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ACT [azurezero] deepground lab - metroidvania (now on kimochi for 7usd) RE154018 RJ154018

Re: deepground lab - metroidvania (OUT NOW $5.4usd)

I couldn't buy it, told me there was a problem with the merchants pay pal account.

it couldnt have come at a worse time too, someone finally reported me so i've spent the last half an hour taking down all my paypal links

way to kill a new release, and theyd only seen the blog links, (they didnt know about my tumblr) but they made me sign a thing saying they can just close my account next time so i've had no choice...

heres the dlsite page...

this has really taking the wind out of my sails though... way to kick a guy when he's down
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania (OUT NOW $5.4usd)

I gotta wait for them to review my tumblr, but i signed up with payza

so i should be able to get this back up for sales if theyre okay with my pictures... fingers crossed
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania (OUT NOW $5.4usd)

Played through the game, feedback time:

- Obviously delicious, delicious pixelporn
- Music pretty good, when it worked (see below)
- Good leveldesign, different worlds felt reasonably different

- I still ran into input stuckness issues on my VM - running natively in wine worked better, so I eventually managed to get it
+ I'm assuming this is simply due to the engine hitting its limits on a low-spec environment - unfortunately it didn't show up until the last room before the final boss, but totally broke that room:
+ every 10s you had clean inputs for half a second, then a bunch of seconds where inputs simply didn't react or were delayed by a second or more (also taking out audio, just everything stuck)
+ I suspect it's because that room had a gazillion of the little purple flying fuckers. Do they realize when they're stuck on a wall? Perhaps it was those porting, immediately hitting the wall, and soon porting again, gumming up the works.
+ Pausing those when they're off-screen by too far should improve performance, and maybe make encounters with them a bit more fair
- I didn't realize there was a side-area opened by defeating the vine boss, so I went up against the final boss with un-upgraded attacks, which makes him extremely punishing
+ On that note, defeat in the final run resetting back to BEFORE the boss fight is just cruel ;)
- The game-over texts felt a bit last-minute: a couple of it's/its mixups, and the sleep on a newline felt weird mid-sentence.
- No climax to the animations, unless I missed them
- Halfway through (after the first reset due to orgasm?) the orgasm meter stopped going up from sex, though the red water still increased it as usual.
+ It seems like this also causes the game to freeze when having sex in the red water and reaching max meter.
- No gallery - unless there's another secret star thing to get those. There do seem to be two invisible menu options below new game/load, but they don't seem to do anything - I figure either a menu bug or I'm too stupid to find them.
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania (OUT NOW $5.4usd)

Played through the game, feedback time:

- Obviously delicious, delicious pixelporn
- Music pretty good, when it worked (see below)
- Good leveldesign, different worlds felt reasonably different

- I still ran into input stuckness issues on my VM - running natively in wine worked better, so I eventually managed to get it
+ I'm assuming this is simply due to the engine hitting its limits on a low-spec environment - unfortunately it didn't show up until the last room before the final boss, but totally broke that room:
+ every 10s you had clean inputs for half a second, then a bunch of seconds where inputs simply didn't react or were delayed by a second or more (also taking out audio, just everything stuck)
+ I suspect it's because that room had a gazillion of the little purple flying fuckers. Do they realize when they're stuck on a wall? Perhaps it was those porting, immediately hitting the wall, and soon porting again, gumming up the works.
+ Pausing those when they're off-screen by too far should improve performance, and maybe make encounters with them a bit more fair
- I didn't realize there was a side-area opened by defeating the vine boss, so I went up against the final boss with un-upgraded attacks, which makes him extremely punishing
+ On that note, defeat in the final run resetting back to BEFORE the boss fight is just cruel ;)
- The game-over texts felt a bit last-minute: a couple of it's/its mixups, and the sleep on a newline felt weird mid-sentence.
- No climax to the animations, unless I missed them
- Halfway through (after the first reset due to orgasm?) the orgasm meter stopped going up from sex, though the red water still increased it as usual.
+ It seems like this also causes the game to freeze when having sex in the red water and reaching max meter.
- No gallery - unless there's another secret star thing to get those. There do seem to be two invisible menu options below new game/load, but they don't seem to do anything - I figure either a menu bug or I'm too stupid to find them.

nope, no gallery sorry, nice review though...
grrrr that lust bug again... by all accounts it shouldnt happen, and it only seemed to happen in the second area...
i seriously looked through all my code to see where it could be happening but there was nothing...

oh, and i prevented saving to prevent the game becoming unwinnable, starting from the beginning again would be crueler
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Re: deepground lab - metroidvania (OUT NOW $5.4usd)

until they finish reviewing my website, you cant just pay with a credit card yet, I'm not sure if it means you need to make a payza account and add a card to that or add funds somehow... hope to get back to business soon
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania (OUT NOW $5.4usd)

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we have temporarily declined your Website Review for azurezero.tumblr.com. You will no longer be able to receive payments to this website for the following reason(s):

The products/services you are currently offering are not supported.

SO, payza's out

in other news...
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania

Okay, here's my criticisms of the game.

The walljumping sections were tedious. There's one section where you have to wall jump like 30 times to get to the third boss area. I thought it was so hard that I legitimately reloaded and searched for another way because I was sure it was wrong but it looks like it's the only way forward.

The save functions seem off. I beat the third boss, trigger the self-destruct, go back, Save, then start running to the escape pod. I got caught by an enemy, died. and the spot reloaded to right before the boss fight.

So I had to re-fight him. That happened three times!

The third boss itself is annoyingly random. His only consistent thing is that he gets health back when he does his little kick that shoots enemy shots diagonally up. Whether he walks up to you, jumps towards or away is all random. Compared to the other two bosses, you went from a basic set pattern to hoping the player has good RNG.

The lack of a gallery is a pretty big minus. I crushed through the game simply because I expected one. I'm pretty sure I missed at least half of the animations. :confused:

I don't see the other two endings. I'm guessing it has to do with the Level 3 Keycard but I never found that card so all those paths were blocked.
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania

Okay, here's my criticisms of the game.

The walljumping sections were tedious. There's one section where you have to wall jump like 30 times to get to the third boss area. I thought it was so hard that I legitimately reloaded and searched for another way because I was sure it was wrong but it looks like it's the only way forward.

The save functions seem off. I beat the third boss, trigger the self-destruct, go back, Save, then start running to the escape pod. I got caught by an enemy, died. and the spot reloaded to right before the boss fight.

So I had to re-fight him. That happened three times!

The third boss itself is annoyingly random. His only consistent thing is that he gets health back when he does his little kick that shoots enemy shots diagonally up. Whether he walks up to you, jumps towards or away is all random. Compared to the other two bosses, you went from a basic set pattern to hoping the player has good RNG.

The lack of a gallery is a pretty big minus. I crushed through the game simply because I expected one. I'm pretty sure I missed at least half of the animations. :confused:

I don't see the other two endings. I'm guessing it has to do with the Level 3 Keycard but I never found that card so all those paths were blocked.

the endings hinge on whether you killed the plantgirl boss or not
cause if you didnt, you dont have enough time to make it to the escape pod and need to do something else instead

also i disabled saving for the final escape...because i didnt want someone to accidentally save when they didnt have enough time left
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania

So I got one ending where i didn't kill the plant girl, and ran into her during the countdown sequence, but I cant figure out the third ending, can I get a hint please?
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania

So I got one ending where i didn't kill the plant girl, and ran into her during the countdown sequence, but I cant figure out the third ending, can I get a hint please?

i'll note you... wondering if anyone will find it on their own
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania

so im hoping ive got it, please check if aswell if you used to get the glitch...sorry if it means you have to restart but it uses the ini save system too so i dont think that will happen

if this fixed it, then i learned something new: that step events and key press events can happen at the same time and get things mixed up
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Re: deepground lab - metroidvania

hit 80 sales last night, thank you for all your support...losing paypals been sucky for my motivation but i'm still trying to come up with fun concepts
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania

cracked 100 dlsite sales while i slept.

not bad... next month ill be seeing all my english trade sales as well
hope i can make something better though
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania

Whoops. I broke it.

No sound because I didn't realise my capture method only recorded the music.

I had an urge to speedrun something and remembered the kick in this having potential for abuse. It went better than expected.

It's actually possible, albeit slower, to skip all of the items:
Walljump: Kick up everything instead. Takes forever.
Key 1: Needed for boss room. Go past the high jump. As you fall through the ceiling of the last room, kick right through the wall all the way to the boss room.
Key 2: Enter the room with the level 2 door, then backtrack and fall into the tentacle pit. Kick upwards to get out. It takes you to the screen above the level 2 door because that's the last room that registered having a room above it.
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania

Whoops. I broke it.

No sound because I didn't realise my capture method only recorded the music.

I had an urge to speedrun something and remembered the kick in this having potential for abuse. It went better than expected.

It's actually possible, albeit slower, to skip all of the items:
Walljump: Kick up everything instead. Takes forever.
Key 1: Needed for boss room. Go past the high jump. As you fall through the ceiling of the last room, kick right through the wall all the way to the boss room.
Key 2: Enter the room with the level 2 door, then backtrack and fall into the tentacle pit. Kick upwards to get out. It takes you to the screen above the level 2 door because that's the last room that registered having a room above it.

haha i did consider making it so you had to be on the ground to use it (or only use it once in midair) but it was just too much fun, so i left it.
I like that you went for that ending though i suppose its the quickest one to get

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Re: deepground lab - metroidvania (now on kimochi for 7usd)

This one is pretty old.I have go give props to the speedrun though. I was so happy when I found the kick glictch and that if you kick reight after the third boss you jump far back. Your version in the speedrun was a bit slower than mine but the 2 seconds are not that important, never would have guessed that the game can be broken even harder lol.

The flaws make it somehow charming.
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania (now on kimochi for 7usd)

This one is pretty old.I have go give props to the speedrun though. I was so happy when I found the kick glictch and that if you kick reight after the third boss you jump far back. Your version in the speedrun was a bit slower than mine but the 2 seconds are not that important, never would have guessed that the game can be broken even harder lol.

The flaws make it somehow charming.

I based the flying kick on bunny must die's dash attack :3 had a lot of fun with that game.
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania (now on kimochi for 7usd)

Can anyone link me a save with unlocked all the gallery please?
Re: deepground lab - metroidvania (now on kimochi for 7usd)

I don't think this game had a gallery

That explain why I can't have it.
How can I finish the game when you killed the Boss at the PC room but the escape pod is not unlocked?