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Shauna (Tenta)


Dec 9, 2010
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The EGG facility had another one of its testers scheduled for a visit today. A woman by the name of Shauna Davenport had responded to the invitation given to her. Her scheduled appointment time was drawing near and preparations for her arrival were already underway.

Within a few minutes, Shauna would enter the facility. What she would see as she entered the facility would be quite akin to a doctor's office. There was a check in desk that was clearly marked along with what looked like a filing room behind it. Off to the side was another small walkway that had two doors at each end of it. That door seemed to have a lock on it with a small red light illuminated on a keypad next to the handle of the door.

Shauna saw no reason not to approach the check in desk and the receptionist would engage her.

"Greetings, Miss.. Can I help you with something?"

The receptionist was obviously not familiar with Shauna and was clearly looking to idenitfy the woman who stood before her.
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Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna looked around curiously in interest at the oddly sterile environment of the EGG testing facility as she stepped through the door. She slowly walked up to the receptionist desk before letting out a simple "Hello?" When the receptionist greeted her, asking for a name and if she could assist her she would respond, "Y-yes... My name is Davenport, Shauna Davenport. I had received an invite to your facility to test a... Virtual reality entertainment system, or some sort? I am on time for my appointment, aren't I? I hope I'm not late or have missed out already." She finished somewhat uncertain and anxiously.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

"Ahh.. Miss Davenport... davenport.. Here we go.

The receptionist would hit a buzzer soon after identifying the woman in front of her. Another male employee would come around from behind the doors and present himself. A rather boring man, about 5'8" and easily on the top side of 200 pounds from the looks of him.

"The name is Rizzo, and I will be responsible for controlling your experience here within the EGG facility. This way please..

Rizzo would beckon Shauna to follow him past the doors. His keycard activating the doors as they pass through the small hallway between the two visible doors. What was behind those doors was another hallway with a few doors every 20 feet or so along each side.

There has been a spike recently in the number of people that we have invited, sorry for the delay.

Rizzo would attempt some idle chatter while leading Shauna through the hallway. About two doors from the end of the hall Rizzo would stop and use his card to open the door to their right.

"This will be the room where we will conduct the test from. I would suggest you save your questions as there will be little I can explain to you before the test begins. Just sit down and I will activate your POD once you are comfortable."

Once Shauna would settle into her POD, the main screen would turn on. A list of items would be displayed.

Humans: 10
MalexFemale: 10
FemalexFemale: 10
MalexMale: 0
Pregnancy: 10
Birthing: 9
Eggplay: 10
Non Consent Sex / Rape: 8
BDSM: 10
Monsters: 10
Roughness: 10
Tentacles: 10
Mindbreak: 6
Transformation: 7
Bestiality: 4
NTR / Cuckoldry: 6
Group / Gangbang: 10
Cumming inside: 10
Facials: 10
Femdom: 10
Maledom: 10
Furry / Anthro: 10
Double Penetration: 10
Double in one hole (double vaginal, anal, etc): 9
Emotional or public humiliation: 9
Dehumanization (human furniture, ponygirls / pet play, etc): 9
Consent-inducing drugs or alcohol: 10
Mind Control: 9
Scarfing or Breath Control: 8
Lactation: 9
Size Difference: 9
Enema/scat: 8
Watersports (forced urination- though this can also fall under humiliation): 8
Water bondage: 8
Ryona: 9
Softcore vore:19

"Stack fault error on line 36. Please enter a valid integer from 0 to 10.

It would seem that the data input for Shauna contained a mistake on the last line. Possibly either the fault of Shauna or the person responsible for entering the data into the EGG system, either way it was not relevant. What was relevant was the system needed to have a proper setting input. Then numbers would pop up on the screen and Shauna needed only touch the button relating to the correct number. Below the error message was another line of text stating that any other setting could now be changed by pressing the setting and then picking a new value for that setting.

Once Shauna were to correct the data entry error and potentially change any other settings, the game would be afoot.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

"Oops!" Shauna said blushing brightly a small bead of sweat sliding down her face, "I guess I got a lil carried away and slipped up on the input." She said before chuckling nervously and proceeding to correct the input data appropriately:

Humans: 10
MalexFemale: 10
FemalexFemale: 10
MalexMale: 0
Pregnancy: 10
Birthing: 9
Eggplay: 10
Non Consent Sex / Rape: 6
BDSM: 10
Monsters: 10
Roughness: 10
Tentacles: 10
Mindbreak: 4
Transformation: 7
Bestiality: 4
Group / Gangbang: 10
Cumming inside: 10
Facials: 10
Femdom: 10
Maledom: 10
Furry / Anthro: 10
Double Penetration: 10
Double in one hole (double vaginal, anal, etc): 9
Emotional or public humiliation: 7
Dehumanization (human furniture, ponygirls / pet play, etc): 7
Consent-inducing drugs or alcohol: 5
Mind Control: 9
Scarfing or Breath Control: 8
Lactation: 9
Size Difference: 9
Enema/scat: 6
Watersports (forced urination- though this can also fall under humiliation): 6
Water bondage: 8
Ryona: 6
Softcore Vore: 8

Once she had finished making her corrections, blushing hotly at some of the choices, she would hit the enter key before seeing what all other options would present themselves to her.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna would finish modifying a few things once she fixed the error preventing the initialization of the machine. A few seconds would pass and the mechanical buzzing of the machine would stop. Was there another malfunction? All Shauna could see was darkness. The room she was in was dark since Rizzo turned the lights off once Shauna entered the mahcine. Also the screen was showing nothing on it.

Shauna would blink her eyes seemingly out of instinct and once she did all hell seemed to break loose. A red light came up over top of the door she entered from. The machine did not seem to be active any longer, so Shauna could get out of it by simply pushing the cover upward. At least she knew something was wrong now. What she heard over the intercom next would only confirm her initial suspicions.

"Containment breach in Section 4! All available security personnel report to Section 4 for containment."

Accompanied by an alarm klaxon going off, the message would repeat itself as if it were an automated message. What a shame that her time at the EGG would be cut short because some moron in engineering spilled a cup of coffee. At least Shauna did not have far to go before she would be out of the building and on her way back home.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

As the lights in the room would shut off and the machine would shut down, Shauna let out a loud "WHAAAAA!? SEIOUSLY!? FUCK!" She cursed out loud and irritatedly pushed the eye piece up off of her, before stepping out of the machine. "Geeeez! So fucking lame! What a let down." She said before puffing out a long heavy sigh and heading out the door she had entered, "Well at the very least this was free... Not like I wasted any money here..." she said before making her way back to the receoption desk, if she was greeted by anybody she would suggest that they put tighter regulations on their staff when working the equipment or requiring beverages and food items kept in the breakroom. She would then walk out of the building and back to her car before driving back to her apartment. She figured that if they really wanted her to test their VR machines they will call her back, if not she would possibly come back sometime later, after they got all of their shit sorted out...
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna was pretty visibly disappointed once the machine had ceased. Right when she was ready to start her test, a stroke of bad luck hits and it is cut short before it can even begin. As she left the room Shauna at least would rationalize it in her head that nothing was ventured and nothing gained from it. Oh well.

Shauna would leave her room and while she were heading back toward the reception area, notice that very heavily armed security personnel were running from what could only be the reception area or another area very nearby that she was unaware of. Whatever the cause was, Shauna was maybe starting to think that it was not just a simple coffee spill. As she got back to the doors that seperated the reception area from the testing area, her suspicions were affirmed.

Shauna would see what looked like a medical triage area in the field of battle. Four guards were stationed at the doors leaving the facility along with a few other workers, Rizzo included holding people at bay and preventing them from leaving.

"Everything should be fine. Just a minor containment breach and the situation would be resolved shortly. Unitl the situation is contained, the facility is executing lockdown protocols." Rizzo would announce.

Something was definitely wrong. Looking around, she would see other civilians like her simply discouraged and dejected slumped along the walls. Another look around the reception desk and Shauna would see desks flipped over almost as if they were meant to keep something from getting behind them. Whatever was wrong had to be serious.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

"What!? I mean I know it was free... But it doesn't work, and now you have barricades set up for something, a med bay set up, and the place looks like were under a terrorist attack with everyone holed up in here!? WHAT THE FUCK!? I pray this sort of shit does not happen often otherwise I fear you might get sued into oblivion! Who the hell is running this place!? Umbrella!? The three stooges!? Jesus fucking Christ!" She cursed out loud at Rizzo, simply not believing the level of insecurity and apparent unprofessional-ism in the entire place. Seriously from the moment she sat down to the machine to now, it didn't seem like anyone here had their shit together, and so did all she could think of at the moment... Go up to a wall, slump down against it and bang her head back against it every so often in irritation...
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna would lay into Rizzo a bit. Probably deserved it too in all fairness. To have a mechanical failure of such a scale that would shut down the whole facility was catastrophic for development.

"Sorry..." Was about all Rizzo could manage in reply as Shauna would join the rest of the people that had hoped to get out of the building and were simply sitting dejected in the lobby area. With the squad of armed staff securing the exits there were about 20 other people in the lobby now.

However things would take a turn for the worse as the lobby was being sieged. The far wall of the reception area would crumble and a squad of merfolk would emerge. As a few of the security team would move to engage them the fight to hold the invaders out would begin.

Losses would be had on both sides, and most of the civilians would hole themselves up in the opposite corner from where the breach had occured. In the battle however, one of the secrity guards would be sent flying. As they slammed against the wall, it was clear that they were already dead. Aside from a corpse falling from the wall beside her, Shauna would notice his rifle had fallen directly at her feet.

6/10 guards remain (4 at exit)
3/5 merfolk remain

Rizzo: 3/3 FP
Shauna: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
20/20 civilians alive
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

As three amphibian like creatures came bursting through the walls, Shauna had to winder just the fucking 9 hells the EGG corporation were actually doing.... And what the fucking fucks she had actually signed on for!? It was JUST virtual reality and not like dimension hopping or some shit, RIGHT!? Either way, she would not have much time to think it over as she would see a corpse of a security guard fly over and land next to her. Shauna would have just stood there freaking the fuck out like some twit in a horror movie, if one of the amphibious creatures hadn't had been coming right the fuck towards her! So instead, she did the first and most logical thing in the situation.... She grabbed the fallen guards gun and spray and prayed, hoping to unload a few rounds into the freak heading her way...
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna would spring to action. Doing the only thing that her instincts seemed to register at the time, Shauna would pick up the gun and fire away. There was only one problem that Shauna would realize a little after the fact. How the hell did she just know how to use the gun? She never had used a gun in her life before this.

Shauna: 7, 8, 10 - 6, 8, 11 Merfolk - 2 hits

Shauna would score hits on the first two merfolk that entered the room but her aim was a little off on the one that was trailing the pack. As the other guards started to open fire, Rizzo would start barking out orders for the guards to take up a defensive line. In short order the group of guards would riddle the merfolk full of holes and they would simply lay dead amonst the rest of the casualties claimed in the skirmish.

With the opportune moment, Shauna would take a look outside and realize it was nothing like she remembered it. Was she actually already in the game? With a few questions and no obvious answers, Rizzo seemed to be the one that knew the most. If anyone knew just what the hell was going on, it would be him.

6/10 guards remain
Rizzo: 3/3 FP
Shauna: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
20/20 civilians alive
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

After the madness had seemed to stop, at the very least for a time, she took a deep breath exhaling heavily before tossing the gun down on the floor. She would stand there for several moments inhaling and exhaling before going over to where Rizzo stood and kneeling down to him before whispering, "What the fuck is going on!? One moment it seems like the damned thing isn't working, then all hell is breaking loose, then mermen are attacking. Is the game working, is this some weird alternate dimension, or am I just going completely legitimately batshit insane!?"
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

With the security guards victorious, Shauna would throw the gun aside and break down right in front of Rizzo going into full panic mode.

"I was not aware of any of this being a game, miss..? Though I do appreciate your help in terminating those merfolk."

Rizzo was stumbling for Shauna's name. No way he would forget a face and body like her's in a million years much less 15 minutes. As she would look him over a little better. She would realize that the logo on his shirt was on the opposite side of his shirt than when she originally met him in the lobby.

Maybe she was in the simulation afterall?

"I do not think we can stay here any longer. We need to get everyone out of here and away from the building. The sentry guns would destroy anything leaving through the front doors since we are in a lockdown. We need to head to the roof.

Turning back to Shauna who was still slumped down beside him, Rizzo would have one more thing to say.

"You may want to pick that thing back up, miss. Every able body is needed now." Obviously referring to the gun she had just dropped back onto the floor.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna blinked in confusion for but a moment, before shaking her head a bit, as if to clear something out and clearing her throat into her fist and picking the rifle back up, "Erm. Forget it. I must have hit my head or something... Anyways, my name is Shauna, Shauna Davenport. And it's nothing. There were people in danger and I wasn't about to just let those things eat me, or anyone else for that matter, Rizzo. So tell me... what's the... situation, here? Why are the merfolk attacking us? Have they always been hostile? And we need to clear any civilians that havent been killed out as well. We can't just leave them here. Will the turrets be enough for the ones who have managed to get in?" She said as she would try to herd the other people in the room with her and Rizzo as they made their way towards the roof. I guess the simulation has actually started, rather fucking disorienting way to start. I could swear I was still in the pod when all this shit started. she thought to herself...
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

(Heh, sometimes things happen as fast as a blink of the eye..)

Shauna would realize that she was in the simulation after noticing a few things being off from how she remembered them originally. After identifying herself to this version of Rizzo, the simulation version, she would attempt to assess the situation.

"Well, private, it is good to know you survived. Just in case there is some amnesia or other form of memory loss, I will try to tell you what I know.

This is a high security medical facility. A military installation that handles the more severe cases that a traditional hospital is simply unable to diagnose or treat. You were injured in a battle but it was your brain that sustained injury as your body is rather well intact."

To say Rizzo was enjoying the view of Shauna in front of him would not be an untruth. Though what was he on about with this being a medical facility. Also what in the blue hell does that have to do with the merfolk that had just been repelled.

"Miss Davenport, or Shauna if I may. None of us hold rank though we are trained enough as security to help, we know a few things. The first is that going out the front door will get everyone killed. The sentry guns do not discriminate and turn everything in their sites to dead.

The second is that we need to get you to a proper supply room. Which should be simple enough. Out the doors into the hall, make a left and it will be the first door you could go into. A storage room of sorts will be there where you can outfit yourself more appropriately for combat.

Lastly we would need to extract everyone here. Those still in the medical pods are simply best regarded as already lost. Even if we extract them they will be such a liability they would almost guarantee that all of us are doomed. Just get us all out of here."

With Rizzo saying his piece, he would turn over control to Shauna. The first destination being a supply room that should have equipment enough for Shauna. The extraction point were further along the route, though getting to the roof would likely have them encountering resistance of some kind. Shauna could further question Rizzo or have the group simply head for the helicopters waiting in a hover pattern around the roof to extract the makeshift group.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna simply stood there listening to the rundown of the situation and plan of action, nodding and offering a simple "Right" at each point. When Rizzo finished going over the plan of action, Shauna picked her rifle back up and looked to Rizzo before asking, "Do you think you can hold down fort till I get back from the supply room? These people need someone to stick with them, until I can get back. Once I get back we can start trying to herd them up to the helipad or possibly planning out trips for smaller numbers if that would work better." Once Rizzo responded one way or the other, she would head out the door Rizzo pointed out to and begin attempting to make her way to the supply room to get prepared for the trek through the building.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Rizzo would lay out what he knew of the situation and Shauna would banter back with him a little.

"If you left this area alone, you would likely be captured, raped, and worse. I use the term and purposely as whatever the hell these things are have been capturing people here and trying to make off with them to become breeders. I have no idea where they come from though from what little I do know it is a problem that has caused a special forces team to be dispatched to help with evacuation. In all fairness I had basically written off anyone still in their recovery pods to have been lost.

The supply room would be on the way to where we would be meeting up with any possible extraction team. So that is why I suggested we simply stop off there on the way out. If you choose to leave alone and go there, I cannot stop you though I would highly suggest against doing so. These damn things could be anywhere and no one would be able to help you.

I think the best idea might well be to ferry smaller groups into the supply area. It is certainly big enough to handle the 30 or so of us that remain. We have held this room for a little over 2 hours already though the merfolk you just saw were the first thing to try attacking here. I do not think this place is any safer at this point than anywhere else now. How do you feel we should proceed?"

Rizzo was probably a bit longwinded, but Shauna got the information she needed and then some. With the area being breached it was not as secure as Rizzo previously thought. If the group were split up it might endanger one group but also guarantee the survival of another.

With 6 armed guards, Rizzo and Shauna the only ones capable of defending not only themselves but the rest of the group as a whole Shauna would need to think about how best to deliver everyone safely to the helipad.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna would simply stand there still taking in all of the information of the situation Rizzo had to impart her with, standing letting it sink for a moment after he had finished before finally speaking up, "Okay. To start we can all head to the supply room. Once we get there and I can get prepped for the rest of the trip each of us can take three guards and a shift of three people each. It will be alot more manageable that way. And there would be four to stand guard over the other group that way as well. That is if you think the supply room would be safe for the other group to hold out if need be. Once everyone is ready, we'll head out." She said nodding to her own logic waiting for the guards, Rizzo and other civilians to get prepared before beginning their trek to the supply room.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna would make up her mind and decide that the group as a whole would proceed to the supply area. Keeping guards around the group of civilians they would proceed into the first hallway with little resistance. A few of the doors into the medical chambers were either destroyed or forced open however and creatures were seen having their way with the females inside the recovery chambers.

Shauna could order the guards to deal with them, or simply attempt to proceed to the supply area. As they would reach the end of the first hallway and make the turn, there was no resistance that they would encounter. Only the monsters that had already begun to mate with those who were effectively trapped in the medical chambers and otherwise unable to defend themselves.

Either a lost cause or unwanted burden could be a way to justify leaving them to their fate. Shauna would be able to make a decision toward what to do now. Either advance as a whole down the hallway to the supply area or break off some of the guards to help the three women who were being turned into breeders for this alien race.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

DAMMITALL! Shauna thought to herself, as she saw the medical doors open and the unsuspecting and vulnerable women inside being raped. I want to help them but there's a fair chance they could already be pregnant with fusn babies. And that's more fish we simply do not want or need in this situation! I really can't tell if any of them have came or been knocked up yet, but if I'm lucky maybe I can stealth kill those bastards and move on before more trouble starts... As she finished her internal debate she tap Rizzo on the shoulder before making a "Shh" gesture with her forefinger, pointing to his guards, then to the fishmen, then drawing a finger across her throats, then pointing to the women and the other civilians and finally pointing her thumb at herself- silently indicating that his men should sneak up and try to silently execute the fish men, free the women and bring them and the other civilians to her; where she would then attempt to lead them to the supply room.