I have little incentive to work on this.
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

As a thought / feature request: How hard would it be to compress the patched contents back into a .rgssa{d,2,3} file?

I wonder if the tool would be [even] author-friendlier if it produced an archive by default,
right now it behaves as a built-in archive decrypter.
Of course, it needs to do that to do its job, and if you create a patch you get all the stuff anyway,
but I figure the default is a powerful enough "if you don't understand, do this" mechanism that people will see that as the main function of the tool.

That way, patched versions don't have spritesheets and stuff laid out on display, and sometimes authors don't like those floating around too obviously.
Of course, this doesn't actually allow any new translation features, so it's probably not the highest of priorities.
Still, if we have the unpacking code anyway, I guess turning it into packing code might work. Maybe I'll take a crack at it and send you a patch...
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

That's actually something I have looked at - in fact, it was my original intention. The main issue is speed; RPGMaker Trans is already slow, and packing the archive back is an unnecessary time sink.

I am working on a new branch which uses a threaded C based unpacker (rather than the current Python multiprocess one). Unfortunately, it's hitting limits in the RPGMaker Trans architecute (as in run outside of RPGMakers "Headless" architecture it's about 50 times faster, but due to RPGMaker Trans being heavily based on multiprocessing, it ends up being the same speed in practice). In any case, getting the C based unpacker working would be the key bit to getting the speed up to a level where it's feasible. Then the only problem would be to get patch backends to support it, but that shouldn't be too bad.

The fact that the threaded C based unpacker may end up as it's own tool as well is slightly ironic in this context, but whatever. (Seriously, the threaded C unpacker is significantly faster than any of the unpackers I've used).

EDIT: Hmm. Having thought about it a bit more, speed might not be such an issue. If one were to just open and write back to the RGSS archive, then it would be possible to only handle those files which are modified by the patch (rather than unpacking the entire thing), which would certainly enhance speed. Hmm. It's certainly an interesting idea.
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Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

I just tested the latest beta release and it looks like XP support is working. Much respect to habisain for chasing down the bugs and supporting this older, less popular, but much less expensive version of RPG Maker.

So does this tool actually translate from scratch, or does it only apply translations? I tried using it to translate this game, but no joy.


No, it makes translating a game easier by exporting the existing text to structured text files where you can translate it. Then you can distribute the text files as a patch and players can use the program to write your translation into their copy of the game.

Now, if you were really clever, you could a write program or a script to read the text files, send the untranslated text to your favorite online translator and write the result back into the file. This would potentially give you a quick and nasty machine translation that you could play without resorting to chiitrans. (I wouldn't try to do that with Scripts.txt, though.)
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Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

Fun fact: back in the day, XP support was actually my first modern RPGMaker goal! I was interested in translating . What happened? Well, that game was abandoned, so obviously it didn't make much sense to focus on it, and so XP support kinda got sidelined. Hopefully it works now.

Also, if anyone complains about RPGMaker Trans being slow, when I tried my initial proof-of-concept XP support version (back in 2011, I think...) on anything substantial, it consumed > 6GB of RAM and then crashed :( Remember... it could be worse...

EDIT: Oh, and on the comment of automatic translations - Gandalfrockman was working on a tool that could do it, but a) it was never publicly released and b) really not sure if it'd work on a XP/VX/VXAce patch. There's quite a lot of 'gotchas' for these games, above the usual special code problems - that comment on Scripts.txt applies to any inline scripts as well, and those can be in any file.
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Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

How install RpgMaker Trans from src on Ubuntu?
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

How install RpgMaker Trans from src on Ubuntu?

There's no install under Ubuntu per se at present; you either just run it from source or copy the scripts to a directory under /opt/. This is something that I've been meaning to sort out, and will probably have to soon (i.e. for the next version, which will have C components).

Or do you actually mean "how do I run RPGMaker Trans from src on Ubuntu"?
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

So i'm trying to download RPGMakerTransv4.35.7z from bitbucket, but i keep getting an error message saying that the archive is either in an unknown format or is damaged.
What should I do?
Re: [How to use] RPGMaker Trans - Tutorial

There was some kind of glitch on Bitbucket whereby the files got replaced with 0 byte ones. No idea what happened, but I've reuploaded the files and it seems to work properly now.