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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The highlighted character is terrible. She dies to everything. For 2-3 drops, I think you should only have utility creatures like Emily, or that detective you have.

Decree (the ability that looks like a scroll) is pretty useful against strong later game creatures.

Prepare for Battle is slightly better that Forsaken, because it won't activate if you don't have creatures. Run 3 Prepare for Battle, and add on Forsaken if you want more than 3.

I might be forgetting to sacrifice for mana, but I swear the AI keeps playing Strategist Ryumei for 5 mana. Has anyone else seen that, or am I crazy?
*edit* oh, I figured out what is happening. While I am watching streams during my opponent's turn, they play Ryumei face down, then suicide attack with their 5 mana card that was face down.
Forsaken is also useless when an opponent uses duped by a demon and cards of that nature. Their attack is only affected by +/- defense at that point so it becomes a completely wasted card in that situation since it still triggers. Another bonus for Prepare for Battle.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Forsaken is also worse if their attack goes below 0. It interacts poorly with Weaken and Yuzuki.

Is anyone using Dodge or Never Give Up to good effect? They are probably better against players than AI, but I took Never Give Up out of my deck because I was always discarding it.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Forsaken is also worse if their attack goes below 0. It interacts poorly with Weaken and Yuzuki.

Is anyone using Dodge or Never Give Up to good effect? They are probably better against players than AI, but I took Never Give Up out of my deck because I was always discarding it.

Most times I use never give up is when I have say, my 3k damage sakura up and the enemy has a couple 2ks up, so not really necessary if your matches end quick, but useful at times in longer drawn out games.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I just looked at her stats, and maxed they are very good for a 2 drop. I just think early combat characters get so out-classed a turn later that it is a waste of experience.

For people preparing for the tournament, I recommend getting everyone to level 2, as someone said early in the thread. After that, try to get your late game characters to the 2000 attack breakpoint, or 1700 attack, so that you can bring them to 2000 with a book of awakening. This lets you attack through Dodge and Invitation to Hell, and narrow down what traps your opponent could have.

It's tough to say. When I talked to a friend a bit, he mentions how in lots of TCGs, they tend to be decided pretty quickly. Low cost cards will get outclassed by a higher cost one, but those extra turns it can take can mean all the difference.

Particularly as weaker cards can gang up on the stronger ones. Like, Berserker Sylvia or whomever is pretty strong, but her high cost means you can't use her until around turn 6... and her skill isn't going to be usable until turn 7. That's pretty late into the game already, as I think you will naturally deck yourself in around 25ish turns?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

It's tough to say. When I talked to a friend a bit, he mentions how in lots of TCGs, they tend to be decided pretty quickly. Low cost cards will get outclassed by a higher cost one, but those extra turns it can take can mean all the difference.

Particularly as weaker cards can gang up on the stronger ones. Like, Berserker Sylvia or whomever is pretty strong, but her high cost means you can't use her until around turn 6... and her skill isn't going to be usable until turn 7. That's pretty late into the game already, as I think you will naturally deck yourself in around 25ish turns?

It's more or less about who can get the strongest cards out in the shortest time. Being able to summon a lot is nice and all, but if you keep bashing your quick summoned cards vs the enemy's strong cards you'll just kill yourself eventually because of the damage you take from your sacrifice card. So unless the LP limit is raised for tournaments 5k isn't a lot to work with if you're losing 1k every time you take down an enemy's 2k.

P.S. Sylvie is usable at turn 5 if you aren't first draw since second draw starts with 1 extra mana.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Sylvie is awesome and I wish I had her
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

According to you get more GP for battling with heigher level players in the arena.
Level is obtained in tournaments.
So is it a good idea to not participate in any tournament, keep you level low and get more GP per arena battle?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

According to you get more GP for battling with heigher level players in the arena.
Level is obtained in tournaments.
So is it a good idea to not participate in any tournament, keep you level low and get more GP per arena battle?

People are getting more than 400 gp/battle?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Not before 1st tournament.
Right now everyone is equal.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Not before 1st tournament.
Right now everyone is equal.

You said level, is why I was wondering since I'm level 50+. Not everyone is equal though, there's the nameless person at 1275 who has only maxed cards, but actually finding them on the list is rare. There's also another nameless person with only an 1130ish rating, but I didn't notice less points when I beat them.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

You said level, is why I was wondering since I'm level 50+. Not everyone is equal though, there's the nameless person at 1275 who has only maxed cards, but actually finding them on the list is rare. There's also another nameless person with only an 1130ish rating, but I didn't notice less points when I beat them.

Wiki says it can increase but not decreases below 400.
400+10*(lvl difference)
So if lets say my deck is somewhat good and average tournament participant would levelupped 1200 => 1600, then battles against them would bring 400+10*400=4400 points o_O

Somehow it's too good to be true.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Wiki says it can increase but not decreases below 400.
400+10*(lvl difference)
So if lets say my deck is somewhat good and average tournament participant would levelupped 1200 => 1600, then battles against them would bring 400+10*400=4400 points o_O

Somehow it's too good to be true.

Any idea of how decks are decided for random arena opponents? I accidentally made a second deck and can't delete it so it just sits there never updating so I'm not sure if my deck 1 is being used or my useless deck when people challenge me.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Wiki says it can increase but not decreases below 400.
400+10*(lvl difference)
So if lets say my deck is somewhat good and average tournament participant would levelupped 1200 => 1600, then battles against them would bring 400+10*400=4400 points o_O

Somehow it's too good to be true.

maybe a level difference is 100 points, so if you had 1200 and beat a 1500, you'd get 430 points?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

maybe a level difference is 100 points, so if you had 1200 and beat a 1500, you'd get 430 points?

Google translates Arena page as

▼ arena
In the arena, from the close level of play against the player list, select the person you want to play, do the card battle.
Player's own card Battle of operation is done manually, but the operation of the opponent is done the computer automatically.
When you make a match, you can Gacha P is acquired as a reward.

▼ arena of remuneration
Remuneration that can be acquired in arena is "Gacha P".
You can earn the reward, depending on the life damage dealt to your opponent, even if you lose.
Gacha P is " normal Gacha is a game within a point needed to play. "

Gacha point 400 (+ level difference * 10) and one medal during the victory I can win.

※ If the level of the opponent is higher than their own, a bonus to Gacha point that can be acquired.

Defeat time can be acquired in accordance with the ratio that reduced the enemy life to a maximum value of 400 points.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'd rather try to get medals for the tournament shop. In the future a late joiner might want to play a tournament and lose every match to lower their rating so they can grind arena until their cards are a decent level.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Just out of curiosity, how fast do you guys usually win in Arena. For me it is in average on the 8th or 9th turn.

Edit: Well one reason I asked is because most key cards which tend to be between 8-10 cost, need 5-6 turns and except the opponent let's you freely hit his LP it is near impossible to end before turn 6 in my opinion. And another is I got a playstyle more attack focused so trying to find a way to win as fast as possible is a fun challenge to myself.Current record is victory at turn 7.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

about the same. you can't otk in this game since it plays of resources.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

My earliest was 6th turn just because the AI in this game is ridiculously dumb. But yeah average is about 8 or 9.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I've asked in a few places before, but no one I've asked seems 100% sure, so just in case anyone who's familiar with the game knows for certain:

There's no downside to upgrading willy-nilly, right? No reduction to max cap if you don't cap the level first, no reduction in stat boosts post-upgrade if you don't cap the level first, etc.

I'd like to start working on some units I know I'll be keeping in my deck that I just haven't managed to get to cap yet if I can. I want to start boosting my album count.

-Fix Maron's boobs. If she doesn't have an h-scene, why does she have a boobjob? If she does, where is said scene?

Anastasia, too.

Maron's a little weird after edits. She has aliasing issues with her head compared to her body. And her eyes look really weird sometimes.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I've asked in a few places before, but no one I've asked seems 100% sure, so just in case anyone who's familiar with the game knows for certain:

There's no downside to upgrading willy-nilly, right? No reduction to max cap if you don't cap the level first, no reduction in stat boosts post-upgrade if you don't cap the level first, etc.

there is absolutely no draw back. all it does it add a new level cap. that's it. nothing more, nothing less

edit: that moment your opponent ai uses ninja summons on your emily...
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