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Sarah (Caulder)

Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Oh hey there Sarah. Yeah we're alright, Nell here is taking me to this place that I detected something at on the shuttle's sensors. I thought it looked interesting, so I wanted to find out what it was," Vicky replied, her face coming up on the omnitool. "Whatever it is, it's pretty big if the sensors are to be believed. And I knew that you needed more rest, though Nell was awake and seemed alright, so I asked her if she minded taking me to the place in question," she added.

"Aye, and I didn't mind, plus I was wanting to stretch my tail out anyway. No offense, but your flying metal box is a little cramped for my kind," Nell said.

"Whenever you get some food in your belly, come on out to meet us. I'm sure that we could use your help," Vicky told Sarah.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"No offense taken, Nell. It's cramped even for me. I'll be out to meet you once I've gotten dressed and put a meal in my belly." she says, focusing on eating her light breakfast first, then hiding away her male bits as she puts on her blue latex bikini.

Once she was dressed, she checked the marker on her omnitool and set out to find her lamia lover and her naughty AI.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"See you soon I hope," Vicky said, ending the communication.


After finishing with her breakfast, Sarah had an easy enough time locating the others with her omnitool. It was pointing northwest of the shuttle's position, and about five miles off for where they were heading, while the pair themselves were only about three miles away. It would take her a few minutes to catch up to them for sure, though if she moved fast then she could catch up with them before they reached the location marked on the map.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah hums as she runs through the forest, hoping to catch up with her friends swiftly, wondering what was so interesting they couldn't wait for her, as she moves as fast as she can without tiring herself out to try and catch up with them.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Moving along as quickly as she could, Sarah made good time. She passed by the large pond the Kythal Lurker had ambushed them at, with the creature luckily not there now. Sarah tripped over an overturned log a few minutes later, managing to catch herself before falling face first into the ground, but just as she was getting righted again she heard a rustling in the trees to her left. It was faint, as if something was doing its best to hide.

Looking down at her omnitool, it read "Warning, proximity alert!" in large red letters.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah hums as she moves, gasping as she trips and barely catches herself from her fall, leaning against a tree to regain her balance. When she hears the rustling, she looks up at where it might be, and notices the alert on her omnitool. "Hello? Is someone there? You can come out...I'm not going to hurt you." she says, looking about at the trees to try and find the source of the noise.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

The forest remained quiet for now, with Sarah looking around towards where she'd heard the sounds from to see nothing. Suddenly, Sarah saw something dart past her quickly, just out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't tell what it was at first, but she caught sight of a red tail as whatever it was went past. Turning towards where it went as quick as she could, Sarah saw the red tail going behind a large tree.

Whatever it was didn't seem to be aware that she'd seen its hiding place, and didn't reply to her words, seeming to be observing her, or trying to at least.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah giggles as the creature darts about, turning towards the tree and rushing at it. "I see you! Come on out and show me your face!" she says playfully as she rounds the tree, hoping to spot her mysterious stalker.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"KYAA!" a girlish scream comes from the creature, with Sarah seeing it was a girl standing on two legs, and looked quite human actually, save for the scaly skin on her arms from the elbows down, and her legs from the knees down, and along her hips and a bit up the small of her back.

The girl had jumped and climbed the tree very swiftly as Sarah scared her, but quickly came back down. "H-How did you see me? And... w-what are you?" the girl asked, with Sarah seeing her flaming red hair. Looking at her now, Sarah saw that she was young, likely around her own age, and she was very pretty, and looked more than a bit innocent as she was walking around naked as the day she was born with a large dick dangling flaccidly between her legs and not even a loincloth to cover it.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"I saw your tail when you darted in front of me...And I'm a Kitsune. A foxkin...Although I'm a lot like you." she says, disabling her amp and allowing her foot and a half of malebits to appear right over the edge of her latex bikini. "And who are you? My name's Sarah." she says, figuring it only proper to reveal herself to the strange woman considering she was baring her assets as well.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"A kitsune? Foxkin? I don't know what that means, but I see you're twin gendered like me. So you must be a good person, yep mhm," the girl said with a firm nod. "Me, I'm a dragon. And my name is Ember, Ember Flametail," she went on to say, thumping her chest with her fist, which made her quite large breasts bounce and jiggle.

Looking more at Kasha as she'd named herself, Sarah saw that she was muscular, though not body builder muscled, and she was very tall, taller than Sarah by about a foot. She bent down and grasped Sarah's dick or at least the part hanging out from her bottoms, where she smiled and licked her lips.

"Technically I'm only a dragonling, as we don't fully mature for many cycles, but I'm more than mature enough for mating," Ember said, looking a little embarrassed at revealing this apparently. "But you're very beautiful miss kitsune Sarah. You'd make any dragon happy," Ember then said after a few moments with a proud look on her face as she complimented Sarah.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah giggles as her shaft is grasped, reaching a hand down to pull the front of her bikini down and let the garment fall free of her so the dragon girl had full access to her male parts. "Nice to meet you Ember. So, you're interested in mating are you? Want a nice, fun lesson from someone experienced in these matters?" she asks, as her foot and a half of shaft begins to harden, her plump, overfull nuts swelling just a bit beneath it. "Or do you just like ogling herm's dicks?"
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Hmhm, a little of both actually. Looking and doing, either one would be good. But you looked like you were in an awful hurry, and I don't want to impose. Though... it does look quite delicious," Ember said, licking her lips with a long reptilian like tongue before it darted out and licked the tip of Sarah's cock.

"Mmm, I can't wait to get a crack at this big bad girl. But I don't want to keep you. You were in a rush, and obviously going somewhere," Ember told Sarah, looking longingly at her, but deciding to let the kitsune herm move along for now.

Sarah saw a pair of wings unfurl from behind Ember, stretching out far as she flapped them a couple of times to stretch them. "I'll be around though, but if you like, I could fly you to wherever you were heading to," Ember said after a few moments, looking over her shoulder at Sarah with a smirk.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah moans gently as her cock is licked, biting her lower lip. "I-If you don't mind...I'd very much like for you to fly me where I need to go...And I can repay you later with all the fun you could want." she says, pulling her latex bikini back up and hiding her male bits. "O-Of course...I don't want to impose."
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Seeing Sarah shudder from the lick, Ember smirked as she looked back up at her before unfurling her large wings. "Mmm, that sounds alright to me. So where too cutie?" Ember said with a giggle, turning back towards Sarah as she spoke.

As soon as Sarah told her which way to go, Ember quickly scooped her up in her big strong arms and carried her up high into the air, so high that she could see the clearing her shuttle was in. "Like the view? And don't worry, I won't drop you. I can fly faster than you can fall," Ember asked, assuring Sarah that she wouldn't drop her by wrapping her long tail around Sarah in the process along with her arms.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah giggles as she's picked up and lifted into the air, pointing where she wanted to go, but pausing when she sees the clearing her ship is at "See that clearing? That's where I live, but we're not going that way." she says with a smile, pressing herself further into Ember's chest as she's carried, her own fluffy tail wrapping around one of the dragoness' legs as she points where she actually wants to go.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

As she nuzzled her face against Ember's breasts, Sarah felt that she was very warm. Almost as if a literal flame was burning brightly in her chest. Ember flew along high over the forest, giving Sarah her first true look at the whole thing beneath her. "You like the view?" Ember asked curiously as they flew over the forest.

They flew fast after Ember picked up some speed, soaring across the sky and closing the gap between Sarah and Nell very quickly. Soon enough she saw a cave, which Nell was at the entrance of. "Hey Sarah, it looks like you're closing in, and fast. Are you bringing the whole shuttle with you or what?" Vicky came over the comms and said to Sarah.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah hums as she presses into the dragon's breasts, a smile on her face. "Mmmm...Who needs a view when I have a sexy dragon and her nice, warm breasts?" Sarah asks in response, until she's contacted by Vicky. "No. I found a new friend. She's hot. You'll like her I think." she says with a slight giggle afterwards, wrapping her arms around the dragongirl in a hug as she's flown towards the cave.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Oooh you sweet thing you. Beautiful and flattering. I don't know how much more I can like you" Ember said with a smile, hugging Sarah even closer.

Landing at the entrance next to Nell, Vicky's holo image popped up on Nell's omnitool and she had a wicked grin on her face. "Well well well, pleasure to meet you hot stuff. I'm Vicky, Sarah's AI," Vicky said, bowing in an almost respectful way.

"A ghost... I didn't think they were real," Ember said, showing a flash of sudden fear in her eyes as she stepped behind Sarah, which was a bit comical actually as she was about a foot or more taller than the kitsune.
Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Oh no no no, she's not a ghost, Ember! That's my friend Vicky. She's very trustworthy!" the Kitsune says, turning to face and hug Ember. "She's also very naughty!" she giggles playfully, a smile on her face as she buries her head in the dragon's pleasant, warm tits. "Vicky, I'm not good at explaining things." she says with a pout.