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Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix gulps down her seed greedily as the kitsune orgasms, hissing as she attains her own orgasm with her fingers, splattering the shuttle floor with her green fluid as she moans. "Bearing my eggs is even better than that, little one..." the alien says as she begins to retract her tongue from within the herm's body, her balls having shrunk down to the size of tennis balls, but no further. "My saliva tends to leave...A bit of a permanent effect on those I mate with like that..." she says, as she begins to slowly crawl overtop of the kitsune and stop with her mouth just over the herm's, her gravid belly pressing down on the woman's abdomen as she begins to lower her head down, puckering her lips to kiss her latest contributor. She can feel one of the alien's hands beginning to rub some more of that green fluid into her breasts, though it doesn't actually enlarge them, for some strange reason, only produce milk.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hearing Zix soothing words about her eggs being even better calmed down any resistance Lilia might have had about bearing the eggs, the kitsune leaning back to rest a bit against the wall. Seeing her balls having not shrunk back down below the tennis ball size, Lilia shuddered as she reached down and cupped them in one hand, giving them a tentative squeeze and lifting them to test their weight curiously.

"Hehe... Elena's gonna be so mad I got to come to this planet and met you and she didn't, and I'm not complaining about this permanent change, especially if it means I feel that good when I cum," Lilia said softly, more to herself than Zix, but loud enough for the alien female to hear before returning the kiss Zix gave her quite passionately, though some of that could be from the saliva's effects on her body.

If asked who Elena was, Lilia would smirk and look up at Zix. "She's my sister and a hermaphrodite just like me besides that. She's a year older and is exploring the stars just like I am... or like I was until my shuttle here crashed down here. Hmhm, and now my balls are at least twice or three times larger than hers are," she'd tell Zix with a smile, giggling about her balls being larger than Elena's now.

"Hey Zix... you can drain my balls dry anytime, though... let's not go overboard with that saliva, don't want these bad girls, and yes I say girls because I'm a girl at heart, but don't want them to get too large, else I wouldn't be able to move unless I hid them with my amp," Lilia said after the kiss was broken and after telling about her very similar sister. "And do you want to stay here for the next three days until we... you know? Or do have somewhere else you can go that you'd rather go to? I did come to explore after all, so... once I've gotten cleaned up a bit I was thinking about exploring some. And if you'd like to come and show me some of the plants and stuff, well then that'd be even better. But if it comes to any fighting, I'll handle it. Those are partially my eggs in there too so I got to take care of them after all," she went on to say to Zix, patting the alien female's head affectionately.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When Zix finally breaks off the passionate kiss, she does indeed ask who Elena is. She moves to sit in front of the kitsune, her legs folded and her attention fully on the small fleshy thing in front of her. "Why would you not want your balls to be virile? That would make you a much desired mate here." she says, questioning the logic behind her statement. "I will...I will stay with you, Lilia. Such a small and frail thing you seem to be. Seeing as you're so willing to bear the clutch you just fertilized, I'm very much inclined to keep you safe, little one." the alien says, moving close and taking one of her sizable black breasts in her right hand. "Here. Drink up. It will help your strength to return." she says, moving it close to the Kitsune's mouth, who might now finally notice the ebony nub on top of it much like her own breasts.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well... it's not that I don't want them to be virile, but if they're too large then I couldn't move to get to whoever I wished to fill with my virile seed, and it could hamper my ability to mate as well, as they'd be too big and bulky with which to thrust. And thanks Zix, I'm glad I came here and met you. I mean to be quite honest when you first jumped up onto my shuttle here, you scared the hell out of me. But I took a gamble and spoke, trusting you, and you repaid that trust kindly," Lilia said, trying to explain what she'd meant by not wanting too huge of balls, because it would hamper her movement and ability to mate.

When Zix moved in and offered her breast to Lilia, the kitsune happily accepted and leaned in, taking it between her lips and suckling softly, idly wondering what Zix's milk would taste like, since these had to be her breasts.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix purrs as the kitsune begins to suckle on her breast, a much brighter green fluid than her other bodily fluids. The taste is incredibly sweet, and as she drinks, she can feel her energy beginning to return to her almost instantly, the alien's milk loaded with nutrients and supplements. "Drink as much as you want, little one. That's what it's there for." she says as she begins to wrap her arms around the little fluffy-tailed thing suckling from her. "I am rather glad I managed to find one of both genders. You would be prized by almost all of the creatures in this forest, Lilia. But you are mine. Are you alright with that, little one? I can understand if you want to experience other partners..." the alien says lovingly as she leans down and kisses the kitsune's forehead, her saliva nowhere to be found on her lips or mouth.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The sweet taste of Zix's milk re-energized Lilia within a few drinks of the stuff, but Lilia was thirsty after their fun and drank a bit more from Zix's other breast to ensure one didn't remain heavier than the other.

"Mmm, it's delicious Zix," Lilia cooed softly after finishing her drink, which had given her strength back to her after her near full body numbing orgasm earlier. "And... I've not had much experience when it comes to mating honestly Zix. I've only had sex with a couple of Asari before, um... blue skinned humanoids similar to myself, um... I can show you a picture of one in a bit. But... I don't mind staying with you, though I am here to explore and see all the different life forms it has to offer, and if this world is capable of supporting a colony of my people. Some of whom might be like me, I'm not sure. But there would be quite a few people who would enjoy meeting an intelligent being like yourself I'm sure. Because nobody thought this world had life forms that could talk and communicate with us," she went on to say, not minding staying with Zix since she was peaceful enough.

"I would like to study the other lifeforms though around here though if you don't mind. But don't worry hon, I'd never forget about you and our little ones," she said while Zix kissed her forehead, a hand reaching up and caressing Zix's face.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"More people from the sky might be coming?" Zix asks curiously, pressing her face into the caress from the kitsune. "I would...Like to see where you come from, some day. Maybe meet your sister and paralyze her with pleasure as I did you, hm? Though she gets no saliva. No, that's YOURS." he alien says, wrapping her arms around the Kitsune and standing, setting her down on her feet proper. "I will be by your side while you explore, little one. I have no home, really. My young ones typically grow and flee into the wilds to spread across the planet. The only obligation is to watch over their incubator until they are born." she says, rubbing her bloated belly and sighing. "A word of warning about this planet, little one. Almost all of the creatures here have evolved to breed with as many species as they can, as quickly as they can. When the Long Cold comes, many of the elders of the races tend to die off. However, that is not for another twelve cycles, so we are safe from its biting cold. Living on this planet, you will rapidly learn about sex. It is the way of life here."
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, I'm sure you would. She's a pretty wild one in bed though from what I've heard. When mating I mean. And I like that, makes me feel special," Lilia said as she was scooped up and set back down on her feet, her legs wobbling slightly as her blood made its way back down into them.

Hearing the rest of what Zix had to say, Lilia could only assume the long cold meant winter... or an ice age perhaps. Well this planet was a bit further out than the Earth was, so it was only reasonable that the winters would be much harsher than Earth's winters. "So... new elders are the strongest that survive the Long Cold then? Sounds harsh. How long does a cycle last by the way? And how bad does the cold get sometimes? Like too cold to even be out in it at all or not so harsh you can't travel in it?" Lilia asked curiously as she stood there, stretching a bit. "And my people, should they come here to live, could definitely help out when the cold gets really bad, in terms of food and warmth. But I'd have to contact them first, but my beacon here ought to manage getting their attention... I hope," she added with a confident nod, that she would be searched for, and that should a colony be set up here they could help shelter some of the wildlife around the colony.

"And... I don't mind learning about sex Zix... especially if other things are as kind as you were about it. Though I'll wager that isn't the case sometimes. What can I expect from the other things living around these woods though?" she said after a few moments of stretching.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"It is indeed harsh. The winters on this planet are not kind, little one. But, here, in this forest, the winter is the easiest, I have found." the alien says as she watches the kitsune stretch, a lecherous smile on her face. "The moon in the skies goes through a cycle. One night it vanishes from the sky completely, and then for fifteen nights it returns bit by bit, until it shows itself entirely. Then it begins to disappear for the next fifteen nights, and the cycle repeats. Here in this forest, the winter is not so terrible it is unwise to step outside at all, though staying out for more than a few hours is unwise. The main problem most have during the Winter is finding enough food to eat. Luckily, I can survive on little more than a few rabbits for several cycles. You, on the other hand...I will have to feed you if you are still here when the Long Cold arrives. But that is not for another twelve cycles, little one." she says, squatting down to a hunker so she's more comfortable. "Many of the creatures of this planet are smart enough to speak, and ask permission. If their need is dire, they will say so, and forgo permission. However, this forest is home to more dumb creatures and plants than smart ones. They do not care what their prey wants, so long as they can breed."
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Ah, so a cycle is a month, sorry about that Zix, should have known that. We have cycles similar on my home world. And I see, I'll be careful then. I wonder though... if I can salvage some stuff from my shuttle here, I can turn it into a quite safe shelter for the winter if it comes to that, and I do have my winter gear and clothes inside too if I need it. But yeah, food is the biggest problem. I need a good sized meal every day to maintain enough strength to really stay active," Lilia replied, scratching her head a little as she thought things over in her mind, wondering just how long she might end up stranded here. "I wonder... do you think you could help me out a bit Zix? If you could kind of, dig up a big of the fertile soil around here, I can plant a few seeds that I have that might be able to support me for a time, if I'm trapped here into the winter time that is," Lilia then asked Zix as she moved back into her shuttle to the storage area to look for said seeds, the thought of making this her shelter already forming in her mind and how she'd go about doing it.

"I can also dig out the dirt and sand there in the cockpit to make that a fire pit to keep it warm in here. But unless it gets quite cold in the night time, I don't need to worry about that for some time yet. Could use your help with that too when we can Zix. Make this a pretty livable shelter for me, and you if you'd like to stay, but I won't demand it of you," Lilia said while she was rummaging around in the storage area for the seeds she remembered having, looking around under a box here, a blanket there.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"You shouldn't need more than a little suckle from my teat to survive, little one." Zix says as she stands up and watches the kitsune dig around. "I've sustained several mates through a winter with nothing but a deer for myself and my milk for them. My species is...Actually kind of coveted on this planet for that reason...And I'd love to remain with you for the rest of the time you're on this planet..." she says, before she realizes something. "I will return in a few moments little one! I know how to make your plants grow big and strong!" the alien says, before the sound of her feet carrying her off the shuttle is heard, then the sound of her rushing off through the bushes follows.

Within the shuttle, Lilia finds a pack of seeds reserved for experiments, perfectly preserved for growing in soil samples on extended research projects. Several Watermelon, Cucumber, Tomato, and Carrot seeds, as well as a few seeds for grapes. Enough to start a small garden, and with luck, provide enough food to sustain herself.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"O-Oh? I didn't realize. But you could eat some of my plants too I suppose, in that case. And... okay, I'll see you in a bit then, I gotta find these things anyway," Lilia replied, a blush creeping up her face as Zix said all Lilia would need was a suckle on her breasts and she could sustain herself on that.

After a couple of minutes, Lilia found the seeds she was looking for and sighed happily as she found them. She could easily get more of these back home once she got there, but now was not the time to hold back. She would be stuck here for quite some time most likely, and thus didn't want to be without food, and since she got here during the early parts of autumn from the sounds of it, then all the better, as that was regular harvest time on Earth anyway.

"Aha, gotcha. Now... need to get a lay of the land to see what I can grow where. And I can use the storage preserver to keep my stuff fresh, assuming I can restore power to it that is. I hope I can find the rest of my manuals for this stuff," Lilia said to herself as she pulled the packets of seeds up and looked over what all she had to work with. "I wonder where Zix went. Well, best get started. Just have a quick look around and see if I have a good clearing to plant these in," Lilia then muttered to herself as she looked around for Zix and decided to hop down since she had her gear to give the area around her shuttle a look over to see what it looked like and whatnot.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia's shuttle seemed to have crash-landed on the edge of the forest, near the beach. The cockpit is buried almost completely in the sand, and one of the engines is completely missing, indicating that the ship is going nowhere soon. Outside the forest, the beach stretches rather far, and from the direction the sun is rising from, it stretches east-west, while to the north she has the forest, and to the south, the vast ocean. Looking on the opposite side of her shuttle, she'll find she was exceptionally lucky. A hundred meters to the east, and her shuttle would have landed atop a series of tall spiky rocks that stretch out for at least a mile in that direction, which would have smashed the shuttle to bits if she had come in for a landing over them. They also provide a natural "cove" of sorts, preventing most humanoids from entering from that side of the shuttle, making the location very defensible.

A few minute slater, Zix returns carrying a strange pink flower nearly as big as Lilia's torso, planted in a big clump of dirt which Zix carries, before carefully setting it down on the soil near the head of the ship. "There! This is a very special flower, Lilia! Wherever it grows, plants grow wild and massive. I asked her if she wanted to move. She said only if she could find a proper supply of...Well, food." the alien says, the flower all closed up and looking near ready to bloom, but not quite there yet.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Seeing the damage in all its magnificence when she exited the shuttle again, Lilia sighed and figured that there was no way she was getting off this planet alone. Not unless she could find the engine that was gone that is, which wouldn't be easy. She could see that she was on the southern coast of the continent, and to her east she saw the spiky rocks and shuddered. "Yeesh, glad I didn't hit there. I wouldn't have been able to meet Zix and... hmhm, get these hefty babies here," Lilia said to herself as she reached down and hefted her balls in one hand as she stared at the rocks.

She decided to step into the water and wash off a little before Zix returned, which was hopefully warm enough to handle. Once she was clean again, the sweat, milk, and cum having dirtied her a bit from her fun with Zix, Lilia walked the beach down to the edge of the rock formations and then about as far in the other direction too to get a good look at the beach area.

After a few minutes, when Zix returned, Lilia grabbed her clothing and was about to form shift her cock and balls away when as Zix set the large flower down nearby. "Oh I see. Can she talk too like you Zix? If she's that helpful then I can definitely grow more than enough food to have. And... I'm assuming that by food you mean my seed. At least what with everything you told me about this world. I know of some people that would really enjoy this world if sex is a large part of the ecosystem," Lilia said when Zix planted the flower near the front of the ship, moving over to look at it and kneeling down to touch it gently.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"It was difficult to understand you when we first met, and it got better over time, little one. She will most likely be the same. As for your seed...Yes. She is known as a Garden Warder. They tend to protect gardens of flowers and sometimes edible food. In exchange for access to her bounty, she demands a donation of seed to sustain herself." the large alien says, looking down at the flower.

When Lilia touches it, however, it begins to fold open, a green face in the center instead of the normal stamen and pollen deposits a flower should have. The flower opens until it looks like a pink-colored rose, and the face's eyes open, revealing yellow orbs with black dots for pupils. "HI!" she practically shrills, a smile on her face. "You the one Zix said can feed me? You want me to grow a buncha your strange alien plants, dontcha?" the Warder asks. Clearly the translator is having an easier time understanding her than it did understanding Zix.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I see... well, that's alright with me then I guess," Lilia said to Zix as she knelt and touched the Garden Warder as Zix had called it.

When the petals opened up, she was surprised enough that she fell back onto her butt with a grunt and stared at the plant. She was simply amazed at the sight of the Warder plant in front of her as it... she spoke to Lilia. "Um hey there, I'm Lilia. And yeah if you'd be so kind as to help with that. I'm willing to feed you, since with Zix's help I now have... plenty of seed to give apparently," Lilia replied to the Warder with a smile, maneuvering around so she was squatting which let the Warder see just how large her balls were and her dick as well. "If you can get to the planting yourself and stuff, I can provide the seeds for you. I'll tell you what you need to know about them so you can tend to them better when I hand them over. If you need to be fed right now though I can go ahead and feed you if you like," she went on to say to the Warder, still feeling a bit sensitive from Zix's saliva earlier.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Yep! All I need is the seeds for whatever plants you wanna grow! I'll make 'em big and strong! 'Course, I need a nice big load of YOUR seed first, you..." the Warder is cut off as she notices Lilia's massive shaft and balls, her tongue hanging out and drooling. "Oh damn, Zix. You didn't tell me what a STUD she was! Gimme gimme!" she shouts excitedly, opening her mouth hungrily. "An' don't be gentle! I like it rough!" the Warder says as it resumes its open-mouthed position, obviously eager to get to it. Zix moves in behind Lilia, resting her hands gently on her shoulder and purring in her ear. "And if you want to dump and even bigger load in the greedy little thing, you just ask." the alien whispers into her ear.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, alright, that's fine with me," Lilia giggled at the Warder's eagerness as she drooled at the sight of her genitals. "I guess I can just sit here and let you suck on me all you want. Or would you rather I hold you down and make you suck on me until I drown you in my seed?" Lilia then said to the Warder, smirking a bit as she assumed whichever position was the more desired, and got to work, winking at Zix when she whispered in her ear.

"Mmm, don't tempt me lover. I... hmhm, I'll do that next time maybe," Lilia whispered back to Zix, winking at her again before getting to work with the Warder plant which seemed to have taken an instant liking to her. "Say girls... how much would I be coveted around here? Like what lengths would things around here go to in order to get me so that I was their seed giver or whatever?" Lilia went on to ask the two while she got to work with the Warder plant, in whichever position was asked of her.

Once she was ready and everything, Lilia would either start thrusting her hips forward into the Warder plant's mouth while holding her head a bit, or she'd sit there and thrust her hips up from her sitting positions while the plant suckled on her dick like a lollipop.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Rougher the better, Stud. I like it when my partners make me into a passive little toy." the warder says, opening wide to take her shaft, moaning as she begins to suck on it, her stem widening to allow the herm to deepthroat her as she remains still. Once inside, the kitsune will feel little nubs all through the entirety of the Warder's mouth and throat, undulating and rubbing her flesh as she shoves in and out, her eyes closed as she sighs around the cock in her throat.

"Very much so. There are several species like me that require contributions from a Male, and then a Female to act as surrogate. Others will be delighted at being able to breed with one of your genders, and using the other to breed their opposite gendered kin to maintain diversity." Zix says as her hands reach down and begin to fondle Lilia's balls as she thrusts, running her tongue up the side of her neck and licking behind her ear, trailing pleasure up her skin the whole way.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As the Warder opened her mouth when Lilia positioned herself to force the plant girl's mouth down over her dick, she got a mouthful indeed as Lilia thrust in and down her throat, not stopping in her initial thrust until her balls rested against the plant girl's chin. Lilia mimics the Warder plant and closes her eyes and sighs softly as her hips begin thrusting in and out, her rhythm slow at first but quickly gaining speed until her balls were slapping against the plant girl's face. Moans spilled from Lilia's lips without a care in the world, not minding that Zix and possibly other alien life forms were watching eagerly as she went at the plant girl.

"Oh wow, this is good you two. It's great... and... I can't complain really, especially since I'm here and it feels so good," Lilia said after Zix answered her questions while the Warder plant girl was taking her shaft, seemingly loving every second of it. Lilia reached down with one hand and groped the Warder's stem a bit while she pounded away into her throat, shifting herself around so the plant girl was leaning back and in the sixty nine position with her large orbs slapping against the plant girl's face all over now instead of her chin.

When she could no longer hold back, Lilia would thrust in one last time before exploding, her first spurt pouring directly down the plant girl's throat before pulling back and filling the Warder's mouth with her seed and making her swallow it down.