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Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Yay! I'm getting a scanner tomorrow, Tuesday at the latest.

That means I'll be working on getting some character concept art together and the CGs as well. Giggity.

In the meantime, I've been working on getting some scripts together for the 'plot' of the game. I will try to have a compiled list of quests by the end of the week, plus some stuff on how I'll be making the combat system work.

I am looking at the each combat as a sort of "boss battle" where it is difficult to get through, but made easier when you start getting Emma more skills. Getting the skills means exploring and interacting with NPCs. Since a lot of these skills are sexual based, I am going to have 1 hidden attribute that helps makes these skills more effective against enemies, as well as making her resist enemy sexual skills more.

Also been looking at some of VX Ace's calculations and properties so that I can get a leg up on programming when i do eventually get Ace for this game. Seems like I'll be able to make my own battle calculations (making what I want combat to be considerably easier to customize), but also I will be able to set up the leveling system and skills system to my liking as well. Yay!

Can't wait to start getting to that.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Hello VSPAR - Just had a look at your game and I like the concept so much I drew you a little fan-art just to show some love for a budding game designer with a cool game idea.

I have some ideas that I'll post later with accompanying artwork just so they make more sense, but for now, enjoy boobs!

Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

So here are some little images to display THIS idea... ok so this might be my only idea right now but at least it has pictures!

Picture 1;
Instead of the classic "enemy out in front, click attack, effect happens" I thought maybe more like some other games (don't remember names, sorry) you could have them side-by-side like this. I see you're making every enemy like a boss fight so maybe having this would be a slightly more interesting combat visual than just a random sprite on the other side of the screen.


Pictures 2;
Main attacking enemy - Have a static image swap whenever you use a basic attack, you could even have custom images for different things like magic, defend, or item use.


Picture 3;
Enemy attacking Main - Much like the original image but this could be good for clothing damage (if you have any intention of adding it) with shredded clothing exploding off her body with certain attacks.


Anyway, that's it! Anyone is free to elaborate on this further or just enjoy the silly pictures! :D
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Hello VSPAR - Just had a look at your game and I like the concept so much I drew you a little fan-art just to show some love for a budding game designer with a cool game idea.

I have some ideas that I'll post later with accompanying artwork just so they make more sense, but for now, enjoy boobs!





Don't you hate it when a person posts fan-art that's better than your art?
Anyway, thanks a lot to ProlongedProcrastination for the fan art and ideas! WOW!
In response: yes. I would LOVE to do all this, definitely, and some ideas are already in the works. This is where I do an: "unfortunately".

Unfortunately, I am just one man on a mission to make a game, so maybe, in the long-term future I will implement something like this - I sure as hell want to do it now. In the mean time, going to post THAT to my Blogger site, and might as well drop some updated stuff down here.


I am also hard at work doing the MALE character concept (sure, it's only there for like, 2 scenes, but it needs to be done). In it you'll also get a look at the character's armor base - cause I'm a big fan of realistic (ish?) armor.

In the programming news: I think I have devised a good formula for the majority of battles and enemies. Emma will be outmatched for just about ALL of the battles. It's going to be luck plain and simple defeating any enemy without the use of special skills. Even the weakest of enemies will have more than a 50% chance of dropping her outright based solely on average damage per attack vs maximum hit points.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

VSPAR it was my pleasure to draw for you and I can't wait to see more of your idea's and this game eventually grow and become something amazing!

But if you ever start letting this game idea of yours die like so many other people here (You know who you are!) I'm gonna drop more fan-art on you of certain things until i guilt you back into making this happen :D

Haha, anyway, good luck! I'll keep my eye here to keep on top of your progress :)
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Here's the updated (male) character concept art. So here it is.


And that's Brigandine armor there. It's a layer of cloth under metal plates riveted to a layer of leather.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Hey there everybody. Got some things done, if you weren't checking up on my .

So I decided to keep things interesting and do a... DUM DUM DUM! Sneek preview here on ULMF, to keep everybody on their toes.

I finished the first set of CGs that go to the Demon Spawn GOR scene, so here's this:


Anyway, keep it good and keep it real, humans, and be sure to check in again soon for more updates.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Nope. Still not dead.

Although I did have some setbacks in the programming department, the art and writing is going pretty well. Got some things done and finding what works in terms of cg creation - it ain't easy, that's for sure.

So, just checking in and reminding people that the game is no where near dead.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Nyahahahahaha ProPro is back to drop another piece of fan art! I was just looking at your blog and you inspired me to draw one of your sex scenes! I picked a pretty tame one though... might draw more of them for fun later.

Anyway, hope it puts a little more pep in ya step pal :D

Though this one is black and white... I'm so lazy.

Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

If by "Pep in Your Step" you mean, "Boners in Your Pants" then yes, mission successful.

I really wish I had the money to just pay you to make all my CGs....

Been doing some writing too, and I found that having a hand-drawn something in front of me helped me write.

I am about half way through a Game Over scene where Em gets enslaved.... might post something here so I can get feedback from the community.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Honestly bud - I would do it too.

But hey, if you ever decide to go to patreon to sell your game then let me know and I'll join up and draw everything for ya. Haha.

I would do it for free but between everything else I just wouldn't be able to put in the time I'd like for it.

But hey, feel free to use any pictures I post here. No royalties on them ;)
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Yeah, ProPro. I have decided that if I ever DO sell CoaTF, I could wait until I have a full fledged version of it - I hate the idea of paying for only part of a game, and I wouldn't want others to have do so, even if they want to. I dunno, I'm weird like that.

In a perfect world, I would do project management and writing, and let others do the programming and actual art. Really make my project come together, but since that's not so likely, I decided to just do everything for my first large project.

So, I promised some words, so here they are. Feedback is appreciated, but try to be constructive and not hurtful, ok? I'm very sensitive since I've never really offered up my writing for critique. Thanks.

The giant be was on top of me fast, it's legs like the bars of a prison around me. The only strength I had left was to reach out and grab one to try and push it away, but it was much too strong for me.
Then its stinger, glistening with a painful venom was there, just inches from my face, taunting and reminding me of who was in charge now.
I looked down to see the bee's head near my crotch, its mandibles clicking in excitement.
Delicately, but with force, it pulled at my armor. The straps buckled and gave and the hairy insect exposed my nethers to its bulbous, many-faceted eyes. It chittered with excitement as I let out a small breath.
My noise only made it hunger for me more. and it slowly released its tounge. The probiscus was at least 16 inches long, thin, and a smooth black, slathered in moisture and it paused, eying me up.
It sent a shiver through my body. The tongue quivered, as the enormous beast stood over me, reflective eyes peering at every exposed part of my body.
It wanted my sweet nectar, and despite myself, my body was responding.
That's when it happened. A long, clear squirt of liquid splattered into my face. It got in my eyes and in my mouth.
It tasted like honey, but was more liquid and clear. I felt some slide into my throat and instinctively I swallowed.
Almost immediately, I felt hot, like an oven of passion had been turned on inside me and I could feel my nipples get erect. My pussy swelled and ached. Oh god. I needed to be penetrated, and realized it had drugged me with its honey-jizz.
It stared at me in anticipation.
"What are you waiting for?" I pat at it, lust on my lips.
It tilted its head slightly, and I followed its look.
Its stinger oozed the juicy fluid that had drugged me, and I craved it.
I wanted it to squirt all of its warm, succulent honey into my mouth and let it ooze into my throat and feel even hotter.
I had already grabbed onto the dripping stinger and squeezed out a drop. I stuck out my tongue to catch it. Pure ecstasy. I was so wet. Without letting go I licked my lips as they burned with foretaste.
"Please..." I pleaded with my honey dealer.
It's tongue began whipping back and forth across my horny little pussy, getting it even more wet.
I let out a whorish moan.
Every time it's long, slippery organ hit my hard clit, it sent a pulse of pleasure into me and I cried out like a slut; a slut who wanted to be violated by a monster.
"Oh fuck! Stick it in! Get it in me, you filthy beast!" I couldn't really believe that was my mouth speaking those words, but they were true. I did want it's disgusting thing inside me, and I didn't care.
"Aaaaahhhhh!" I let out a surprised gush of release.
It has stuck it in the wrong hole. My anus burned with a hot passion - it felt amazing - both in elation and in pain.
But the pain felt good too, somehow. The horrible creature slipped its tool of violation in and out of my rectum and probed every crevice within.
I started to cum.
It was insane. At that moment I realized I shouldn't want it, as a kind of clarity broke through the fog of the honey drug.
"No! Wait!"
It was far too late. The orgasm racked my body and made me pull and kick.
I squirted too. My pussy juice shot out of me and right onto its yellow and black face, and the thing made a gleeful clicking noise.
"Thank god that was over with." I began to think.
Unceremoniously, it shot its long hot tongue into my vagina and poked at my womb.
"Ghhaaa!" I shouted in surprise.
My mouth was open. It must have know, because the giant bee shot its hot sweet liquid into my waiting maw as I gasped at the sudden penetration.
I felt its effects almost immediately - a heat from my core with expanded to my most sensitive areas.
In a blinding sweat, I swallowed vivaciously. I savored the taste and the way it drained down my esophagus and into my stomach. Oh yes.

Happy Fapping.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

I totally understand what you mean, having purchased a few early access games before and they being completely unplayable to the point I wanted to go pull my money back outta the dev's ass...

But y'know patreon isn't for completed stuff? It's about people supporting you to help you finish the game and get some other stuff from it as well. Like... voting and stuff like "have your OC drawn fucking the MC!" or whatever.

But I respect your choice, it would be better to have a decent demo to start off with.

So with that in mind I think I'd be happy to offer my services, for free, to do the art side of things for you. I admittedly won't be the fastest at it as I can only do it in my spare time but I could re-draw the scenes you have now and do whatever other stuff you need.

I like the concept of this game enough to do that :)
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

I've been thinking about putting up a Patreon for a while now. I made an account and am looking at what it can do with it, and what it is good for.
Still need to do some research, cause I don't want to jump into anything too quick - I really don't trust internet sites with credit card or bank statements much at all (I'm looking at you, eBay...)

In other news, I have locked down on the incoming Demo, and I know what I need to do to put it together (I have a list, see?) Seems like I might be able to have a working demo pretty soon, as long as I can stay on task with writing, CGs and programming.

Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Ok. FINE. I'll make a Patreon site.

It's here:

Also updated my blog again - it was a good weekend.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Anyone else having issues with pictures not displaying in their Patreon? Mine seem to have all messed up and will neither load the picture, or the ability to change what the picture is. Maybe it's just their end having issues. I will check on it tomorow, and we'll see.

Anyway, I've been doing more and more writing and art for the game. Once I have all the peices made, I'll be putting the Demo together from there.

I also will be putting together a little something from some fan art that put together. That will be a ULMF exclusive post just for you guys to see what will eventually be coming in the demo.

You can see more updates at my , and if you have any questions, comments, concerns, critique, just drop me a line or leave a post here.

Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Alright. Here it is (finally). A ULMF exclusive: a scene written by , and the CGs done by on commission.

It was a quiet little town; or at least that's what it seemed like. On the outside it was just a few homes, a small Inn and Tavern, and a mill. Little did I know it was also the home of a powerful magic user with a lust for woman-flesh.

He appeared out of thin air with a bright blue flash in front of me, a ruggedly handsome and strong fellow with a thin blade strapped to his side.

Instinctively, I went for my own weapon, but didn't draw it; just to let him know I would defend myself as necessary. He held up a hand, like an offering of peace and spoke.

??? - "I'm sorry, my young lady. I didn't mean to startle you. Please let me make your acquaintance."

His voice was purposefully smooth and calming. He was either up to something, or truly was apologetic. I didn't really trust mages.

??? - "They call me Barkley, the Gemini Mage," he said with a courteous bow.

I didn't let down my guard even with his attempts to diffuse the situation. I was aware of mages and their tricks - I had been trained to be wary of their powers.

Barkley - "Yes, I understand your apprehension of trusting me, being a mage and all; many aren't. But I have heard of you and your plight."

That was curious.

Barkley - "You used to be a man, is this correct?"

Em - "How do you know this?" I demanded.

I was almost even more suspicious because he knew, but still willing to hear him out. If he knew then he actually might be trying to help me.

Barkley - "I hear things - many things. Through a network of magical beings. One of my contacts is a hand maiden of the Faery Queen..."

Holy. Shit. That was the bitch that turned me into a girl.

Barkley - "Ah, I can see by your expression, that this is spot on."

I realized I was both wide eyed and teeth clenched and forced myself to relax a little.

Em - "So what's your interest?"

Barkley - "Well, I did some research on your behalf, I hope you don't mind."

I gave him the "curious yet skeptical" look to drive his summary onward.

Barkley - "Yes, well, to make a boring story short, seems I might have an item in my possession that might just fix your little issue."

I didn't hope to dream that it would be all over that quick, but I had to inquire, just in case.

Em - "So what do you want for it?"

I gave him the matter of fact so he had little room to dodge or try to spin a deal. Mages.

Barkley - "Oh nothing you have interests me more than what you won't want to give... so..."

He was looking at my ample breasts, but he wasn't dumb. In fact, he was spot on, so I rolled my eyes and waited for him to finish.

Barkley - "... Tell you what. If it works, you can owe me a solid favor. If it doesn't - no harm, no foul, we go our separate ways. How 'bout that?"

It was hard to argue with an offer like that. It was straight forward, simple, and as a guy again a 'solid favor' wouldn't be so bad to handle.

Em - "You got yourself a deal, Barkley."

He was happy, which was unusual, but so far I hadn't detected any deception in his words. I still didn't trust him, but I was starting to get my hopes up.

Barkley - "Oh. And I want to keep the device and whatever it does afterwards, one way or the other, all right?"

Em - "Sure..."

What did I care? Even if it didn't turn me back into a man, I was no wizard.

Barkley - "All right then."

He pulled out a small metal sphere and handed it to me. It looked as if it was two halves of a sphere pulled together by zipper-like interlocking teeth. On one side there was a symbol of a face that went right over the teeth.

It was a strange thing. Not very heavy despite obviously being made of silver. It must be hollow, I figured.

Barkley - "Now, from what I have gathered, the sphere contains a powerful magical gem that can shape the person's body."

Em - "So how do I open it?"

Barkley - "I'm not totally certain. Perhaps if you will it to open? There doesn't seem to be any obvious physical way to do so."

I gave a bit of a grimace. Well nuts. This wasn't going to be easy. I turned it over in my hands. It was the size of an orange. I found the face again and it kind of hit me. I stared into the face symbol and focused my will, a hand on each half sphere with just my fingers touching.

Suddenly, a blue light cracked from between the teeth and I heard Barkley's exclamation.

Barkley - "Oh! Excellent!"

I focused all my will on the face and suddenly it parted in half. Weird. It looked like two faces facing each other now. My vision began to blur a bit and I started seeing double. I had to concentrate. As I did so, the two halves came further apart and I started feeling a little dizzy.

Barkley - "Uh... uh oh... um..."

That didn't sound reassuring. It was probably too late to pull out now. I refocused my will on the sphere and it came apart. There was a blue flash and I reeled away from it. I was falling to the ground, losing contiousness, and saw what I thought was my own reflection falling too.

I didn't even feel hitting the ground.


I heard his voice arguing with someone close by and started waking up. Obviously, the shock from the magical orb had gotten me pretty good.

Barkley - "No, I want the back. It's tighter and warmer."

What the hell was he talking about?

Barkley - "Oh, fine. Have it your way."

What the?

I opened my eyes to Barkley. I was face to face with him and he was carrying me with my arms draped over his shoulders.

I was naked.

So was he. He smiled. So did his twin, from off to the side. His twin was naked too and gave my right breast a strong squeeze.

Em - "What the!"

I tried to push away from the one holding me and strike, but as quick as I was, they both held up a hand, palm toward me.

Both Barkleys - "VOLSA!"

Their spells hit me simultaneously. Individually I could probably have taken one, but together their will was abominable. It was like being hit with a boulder.

Immediately my arms hurt, the muscles in them straining to keep up with their own weight. My shoulders cramped and my resistance lost its footing. My thighs and calves tingled as the weakness enchantment took root in my legs as well. I was helpless and naked - one of the worst feelings I could imagine.

My head slumped forward into the one who held me, forcing me to look down at his naked body as he propped mine up. Between my huge breasts I saw his cock, erect and pulsing with anticipation of penetrating me.

Back Barkley - "Well, she seems to be ready now. Shall I?"

Front Barkley - "I shall."

Oh no.

Two penises, identical and rock hard, ready to fuck, prodded, one each at my holes.

Em - "No! Don't rape me, you sick fucks!"

My words only jeered them on and they forced themselves in, in tandem, without any foreplay or lubrication.

All at once my cunt and anus burned and screamed in pleasure as the twin meat-sticks dripped deep inside me. They didn't hold back either, and went balls-deep in one hard thrust.

Em - "Aaaaaahhh!"

Then they just kept their cocks rammed to the hilt inside my holes, savoring the tightness. My weak arms could only gently pull on the Barkley in front of me, futilely.

Front Barkley - "Did you like that?"

Back Barkley - "Do you want some more?"

The bastards knew I had been a guy, but were getting such disturbing pleasure out of raping me from both sides.

Em - "Let me go, you evil fucks. I'll kill you if you don't stop righ-aight aaahh!"

The wizard behind me had grabbed my nipples and twisted them causing pain and ecstasy to course through my mind.

Back Barkley - "That's what I thought."

Front Barkley - "We'd better get to making her feel really, really good then."

With those words they began alternating thrusts inside me. In order to apply full leverage, the one violating my ass grabbed my hair in it's tail, tilting my head upward.

With each deep, violent thrust my big boobs bounced and shook with vulgar animation. Bouncing and flopping into the face of the one drilling my vagina. He plowed me wide to the base and the head smashed into my cervix, hitting my g-spot hard. This made my body crave its pounding and soon my pussy had drenched my lower area and lathered his junk with my juices.

With each thrust the dick split my crack and crammed into my butt hole down to the hilt. his large throbbing member stuffed my rectum. As he pulled back for another ram, his over sized plug pulled my anal sphincter outward, threatening to break my ass and gape me to the maximum.

As one penetrated inward, the other retracted putting constant friction on my prostate, which bowled me over with animalistic pleasure. I responded, despite my urge to protest.

Em - "Ahh! Oooh! Ihhiaaah!"

Spectator - "Wow. She really is loving it. What a slut."

I looked over with my eyes.

No! People were watching! They were seeing me get double penetrated right out in the open for all to see. And what's worse: they were getting turned on by the sight and sounds.

Em - "No! Aah! Don't watch! Nnng!"

The onlookers ogled at the scene which drove my rapists to pound my fuck-holes even harder and faster. They were getting ready to cum.

Em - "Aaah! Ngyah! Ahh! Uuuhhh!"

So was I. Despite myself, my body couldn't help but crave their milky white seed inside me. My womb wanted to be filled; my colon wanted the sticky jizzm deep inside.

Front Barkley - "You ready for our jizz inside you, slut?"

Back Barkley - "We're going to give you a lot, so you had better be!"

The words came out of my mouth before I could try to fight back against them.

Em - "Cum deep inside me! Please!"

That put my two violators over the edge. Hot, sticky cum blasted into both my receiving ends as they kept smashing away. They were thoroughly coating my insides which overwhelmed me with ecstasy.

Em - "Oohhh! God yes! Ohh fuck! I'm cumming! Aaaaaaaahhhh!"

I could feel my vagina and butt clamping down on them hard, just trying to suck as much of their wonderful man-gravy out - I was beyond reason. My body bucked against the cocks inside me trying to get more. More. My body wanted more.

Front Barkley - "Wow. You really wanted it all, huh?"

Back Barkley - "Yeah, this bitch will make quite an addition to our collection."

I was still weakened by their magic, and my all too recent orgasm, but wanted to flee from the scene. Raped in front of strangers by the mage, my mind wanted to escape.

And that's when I noticed her. A girl wearing my armor, sleeping, leaning against the side of a building.

It was me...


I awoke leaning against the building I had been near when the light from the sphere had engulfed me. There was a piece of parchment with a note written on it beside me. It was from Barkley.

"Em - sorry it didn't work out. Will keep you in mind if anything comes up. -Barkely the Gemini Mage"

It had been a strange encounter, but not bad, I guess. I was still a girl. Damn.

I got strange looks and stares from the townspeople from then on. I couldn't really explain it.

*Fixed pictures so they would open full size.
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Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

Oh, and if you could give me some quick feedback if you read it at this , that would be awesome. Thanks.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks


However, I have decided to do a little side project game (a lot shorter) and easier to complete.

You can see the forum post for it HERE.
Re: [RPG Maker VX] The Curse of a Thousand Fucks

What's that? Not dead yet? That's right, I'm not! Just getting over a major ankle injury and being busy in general.

Still working on The Mind Chain.