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Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 25/40
(PP): 44/65
(EP): 85

Round 3

The goblin that abandoned Cassandra attacks Lilith: Success, it jumps on Lilith and grapples her.

Houri is being raped and is trying to break free.
Goblin 1: Success
Goblin 2: Failure, she is still penetrated and submission held
Sex: Houri and Goblin 2 climax together. Both are stunned.

Cassandra tries to wiggle her booty free!
Grapple: 16(Roll)+18(Escape Artist)=34 vs. 33
Cassandra breaks out of submission

Round 4

Lilith tries to get the goblin off: Failure, the goblin also forces her down like the others, putting her in submission hold.

Houri is stunned, and is anally penetrated by the first goblin.

Cassandra tries to wiggle free some more!
Grapple: 11(Roll)+18(EA)=29 vs. 44
Cassandra is forced back down into submission

Round 5

Lilith Grapple: No longer submission held

Houri Grapple: Success against both goblins, no longer submission held.
Sex: Houri is fucked in both holes by the goblins, and cums again.

Houri submits and accepts the rape

Cassandra wiggle wiggles
Grapple: 20(roll)+18(EA)=38 vs 36
Cassandra continues to avoid the D and breaks submission

Round 6

Lilith Grapple: Right back down into submission

Cassandra: 4+18=22 vs 40
Back into submission

Round 7 (So much back and forth...)

Lilith: Right back up again out of sub

Cassandra: 10+18=28 vs 41
Cassandra is penetrated.
Pleasure Taken: 22-14=8
Damage: 6
Pleasure Given: 13(Roll)+3(Body)+2(Tight)-7(Resistance)=11

Round 8

Lilith: Back down into sub, herp

Cassandra is being raped: 7+18=25 vs 39 failure
Pleasure Taken: 20-14=6
Damage: 4
Pleasure Given: 12(Roll)+3(Body)+2(Tight)-7(Resistance)=10

Round 9

Lilith: BACK UP

Cassandra is being raped: 16+18=34 vs 48 failure
Pleasure Taken: 19-14=5
Damage: 4
Pleasure Given: 8(Roll)+3(Body)+2(Tight)-7(Resistance)=6

Round 10

Lilith: FINALLY WINS THE GRAPPLE! She kills the gobbo dead.

The goblin raping Cassandra cums inside of her before Lilith kills him and chases the other goblins off.

Victory Kinda!

As Cassandra struggled, Lilith turned to see about helping her, unaware that one of her own goblins was preparing a sneak attack. "Cassandra, Houri!" She called out, first seeking to aid her currently raped friend, before she herself found a goblin jumping through the air and grabbing her upper body, knocking Lilith to the ground on her front as the goblin was behind her, snarling a grin and licking her cheek as she growled in anger. "Hee-hee! All over! Me take your pussy now!" the goblin above Cassandra declared with zeal, but the healer didn't let him have what he wanted easily. Struggling through the ropes, she fought back and forth against the goblin, making him work for his reward while dodging all of his attempts to stab her pussy with his dick. The goblin, rather than frustrated, was laughing at Cassandra as she squirmed in her bindings to try and avoid rape.

Meanwhile, Houri let out a shattering cry as she soon came from the goblin dick pounding into her pussy. "F-fuuuck!" she cursed, before grimacing as Cassandra saw first hand an eruption of goblin cum from the place they were connected as the goblin's balls throbbed, emptying the first of many loads into Houri's womb. "Yesss! Filling womb up! Drinking all my cum!" the goblin celebrated, as the other goblin shoved his comrade over such that he could climb on her and angle his dick for her asshole. Houri offered no resistance as she was still coming down from her climax, though let out a cry when Cassandra saw his long cock vanish inside of her puckered asshole. Her lips opened, but she only let out a gasp of a cry with a slight whine. "Ass so tiiight!" the goblin moaned, before they both began working Houri's ass. As the cock in her pussy slid out, the one in her ass was sliding in. When the long green cock shafted back into her pussy, glistening in the sunlight from her juices and lady cum coating it, the dick in her ass pulled out. "N-no... S-sto... Nmmmm!" Houri moaned, her efforts to escape now weak and vain. She makes one valiant effort, nearly throwing the two goblins off, before the one in her pussy slammed his dick deep, releasing another thick goblin load into her womb and causing the knight to cum again around his cock, lowering back down in submission, losing the will to fight her rapists. All Cassandra saw from Houri was the poor girl bouncing her hips on the goblins dicks in motion with them, moaning as she took load after load from their shafts.

Meanwhile, the last one remaining who could save them, Lilith, was suddenly finding herself pinned on the ground. Her goblin captor laid on her victoriously, sliding his cock under her ass as she let out a small moan from the sensation. Like a thick green shaft of meat between two fleshy buns, Cassandra saw the goblin's dick shift back and forth along Lilith's covered pussy. She too was distracted by the pleasure, leaving Cassandra seemingly with no hope of escaping. "Hee-hee! You lose! Time for pussy to drink! Bottoms up!" the goblin cheered, before she felt the goblin slam his dick into her folds. He bounced happily and freely, while Cassandra's struggles were now for naught. Despite his size, Cassandra was no match for his strength. He kept her pinned down, and the only motions she made bucked herself up against his hips to take his cock deeper into her pussy. The moment she'd push herself up on her legs, he was drilling her right into where it counts, weakening her legs and bringing her back down. Her body as weak as it was, Cassandra quickly became his sow, her fate to receive his seed with little she could do to stop it. He moved his hips up and down joyously, as if well aware of this fact, as wet slaps came from his crotch bouncing off of her juicy ass. Every inch of his long dick filled Cassandra until she felt his tip kissing her cervix, as if letting her know where he'd be leaving his next generation. With all girls bound, Houri completely filled with goblin cum, and Lilith on the ground, Cassandra couldn't stop what came next.

The goblin on top of her bottomed out, shafting her all the way inside. Once more his tip kissed the entrance to her womb, but this time it was to leave something inside. She felt his cock throb powerfully, as the first of many ropes shot straight into her womb. How accurate they were? Who knew. She could have been pregnant from the first rope of cum alone. Either way, he released his load, the first of many no doubt, while leaving Cassandra with little option other than to accept her fate as a new mother of goblins. However, across the way, Lilth was victim to the goblin groping her breasts and grinding himself still along her pussy. Soon he came, just like Cassandra's goblin. While he was overwhelmed with lust, Lilith flipped, and threw the goblin off, quickly stabbing him through the heart before wildly attacking the other goblins, killing one each, first off of Cassandra, dead as it's dick slipped out of her pussy and he fell to the ground, and then off of Houri, while the last remaining goblin managed to scurry off in fear of it's life.

More concerned for Houri than Cassandra, leaving the mage to escape her own ropes, the white haired woman cradled the other girl's head in her arms and tore off the ropes. Copious amounts of cum, enough to fill a liter bottle, poured out of Houri as the pink haired girl seemed to fall unconscious from excessive orgasms. "C'mon, Houri... Wake up. We cannot stay here. Come on, girl..." she tapped Houri's cheek, trying to rouse her, to no avail. Meanwhile, Cassandra could do as she pleased now that the violation was over.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Despite her best efforts, Cassandra only managed to delay the inevitable as despair set in, the ongoing action between the remaining goblins and the two ladies not particularly cheering her. With Lilith being their sole real chance of making out of this without serious harm, the sight of her going down into a back and forth grappling match with a solitary goblin was not the most encouraging thing she could see during her struggle with the rope/net combo and the gobbo warrior pushing down on her in all kinds of ways. Houri had been a lost case to the healer for a good while, and she had not counted on herself being too useful without her ability to use her powers, so the struggles of Lilith put a serious damper on her spirits. And that slight slip in spirit was just the thing that the goblin needed.

Not being able to properly avoid it anymore, Cassandra gasped as she was penetrated by the proportionally large goblin dick. She could feel the heat build up inside her just slightly, the fact that she was trying to avoid it somewhat hampering the pleasure that she should not have been feeling from such an act. Yet, she was somewhat turned on against her will, the brief pounding that she was being subjected to catering to her hidden inner slut that enjoyed this kind of thing. The fact that the healer was bound up in ropes and nets was making it even better for this alternative Cassandra. No matter how hard she tried, the goblin had firmly lodged himself inside her exposed pussy and had her firmly under control. Even so, the ongoing act between the two was brief, only a moment or two that could not bring out any deeper feelings from the busty spirit user. The goblin got to use her just long enough to reach a climax by it's lonesome, the warmth of the deposited cum teasing Cassandra with further promise of pleasure. It could also be a very real pregnancy for her, which was not as thrilling an idea to the healer. Before their act could go further, Lilith broke out from her own situation and went on a small rampage, destroying the remaining goblins in a fit, just one of them managing to flee her rage. With that final act, the brief battle was over, but the victory was not really one they could celebrate.

Since there was apparently no help coming for her right then, Cassandra took up the task of freeing herself from the net and rope, which she could now manage quite easily since there was no fight to distract her. With some breathing techniques and wiggling, she would shake the bindings off from herself and get back up to her feet, the rape having left a slight mark on her physical condition, but the most concern she had was the possible pregnancy that might follow from this. But she would not think about that for now, instead getting her panties back on and moving over to the two girls. "Let's see if I can fix this..." she would tell Lilith, invoking her power and laying a hand on Houri's forehead to channel some restorative energies into the blonde girl.

(Use a 5-point Lay on Hands, restoring 30 hp. If that even helps, she just assumes it will.)
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Fine
(HP): 25/40
(PP): 65
(EP): 80/85

Using her power, Cassandra healed the worn mercenary. The first immediate result is a moan followed by a quart of cum suddenly gushing out of her pussy as her folds likely contracted back to their original shape. Then, the girl opened her eyes, leaning up and looking able again. "Thank you, Cassandra." Houri said.

"There is no time. We cannot risk more knowing of our presence. We must vanish as soon as possible." Lilith rushed them. Houri seemed to agree as she stood up. Cassandra herself was a little worn out from her struggles, but could keep going without rest for a time (Gradual HP loss due to exhaustion).

However, if she tried to convince the two to rest, then she could catch her breath (recover HP/EP) so she won't be exhausted if attacked.

Inversely, who knows how long the two knights would want to run before they felt safe. Even then, there was no assurance that they would not have persistent pursuers. Still, the two girls seemed to insist on keeping up their flight.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

"No problem, this is what I do most of my time when it comes to work." Cassandra told Houri, thinking that it her part in this job to provide health to her guardians when they were in need. The pair were keen on getting a move on soon as possible, a sentiment that the healer shared for the most part. She was not thrilled about the idea of having to spend an extended time on the run, something that she was not really best at with her physique and average conditioning. But it was probably for the best that they hurry, so she would agree to go along with. Still, she would make a quick preparation by channeling her energies again to make sure that she was in top condition from the start at least.

(Cast a 3-point Lay on herself before taking off to heal the HP back to max)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Submission Held
(HP): 1/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 77/85

Everyone attempts to get out of dodge. Rolling everyone's stealth versus the goblins perception to try and make the goblins lose their trail.

Attempt 1: Failure, Cassandra takes 6 damage from sprintan

Attempt 2: Failure, 8 damage

Attempt 3: Failure, 6 damage

Attempt 4: Both Houri and Lilith find a spot to hide, but not Cassandra, 3 damage

Many stealth fails later, and Cassandra is overtaken by many gobbos.

And so the running began, all three of them trying to escape from goblin land without being caught. Not long after they flee did they suddenly stumble upon another small pack of goblins. Rather than fight, Lilith encouraged them to duck towards another direction and keep running as the goblins behind them gave chase. Lilith and Houri tried to cut corners around hills to lead the goblins off the trail, but a loud snapping of a branch underneath Houri's foot made the girl curse as the goblins were right back on their heels. Not visible but their chatter and footsteps audible. "Don't give out on us already, Cassandra..." Lilith said as she noticed the healer already getting tired as her tits bounced wildly in the chase.

The full sprint continued for another minute, with the goblins refusing to give up the scent. Spotting a chance, Lilith and Houri ducked into a shadow soaked patch of ground hidden under the hill they passed, hiding out of view. Cassandra would be caught dumbfounded, still running before suddenly realizing they were gone. Before she could join them, the goblins were on her heels. Beckoning hands from Houri and Lilith, trying to get Cassandra to join them, soon retracted and hid as it become obvious that it was too late.

More chasing... And Cassandra would come to understand that not only was she painfully slow and not athletic at all, but she also was terrible at hiding. So it likely came as no surprise when she got tired, and the goblins caught up to her. They swarmed her, laughing and getting her to the ground with a lasso thrown around her and tightened around her arms and waist. They were already harassing her, pulling up her skirt to show off her butt, pulling open her shirt to let her breasts bounce free, and giving her butt light smacks as they amused themselves with their catch.

However, they didn't immediately rape her. Rather, the apparent smartest of the group came forth and looked at Cassandra directly. "Oi, tracka saw three tracks. Where'z yor othar two frens?" he inquired. "We seen them before, yah! Betray em to us! Mistress likes betrayers! Said not to rape betrayers, so we not rape you if you'z talk!" he offered Cassandra. By the notion of their leader, the apparent mistress, Cassandra will not be raped if she betrays her two cohorts and tells them where they were hiding.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Going along with the ladies, Cassandra started to dash onward with the pair, managing to keep up for a bit. But she did not carry on strong for too long, and was starting to lag behind the far more fit warriors in a matter of minutes. And the group stumbled across another batch of goblins shortly, which did not serve to give any further confidence to the healer. With some newfound push in her step, she dashed forward just a little harder, barely managing it as she was getting increased resistance from her chest that replied to the rising level of motion with an equal amount of counter motion. It was yet another moment for the day where she cursed her body being like it was.

To make things worse, Cassandra suddenly lost sight of her companions, completely missing out on the fact that they had found a nook to hide in for a good bit. "Great, just great... How am I going to this by myself..." she thought as she took off from the spot, not wanting to give the position of her guardians away. While they were supposed to be looking after her, it went against her nature to lead trouble into other people if she could help it. With that in mind, she took it upon herself to look for another spot that might enable her to hide from the chasing goblins. Knowing her conditioning, she would not manage on the run for too long.

Trying to find herself a hiding place, Cassandra only managed to stumble around the forest for a bit longer as she went from a terribly-picked spot to another in a fruitless effort. With the limit of her physical condition rapidly catching up on her, the healer was set upon by the group of chasers in a matter of minutes. She tried to hold her ground, but was quickly deprived of her ability to invoke any powers as a lasso was thrown at her in an effort to hobble her, and it did not take much more effort to get the winded Cassandra grounded from there. But it was not apparently quite over just then, despite the harassing hands that were all over her. One of the goblins, a leader of some sort, had plans towards her apparently. It was not something that she was liking though, and would not give up the position of the two just like that. "No... I don't think your kind are that trustworthy..." she replied, not really having the trust towards these creatures to betray her guards. They already had her on the ropes, so there was little chance she could keep them from having their way with her regardless of what she did. Even with just the tiny bit of energy she had, Cassandra would resist the ongoing harassment.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Submission Held, Gettin' gang banged
(HP): 1/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 77/85

Her struggles would be just as in vain as Cassandra might've expected. The goblins laughed at her statement. "Well dun mattah wit dat attitude! I'm thinkin' you just want the dick, now that I look at ya!" he chuckled, working with the other goblins to strip Cassandra completely, leaving her in her birthday suit before one goblin got underneath her, and slammed his cock into her pussy without ceremony, and another got on her back, groaning as he slid his dick into her back entry. Cassandra would find all strength leave her as they slid themselves in, pumping their meatsticks in and out of her holes with no reservation, giving her a rough crash course into pleasure with goblins.

"Heh! Looks like you do want the dick! Based on that stupid face of yours!" he insulted Cassandra, before whipping his own dick out, grabbing her aggressively by the back of her head, and forcing her to down his cock, filling her mouth completely and some of her throat too. Fucked from three angles, Cass was stuffed from all directions, in every hole available, while two more goblins slipped in and began sucking on her tits. The cumulative pleasure quickly sent her over the edge, and then again, cumming multiple times in quick succession over the course of a few minutes while getting pounded. "Hehehe! Damn slut!" the goblin insulted Cassandra, before slamming her face down to take his cock in full. "Swallow it all!" he demanded, while the other two goblins before emptied their loads inside of her as a thick, hot spurt of filthy goblin seed shot down her throat, filling her mouth with what she couldn't swallow.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

As she expected, there was no real way of getting out from her predicament with her lacking strength, the many goblins being easily able to overcome her with the simple matter of numbers being on their side. The answer she gave them did not turn out to be very satisfactory either as the group simply proceeded to declare their intention of having their way with her as a reply. The healer was relieved of her clothing completely in short order, which left her rather naked and even less able to defend herself in any way than she had been just minute ago. From there, the little buggers went on to nonchalantly rape her in both of her exposed holes, and there was little she could do besides take it all. She would moan a bit as the undesired pleasure built up in a slow but steady pace from her being stuffed fulled, but that would end shortly as the talkative goblin lifted her face up and sunk his dick into her mouth after a while. With no way to resist the assailants, Cassandra was forced to endure her way through the violation in the hands of these little guys. She would not be doing much at this point, simply trying to please her captors with the minor movement she could muster in an effort to maybe keep them from killing her after they were done with abusing her. But there was a more realistic alternative as to what would happen afterwards, and she was counting on that her act would allow her to end up as a captive, which would be that one alternative. Forced through a couple climaxes, the healer soon found out that the goblins were slowing down, and there talky goblin confirmed it by bursting into her mouth like a fountain just as the two busy workers finished their tasks as well. Going along with the order, Cassandra gulped down all the salty cum as best she could with her mouth being stuffed, hoping that this would be enough for the gobbos.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Gettin' dragged around
(HP): 1/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 77/85

After their cum session, they all lifted off of Cassandra and began dragging her along back to their apparent rape camp. Some time passed, and Cassandra was hauled off to a large goblin camp which seemed to have goblins hard at work to build what appeared to be shoddy attempts to make human themed homes. The goblins moved as if driven with a purpose. Rather than a rape camp to await her, it seemed she found a small society.

Cass was pulled up and thrown towards what appeared to be a central area. "M-mistress! We found one like we said you should! Brought her to you!" the goblin leader cheered, looking proud of himself. Meanwhile, from a large tent more designed for a human instead of the spaced out small goblin sized tents around, stepped out to look at Cassandra. She seemed well dressed for her current living conditions. "You." she directed at Cassandra. "You were sent by the mayor? Answer truthfully." she seemed to speak of the mayor with a hiss in her voice, as if the title did not sit well with her.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

The goblins finished fast enough, and then it was off to somewhere else, most likely to a camp that the little things had hidden away somewhere in the forest. Cassandra was not hopeful of what would follow, but she reasoned that she would get away eventually.

The camp eventually came into sight, looking fairly different from what Cassandra had been expecting to find, the large tent in particular catching her attention and even taking her mind off from the possible rapefest that might be looming in the future. The goblins nonchalantly dumped her on the ground as a woman came out from the fancy tent. She did not look distressed or anything of the sort, her being well-dressed and looking like she was the one in charge only adding to the amount of surprise that the place held. And she would speak, coming at the healer with a question right away. "Huh? No... I don't work for that man, I'm doing this out of my own initiative. But I did have two of his girl guards with me until a little while ago." she told this woman before getting out one of her own questions, having a nagging feeling that there were more complicated issues going on with the mayor. "You are the daughter of the blacksmith?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Gettin' surprised
(HP): 1/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 77/85

The woman let out a grunt. "Yes, my father was a blacksmith. I'm surprised he's still alive if you're insinuating as much." she stated her own surprise. "Though it looks like he had the same intentions for you as he did with me. Just getting rid of a problem by feeding it to the goblins." she sighed. "What is your purpose with me? What do you want? If it's nothing, get out of this part of the world and don't return." she advised Cassandra.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

"I did talk with him earlier today, so yeah, he is very much alive. He sounded like he had given up on you being alive. And no, I'm not here for no reason. I was supposed to look for you and get you back home since I heard a rumor about you being missing. But it doesn't look like you need much help. Somehow I imagine you would be back already if it was that simple. There is something bigger going on." Cassandra stated flat out, not keen on the idea of moving around the lands this fast as she was still rather lacking in funding department.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Gettin' surprised
(HP): 1/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 77/85

"You'd be right." the girl replied. "The mayor of that town is a corrupt monster. Whatever he wants, he thinks he can get. So here was I, in the woods just foraging for whatever might be growing, when I get ambushed, captured, and suddenly in a sex dungeon when the fat bastard himself shows up and decides to treat me like a fucking dog toy." she spat venom, turning around and undoing her dress to show off her back, and the numerous scars that seemed to be from excessive whipping before redressing herself. "For months he raped me until I was fat with his child. When it came close to birth, he deposited me in the woods near this goblin camp and let me become missing permanently." she explained the situation. "Thankfully it was easier times with the goblins. Becoming their leader by snapping the next of the original leader worked out for me. So now, I'm in a bit of a hole. I've got all these goblins willing to die for me and yet, what am I to do? Then you stumble along looking like you had a fraction of the awful time I did, and I can't help but feel like you could be useful to me."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

"I should've known. That man looked and acted as sleazy as they come. But it was that bad..." Cassandra said, the confession not coming across as shocking as the girl might have been expecting it to. "Well, I can imagine I could be of some use to you. I don't have any real idea as to what I should be doing around these lands, no person besides that barkeep appears to give me even the slightest respect and there's not enough money in my purse to leave this place without risking everything on the road by myself. What did you have in mind?" she asked this lady, actually being interested in what this proposition of hers would be.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Gettin' treated with respect
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

"Come inside my tent." The woman invited Cassandra, lifting one of the flaps of her tent up. "We'll get you some clothes working out and talk further." she said. And If Cassandra likely accepted the invitation, she'd have a chance to rest (HP/EP restored) and talk further.

Offered a place to sit in a room complete with a tea table and bed, a very spartan room, the other girl sat across from Cassandra while offering her tea that looked to be from herbs freshly plucked. "Now, introductions are overdue. My name is Elora." she introduced herself, allowing Cassandra the same opportunity. "My plans are to expose the mayor for his corruption. However, I can't do that from where I stand. I know he'll find a way to silence me if I return to town saying he raped me and left me for dead in the forest. I've seen it happen to another woman who did the same. He blamed it on some kind of false herb that doesn't exist that drives people to insanity when plucked, before drugging his victim with the drug of which he speaks in order to truly make them crazy. Everyone suspected the mayor, but after seeing his first victim become truly insane, everyone ended up seeing his 'point' that it was just insanity and not his crime." she stated.

"I need you to expose him. I don't know how. There has to be some evidence that he's doing what he's doing. If he's exposed, then we can put him to the public execution he deserves."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

After she agreed, Cassandra was invited to the tent that the lady had burst out from just a few minutes ago. Being so tired after all the running and sexual abuse made her only eager to accept the invitation, and she stepped in right away. It would certainly be better there than remaining outside and possibly inviting some further tease or molestation from the other residents of the village, who she wanted no part with, even if she was a little less scared of them now that the woman was with her.

The inside of the tent was looking civilized if a little lacking in certain things, but it was still fairly impressive for something in the middle of the woods. Again, Cassandra picked up on the offers she was given, both to rest her weary frame and get something to drink after the all the workout in the forest. "Cassandra, just an adventuring healer type." she introduced herself as Elora did, switching into listening mode after that to hear the woman out and find the role she was planning for her. The healer would apparently need to be the one exposing the sleazy mayor and his various crimes to the town at large, though she had no real plan in mind just then. "Guess I'll have to try and figure something out then. Can't say that he did anything to me yet, I only hired his lady warriors to escort me around. I'm not sure if they saw me get dragged in here as we were split up during a chase, I ran some distance away after that before your subjects caught me and... well, here I am. Not sure how loyal they are to that man, and if they would know of you being here like this. Might need to consider that." she accepted the offer to join with this woman on her little crusade, not wanting the mayor to remain in his seat of relative power for too long after knowing all of the things he had done.

"Right... You have place for me to get cleaned up in? As I'm fairly messed up after that little meeting with your subjects." Cassandra asked after she emptied her cup of tea.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Gettin' baths
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

She nodded. "I've a bath here in the corner." she pointed. "It's not fancy, just fresh water taken from the stream."

She'd let Cassandra have her bath, and fix up her own clothes if she liked, or wear the rags that Elora would provide. Seemingly just larger versions of the rags some of the goblins were wearing. It would come complete with barely any coverage, able to easily see Cassandra's pussy if one crouched to see, and would readily be able to see plenty of underboob.

Once she was done bathing, Elora would return to the tent, apparently having been quite busy as she was wiping her mouth and adjusting her dress. "Sorry if I kept you waiting... The goblins require a bit of motivation from time to time. They're all that's kept me safe so... They're horrible creatures, but useful for my purposes." she explained herself. "Once I return to my home, I won't need them at all though." she said, slightly hopeful.

"Shall we waste no time and figure out a plan?" she invited Cassandra.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

"It's fair enough, I'm not that high maintenance. A plain bath is just fine." Cassandra accepted the offer for the very basic bath with pleasure. Anything was better than being drenched in sweat and cum, so she had no issue with just this. She took care of her own clothes along the way, having no real reason or desire to use the lewd rags that were her alternative choice of clothing.

Eventually Elora returned, having been busy with some motivational.work according to her own words. Cassandra understood the reason for such behavior, but still felt a little icky about that kind of thing being a necessity in one's life. The faster she got Elora back, the better. "Yes, there is nothing better to do really, so let us do this."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

Cassandra: Gettin' strats
(HP): 40/40
(PP): 65/65
(EP): 85/85

The woman laughed. "Well, I was thinking you'd be the smart one. I'm honestly waiting to hear your idea. You're an adventurer type, right? You're more qualified than me to bring down a corrupt mayor, right?" she inquired. "Please tell me you're not suddenly in the same boat I am." she sounded almost like she was going to break down into depression at the mere suggestion.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Victim of Wanderlust (Guan Yu) GM'd by MAF

"Honestly? No, I'm not the best when it comes to thinking. And I'm most certainly not in any favorable position to stand against that guy as the town did not appear to be particularly eager to have me around." Cassandra told what she thought to Elora. "The guy does know that I went around looking for you, and I'm not sure what will happen if I return to his place as I think the bodyguards I had with me have probably reported that I've been taken away. Even if I did get back, it's not like he did anything to me, just let me hire his ladies. Don't think taking you back there just like this is a good idea." she pondered some options and facts that did not really make for any decent plan. "Might need to find some evidence to indicate him to the public at large. Not sure where to find that. Might just have to try going back there and possibly trying to get into his good side so I could look around his place and find something. Another thing I could imagine is to find that one woman you talked about and see if I can fix their mental issues with my abilities. Maybe. I don't really know." she went on a bit, bonking her forehead on the table afterwards, simply out of slight frustration towards her situation. Coming to this town had been a mistake.