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Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
HP=50, PP=84, EP=126
HP=92, PP=44, EP=42

They were told, long before either went into the Amazon. The thing about the Amazon, is that you do not want to be there unless you can help it. It is full of unique and unknown monsters that are almost always dangerous. There are diseases that fester only there that are often terrifying if not lethal, in addition to the parasites that will devour you body whole once they burrow under your flesh. Taking into account all of that, at least you won't have to worry about any corrupted beasts, right?

The one thing they were assured of would not harass them, did indeed harass them. Narbby, a young Sidhe off to experience the world, was caught out and surrounded by beasts with obvious issues with their bodies, growths coming out of their skin like tumors, red glowing eyes. They also seemed to possess a violent lust, which they seemingly wanted to unleash upon her, before Narali, the clanless orc, appeared and rescued her from a fate that she perhaps wouldn't have minded as much as if perhaps the beasts were hungry instead of horny. Regardless, the two ended up traveling together through the Amazon, a place that seemed most unforgiving. Then, it proved true to it's seeming harshness as the two went on. It kept raining all the time, seemingly only sparing the two women for hours at a time. Sleep was difficult to achieve as the weather and the lands predators continued to be a problem.

Both girls looking miserable, and feeling worn and tired from their travels, it seemed like things finally were going to turn up when they spotted something that was intelligent and not immediately hostile. A pair of mobile gruffs came into view, grinning and gesturing at the pair of women to follow. "Come, come! This way!" they invited them, moving away while glancing back every second or so, giving the two girls enough time to follow at a walk, or even run if they so chose to chase the two gruffs. "To the glade! Come!" they said with invitation. The Sidhe, Narbby, would be familiar with such a thing. A glade is a safe haven for the Fae, and would no doubt have water and food for them to eat and enjoy, as well as a safe place to rest. A Glade is such a nice place, depending on which court you go to of course, that it's always easy to lose oneself there in it's pleasures. Luckily, the Autumn court was a safe one, relatively speaking. However completely safe if your mortality was your only concern.

The pair of gruffs continued to beckon them so long as the pair was interested, too flighty to share words with, only inviting them to follow through the vegetation if they were questioned or warned. They'd vanish however, if the girls did not follow, or if they threatened the two gruffs.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

To this day, Narali still wonders why she ever made her way to the harsh lands of the Amazon. Sure it was much warmer and the opportunities to make her mark were far greater, but the reward was not worth the rather hefty price of admission that the Amazon demanded. Horrible weather, horrifying beasts that would be all too eager to make you either a meal or a mate, and disease and parasites that would turn your insides into soup or eat you from the inside out. All the reason she kept her armor locked on tight and why she never took it off, even for sleep. Today was just another typical horrible day for Narali and Narbby, what with the near constant rain and terrible conditions. The orc was especially weary from the journey so far and the lack of work had taken a toll on their supplies, meaning they needed to get some more, lest they starve out here in the woods and become food for the beasts.

What she wasn't expecting was a pair of...beast men...to stumble upon them and try to get their attention. The creatures seemed to beckon the weary travelers, inviting them to follow them to who knows where. The orc was a little hesitant to trust them and would look to her companion for advice. "Narbby? Can we trust these 2? Are they on the level?"
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Narbby had similar thoughts to Narali, mostly wondering why she had decided to use the Amazon as the beginning for her world journeys. She wasn't as worried about the various diseases and pests in the area thanks to her nature. Though she was worried about the creatures that wanted to eat her or screw her. The former was alot more frightening for the Sidhe then the latter, except for those corrupted ones, then it was about even.

Still the last thing she had expected as they were trekking through the mud and rain was that they would run into a pair of gruffs. In an instant she brightened a bit, where there were gruffs, there was a glade, and where there was a glade there was everything they needed for a good rest.

"Yep, they'll lead us to a glade and we should be able to find food, water, and a place to rest there. Though those two almost certainly want to have sex with us," Narbby said lightly, "They won't force us though, gruffs and them are usually pretty polite."
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Well it seemed like her companion knew what these things were and where they would lead us. A glade would be a far sight better then the harshness of the jungle they were currently in. And the prospect of some companionship really perked the orc up immensely. She hadn't had a decent partner in a good while and she was really wound up. "Well, if that's true, then we'll gladly accept. Let's get moving, sunshine." Narali would press forward, following the trail of the gruff's as best she could and hoping that Narbby kept up.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Narbby was right behind Narali, hoping just as much as the orc to get a break from this shitty weather for a few minutes. Though she was also going to make sure to keep an eye on her mistress to ensure the woman didn't get herself stuck into something she shouldn't. The Courts of Autumn always had something going on after all, and a few fae creatures might be a bit much for the orc in other areas.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

HP=50, PP=84, EP=126
HP=92, PP=44, EP=42

Following the gruffs, they were led through a patch of the wood whose leaves seemed to change color before their eyes, a fine sign that they were passing through into one of the protected glades of Autumn. Green, orange, brown, yellow, it was a light show of magic to please the eye, or frighten the paranoid. Still, once they passed through the magical display, they found themselves in an open patch of vegetation, with only soft grass at their feet. In front of them was a gathering of lesser fey. Muscular looking gruffs and nymphs talking lewdly and friendily alike, enjoying each others company while a group of four knights sat at their own table separate, talking quietly amongst one another. Three women and one man their group seemed to be based on the shape of their armors, though nothing else could be told from their heavy reinforcement.

Once in the glade, the smell of fresh food hit their nostrils, before such food was brought to the two girls, in addition to fresh water. Such was placed on an empty space of table for them as the pair of gruffs invited the two girls to sit and join them. "Welcome~! Hide from the harshness of the land outside the glade, and rest with us!" the goat men invited. "Please, enjoy our hospitality! You've followed us this far, why not?" they reasoned, while their stomachs grumbled that the goat men had a point.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Narali noticed the change gradually, the color changing with each passing step right before them. A clear sign that they were passing through the abysmal Amazon and into something much much different. For Narali, this was quite an experience given she had never really been in a glade or had much in the way of interaction with fae or Sidhe. Hell, Narbby was one of the few sidhe she had spend any extended amount of time with. Once inside and feeling the soft grass underneath her feet, the orc saw a group of nymphs and gruffs casually talking about a variety of topics ranging from the lewd to the mundane. Still looked like they were having fun, regardless of the topic. At the corner of her eye she saw a group of armored figures chatting amongst themselves, the orc making a note to see if he could speak with them later one, one warrior to another. Taking a deep breath and enjoying fresh temperate air, the orc would smell the food being brought to them and she was quick to smile broadly.

With the prospect of food and clean water, Narali would be the first of the pair to act on the invitation, taking one of the offered seats and diving into the food. "Don't mind if I do. Certainly beats hardtack biscuits and jerky."
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Narbby breathed out a sigh of relief as the land around them transformed into a glade. It was already a few hundred times better then the jungle they had just left. The clearing they were led to was relatively empty, with only a few satyrs, gruffs and nymphs around, along with a quartet of knights. The fae wondered what they were doing here, glades were not usually at risk after all so they were likely here for something else.

Still the prospect of food pulled Narbby away from the knights, and like her mistress she'd take one of the offered seats, "Thank you for the offer, I haven't had some proper food in quite a while."

At the same time though Narbby would make sure not to eat her food to fast, a tiny bit of caution went a long way in an Autumn glade, also eating quickly when you were hungry was a good way to get cramps.

She'd also ask the two gruffs, "How has life been this corner of the land? I didn't think we'd get so lucky to encounter a glade in these jungles and I can't suspect you get to many travelers passing by."
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

HP=50, PP=84, EP=126
HP=92, PP=44, EP=42

With the girls simply digging in, one asking a question, the gruffs took it upon themselves to settle in next to the girls on their seats, grinning and looking playful. "Life has been a fine mixture of relaxation and excitement. We sometimes even help the knights take care of the corrupted beasts that try to procreate in these lands. Tis our objective as per the the command of the Court of Autumn to hunt down and slay such beasts so as to prevent their kind from spreading. They procreate quickly though, so the knights are always hard at work." the gruff next to Narbby declared.

"We'd love to have you help!" the other gruff near Narali declared with a smile, putting an arm around the orc's shoulders. "We could be your support for whenever you return, offering all the food and comfort you could desire~" he said affectionately, as if ready to satisfy her in 'any' way she desired.

"How about a massage after your meal? Take some rest, you look tired." the other offered, who was next to Narbby.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Narali enjoyed her food and the good company, all the while listening in on the conversation regarding the state of the glade and what sounded like it's mission on behalf of the Court of Autumn. The Knights looked to be the primary slayer of those nasty sounding monsters, but it sounded like the gruffs helped out on occasion as well. So these beasts procreate like crazy and it's up to the glade here to stem the tide of monsters so that it doesn't get out of control. To the orc, that just screamed job opportunity and they were even asking for her help as well. So long as Narbby was fine with, the orc saw no reason to turn down such a task. Even if for a little while, they'd be earning money and helping the Amazon be a better place, and by the gods did it need all the help it can get. "How could I say no to an opportunity like that? Hey Narbby! How do you feel about killing some beasts for a little while?" We can finally put all that magic stuff of yours to good use against some big nasties."

As she waited for an answer from her companion, Narali would cozy up to the gruff, quite intrigued by the prospect of further food and companionship. "I must say, that sounds very nice. A constant place to come back to with warm food and warm beds sounds lovely. Though, I will tell you this now, I'll need more than one companion to fully...comfort me...if you catch my meaning. But for now, I'd be satisfied with a nice bath or river to soak in. Let these bones rest and get out of this stuffy armor. Might need find a replacement for my old clan armor, as it was better suited for my old home." She grumbled this as she began fiddling with the buckles of her armor.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Narbby sighed internally, knowing the decision had been made already anyways. Still at the very least it was something that would actually be beneficial and interesting to do, and Narali looked quite excited.

"My magic works just as well against little nasties you know, but ya I'm up for hunting the monsters that plague these lands," The Sidhe said as she also considered that even if they didn't actually get payed, they could probably sell body parts of some of the more interesting kills for good money.

The internal sigh returned though as Narali started mooching up to the Gruff. Narbby was wondering just how much her orc mistress actually knew of the lustfulness of the fae and their kind. The girl would probably be a puddle of sexed goo in the morning if she got her multiple partners.

Not that she wasn't going to try to get some relaxation either though, "I could do with a massage," Not that she really needed it, but it always felt really good to have one and it usually got everyone all hot and bothered which led to the other good way to relax.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

HP=50, PP=84, EP=126
HP=92, PP=44, EP=42

The gruff nodded while inspecting Narali's armor. "Yes indeed, your armor certainly looks like it was meant for the cold North. No wonder you're suffering so much here, where it's so warm! We'll have to have that armor repurposed so as to allow more air to flow. You'll overheat and suffer with that thick thing on!" he warned her. "If you don't mind such an advance from me, I'll take your outer layers off to let some air flow." he said, offering to help her out of her armor to relax a bit. If she refused he'd back off without much complaint, simply nodding in respect for her desire to remain covered.

Either way, the gruffs would move in and earnestly begin massaging the two women as they ate, helping them relax while giving them quite a nice and luxurious treatment, far beyond what they should expect from such a place.

After they'd finish eating, the gruffs began rubbing their backs. "How about a bath now, to help let that food settle?" they offered, though with a hint of desire to have the two women in an acceptable location to tempt them into sex, as Narbby would be well aware from the common pervy nature of the goat men.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Narbby knew the Gruffs were being overly nice, but she outright knew that the two goatmen didn't get much opportunities for new girls to come by, and were doing their best to improve their chances with the two of them. Given Narali had more or less outright told them they'd be getting a shot at her atleast, the Fae spirit wielder had more or less resigned herself to that.

The food hadn't knocked either of them out cold yet either so that was a good sign, and the massage was nice too, so wasn't like she was entirely against giving the gruffs a chance.

As it was though Narbby gave a rather knowing if small smile at the two goatmen, she was fully onto their game, and she was fairly sure Narali was outright shooting for the idea, so she said, "Getting wet for a good reason for a change sounds nice, so I'm in for a bath."

It would probably be a one time thing, before they became 'regulars' around here, so might as well milk it for all its worth right?
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Maybe it was the atmosphere or the friendly attitude of the gruffs but Narali was not objecting in the slightest to her companion helping to peel pieces of her armor off in an effort to make it lighter and let some air get in. Back home, the extra layers and padding made sense in an effort to block out the cold, but here such things were not needed in any way and losing them would only help her. And having someone do it for her made it feel even nicer. Of course, this relaxed feeling was made even better by the massage, the orcess almost melting under the gruff's touch, a contented sigh escaping her lips as she finished eating and hearing out the beasts suggestions. "I did say earlier a good soak would do me some good. Damn rain doesn't help in the slightest and in fact only makes things worse. Lead the way, hun. "
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

HP=50, PP=84, EP=126
HP=92, PP=44, EP=42

The gruffs looked at each other with a grin as the two women seemed enthusiastic for a bath, giving each other a high-five in celebration before offering their hands to guide the two women. They led the orc and sidhe through the glade and towards a sparkling flowing river that seemed to have a little magical touch to make it steamy and purifying. One of the gruffs approached a long horizontal tree branch that was hanging over the ground. "You can hang your clothes here. And perhaps if you ask nicely... Really nicely~" the Gruff began. "We'll happily wash them for you." he said with a wink of suggestion. Though both seemed to wait rather eagerly for both women to strip down and take a dip in the hot water to clean themselves proper.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Narali let out an impressed whistle as she saw the sparkling flowing river, the orc very happy with what she was seeing. "Gotta say, you fae think of everything when it comes to pampering your guests." Narali showed little hesitation or fear or shame as she finally removed the rest of her armor, the orcess quite proud of her body underneath. A respectable bust to be sure, but she also bore the signs of battle with the various scars on her skin. Her body told a story of her exploits and she wasn't afraid to show it. "So long as you don't mind cleaning out the mud, dirt and sweat. What'll you take? Money? Company? No price is too small." Narali said with a smirk as she marched into the water, enjoying the hot water which was afar sight better then the cold rain.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Narbby had been rather pleased at the sight of the river too, but her excitement was quickly replaced by a bit of a dull, very unimpressed look in her eyes, because of Narali's last comment. Her mistress had to use such a poor choice of words.

"Well money, or temporary companionship atleast," she commented, trying to avoid directly contradicting the orcess, mostly cause she wouldn't mind getting a bit of stress out that had accumulated over the whole trip here, but at the same time trying to avoid the gruffs taking advantage of Narali's words.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

HP=50, PP=84, EP=126
HP=92, PP=44, EP=42

The gruffs laughed collectively when the two women began to talk of companionship and money. "Money? We've no use for such a thing. However, the smiles and friendship of two nice ladies is something that cannot be bought." One said, before both gruffs went into the water with the women and looked at them expectantly. "Shall we wash your backs now? Or get dirty first~?" they inquired, eager to hear their response.
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

"I know what I said Narbby. I still have a good sword swinging arm on me and I'm not about to spend the rest of my days on my back. I just enjoy a little romp every now and again to blow off some steam. I don't think that's too much to ask!" Narali humorously chastised her friend before following the gruffs into the water, the orc taking a moment to get use to the temperature before speaking up again. "Lets get the cleaning done first. I doubt you'd enjoy dealing with me when I'm tired, sore and a little cranky from being out in the rain all day. Believe me, I'm a much more pleasant orc when I'm relaxed both in body and spirit."
Re: Amazonian Escort Service (Aust;Ranger) GM'd by MAF

Narbby just waited for Narali to look away before she gave a face that practically screamed disbelief at the orc not managing to somehow get herself into a terrible situation through rampant sex drive. Still the look dissapeared after only a moment and was instead replaced with a grin, "Well as my mistress says, we should probably get cleaned up first, it makes getting dirty again all the more fun."