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To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"So...You and yours believe you can bring back our ability to breed with each other? I would gladly allow them to work...But our pack is dying, Elena from a distant world." the Den Mother says, slowly walking around her to appraise her appearance, and that of her companions. "Strong hips, ample bosom...All three of you would make excellent mothers. How about we settle. The three of you bear a pregnancy each. In that time, if you can discover a cure, not only will I allow you to leave freely, but I will also do everything in my power to help you explore our planet. You and yours will also be protected by my pack whilst carrying our pups. Alternatively, you of the two genders can impregnate myself instead of bearing a child. The other two are non negotiable." the Den Mother says, moving to stand in front of the Kitsune.

"And if you are worried about our...Size, allow me to lay your fears to rest. Our pregnancies cause nothing but pleasure for the female bearing them. I do not know how, I do not know why, but it has been described as the most pleasurable experience in existence. The pregnancy has also been described as a constant haze of euphoria." the Den Mother says, a smirk on her face, showing her enlarged canines.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"If I am in a constant haze of euphoria and working on carrying your child around, how am I supposed to work on solving your fertility issues?," asks Valis dryly, "Moreover you are making a lot of assumptions that you're compatible with us or that your pregnancies will even work the same with us. We aren't from your planet."

She shakes her head irritably, "Assuming this works though and she can impregnate you, if we go to my lab I can possibly flip chromosomes so all offspring are female. Or at least try to, I need you all to be there in order to work on this cure anyways. Point is, you undermine yourself in the longterm if you have me drugged pregnant while I work. Assuming it doesn't do something worse due to alien biologies.."
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Well, we may be able to. I don't know for certain honestly. Valis is our medic, so she would know more than anyone. And my full name is Elena Ashford. But you can just call me Elena. I'm willing to both bear one and give you one though if you could at least wait for Valis to do her studies on you and yours so she can research enough to see what might be causing your infertility with one another," Elena replied, letting her know that it might not be a sure thing, but it could work with luck and whatnot. "And if it takes Valis longer to figure things out for sure, I'm even willing to bear another pup and give you another, or give any other females like yourself pups. How long does a pregnancy last by the way?" she added to the Den Mother.

"What do you say girls? I'm willing to do it to save a species from extinction. And it would be helpful to have guides of a sort too I think. Besides... if it's pleasurable then at least we wouldn't have to worry about any pain," Elena asked Valis and Elisa curiously, willing to help a species on the verge of extinction even if it meant carrying one or more of their children.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The whole talk about get Elena pregnant looks to dont change the possibility of Elisa get impregnated what really should change. I agree with my colleague, to improve ours chances of success we should let the pregnancies to Elena, she can easilytake our place.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Hm. How about this, Elena? You grant me a child, and bear my Alpha's child, and your friend...Elisa, was it? Bears his second child. In exchange, Valis will be free to work on a cure for us. As for how long our pregnancies take, they last seven sunrises, and on the eighth, you give birth to however many pups developed within you." the Den Mother says, slowly folding her arms underneath her breasts, her tail swishing back and forth. "Should a cure, or the beginnings of a cure be developed in that time, I will no longer ask for Elisa to bear pups, however you will continue to bear and sire pups until the cure is finished, Elena. Is this acceptable?"
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Hearing the compromise from the Den Mother, Elena nodded to her. "I agree to bear and sire your children until such time as a cure is either developed or it's determined that one can't be made by us here. And a week isn't that long a time. Besides it'll give Valis time to work and maybe send off data to be looked over and tested. But I would be honored to help your people not become extinct Den Mother," Elena said, bowing her head to the Den Mother, who's name she still didn't know, but she supposed it didn't really matter all that much. "Elisa? Would you be willing to at least once? In the week we're pregnant we can still walk about and collect some more of the samples we came for and stuff," she then asked Elisa with a bit of a hopeful look, hoping to keep from a fight and whatnot.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Willing? Are you thinking what you are asking me? I dont come here to an unknown planet to lost my virginity as the second dish of a native creature. If i cant dodge the bullet then at least we will do it at my way Elisa answer with complete understanding of her surrounding and possibilities I want you to take me first with the help of that wolf woman, as you are the most closer of a human male and then i will be the first to take the dog, i would ask for some alcohol too, but i suppose we dont had any
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"This arrangement is acceptable to me. I could use my nanites to simulate alcoholic effects but it would be a terrible waste of critical resources.," shrugs Valis.

She stretches a bit then turns to walk out. "Let's return to the ship then. I don't have the equipment with me to perform proper research on the matter. And I still need to view the attempt at in species mating to spot where the problem arises. Is the egg unable to be pierced? Are they compatible but the egg does not attach to the wall? Is the wombs ph levels abnormal? Many possibilities can lead to fertility issues. Also we have alcohol on the ship."
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The Den Mother nods as the three discuss the matter, turning to her Alpha. "My Alpha. You and the Hunters will follow me to their...Ship, as they called it? The rest of the pack will guard the woods around us. Ensure that none of our enemies stop them from making their cure." she says, turning back to the three women with a swish of her tail. "Elena, if you would be so kind as to lead the way? I would very much like to get started. As for Elisa requiring her first time be with you, I have no objections. So long as she bears my Alpha's pups once you are finished." the wolf woman says, motioning for them to lead on, as the Hunters from earlier take up their defensive positions again.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Hey! we are trying to save a specie here and you will get your precious data than could maybe give you a award if you find a cure. Just give me something to do this event be more pleasant or i can forget it all, i deserve it. The red head answer to her medic ally and then they prepare to return to the ship where if all goes right this will end as fast as possible.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Of course Den Mother, please follow me," Elena said, her tail swishing in the air behind her happily as she turned to lead the way back to their shuttle.

"Say Den Mother, what can we call you? Like your name. Or do you not have an actual name?" Elena asked curiously while leading the way back to the shuttle, stooping down every now and then to collect a new sample of something she missed before.

When they reached the shuttle, Elena waited for Valis to open the protective walls on the outskirts and lead the way in. "In here we'll protect you as much as we can. Have some of your guards stay out there and keep an eye out for anything around that might want to try and get inside, or something that might try and fly down into here. Just have them howl to warn us and we can close the shuttle doors to keep anything from getting inside. You can bring a few of the other wolves inside the walls though, for extra protection," Elena said when they got inside the walls, letting the Den Mother choose which ones to patrol and which ones to bring in for guarding them all while they did what they had to do.

When they got inside the shuttle, Elena would sit down and take off her bikini top and let her breasts bounce free from it, where she winked at the Den Mother and Elisa, blowing a kiss Elisa's way. "I must say Elisa, you're quite beautiful. I have been having some naughty thoughts about the two of us while I've been trying to sleep at night. And some naughty thoughts about Valis and myself as well... hmhm, and all three of us at times too. I can't help it," Elena said to Elisa and then Valis, chuckling a bit as she sat there naked, waiting for things to get rolling.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"We have no names, besides our titles. They are pointless in a pack such as ours." the Den Mother says as she follows the women, her Alpha practically glued to her side.

Once the women, and the pack, arrive at the shuttle, she allows her Alpha to choose two wolves to bring with them, and the four wolfkin enter the fencing, the Den Mother ordering the rest of her wolves to rest around just outside the fence, and to howl should any threats show themselves. The Den Mother watches as the Kitsune prepares herself, sitting down on the ground and laying back against her Alpha, the four wolfkin watching on as the women prepare to enjoy themselves.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis listened as they moved into the shuttle, ensuring those who were coming in were let in. "I will fetch my equipment. Excuse me." She didn't seem to react at all to Elena's lustful confession as she moved into the medical bay, fetching various scanners and probes before returning.

"Den Mother, I need you to couple with one of your wolves so I can observe what happens that renders your seed incompatible with your own race. Please place this over his member. It is a observation probe that will record everything happening.," says Valis, walking over to the Den Mother and handing her a thin silvery grey rubbery cock sheath.

She then moves over to Elena with a second one. "Wear this when you couple with the Den Mother. Or before. It doesn't really matter as long as you have it on when you couple with her."

She then goes back out and returns with a cock milker. "This is to acquire a seed sample. I will be having one of the wolves make use of it so I can analyze the sample. Hm, I should acquire the egg sample from the Den Mother before she proceeds with the experiment actually..."

Valis reaches into her pocket and removes a long thin silvery grey rod with a bulb on the handle. "Please spread yourself open. This might be slightly uncomfortable but will only take a few seconds and will cause no harm."
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"This sounds very erotic, Valis. I will give you this...Egg sample you need. However, if you are going to stick that up inside of my womb, I suggest you be ready to bring me to a climax." she says dangerously, not moving to spread her legs at all, as the Alpha behind her chuckles. One of his wolves actually stands and barks, the Alpha translating. "Wolf wishes to give sample for good of pack. Am inclined to allow."
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis rolls her eyes. "If you insist. I wouldn't describe it as erotic but to each their own. Give me a moment to adjust the device for your... Pleasure."

She glances over at the wolf in question who volunteered. "Understood. I need you hard to get inside so I will assist you first before I get the sample."

Valis straps on a latex glove, grabbing the milker part of the device, attached to a tube before reaching under the wolf and begins stroking the wolf, very clinical but working quickly, trying to erect the wolf enough to slip the milker on him and leave it to it, setting the system to take half his stored load before releasing him.

With that done, she grabbed a sonic surgical device, strapping it to the probe, before moving over, rolling her eyes irritatedly. "Spread yourself open Den Mother or I will get a harness that holds you open for me. I need both hands to handle the probe with a vibrating device attached since you insist on making this carnal. I'm here to solve your genetic disorder not to service you. So make this easier on both of us so I can get started."
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The wolf in question stands proudly, as Valis works to bring him to erection. Soon enough, his cock has slipped free of its sheath, big enough to give Elena a run for her money, and packing a thick knot near the base that looks almost painful, as the doctor straps the device to him. He whimpers, humping at the air as the device begins to milk him.

The Den Mother moves to spread her legs, her hands reaching down to slide her index and middle fingers into her slit, holding it open for the doctor. "Mmmm. You'll soon learn, Valis...That everything on this planet is carnal. Everything here has been designed for pleasure and reproduction, and facilitating it." she says, waiting for Valis to do what she needs to do. "Everything, from the water we drink, to the berries and plants that we eat, stimulates the body and mind towards pleasure and breeding. It is the way of life here.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

"Oh I see, well Den Mother it is," Elena said, slipping an arm around the Den Mother in an affectionate manner, her hand gently gripping the wolf woman's opposite hip.

After getting inside and everything, Elena sat there and watched as Valis worked, getting everything ready to go as her dick started filling with blood and hardening up from watching the Den Mother and imagining the things about to take place in the shuttle. "Hmhm, don't worry Den Mother, she won't need to use it to bring you to climax. That's what myself and this big Alpha are for," Elena told the Den Mother, petting the Alpha wolf on the head and chuckling a bit and smirking down at the Alpha wolf if he looked up at her.

"Just try to relax big guy, I've had this done before too back on my home world. I wanted to check my sperm count and they had to put one on me," Elena told the wolf with a soothing tone as Valis strapped the device onto the wolf before moving to get the egg sample from the Den Mother, with Elena moving to help out however she could. "Don't worry, the doctors had to do this to me too when they checked my sperm count for me a year or so ago. I can service you though with my tongue if you'd like Den Mother," the kitsune herm then told the Den Mother, offering to pleasure her with her tongue.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

Valis notes the wolfs reaction, and presses a button on a remote that gives him a bar to mount over so he can hump better, though the suction would keep him from escaping tilt he program reached it's parameters.

With that set she turned her attention back to the Den Mother. "Duly noted. I will have my filtration devices analyze the compounds that cause such to neutralize them for our usage then. For now I will begin extraction."

She paused to look to Elena and gestured to the wolf girls breasts. "Handle those. Best you don't get too close to the device, I need room to... Thrust the device."

She then began sliding the thin tube, it suddenly becoming loose like a tentacle, wriggling deep into the wolfess as the whole thing begins to vibrate strongly. Valis clearly is concentrating hard as she controls it, both arms rigid to try and control it as it begins working through the alien in hunt of her ovums.
Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The travel toward their ship passed without troubles, what would had been great as the red head could had tried a good run, but when they get inside the ship she know for sure than she will need to do the whole sex than all were expecting. Is interesting to see a lot of wolves around us, but yes with so few females able to breed with them, i guess than is just logic. The group then get inside the ship and the events were passing in the expected order.

Elisa dont take her body suit out so soon as Elena, her thoughts placed in what buttons could she press to escape from this. Ok, i guess than its sweet than you had these ideas with us Elena, i never expected these coming from you, so you made a great work hidding them until now. She said without really show more than a soft smile. Now where is the alcohol or the stuff for me? Said to the medic woman, as she tried to dont stay so close of the perverts.

The scene then turn into a bizzarre one with Valis returning with specialized instruments than could anyone question why they have these in such quantities. Wow girls, both really are getting into this, so i will wait in the next room and return here when im needed. She then tried to lock them all and look for some options than she could have.
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Re: To The Stars! (Zilrax, Mind Flayer, plmnko)

The wolf gladly mounts the bar, humping away as the machine milks at him, whimpering as he fails to attain orgasm for the moment.

The Den Mother moans as the device enters her folds, her juices beginning to run as the device digs into her, vibrating rather pleasantly. "Oh goodness! Yes! That feels so wonderful Valis! There! Deeper!" she begins to pant out, as the device pierces up through her cervix and into her womb, causing her to moan lewdly. "Oh yes! Find my pup-makers, please! Don't stop!" she begins to cry out, her insides starting to convulse around the probe, her orgasm close to hitting as the device digs deeper, her toes curling along the floor of the shuttle as she continues to hold her pussy open for the good Doctor.

For all present, a thick musk begins to permeate the ship, the moment it hits any of the women's unprotected nostrils, it starts to heighten their libido, and generate arousal in the two women, Elena and Elisa, with Valis being immune due to her gas mask.

Elisa finds nothing that might be useful in terms of dealing with her problem, and she can hear the lewd noises coming from the Den Mother in the next room, only furthering to enhance the effect of the strange musk.