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Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia's struggles against the vines actually help to soak her in more of the aphrodisiac slime, finally pitching her over her limit and forcing her manly bits to reveal themselves, as Zix roars and bites both vines in half, freeing the kitsune, but also getting more of the aphrodisiac in her system, her breaths coming in labored. "You...Are my mate, Lilia...This creature...Does not deserve you!" she shouts, as it smacks her on the head with one of the few vines not coated in aphrodisiac, the plant lashing out at Lilia and missing completely.


Lilia: 1 vs 10, critical failure, Lilia takes +1 AP damage

Zix: 20 vs 18, Critical Hit, -2 FP, Zix gains +2 AP, Lilia is no longer grappled


Lilia: 16 vs 2, success, no damage.

Zix: 4 vs 12, failure, -1 FP


Swallow Bulb: 4/8

Lilia: 4/5 FP, 7/10 AP

Zix: 4/6 FP, 8/10 AP
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As she struggled, Lilia found that it was only helping to increase her own arousal further as the aphrodisiac slime seeped into her skin further. At her limit of focus, Lilia felt her amp's power snap a bit as her cock and now large balls burst free of the confines her amp kept them pent up in. As they popped free, Lilia gasped and moaned softly, looking over at Zix as this happened while her companion bit the thing again and broke her free.

"Ngh, Zix... thank you, but... I have to protect my babies too. If we can't win, then we'll run okay. But if it gets me again, don't get hurt trying to save me... it would hurt more if the babies got hurt because of me," Lilia panted to Zix, pulling her shotgun up and taking aim at the Swallow Bulb and firing another slug into it. If it looked like she and Zix wouldn't hurt it this time around though, then Lilia would grab Zix and fall back away from it before it got a hold of her again, her large orbs between her legs jiggling with seed as they churned and produced more to spurt out thanks to the aphrodisiac.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia's shot rings true, putting another hole in the giant purple tomato. Zix growls as she slashes at the vines with her claws, severing several while managing to keep herself from being coated in more slime. When Lilia speaks out, and tells her to run, the Kitsune is wrapped in another vine, and the alien woman looks over at Lilia, panting, before she growls and flees off into the forest. "I'll return for you, my Mate, I promise!" she shouts, obeying Lilia's wishes to protect their children. The creature begins to salivate green fluid, now that it has a proper victim coiled in its grasp, it begins to pull her in towards its massive, tentacle-covered maw. Lilia has only one chance to escape before her fate is sealed, and the aphrodisiac burning in her body will make that chance difficult.


Lilia: 12 vs 2, success, -1FP

Zix: 19 vs 5, success, -1FP


Lilia: 5 vs 15, failure, grappled, +2 AP

Zix: 19 vs 18, success, no damage


Swallow Bulb: 2/8

Lilia: 4/5 FP, 9/10 AP

Zix: 4/6 FP, 8/10 AP
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Her next slug pierced the thing perfectly, and Zix hit it again as well with her sharp claws thankfully, Lilia saw. As she glanced over to tell Zix to run and fall back however, she felt another tentacle grab her and looked to Zix pleadingly to run. Sighing softly as Zix turned hesitantly and ran into the woods, calling back that she would return, Lilia nodded and turned back to the thing in front of her that was grappling with her and tried to break free again, where she would back off and out of its reach if possible.

"Go Zix... my mate... I'll be fine! And I'll wait for you!" Lilia cried to Zix as she went, pulling her shotgun up and firing directly into the Swallow Bulb's maw in an attempt to break free as she pulled as hard as she could to get back and away from it.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia's gun is knocked out of her hand before she can shoot, the aphrodisiac finally tipping her past the point of being able to do anything other than think about fucking something with her rather prominent herm dick. The creature pulls her inside of its mouth, then slams it shut, trapping the kitsune within.

The tentacles begin to wrap around all four of her limbs, pulling her deeper and deeper into the creature while bathing her in even more aphrodisiac slime, one of them beginning to wrap around her cock and squeeze it lightly, the others starting to writhe under her bikini top and fondle her breasts. One of them yanks her bikini bottom down, allowing one of the tentacles to run down the crack of her ample behind and then slither over her folds, soaking her in the slime that seems to be driving her mad with pleasure, as it continues to drag her deeper, the walls slowly closing in.


Lilia: 7 vs 14, failure, still grappled.


Lilia: Grappled, automatic hit, +2 AP.


Swallow Bulb: 2/8 FP

Lilia: 4/5 FP, 10/10 AP, aroused and unable to act.

Lilia has been defeated by the Swallow Bulb. For my smut after a defeat, I like to keep it much the same as regular smut, so nothing all too different other than the fact that most of it is non-consensual :3
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As she raised her shotgun up to try and shoot the thing one last time, it's knocked from her hand by a tentacle as she was weakly holding onto it when aiming, the aphrodisiac flowing into her bloodstream overwhelming her and preventing her from gripping it tightly. She's reeled in like a fish on a hook, with her dick she imagined being the bait. "N-No... let me... g-go. I'd rather... h-have Zix than you, you... overgrown p-purple tomato," Lilia panted softly as she weakly struggled against the tentacles.

Before she knew it, her arms and legs were all trapped within the thing, with tentacles coiling all around them and pulling her in deeper into the thing, the slime drenching her and making her so horny she could barely think straight. When the tentacle coiled around her dick and squeezed it tightly, Lilia squealed, wriggling around and trying to get her bikini off faster in her lust filled frenzy to mate... with anything that would make her cum. Feeling the tentacles writhing around all over her tender sensitive body, Lilia could only moan and grind her body against the tentacles, her large balls already filling with seed to give to the plant creature.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The creature slowly drags the kitsune deeper, through a tight tunnel that seems almost like the actual vine of the plant, before moving her into a massive chamber, lined with humanoid females of all different kinds of species, all bound to the walls by their arms and legs, and all sporting massive, bloated stomachs. In the center of the large chamber is what looks like a lotus flower, except colored red, and bigger than Lilia's shuttle. The whole while she's been carried this way, the tentacle around her cock has been squeezing tightly around the base, and another has been squeezing around the base of her balls, preventing her from cumming at all as it edges her towards orgasm.

The lotus begins to open as she is pulled in close, the petals slowly falling away to reveal a women whose skin is green as the tentacles wrapped around Lilia, and who also happens to have tits that put Zix's to shame, her body only slightly bigger than Lilia's. Her hair is a tangle of darker green vines, and a clear green fluid slowly runs down from her nipples as she stretches and regards the herm before her. "Oh my. What do we have here? A strange new creature to breed. Tell me, strange one... What do you call yourself, and what strange manner of species are you, who have been eaten by my Swallow Bulb?" she asks, the tentacles easing up on her arms and legs somewhat, though they still hold tightly around her male genitals, hanging the Kitsune in front of the strange woman, who begins to walk along the petal of her bulb towards her.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As she was pulled in further, Lilia felt her body being pulled through a tight tunnel that could only be the vine or stem of the plant creature she was now inside of. She soon caught sight of several females of all different races inside the large chamber she was brought into. Seeing the large flower creature in the center of the chamber, Lilia could only assume that it was the culprit, but there was little she could really do right now as the tentacles were edging her to orgasm and keeping her close, but refusing to let her cum and get relief.

She groaned softly as the tentacles kept up their grip on her genitals, while the lotus flower opened up to reveal a plant like woman with green skin similar to the Asari that were born from another Asari breeding with a Krogan.

"Ngh... I'm... Lilia. Who are you? A-And why have you taken me? I... I already promised Zix I would breed with her," Lilia said, her voice coming out in a whimper at the plant woman.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Zix...Zix...Ah yes, that egg-filled creature I caught ten cycles ago. She was such a wonderful breeder for my seeds until she stopped producing. Then she had to be disposed of." the flower woman says, approaching and wrapping her right hand around Lilia's shaft, beginning to stroke it slowly, almost torturously so, as she looks at the Kitsune and smirks.

"Such a lewd body, built for breeding, and pleasure...Tell you what. If that giant bug wants to breed you, then she's free to. It's been so long since I've had male seed to enjoy..." she says, moving around behind Lilia and groping her breast through her bikini while still stroking her shaft agonizingly, her tentacles still preventing her release, as her balls continue to churn and plump up with her backed-up sperm. "I can give you pleasure beyond compare, little Lilia...All you have to do...Is feed me every. Single. Drop. In those wonderful, plump balls of yours..." she whispers into the kitsune's ear, her voice low and sultry as she continues to torture the herm with her attentions.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"D-Disposed of? W-What did you do to her?" Lilia asked the woman in a bit of a demanding voice, though a moan escaped her lips moments after when the plant woman grasped her cock and started stroking it. "N-No please... s-stop. M-My balls... t-they're gonna explode if you... k-keep doing that," Lilia pleaded with the plant woman.

When the woman slipped around behind her and groped her breasts while stroking her cock some more, Lilia squealed and tilted her head back as more moans escaped her lips. Her balls felt like they were getting larger again like before with Zix. She looked down to see if the already large orbs were growing again, knowing in the back of her mind that they likely were. "Ngh... I... I can't stand it. Please... I need to... n-no I have to cum... s-so badly," Lilia said to the plant woman, wriggling around feebly to get free.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh, nothing terrible my dear. I just ejected her out back into the garden." the plant woman says, releasing Elena's body and moving around in front of her, dropping to her knees and extending her green tongue out, slowly licking up her shaft, the same trail of fiery passion as the aphrodisiac slime running up her shaft. "Mmmm. You taste so delicious. I can practically hear the cum churning in those wonderful balls of yours." she says, reaching a hand up to grasp at Lilia's balls, which have indeed grown, now the size of baseballs and steadily churning with even more.

The plant-girl reaches the head of her cock, planting a kiss on it and setting the Kitsune down on the petal, pulling back her tentacles and releasing her entirely, save the tentacle around the base of her shaft and the one around the base of her balls, still preventing her orgasm, and smirking. "Feed me well enough...And I might let you go, little Lilia." she says, before opening wide and beginning to slowly bury the massive rod into her mouth, feeling almost exactly like Ash's strange flower mouth, as she continues to fondle the Kitsune's testicles, urging her to produce even more.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hearing that Zix was only thrown back into the garden relieved her worry a bit, but Lilia was still tense until she felt the plant woman's tongue run up her length. Her eyes rolled up into her head as the wet appendage licked up her shaft and she bit her bottom lip to try and endure it. Looking down, she saw her even more swollen balls, which were already back to baseball size and still going thanks to the aphrodisiac slime seeping into her blood.

"O-Okay fine... I... I'll give you everything my balls have in them. T-They're aching so badly though. S-So hurry please," Lilia panted to the plant woman who was fondling her large testicles and squeezing them gently, coaxing them into overdrive.

When she was laid down, Lilia made no attempts to try and fight back, especially when the kiss on her crown came. As soon as those luscious lips touched her dick, Lilia collapsed back and giggled drunkenly in a lust filled daze. Her left hand slid its way down and began stroking her shaft while the tentacle continued holding her back, the horny kitsune so addled with lust that she could only think of mating.

"O-Oh god yes... s-so good. Yes... suck me dry... I'll give every drop I have... j-just make me cum please," Lilia pleaded with the plant woman as her mind and body gave in completely, her balls now feeling like they were past baseball size and nearing apple or softball sized.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The plant woman sighs as the Kitsune gives in to her lusts, slowly sinking her mouth down onto the Kitsune's cock, reaching up and pulling her stroking hand away, and placing it on her balls instead, urging her to help coax out more cum for her to devour. As she approaches the base of the Kitsune's shaft, suddenly the tentacles pull away from her entirely, freeing her to orgasm deep into her throat, the plant-woman humming around the shaft in her to coax out her orgasm.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When her hand was pushed down to her balls, Lilia squeezed them a bit to help coax more seed to be produced. She was absolutely reveling in the pleasure, which was already overwhelming her and then some. "Yes... more. G-Gonna cum... s-soon," Lilia panted in an almost crazed voice.

When the tentacles released her completely, Lilia nearly creamed herself right then and there, but she held back as much as possible in her poor addled state. Her holding back lasted all of half a minute though at most before she exploded, her cum spurting out as hard and fast as if she were pissing. She came and came, and came some more, until she had spurted out what felt like half a gallon at least.

"O-Oh my god... s-so much cum. H-How do I... h-have so much i-in my balls?" Lilia said after her orgasm tapered off, panting like crazy as she helped the plant woman knead her balls around to coax production of more cum. Even though her orgasm was done, Lilia's dick was still drooling her seed out of her tip and into the plant woman's mouth. "M-More... I've got more w-where that came from, miss... w-whatever your name is," Lilia then said, her eyes half lidded and a small strand of her saliva leaking from the corner of her mouth.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The plant woman remains hilted on Lilia's shaft until her orgasm finishes, pulling back with a wet slurp and a pop, moaning as she licks her lips, looking at the dick still drooling her favorite meal. Her stomach seems horribly bloated, as if she were about to give birth, and her breasts sag with even more of that strange fluid she's dripping from her nipples, slowly crawling on top of her and planting herself against the Kitsune's groin, leaving her massive shaft to rest nestled in her ample buttcheeks, as she begins to lean forward, her breasts dangling in front of the Kitsune's face.

"Some call me Allmay. Or they did before I had to dispose of them. It should suffice, little Lilia. Now drink. Taste the wonderful nectar you just helped me create. Taste all the wonderful life I will create with your donation of seed." she says. If Lilia is to drink from her breast, she'll find it tastes almost like peaches, except even sweeter, and it has the viscosity of syrup, slowly running along her mouth and down her throat, and needing to be squeezed from the strange plantwoman's breasts.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia could only lay there while the plant woman sucked her seed out of her dick as if her appendage were a straw leading directly to her balls and the seed within. Shaking her head back and forth while she came her brains out, Lilia squealed and moaned as loud as she could. She shuddered when the plant woman pulled up and off with the wet slurping sound being practically music to her ears.

When she climbed atop Lilia, the young kitsune herm reached up and cupped the plant woman's large breasts, taking one of her nipples into her mouth and suckling hard on it to make her lover feel good before she was even asked to do so, her instincts to breed more guiding her completely now. Lilia moaned around the nipple she was suckling on when she felt her cock trapped between the plant woman's butt cheeks. Listening to what the plant woman called herself, Lilia nodded, but kept suckling, drinking deeply of the nectar leaking from those massive breasts and switching to the other one when she'd drank enough of the first to notice a difference in size and or weight.

"Mmm... it's delicious lover. I'll call you May though for short. If that's alright. I've got plenty more to drain now though, if what I gave wasn't enough to please you yet," Lilia panted softly at the plant woman, whom she'd decided to shorten the name give to just May, one hand grabbing a handful of her butt while the other squeezed the breast she suckled on to drink the tasty yet syrupy fluid, greatly enjoying it and letting May know as well while she nuzzled against her breasts.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The plantwoman coos as her breasts are drank from, sighing contentedly as she pulls away when Lilia is sated. The nectar has much the same effect as Zix's milk, filling her with energy and nutrition. "Perhaps, little Lilia, you can continue to feed me. however, this time, I will let you take the lead." the plant woman says, standing up and moving away from the Kitsune, over towards the center of the flower, where a bench made of her tendrils has formed, the plantwoman laying down and hanging her head backwards over the edge, her mouth open and inviting to the Kitsune as her fingers motion for her to come hither.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

By the time she'd drank her fill, Lilia had a slightly drunken expression on her face, drunk on pleasure and lust both more than anything else. The nectar she found was very similar in what it did to Zix's milk, which re-energized her strength and perked her back up. She whined a little when May pulled away from her, gently grasping that nice ass with both hands, but not trying to hold her there. When May moved away and maneuvered herself around and motioned for her to come there after telling her to take the lead, Lilia needed no more invitation than that.

Getting up, Lilia eagerly moved over, her cock still throbbing as she did, and she took aim with her dick, poking it right into May's mouth and thrusting inside with a lewd moan escaping her lips. She began to happily thrust away without a care in the world as she let the pleasure overwhelm her young inexperienced mind. Her hands roamed while she went to town on May's mouth, her balls slapping heavily against the plant girl's face and the lewd wet slurping sounds coming from May's mouth only spurred her on that much more.

Reaching down with her right hand, Lilia's fingers went for May's vagina, eager to tease and please it for her lover, while her left hand cupped one of her large breasts and pulled it up where her lips captured her nipple to suckle on, though more for the purpose of pleasure than drinking that sweet sweet nectar again. Lilia couldn't hold out for too long though, having just cum not long before and still incredibly sensitive from her previous orgasm.

"Oh yes... g-gonna cum again May. I... I hope you're ready for more of my seed. B-Because I... c-can't hold it anymore," Lilia panted to the plant girl, eager to give more of her thick creamy seed to feed her lover.

With that, Lilia slammed in one last time, suckling hard on the nipple in her own mouth as she exploded inside May's mouth, her seed spurting out. She pulled back just as she did with Ash before and let her cum fill May's mouth until her cheeks puffed out from the sheer volume she spurted out. After she was done, Lilia pulled her still drooling dick out of May's mouth and looked down at her lover, her eyes totally glazed over with lust as her cock throbbed eagerly for more. Lilia began moving again, climbing on top of May unless the plant girl stopped her, where she would start trying to position herself to thrust into May's pussy next, stroking her hot hard dick as she did to keep it ready for action even though she needn't worry because it was still so painfully hard she could barely think straight.

"I... I want to make you feel good too May," Lilia would say to May as she tried to thrust her hips forward to bury her cock in that luscious looking pussy.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

May hums around the dick in her mouth once Lilia takes the lead, sucking and milking her massive hermcock as the Kitsune fucks her face with reckless abandon. When she begins playing with her womanly bits, May's eyes begin to roll back, and her pussy begins to clench tightly around the intruders. A lewd, muffled groan of pleasure leaves her mouth when Lilia cums, and her mouth begins to slurp and gulp down the Kitsune's seed, her throat working bulges of the salty cream down into her stomach, which bloats even further from the load. When her mouth is free she begins to lick her lips, panting. "Lilia, you're such an eager little thing! It pains me to have to let you goooooooooohhhh" she moans, as the herm's dick pierces into her pussy.

"Oh yes, Lilia. Make me feel good with that...Magnificent cum hose of yours." she moans out, reaching her hands down and grabbing her thighs, spreading her legs as best she can to allow the kitsune access to her tight and milking pussy. Once inside, Lilia feels the same thick nubs rubbing on her dick, though they all rub in a continuous milking fashion, trying to draw her cum out the moment she penetrates the plantwoman.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Feeling May's pussy clenching around her fingers, Lilia moaned as her eyes rolled up into her head as she came into May's mouth. After she maneuvered around while May licked her lips and savored the taste of her seed, Lilia thrust into the plant girl's pussy and squealed aloud into the chamber. The young horny kitsune began knocking away like crazy, her hips thumping rhythmically against May's while her balls slapped heavily against the plant girl's ass as she went at her.

"I... I'll come back if you promise to... l-let me leave when I wish May. And... if you'll take care of the rest of these girls or release them and not keep them against their will... t-then I'll come by every once in a while and... l-let you d-drain me dry all day long. I'm exploring this world though, so I... I would like it if you'd let me go to explore," Lilia panted in between her moans to May, the wet sounds of her skin slapping against May's filling the air along with Lilia's sweet moans as she eagerly thrust away happily. "Oh god... I love it so much. It... it feels so good," Lilia moaned after a few moments.