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Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"M-means your cum works like my saliva. E-except without the milk, and making balls grow bigger." Zix responds to the question, her hands coming up to grasp Lilia's as she's filled, and returning her kiss passionately.

When all is said and done, Lilia's hand grasps her balls. If she were entirely conscious, she'd know that they're the size of basketballs, and covered in the bumps of eggs all over. Her belly looked like she was nine months pregnant with triplets, and her tits were inflated to ridiculous proportions, almost as big as her tummy, and sporting the big rounded bumps that signified her eggs being inside, as Zix coos and cradles her. "You did very good, my mate. Very good. Feel all that life growing inside you, my mate. The live you helped create." she says, slowly rocking the kitsune back and forwards, humming to her to try and get her to rest. "Slumber now, my love...I'll have your meal when you awaken." she says softly, holding the kitsune close until she falls asleep, and then hefting her up and carrying her into the bed in the shuttle, laying her there to sleep off the mating.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Oh? W-Wow... is that a good thing Zix? I... I suppose it is so long as it doesn't invoke lactation and testicle growth," Lilia replied about the lust cum, her body shuddering.


Laying back against Zix, Lilia was a bit addled from the whole ordeal and didn't realize just how big her balls now were, though she did notice the small bulges in them and her breasts. "Y-Yeah... I can feel it Zix. It... feels nice," Lilia cooed softly, one hand resting on her belly while the other lay on Zix's leg and caressed it.

Lilia sighed softly while Zix rocked her back and forth slowly, seemingly humming her a lullaby which quickly began to put Lilia to sleep. She was barely conscious by the time Zix carried her inside the shuttle and laid her down on the bed inside. Lilia was out before her head even touched the pillow though, one hand gently gripping Zix's hand as she was laid down.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix maintains her hold on Lilia's hand as she passes out on the bed, staying right by her side as she dreams.


The next day, at around noon, Lilia comes to, her burden informing her that last night was not, in fact, a dream. Beside her bed, Zix is resting her head and arms on the mattress, looking like she found slumber there beside her mate and didn't bother to leave her side. A weak haze blankets Lilia's mind, a dull pleasure from all the eggs inside of her, likely the effect of the strange green slime they're coated in to help her fit all of them in her body.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When Lilia woke up again, she felt like she'd slept for quite a while and was laying there with her hand still in Zix's, and as she noticed that Zix hadn't left her side the entire time and was laying her head over onto the bed with her, Lilia smiled softly. The dull pleasure and the sight of her bloated body told Lilia that she hadn't dreamed any of it.

"Mmm, I can't believe all this has happened. I'm gonna be a mother... or a papa one of the two. Or... would I be both?" Lilia thought to herself as she lay there, getting her bearings and whatnot before she bothered Zix any.

After a few minutes, Lilia reached over and gently shook Zix a little, trying to wake her up to let her know that she was awake as well. "Hey Zix... love, how long have I been out for?" Lilia said as she shook Zix a bit.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix slowly rouses as she's shaken, a smile on her otherwise featureless face. "Good morning, my mate...You slept through all of yesterday. And the night before was when I laid my eggs..." the alien says, gently reaching a hand forward to massage the kitsune's bloated belly. "Look at you...You must be in so much pain from carrying so many eggs...I'm sorry, my Mate." she says, moving to nuzzle her head against Lilia's hand that she's still holding.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Wow... I didn't realize I slept quite that long. Though I suppose in a way that's a good thing. Mmm, that feels nice Zix," Lilia cooed softly as Zix caressed her swollen belly, her hand laying on Zix's as it went. "No no, it's not painful really all that much, if at all. Just... gives me the feeling of being very... full is all, and I doubt I'll be able to walk very easily until these little ones come out," Lilia added, putting Zix's fears of her being in pain to rest.

"Gods my mouth is getting dry. I need to drink more water," Lilia said after a few moments, licking her dry lips. "Would you mind getting me some water to drink hon? I could definitely use it, or something at least to drink," she added.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix smiles when Lilia assures her she's not in pain, purring pleasedly. "Good...I wouldn't want my Mate to be in pain because I couldn't hold back." she says, sighing contentedly, and then Lilia asks her for something to drink, a knowing smirk on her face. "Of course, my Mate..." she says, standing up and then moving to crawl onto the bed next to her, presenting her teats to the kitsune, dripping with her strange green milk. "They've gotten so full since I laid my eggs in you, love...Drink all you want."
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, I'm fine Zix, don't worry so much. And thanks Zix... I appreciate the affection, it feels nice," Lilia told Zix in a soft kind voice, smiling and hugging herself against the larger alien female as she was presented with Zix's large breasts.

Lilia leaned in and grabbed onto one of those large nipples and began drinking deeply of Zix's milk, savoring its taste as she drank. "Mmm, as delicious as last time Zix. I love it," Lilia cooed softly after taking the first drink, before diving back in and drinking some more. Lilia would drink Zix's milk until she was full and refreshed, and then she'd simply lay there hugging herself against the alien woman and relax, figuring it best to stay calm and relaxed while pregnant like she was.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix feeds Lilia everything she needs to maintain her strength, before cuddling in and resting her head against her love. "Never leave me, Lilia...I don't think I can get over someone as wonderful as you." she says, sighing and simply snuggling with her love.


Two weeks pass in a haze of dull pleasure and motherly affection, as Zix spends every minute she can cuddled with her Mate, though she leaves every few days to eat some vegetables from the garden to keep her own strength up, feeding Lilia her milk, or whatever she can possibly desire from their garden, which is rapidly growing out of control, even growing into the forest somewhat. And every few days, just after feeding herself, Zix helps Lilia down to the water's edge, to get some fresh air, and remind her that this is her life for the moment, being loved and cared for by a beautiful alien female, and bearing her eggs for her.

Eventually, on one of the days the two lovers are sitting on the water's edge, Lilia's body begins to quiver, as her breasts and stomach begin to rumble, the unbearable need to push starting to eat into her mind. Zix seems to notice her body's reaction, taking Lilia's hand in her own, and holding it lovingly. "Is it time, my love?"
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia snuggles back and coos softly at Zix's affectionate cuddling, her tail swishing happily in the air behind her. "Hmhm, nor I you Zix. I'm glad I met you. Though, I hope you won't be angry with me if I say that I'd still like to explore this world and wouldn't mind... hmhm, exploring some of the other beauties like yourself while I explore. I mean, I made friends with May after all and I thought she would keep me forever trapped in her love chamber," Lilia said with a giggle as she thought about all of the different female creatures about that must know about her by now thanks to May and would want a piece of her.


Lilia kind of lost track of time as her pregnancy progress and and each day passed in a haze almost. She did have enough of her mind working properly that she remembered drinking deeply of Zix's milk every day as she hugged against her, almost like her child. She also remembered every so often that Zix would take her down to the beach to help her get bathed in the water some so she was clean, and so she could walk around a bit and get some fresh air.

"Thank you Zix... this is nice, being pampered like this. I was never pampered like this back home, mostly because I just had so much work to do all the time. But god is my back starting to hurt a lot more now," Lilia said while they sat down at the waters edge to watch the waves come crashing in, with Lilia leaning back against Zix to rest her weary back.

Before Zix could say anything about her back or before Lilia could do anything else, the young kitsune herm felt her body shudder, and let out a sudden gasp as her right hand grabbed Zix's leg as her left clutched her belly. Lilia nodded when Zix asked if it was time. "I think so at least. I'm... not entirely sure how long it's been honestly," Lilia said, biting her bottom lip before trying to get up with Zix's help to head to the shuttle if that's where Zix wanted to do this, though if she'd rather stay there on the beach then Lilia had no complaints.

Lilia would push with all her might, though as relaxed as she was it was hard at first. She hoped the ones in her breasts would come out first, that way it would be easier for her to lean for the rest to come out. Regardless of how they came out of her though, Lilia was sure that it would be a pleasurable experience if Zix's words were true about everything being about sex and pleasure around here.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix doesn't seem angry at the notion at all, in fact, she seems happy that Lilia wants to explore the planet, and meet other creatures. "We'll enjoy this planet together, my love."


As Lilia begins to tremble and prepare for birth, Zix helps her stand. "To the forest's edge, quickly. My children need protection from the sunlight when they first hatch, then they'll scatter northward." the Alien says, helping her love to the edge of the forest, where part of the ground is shaded from the sun overhead, helping her to settle in and prepare for her birth. Her cock begins to erect, and she can feel her muscles beginning to tense.

To Lilia's relief, her breasts begin to give birth first, the large, rounded black eggs squeezing their way out of her nipples, before popping free with a blast of pleasurable fire. The same fire begins to burn in her belly, as her stomach begins to contract and push, the eggs slowly working their way out of her womb and stomach one at a time, plopping out into the soft underbrush, each passing egg causing a burst of pleasure when it finally pops free. Her testicles begin to work and squeeze, but no eggs work their way out of her member, her birth slowly progressing as her testicles remain their massive, bloated size, Zix holding her lover's hand the whole way.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, good. I'm glad you're not angry at hearing me say that. Don't get too worried though about someone or something keeping me forever... well, so long as it's sentient and all at least. If it's a mindless creature then you might want to do what you can to help me out of its clutches," Lilia giggled softly at the thought her and Zix traveling around to explore the planet.


Holding Zix's hand, Lilia nods and hobbles over to where she wants her to go and plops down, where she immediately began pushing to get the eggs out, where thankfully her breasts popped those ones free first. As soon as the last eggs are out of her nipples, she watches them regain their normal shape quickly as her breast size shrinks back down towards normal, though she could only assume that it would take a few minutes for them to completely shrink back down to normal.

Pushing further, Lilia felt the ones in her womb and stomach popping out of her one by one, each time one exited her body she squealed softly. When she felt her balls churning and rumbling, indicating that the eggs in there would soon be coming out, Lilia began pushing again, yet no eggs came out and her sack remained the same size as it was. "O-Oh man... they... they won't come out Zix. W-Why won't they come out? It... it's aching so much, l-like I need to cum again," Lilia whimpered to Zix as she got on her hands and knees and tried to push again and make the eggs come out of her balls, her head shaking from side to side as she started getting a bit frantic that they'd never come out.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix watches her children being born, trying her best to keep them piled safely in the shade, while also trying to be comforting to her Mate. When she begins to get frantic about her eggs not coming loose, she carefully reaches a hand up and begins stroking Lilia's cock gently. "Easy, Lilia...Your cock and balls weren't meant to bear eggs, so they need a little push to get them flowing. All you have to do is cum, and they'll pop free." she says softly, her other hand also reaching up to help her mate masturbate her massive shaft.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As soon as she feels Zix's hand on her cock stroking it, Lilia instantly begins to calm back down and listens to Zix's words. Nodding her head, Lilia reached down and began fondling her large balls with both hands, gently squeezing them to try and coax herself to climax quickly. Soon enough, Zix would easily get her to cum, though Lilia didn't know if any of her seed would even spurt out or if it would just be the eggs. Either way when she felt her climax coming, she let Zix know.

"O-Oh god yes... I... I'm almost there Zix. Just... k-keep going and f-finish me off love," Lilia squealed as Zix stroked her down the home stretch, one hand leaving her balls and grasping Zix's hand that wasn't stroking her off.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix purrs pleasedly as Lilia begins to get off from her handjob, speeding up when she says she's close, and then letting go when her orgasm hits.

A tiny spurt of cum drips out of Lilia's cock, as she can feel the eggs beginning to slowly advance down her urethra, the same blazing pleasure as the other eggs running along with them, as the first plops out onto the underbrush with a tiny spurt of cum, the others following suit. The final egg eventually begins its journey down her cock, before lodging itself right at the very tip, Lilia feeling a pressure building behind it inside of her massive hermdick, before the egg shoots free, and her cock practically explodes all over the eggs, drenching them in her potent seed. Zix purrs and comforts her mate as her climax begins to ebb, cooing sweet words and encouragements in her ear about what a wonderful mate she is to have given life to so many.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The orgasm hit Lilia not long after that, and lasted until the last egg was finally out of her poor balls. Each one caused a burst of pleasure the nearly knocked her unconscious again, but she held on and didn't faint, knowing that if she did then she wouldn't be able to push the eggs out. With every egg that came out, a spurt of her seed came with it, her balls slowly shrinking back down.

"O-Oh my god... it... it's s-so good. I... I feel like I'm... f-flying Zix," Lilia panted as the last egg traveled up her length.

Her mind numbed with ecstasy as the final egg lodged itself at her tip, the thing just not wanting to come out the rest of the way. Lilia reached down and shook her dick a couple of times, trying to coax it out of there, but to no avail at first. Finally though Lilia felt pressure building up behind it before it popped free and landed with the rest, where her orgasm finished sweeping over her as she spurted everything she'd had pent up for the last two weeks all over the ground, her eggs, Zix, and even some on herself.

When she was finally spent, Lilia reclined back while she sat on her knees, her body exhausted as she sat there. She began to fall over and would likely hit the ground unless Zix caught her, as she was just too weak from that powerful orgasm and from giving birth to catch herself.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Zix does indeed catch her lover as she begins to fall over, cooing in her ear and slowly laying her down on her back, dribbling a bit of her milk into her mouth to help her regain her strength. "Shhhh, rest now, my love...Our children will find their way without us...Drink. Rest. You were so strong for me, and for our babies." she coos, letting Lilia drink if she has the strength, tending to her beloved mate as she has for the past two weeks.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia accepts the fluid falling into her mouth and drinks it down greedily, needing the sustenance it brought her. "Will they... r-really be alright Zix? I... I'm worried about them," Lilia asked worriedly after drinking enough of Zix's milk again to recover and sit up.

She leaned against Zix and drank some more of that wonderful milk, which seemed to have plenty of nutrients and whatnot that her body needed. "And... how long does it normally take one to recover from one of your race's pregnancies?" Lilia asked after drinking some more milk, then diving back in and drinking some more until her belly was full.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"This is not my first clutch, Lilia. I have born dozens before. The children do not grow as normal. They need as much freedom from their kin as possible to grow and acclimate to their environment. There are almost no deadly predators on this world, as those who do not survive off of plants generally survive off of bodily fluids. We must leave them so that they can find their own way in the world, my love." Zix explains, hefting Lilia up much like a mother might hold a baby, allowing her to continue feeding. "You will recover fully by the time you are finished drinking, my love. My milk is designed not for my children, but for my partners, to keep them strong and healthy." she says, a smile on her face as she begins to carry the Kitsune back towards the shuttle.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Okay... if you say so Zix. It's just... my people have strong ties with our children and we care for them deeply. Many don't leave the care of their parents for as many as eighteen to twenty years. So I can't help but worry about them," Lilia said to Zix as she fed on her milk, letting Zix carry her back to the shuttle to rest a while. "I think I'll rest for the remainder of the day though and not try to go out until tomorrow to make sure I'm fully healed. Unless you think it'd be okay that is," Lilia went on to say when they reached the shuttle.