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Maria Rose (Katarina)

Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

((ooc: just a reminder: the villain is a demoness called Fornicia ^^))

Nina shuddered when Maria mentionned the mistress of this area, but considered the warrior's proposition.
"You're heading to your doom, you know? But... Fine. I have mouths to feed after all. Besides, soon, you'll beg me to take care of these eggs for you."
Maria's belly churns around the eggs when hearing these words, as if to remind her of their presence.

Nina grabbed Maria's hand, or rather her gelatinous body spread over Maria's arm and used it to stand upright again. The three slime girl children rushed towards their genitor and fused with her.

On asking if Nina knew Laele, the slime girl answered: "Don't know her. I can't know every prey I feed upon. What I do know is that drows frequently stroll on the outskirts of the forest, and sometimes venture in. Their camp must not be far. Also, that they don't open easily to strangers. "
"Did you think about inviting her to join you, as well?"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria smiled, tilting her head to the side and looking at the slime girl. She pulled the slime girl up and stood up.
"Perhaps I am walking into my doom but I don't plan on leaving my sister to that demoness...You couldn't leave the ones you care about to a fate worse than death could you? I already offered myself as your toy for use for you help, So Yeah..."

The girls head lowered and she clenched her fist tightly, She let out a soft sigh before looking over to the drow on the ground then back at Nina.
"I don't know what to do with her, If she accompanies me along with you we might have trouble but an extra set of hands would always come in use. I would only ask of her help as I did of you whether she says yes or no is up to her. Oh! and umm... thank you for coming along"

In show of her appreciation she leant in and kissed Nina's cheek softly.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Nina seemed embarassed by Maria's kiss.
"Hm... Hrm... Maybe you should ask her. She is waking up."

Indeed, the drow came to herself. She stood up, visibly angry.
"You! You agreed to that bitch's trade aren't you?!"
"Oi, calm down. Actually, she."
"I don't want to hear anything from you. And from you either, she wolf! You were her accomplice all along, aren't you?! You'll pay that dearly, both of you!"
And on these words, the drow disappeared into the forest.

"Sheesh, she makes all that ruckus just for one little romp. Well, of course I would have did it again... And again... But still. It looks like we should be careful of dark elves in our travel, though. We certainly did not hear the last of her."
Nina turned towards Maria.
"Now, before we go, do you want me to take care of your burden? The procedure will be a little "invasive", but I'll have enough foods with the eggs to last for a good week, if not more."
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria sternly stood before the drow with her arms folded and her sword impaled into the ground beside her. She placed a hand on the handle of her sword and pulling it out, Lifting it just so that it was pointing to the Drow in a menacing way. The wolf girl didn't look impressed by the accusations at all.
"I don't like your tone... Specially after I practiclly saved your ass from possibly a much worse fate. You'll be happy to know I don't infact plan on selling you out or doing anything with you. All I simply ask is that you accompany me on my travels to the Demoness Fornicia's lair... Where my sister is being held. This is a choice though, I am not forcing you to come with us or any other deal. If you say no then we part ways and you return to wherever you were going or came from."

Maria then lowered her weapon and sighed a little, She didn't want to argue with this girl. Her attention turned to Nina and gave a nod in response.
"I'd be forever grateful and if it helps you out as well then even better"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

"Okay, then. Don't move and relax."
Nina slided silently towards Maria, until she was a few inches only from Maria. Her amorphous body spread out, envelopping her legs. The gel reaches her undergarnements, then touched her lower holes. The body felt suprisingly warm at the touch.

Nina reached for Maria's face and began giving her a french kiss. Her lower body grazed against the wolf-girl's pussy and went in. First only a trickle, going upward in her insides, growing progressively as Maria got more in confidence. Nina's attitude was the total opposite of earlier, for this time she had a consenting partner and all the time in the world.
Nina's gel formed a thin tendril and crept up to Maria's womb, reaching the flies' eggs nested inside. At the slime's contact, the eggs began to dissolve slowly into nutrients and being absorbed by the slime mother.

"Ready to shift into higher gear, sweaty?" she asked.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria smiled letting Nina move up against her shivering as the sticky goo touches her soft skin. Her eyes slowly fall shut and she presses into the French kiss with the goo girl, A soft moan escaping her lips. Despite all the abuse the wolf girl had taken her pussy was still very tight and quite wet being so aroused by letting the slime girl use her. She shifted alittle spreading her legs to allow more access, Her cock also became alittle harder making the girl blush alittle.
"Mmh... mmmm... Ye-yes Pl-please M-Miss Nina"

It was obvious that the girl had a weakness for goo girls, She was far more submissive then her normal self. She melted back into the slime girls lips with a soft whisper.
"I-I am your toy to use~
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

"Oh my, you look like a horny one after all. Maybe I should have aimed for you instead of that draw."

Following her partner's cue, Nina went further in her ministrations. Her tendril of goo turned into a dick, normal size at first, then thicker and thicker as it absorbed the nutrients from Maria's juices and the eggs. Her tongue twirling inside the herm's mouth changed as well. It turned into a penis too, transforming the french kiss into a deepthroat. Slime travelled through Maria's throat in quantity, reaching for the eggs inside her stomach. Nina knew she would have no way to recover these eggs, but she would not let down such an eager lover.
Her body embraced Maria's, trapping her breasts and herm cock inside her transluscid body. While submitting to Nina's advances, the wolf-herm felt something tease her cock and her nipples. Nibbles at first, then an earnest sucking. Looking down, she would notice that Nina's spawn, still inside their mother, had latched unto her submerged bits and were the one pleasuring her this way.

The pool quickly resounded with the sounds of the slime moving around and in Maria, and the slick slaps of the thick, flexible members in her twat and throat.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria pulled back a little to reply to Nina.
"Oh but you would have used me and left me? This way at least you are helping me and whenever you desire you can use me that's my promise to you~ I'll even sweeten the deal allowing you to collar me or somehow mark me till the deal is done"
She murred, pressing back into the slime girls lips. Not expecting the slime girl to suddenly grow a cock, letting forth a squeak as it spread her pussy and travelled into her warm wet velvet depths. Her lips begin to wrap around the phalic shaped slime within her mouth and gently suck, Small moans escape her every few moments setting little vibrations through the slime cock. As the spawn sucked the wolf girls cock she could feel it growing and throbbing making her squirm alittle. Listening to the wet sticky sloshes drove the herm crazy specially cause she could hear every detail of the sucking and thrusting.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

"Throw YOU, a herm, away? That'd be like someone throwing a bottle of wine after the first sip!" protested the slime girl, briefly retreating her thickened tongue to answer.
The slime girl coaxed several orgasms from Maria, and only stopped as the day began to dim. She retreated, letting her refreshed and egg-ridden partner sit and rest.

Maria quickly notices that a ring of slime remained around the base of her herm cock. As of now, it is not tight, and rather flexible actually
"My little gift to you." explained Nina "That will make sure to keep you all hard and needy if I want it."

Nina streched her gooey body. "Sooo... We have a demoness to defeat, right? I know one of the oldest denizens of this forest. Rather michievous, but she's harmless; or rather less harmful than most of the other forest dwellers. How about we go ask her help?"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria giggled softly sitting upon the forest floor catching her breath, A puddle of juices beneath her. She took a deep breath letting out a sigh of relief after all that fun.
"Mmmm~ That was rather fun~ I was right to have a liking towards slime girls they are something else~"

The girl cooed happily before laying back looking to the sky, Legs sittig apart showing that recently used wet slit of hers and semi hard cock with the slime ring around it.
"That sounds like a good idea, Before I go waltzing into this denizen's den what information do you have on her? What sort of well species is she to begin with? What is her name? Is there anything I should not bring up around her or such?"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

"She is a fox-girl, but a strange one, with nine big, long tails. Nine-Tails is actually her name. She looks very old, but has quite a childish personality, as you'll discover." explained Nina while guiding Maria to the fox's den.

"The best you can do to get on her good side is to agree to her requests, especially if she asks to play. Try not to be too arrogant with her and let her win a few games, as she's very susceptible."

Nina leads her new friend to what looks like a well-kept cabin, settled near a tree. The place looks peaceful, but the she-wolf feels something powerful is in the small house.

"That's her place. Are you ready to go in?"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria turned her head to look at the slime girl for a moment then back to the cabin, Taking in a deep breath and letting it out as she took a step forward.
"Despite my weakness, Despite losing most my battles I am no quitter... I am going to save my sister.... I will entertain this Nine-Tails for now but I will not play by her rules if it comes down to tooth and nail...."

She gives the slime girl one determined look, Before moving towards the cabin's door and knocking on it. Her hand moving back to the handle of her sword just incase things go badly.
"I am here to see the one they call Nine-Tails."
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

The other side remained silent. Has anybody heard Maria? Suddenly, the front door opened by itself with a small creek, allowing the two adventurers to peek inside.
The house's insides were simple, yet cosy. A well-kept wooden floor, a small table with sofas around them, and at the end of the room, on a pile of pillows, sat the host.

A tall woman with long brown hair and a generous chest, nine big, long fluffy fox tails were lying on the floor behind their owner. Nine-tails' deep emerald eyes gazed at Maria, her fox-ears perked up as the warrior approached.

"I knew I smelled Nina approaching with a guest. Interesting."
The woman put her hand to her mouth in a pensive manner, her long robes covering the bottom part of her face.
"That smell... You're from the outside of the forest, aren't you? Ho ho ho... Tell me, outsider, what are you seeking for Nine Tails' wisedom?"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Standing in the middle of the room Maria looked at her surroundings, It was surprisingly home like for somewhere in the depths of such a dark dangerous place. Shaking her head as she returns her attention to the lady before her, She could sense the raw power within her.
"I come in seek of your wisdom. I need to know anything I can about the demoness's manor. How to get there, how to get in there and mostly how to return safely. Do you think you can help me, Lady Nine-Tails?"

The half-wolf herms hand never leaving the sword handle just incase things may happen to go badly. Peering back over her shoulder to Nina for a moment.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Nine-Tails stares at Maria for a certain amount of time.
"Fornicia... What would such a cute girl like you want to go to her place? Besides, what am I? A living direction post? Am I not worthy of your attention, dear?"

For a moment, Nina and Maria would not be able to guess what the kitsune had decided until the kistune lets out a noblewoman's laugh and made them a proposition.
"Ho ho ho. That simply won't do. How many days, how many weeks has it been since I had company and you want to leave me already? Why don't you play a little with Nine-Tails and earn my guidance?"

At these words, the air seems to shift around everyone present. The house around them does not have seemed to change... Or is it?
Actually, instead of the table, stood a wooden horse. A nicely made wooden horse, even, with a sculpted horse head at the front. Manacles for the legs were present at each side in the form of a mock saddle, and the top was covered with a black, ribbed surface.

"Here are the rules. You will mount that wooden stallion over there and, if you can take on everything I'll throw at you without cumming for 10 minutes, you win the game? Do you feel up to the task?"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria looked at her surroundings for a moment, It was clear she wasn't going to have an easy time with the women before her. She took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh. Dragging her sword around front of herself, glaring directly at the Kitsune. Her tail sway from side to side and her ears perked up.
"Nina, May I suggest you leave and keep yourself and you little ones safe. I am not dragging you into this, I will not play this womens games while my sister suffers...."

The dark serious expression changed to a toothy grin, Preparing her sword before her as she stared down the Kitsune.
"I didn't come here to play your little games creature... So if you don't wish to answer my question I am leaving. I will find my own way there and back with or without your help"
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Was that a growl that this woman emitted.
"You dare come to my house, seeking my help, and insult me when I only ask for companionship! In my house! Me?!"

Nine-Tails suddenly rises, her nine big fox-tails swashing angrily behind her. Around Maria, the air shifts, the things around blur. Was this house some kind of illusion?

"Nevermind asking you to be my playmate, I will make you my toy." snides the fox-sorceress as she prepares to attack.

Maria - 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

Nine-Tails - 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

A wooden horse is summoned in the room.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria just smirked as she shifted her blade infront her herself, Slowly she turns the blade and pulls the sword back towards herself preparing a lunge at the kitsune. She thought about destroying the kitsune's wooden horse just as an insult but didn't want to waste an attack.
"I didn't come here for companionship.... I came here for an answer and I will damn well get it.... Even if I need to kill you for it. I am going to save my sister and I am going to kill ANYONE WHO STANDS IN MY WAY!!"

A more serious look forms on the girls face and a snarl emitted from her moments before she lunged that blade straight at the fox girl.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Dice rolls said:
Maria charges Nine-Tails (+1)
Maria attacks - 6 vs 9 - miss
Nine-Tails tries to smother Maria with her tails - 7 vs 4 - hit (-1 FP - +1 AP)

Maria attacks - 3 vs 6
Nine-Tails summons one of her sex-toys - 6 (chair)
Nine-tails tries to put Maria on the chair - 8 vs 8 - miss

Maria lunges at the kitsune, but the fox-woman intercepts the young warrior. Her impossibly long tails hit Maria and surround her. The fluffy tails press against the wolf-herm's body, smothering and arousing her.

"Now that you are calmed down, let's break you into the perfect little toy." says Nine-Tails as she focuses. The room shifts again, the wooden horse disappearing in a puff of smoke. In its stead, a leather chair appears behind Maria. The chair was fitted with restraints, and a hole at the bottom allowed more implements to be added under the chair. Nine-Tails try to push Maria on the chair, but the young girl stands her ground.
"I guess I'll have to weaken you a little more."

Maria - 4/5 FP 1/10 AP

Nine-Tails - 5/5 FP 0/10 AP

A bondage chair is summoned.
Re: Maria Rose (Katarina)

Maria shifts herself away from the chair, strafing around the kitsune for a moment preparing another attack. Her face still of determination despite her unsuccessful attack. Bringing her blade back up she readies another strike at the fox girl.
"Why can't you just tell me so I can save my sister! A life hangs in the line and you wish to mess around!"

She continued to try reason with the kitsune but it didn't seem to be going well. She kept her eyes perked listening for any queues or anything that might be of danger to her before taking another lunge at the girl.