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RPG [Shadow Garden] SHADOWCORE (RJ146401)


Sex Demon
Jun 16, 2012
Reputation score

Story: One thousand years since the Hero saved the world from Demon King Adrius,
his descendant, the young man Mist, resides in the distant town of Mikus.

After generations of peace, Mist bears no resemblance to his famous ancestor.
In fact, he's the weakest boy in the village.

Sometimes the Faithful visit him, but to him they're basically a nuisance.
Among the Faithful is his childhood friend Elycia.

And so the scene is set for Mist's inevitable change of fate......

Game Info: The enemy will kidnap the heroine if you lose a battle.
Once kidnapped she will be taken to a dungeon somewhere.
At first nothing will happen but as time passes, her faith and resistance will fade.
The heroine may not think the Hero will rescue her and give up.
Even if her faith is strong at the time of kidnapping she might give up quickly,
so let's get in there and rescue her as soon as possible.

The game features a day/night system with some differences in the dungeon.

Dev Site:
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NTR game. You play as a male character, and your partner is captured if you lose. The longer you wait before rescuing her, the... ... well you know what happens.

Has potential. Any body gave this one a go yet?

Played the demo a while back.

My gripe: The lead character (perhaps expectedly) is totally useless in terms of combat usefulness.

The demo itself is one long railroaded prologue to the game leading to the first area of the game (it ends when you clear that area). A lot of effort is needed to actually *get* the scene that comes out of losing, since you need to lose a lot (I gave up after about forcing five deaths onto myself).
Since I didn't get the scene that comes out of losing, I don't know what happens if you lose a metric fuckton, but I assume there's no game over from taking too long (incidentally the game stops you from 'clearing' the stage if you don't rescue your hot, comparatively more useful girl)

Apart from that, the gameplay in the demo is stock RPG maker; nothing fancy but it gets the job done.

I agree that it has potential, but the demo doesn't really offer a good enough view into the game itself.

Hopefully they change it a bit. Getting the scenes shouldnt be such a chore.

Hopefully they change it a bit. Getting the scenes shouldnt be such a chore.

If this is really an NTR game, it will have to rely on the setup heavily for the impact to be more intense. If you're just looking for scenes without any context, might as well find something else to play with.

Seems like there's two possible NTR routes in that first forest alone. Either:

1.)Get the girl captured, then keep losing/keep sleeping on the campsite at the start of the dungeon long enough

2.)Lose once with the burly dwarf dude in your party (the one right before the entrance of the forest). Ask for his help, then lose in the forest. The bandits take your elf girl and leave you a whimpering wreck. It'll boot you to the campsite at the start of the forest. Try asking him again for help, then he'll charge you 1k gold. If you don't have it, the dude asks for an alternative payment, which I THINK is him asking for a quickie on your elf woman once you all manage to get out of the forest.

If the dwarf dude isn't there, try sleeping once on the campsite and/or switching to night via the same spot (campsite's second option).

Unfortunately, said scene isn't available yet, since the game ends once you manage to get out of the forest through the exit.

Dont get me wrong NTR bro. If the game plays as you describe thats great. If with every day wasted you get a update/development towards a scene then it will make it worth while. I was under the impression the scene trigger was more random.

I look forward to the release none the less.

With regards to the scene's presentation in the demo:

The build-up is honestly very shoddy.

The Good:
The scene advances depending on you being bad (purposefully or no).

The Bad:
There's...uh, not really a lot of emotional clout.

Like I knew it had NTR and I figured that since the girl got captured, I was going to get an NTR scene at some point during the gameplay section.

By the time the pre-scene started (A short conversation between the girl and a bandit) my reaction was effectively "Finally. Jesus christ." I get the feeling now that the design is supposed to feel like there's a time limit involved, but the time limit is so forgiving that my sense of urgency was effectively gone.

Disclaimer: My memory is not very good. I got the demo during a demo-binge, and it wasn't exactly at the top of the pack.

Wait so, is there an actual CG scene or not?
Because once she got captured I went and slept at the camp alot of times. I got 4 scenes (I believe). She was talking to the bandit in all of them. Two in which she had her clothes on, two in which she didn't.

After that I was spamming sleep but nothing came on. I figured I would have to go and fight some bandits but once I died it didn't sent me to the camp, instead it put me in another fight with the bandits. It kept doing that forever. I was stuck in a loop. Couldn't escape either and attacking them proved worthless.
Is that supposed to happen or is it a bug?

Concerning a set of CGs:
I remember popping open the game and seeing a set of CGs that should've corresponded to a scene.

Concerning the infinity death loop:
Probably a bug. I think that loop should've triggered the (a?) scene but...y'know, didn't.

Wait so, is there an actual CG scene or not?
Because once she got captured I went and slept at the camp alot of times. I got 4 scenes (I believe). She was talking to the bandit in all of them. Two in which she had her clothes on, two in which she didn't.

After that I was spamming sleep but nothing came on. I figured I would have to go and fight some bandits but once I died it didn't sent me to the camp, instead it put me in another fight with the bandits. It kept doing that forever. I was stuck in a loop. Couldn't escape either and attacking them proved worthless.
Is that supposed to happen or is it a bug?

Its a bug, I think. I got the same one, where after losing a fight inside the forest, the screen turns black and stays there. I can still use the menu, and I can still probably walk around although I see nothing (because the moment I tried to walk, it dumped me into another fight).

After you get all the little scenes with the bandit guy and the elf, I think you need to go to their base inside the forest to see the scene. The base is somewhere south of the forest's exit.

Edit: Just tested it. And yeah, you do get the scene if you go to the bandit's base after getting all the little scenes. The demo ends once you see it, though.
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going to leave a post here, because if it has ntr i will probably play it even if it's a slow paced game, and there is never enough ntr.

Waiting for the game myself also.

For those maybe a bit curious, he has a Pixiv account with a few sample pictures of NTR progression (not in the demo/shown anywhere but pixiv)

Also looks like he can recruit female fighters also, and NTR with them making that dark elf girl jealous and....!

i see his account and 4 different pictures, but none of them have ntr or any girls aside from the main girl.

i see his account and 4 different pictures, but none of them have ntr or any girls aside from the main girl.

Misread the google translate, thought it mentioned another girl, but it looks like that armored recruit can possibly NTR with the main girl.

If you check the image with the word "STORY" on it, and have played the demo, you can see from the pics showing the girl is corrupted with that ruffian guy and from the hearts+musical symbol, most likely like having sex with that guy.

Those 4 images, is more like 8 images, click them and it loads a slideshow of multiple images (that you need to click)

Its not super obvious NTR/corruption, but between playing the game, and then looking at those pictures, it kind of stands out.

Sorry for reviving the thread but there have been several new messages in his feed in his pixiv page, I think they mean he is close to finishing development, but google translate is a bit spotty. Could anyone do a quick check to see what they generally mean?

Using google, it looks like he's nearly done, and then had trouble with final boss?

and most recent something about "clogged" (according to google) I'm presuming problem and may take time to fix.

The game creator has uploaded a new set of (2) pictures to his pixiv account, they seem to give a bit more information on the state of the game and show what appears to be the recollection, or event room.


Here is the URL, its the one with the masked guy on it.

Normal and Bad End are pretty much done, just some sub events for True End left, so almost complete.