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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I can feel the peeps at high ranks being lazy, while the peeps are burning up to fight over rank 500.
My ave. rank of 50-65 became 42 suddenly.
While my friend who actually used stamina pots went from 900 -> 2149 in 1 night.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Okay so here is the situation. I bought the USDD banana for $50 because i was missing all 3 area stage legendaries. I pop the banana, and the common lengendary shows up in area 3 special stage. I already have her so i dont bother capturing her again.

Then i try a whole bunch of other stages and areas, and the effects of the USDD banana do not work. A bit puzzled, i contact support. Here are the messages they sent to me:
So I explain my situation to them, inquiring on how the banana exactly works:

A bit confused about why the USDD banana says 1 per quest instead of 1 per time like all the other bananas, i ask again:

Lastly, confused about why the USDD banana is worth $50 when it functions the same as a USD banana included with 11 monster gems and is STILL $20 cheaper, they replied:
So essentially, you're paying almost an entire $50 for the fact that you can have the USD banana not expire on you (which it wouldn't anyways because you wouldn't buy one and not use it for 15 days...)

Probably the last long time i spend any money on this company. The lack of any real support at all isn't really all that surprising considering the small company but they lost a customer today.

Can the OP or a mod put this information in to the first post? Tremendously helpful
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I can feel the peeps at high ranks being lazy, while the peeps are burning up to fight over rank 500.
My ave. rank of 50-65 became 42 suddenly.
While my friend who actually used stamina pots went from 900 -> 2149 in 1 night.

It also could be because the people at high ranks who were willing to buy pots are currently sitting on one more batch for the last day. Something just to secure their positions.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

To add on to this I dropped 30+ ranks in 2 hours, so yeah keep grinding that EP. With that said I have been doing phase 2 instead of 3, but still. I also have 400k EP and I'm top 100, so that should give you an idea of how close the competition is.


Good lord, I only have 11K points and I'm trying to get to the top 500 so I can get that character. I'm starting to wonder if I even stand a chance.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Yeah, I'm still sitting at around 200-250, and I don't think it's worth the headache of trying to stay in the top 100 either.

I'll redouble my efforts on trying to get a legendary, because I sure as hell haven't seen one all event, aside from two Kanamis that I failed to catch.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

...wonder if i can slack now...

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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Yup, think I'm just gonna stick to the Japanese version until the next event comes out.


Figures I'd run across a legendary my first quest and not get her. Gave me 21 fortunes though, so maybe I'll luck out and get some HR tickets.


Edit #2:

Well, I got an R ticket from completing a daily mission and managed to pull this.

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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Japanese version just seems o much more fun.... but don't feel like switching over..unless nutaku really disappoints me ..

Yup, think I'm just gonna stick to the Japanese version until the next event comes out.


Figures I'd run across a legendary my first quest and not get her. Gave me 21 fortunes though, so maybe I'll luck out and get some HR tickets.


Edit #2:

Well, I got an R ticket from completing a daily mission and managed to pull this.

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

It's not bad. I've started really late, so I'm having trouble with events since my Eromon aren't very high level. I can't even beat the intermediate level of the first event girl yet, but meh.

I don't know exactly when this event started, but it seems to end on the 12th. I only have 8139 EP, but I'm rank 2237. :confused:


WOW. I came across the same legendary again and still missed. Either they same up more often on this version or my luck is (kinda) through the roof today.

Edit #2:

Got a ticket from the fortunes. Ended up pulling her.


Edit #3:

Welp, I somehow managed to catch the first event girl on her intermediate stage with only a 6% chance on my first try. Looks like my luck jumped over to Japan. lol
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

RNGesus..... Why you hate me so much? Just saw Matsubara Shiro and of course I missed her and don't have any money for a canister. Stupid me being stuck as a freemium scrub :(
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

RNGesus..... Why you hate me so much? Just saw Matsubara Shiro and of course I missed her and don't have any money for a canister. Stupid me being stuck as a freemium scrub :(

Try playing the Japanese version. I've only been REALLY playing for like three days and I already have 1 SLL and 7 SRR.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

If anyone else wants to test, I believe Provocation affects damage inflicted against elemental weaknesses. Or maybe it affect elemental resistance as well.

I used Natsumi (the 70k EP SL) to:
1. Hit mermaid with x1 combo + no buff = 1.4k
2. Hit mermaid with x1 combo + 1 stack of her buff = 1.7k
3. Hit mermaid with x1 combo + 2 stacks of her buff = 2.2k

I haven't checked if it affects dmg recieved from elemental resistant enemies, but maybe it does.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Well that would explain why crits don't really seem to happen more often, at the same time guess could explain why they said crit I guess (hitting a weakness rather that in game crits.)

Will need more testing, gj finding though :p.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Pretty sure provocation is called Dexterity in the original game~

and are the current EP acquisition eromons only works during this event and not the upcoming ones?
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Pretty sure provocation is called Dexterity in the original game~

and are the current EP acquisition eromons only works during this event and not the upcoming ones?

Yes it was called dexterity, and they only work for the current event.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

So far we only have the 20-30% EP boost while the original already got 2 eromons which have a whooping 200% EP boost. Just imagine those guys having them both...
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Debating on even trying for the top 500 in the jap version. The number 500 spot currently has around 260,000 EP with #1 having close to 1.2 million. That's ludicrous.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Debating on even trying for the top 500 in the jap version. The number 500 spot currently has around 260,000 EP with #1 having close to 1.2 million. That's ludicrous.

Boost or go home :p. Though hopefully when we do start having those insane boosters there will still be room for (mainly) freebie players.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I doubt the jap really needs you to rank 500 since the previous event girls are on the shop.
Heck, its generous enough if I can encounter 17 friggin legends in 1 day.
Of course, I didn't get any.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

The boosters aren't insane. They are completely necessary.

The highest prize in the current event is an SL girl up for 2.000.000 EP.

It would be impossible to reach that number withotu those "insane" boosters.

Hentar said it himself. The first place is at 1.2 million only, and the event is already at the late stages, since it is already showing the 3rd stage event.