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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

SEG is all a test at how many whale friends you have, nothing more nothing less.

wait did they say something? I want to see the damage control.

But strong Player can handle SEG alone
1 Focus is able to kill 13 Million HP of SEG
Quite unfair for noob Player~
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

SEG is all a test at how many whale friends you have, nothing more nothing less.

wait did they say something? I want to see the damage control.

No, i want to see that too.
OH last time we had no bugs to annoy them,lets try it with such an special reward yay
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Do you need to level the 100k EP card in order to get the SEG bonus or do you just need to have it?
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Do you need to level the 100k EP card in order to get the SEG bonus or do you just need to have it?

Supposedly, you just need to have gotten 100k, but as I said earlier, I'm not noticing any discernible difference in spawn rates.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I've gone through about 70 elixers so far, spawned about 10~ SEGs.

I think the extra spawn rate is broken or it's so low it's negligible.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Considering myself lucky if I get one SEG in 10 elixirs at the moment. If no one is noticing it maybe they forgot to actually add it.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Hey, just found this forum and decided to drop by. Have about five friend slot open if anyone needs one. Just send me a tease that your from ULMF since my last group decided to mainly quit. Thanks

On another note, are they serious about needing $250 in the campaign notes just for two cards, one that is a moe?!?!?!
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

lurker here finally saying hi :D

FYI apparently if you spend existing gold you get medals.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Anyone who want's to kill SEG Lv 28
Just add 1118748
You can add Me , and then just delete Me
Fine by Me
Just be quick , 24 minutes left