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To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

With her shot hitting the wolf attacking Valis, Elena smirked a bit and was about to turn and roll away from the other wolf coming at her, but it bit her leg before she could do so, which also served to break her concentration in holding back her manly parts which she had only just hidden again. "Gah! We won't be any good to you if we bleed to death right? Can't we work this out without fighting?" Elena cried in pain as she was bit, turning to the alpha and asking him if they could work this out without a fight, for she didn't want any of them to die, and didn't want to kill any of these wolves either if possible.

If the alpha and the others kept attacking though, Elena would aim and take a shot at the one the others were aiming at, thinking if they took one down then the rest would back off. She would try to aim to not kill and only knock out though if possible, but if she had no choice then a kill shot was what she'd go for.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The two wolves attack Elena and Elisa leap back, dodging the shots that had been fired and landing behind the Alpha, who steps back. "Hold! Fox-female wants talk. So talk." the Alpha says, as his wolves growl angrily at them. "Fox-female valuable to Den Mother. Able to breed with her. Other females able to breed with lesser wolves. Need more pups for pack. Don't want kill, only disable and breed." the creature says, his other wolves barking out agreement with him.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Look, we won't be able to mate at all if we keep bleeding like this. Our bodies won't be able to physically withstand it and we'll faint, making the mating dull and boring. But... we've never had children before, none of the three of us. I would be willing to mate with your Den mother though if that'll stop the fighting between us all. We're explorers, here to learn about your world, not fight you," Elena said to the alpha, looking at him and panting a bit as she went to one knee. "You aren't evil though are you? Nor cruel or slavers right? Would you force such a thing on us against our will?" she went on to ask the alpha, hoping she could get through to him with words.

"If we must fight though... then I would be willing to wrestle you or your pack's Den mother, and if I am beaten then you can breed me and I will breed the Den mother," Elena said after asking the alpha if he and his pack were evil, standing back up and willing to face him or their Den mother alone to protect her companions.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis glances between Elena and the alpha and stays silent but alert for now before bringing up the obvious. "We aren't compatible with wolves. Entirely different species. From different galaxies. Unless these are secretly Asari or something."

She grunts a bit before continuing "I have no attraction or desire to mate with a wolf. Or in general with anything. I won't protest to a peaceful solution but rather not be involved in any... Carnality."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Yes... we could share many things, not only mating what im sure as my allies than would be unsuccessful Elisa said, not liking the idea of Elena's body being used to protect the rest of them, this was not what she was expecting in thsi trip.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The Alpha sneers when the kitsune speaks to him, looking between the three women. "Females not understand way of planet. Den Mother can explain...She Alpha of entire pack. I alpha of hunting pack." the Alpha says as he looks at their wounds. "We not hurt you, if you come to den. Den Mother will decide fate. Bites not dangerous. Will not kill." the Alpha says, barking, as his wolves begin to back away, leaving himself and his two injured wolves as the only ones near the women.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Valis... it's better than getting bitten I think. Don't you agree? Besides... sex is better than pain. And... we are the trespassers here," Elena said to Valis when her masked companion mentioned not wanting to be a part of any carnality as she put it.

"And these may not kill, but they did hurt more than you think big guy. I'm not a big fan of pain, so even if it involves sex... I'm more for that than getting bitten anymore. But yes let us speak with your Den mother if she is the leader of your whole pack," Elena said to the alpha, holding one hand up in a gesture of peace towards him and lowering her shotgun since things seemed to have cooled down for now. "What was the big thing with the purple eyes before we came into the forest here? Do you know?" Elena asked the alpha after a moment, looking to the others to see if they agreed to go to see the Den mother.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis grunts irritably at Elena's reference. "Rape might be better than death but it does not mean I want to be coerced into sex from fear of torture either. Besides. I've felt worse. I am not giving my first time to a wolf if I can help it. I'm not going to judge you for lying with them but definitely not my interest."

She grunts and looks to the wolf leader. "Of course we don't know how your planet works. We come from a different one. Which is why we can't be compatible. So you ought to just let us go and find other... females..."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

I dunno why you are so suddenly accepting mate with them, but if that Dem Mother can solve this trouble without we directly mate with them then sure im with you about stop this fight, just dont expect than i will accept have sex with them. Said to Elena, as she tried to check her weapon in the truce time, maybe her rifle could get restored as its lethal capacity.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The Alpha begins to turn away from the three women, beginning to slowly pad away. "Follow, Females. Pack protect and watch while moving to den. Den Mother better at speaking than me." the alpha says, motioning for them to follow him, the other wolves of the pack circling around them and waiting for them to move, moving with them to maintain a complete defensive formation around the three woman. "Species not problem here. All species mate with all others. Mating way of life here. Apologize if pain too much, but desperate times bring desperate measures." the Alpha says, leading them of into the forest.

Elisa, on checking her rifle, finds there's absolutely nothing wrong with her gun. It's in perfect working condition, and loaded with the same highly-lethal bullets she intended to use.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"We may be able to solve this without anyone getting raped. But we're here to check if this planet is viable for habitation right? If we make friends now, through whatever means, then colonists would have an easier time with the wildlife around here," Elena said in a soft voice to Valis, trying to keep both sides calm since the fighting had ended for now. "I'm willing to have sex with them to keep you both virgins though, since I'm not a virgin myself," Elena went on to say to both of her companions.

"Lead on sir alpha. And what's this about desperate times? Maybe we can help, in more, or better ways than just breeding," Elena said to the alpha, following along behind him as her bushy tail swished this way and that curiously at his words.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Yes, your world works like that. Ours don;t. So it won't carry over.," says Valis simply as she walks, watching about warily. She takes a moment to try and get a bit of the shed blood from the wolves on the ground. Might as well get something out of this if she could.

She was not looking forward to her... defilement. But perhaps an oppurtunity to escape would present itself.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Pack infertile amongst selves. Can no longer breed with female wolves, only females of other species. Most females fled area cycles ago. Pack in danger of dying out without proper breeders." the Alpha says as he leads the girls on, the other wolves grumbling assent to his words. "Pack needs to breed. Numbers dwindle fighting other male species in area. Only females left are alphas of other species. Guarded by Males. Same problem for all races on planet. Cannot mate with selves, only others." he says, his tail swishing slowly as he walks, the translator finally figuring out how to get emotional inflections from his dialogue, causing his last words to sound...Almost regretful. "Strange females highly prized here. Not of any known species, able to mate with any to bolster numbers. Fox-female very prized, as can bear children and impregnate females. Likely Den Mother want to keep fox-female for herself and protect. Protection likely to be extended to other females too."

Valis manages to get a full scan of a blood sample from the ground, the data stored in her omnitool, though the other wolves insist she follow with the others as they lead them on towards their den.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis follows along, listening to the issue. "I am no geneticist but I am familiar enough with the biological systems of multiple species and their genetic markers that I may be able to solve this issue if I can take a sample of all the local fauna. Something I can't do if I am carrying around a fat stomach."

She grumbles a bit as she walks, "Still, it's a fascinating subject. If it's similar to the Krogan issue perhaps..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Ooooh, I see... that's... actually kinda sad. But, we have very good medicines. Perhaps we can find a way to allow you to breed with your own race again. But... if it helps keep your people from extinction, then I'm willing to help," Elena said after hearing what he had to say and learning about their species infertility amongst each other. "Hey Valis... you think you could work on something to help them maybe? It could be something wrong with either the males or females, so you'd need samples of the males sperm and the females... whatever. I'm not a medic so I wouldn't really know," Elena then asked Valis curiously as they walked.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Sure, Valis is a medic, she can cure anything giving her some time, i would recommend heard her and maybe we can get a solution for all without the need of share our genes to the mix. Elisa said looking around for a way to escape of the group, maybe a waterfall or a good huge tree. She still cant believe than these things really can resist a shoot at theirs head, it make her wonder of what are they made.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"If females can solve breeding problem, then would be no need to breed them afterwards. Still need to breed more pups in meantime." the Alpha says, as they continue on. "Am sorry for hurting females...But need to breed. No breeding, no pack. Am...Hopeful other females change mind. Before sickness, never forced selves upon females. Now, desperate." the big wolf says, his voice rather solemn, as they begin to approach a den surrounded by other wolves, some of whom begin to perk up their ears and stand in response to the Alpha returning.

The wolves part to make way for the advancing Alpha, who slowly moves towards the den. At the back, a humanoid woman sits on a raised slab of stone, her feet barely touching the ground and not a single bit of clothing on her person. Her D-cup breasts are left completely exposed to the three women, and a thick, bushy wolf tail swishes behind her as she appraises them. Furry wolf ears on her head, and fearsome wolf fangs in her mouth mark her as being one of their species, slowly standing to her full height of seven feet tall. "My Alpha...What are these strange females you bring before me? And why are there bite marks on their legs?!" she asks angrily, stomping towards the biggest wolf of the pack. "F-females resisted, Den Mother. Got carried away! Did not mean to hurt so badly! Beg forgiveness, Mother." the massive wolf says, lowering his head to the ground and whimpering. The Den Mother looks up at the three females, well, two females, and then the herm. "Is that...Tell me, are you one of the Twin Genders? Able to breed with man and woman alike?" she asks, approaching the Kitsune and appraising her. "I can forgive my Alpha for his violent tendencies if you are truly a Twin." she says, the other wolves seeming to murmur amongst themselves at this revelation.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Blood sample, semen and egg samples as well as uterine markers. Saliva may be of use as well and possibly other samples. One never knows where your answers may actually be from. I need to determine also where the issue is. Since you intend to breed with them, Elena, you could give me an excellent chance to observe where the problem is occuring. We may need to take any breeding activities to the ships medical bay though., muses Valis, very interested in this subject when she might not be the test subject.

She ponders as she glances to Elisa. "Take plant samples as we walk. It could be some aspect of their diet or the atmosphere is the reason. It may be a toxicology problem, not genetic."

Soon they arrived what seemed to be a cave, many more wolves there. Led inside, it seemed within was a gigantic wolf girl of sorts. She looked her over.

"Fascinating. Sexual Dimorphism, but to such an extreme? This bares sampling and further study. Miss Female Alpha, I require to study your reproduction with one of your own before you lie with my comrade under a scanner. I need to see whats happening that renders you infertile with your own before observing the difference when you make pups."
Last edited:


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The walk continue, dont giving time to the sniper to find an escape route, but as they get close the wolf den, somehow the chances to remain intact looks to increase. The first view than they get from the Dem Mother with D boobs was not so amazing having passed some time with Elina, all the similar aspects made clear than maybe the wolves were right about the kitsune. Then the nude woman show who have the pants here even when this lack of clothes.

Of course she have two sex, now if all excuse me, i must continue getting samples and scans to find out the cause of the infertily of all of you. Elisa said, part saving the Alpha neck and also earning some space using her task, she needed to look in many parts and get samples from different subjects she couldnt stay with the wolves at the center of the den

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"So it was a sickness then huh. Valis sounds up your alley I think if it's a sickness," Elena said, pulling off her bikini bottoms for now since her manly parts were out right now and she was unable to hide them for the moment, so that she would at least be comfortable while walking. "It's alright big guy, I guess in your position my people might do the same thing, hell anybody would when facing extinction," she added sadly, glad that he apologized even though it did little to help the pain in her leg.

While they walked, Elena stopped every little bit and grabbed samples of things to help out with Valis and Elisa. When they entered the den though, Elena was surprised to find a humanoid woman as the Den Mother. Watching the exchange between the two, Elena felt kinda bad for the alpha hunter, but he did need scolding she thought for the wolves biting them. When asked by the woman if she was one of the twin genders, Elena looked up at the woman and nodded.

"Um... yeah I am a twin gendered one. My name is Elena. My companions here are Valis and Elisa. We're explorers from a distant world," Elena replied to the Den Mother, gesturing to her companions. "And as my companions both said, we may be able to help your infertility if they are allowed to work on it. I mean, we can't guarantee success, but it could help. I apologize if it sounds a bit rude, but in exchange for my companions freedom to work, I'm willing to breed some in the meantime, in both ways," Elena went on to say to the Den Mother politely.