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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna's help was hardly needed as Karaz seemed to have the defiled well in hand, sending it's soul to the proper cycle to be cleansed and placed back into proper existence. However, all the twisted energy that was left behind didn't just disappear, and instead blasted over the area, Faeyna coughing as she was subsumed back into her nightmare.

She was back at the orgy, but now Alia had dropped her disguise, becoming a lither lizardfolk with great batwings and extra arms and breasts, carrying her face instead, and her cocks. Faeyna yelped as the the twisted mockery of herself lunged forth, pressing against her, forcing her thick shaft like tongue into her mouth even as she jammed into both her holes. She was held helpless in bondage, as more of the defiled forms of herself descended upon the others, seeking to spread more twisted versions of herself, to force the Great Union into her own image rather than the god/desses.

One of the demonic versions of herself stood apart ahead in the midst, seeming more solid, more... Real. She had to be the source! She had to save everyone!

She struggled, and snapped her bonds, claws lashing out at the twisted rapist that wore her body, causing it to break apart into shadows, her lashing out to clear a path towards the source.

(Double claws at 2d4+10 means I also auto pass cutting. Heading to engage the nun as well.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

The nun stumbled under the force of the assault, demonic energies swarming around her form as she... cried? Shimmering tears ran down the nun's cheeks, and her face was set in the grimace of a desperate struggle. She was fighting the demonic influence! The ephemeral form of her late lover swirled around her, whispering promises and temptations into her ears, but it was too late. The stained glass window at the rear of the chamber shattered as a beam of glorious sunlight poured through, banishing the fiendish purple mist and outlining the nun, who turned towards it with a smile on her face.

"Saale..." she whispered, but her voice was resonant with miraculous power. Holy sun fire burned at her breast, then exploded outwards, destroying what was left of the tentacle demons and the mist, and enveloping the girls in scourging fire.

When the flame had cleared and their vision had recovered, the adventuresses saw the nun, unconscious and naked on the ground, her habit blasted away by the divine intervention, and her cursed bondage harness gleaming darkly at her side. The room was utterly blasted; surely nothing of value could have survived, save for the slightly luminous crystal horns of the djinn. But would it be safe to take them?

: 5d6 16

[All the girls take 16 points of damage. This can be halved to 8 if you make a DC 14 save; this can be any combination of stat and skill that you can RP as making sense. Spellcasters might use Knowledge, Communication, or Survival to create a magic shield in this case. If this takes you to 0 HP, overflow damage is inflicted on your choice of either STR or DEX, depending on how you want to RP your injuries.]

[Arkeia 15/15]
[Alia 13/20]
[Faeyna 22/26]
[Karaz 5/25]

Room Actions:
---Go back to the beds below and rest (this may also give the nun some time to recover) [Resting will restore 1d4+4 HP and 1d4 to all stats. It costs nothing in this room. Faeyna can also hand out two Goodberry casts; one before and one after the rest.]
---Move on to the nuns' chambers
---Go back to the chapel
---Go somewhere else

[Also, let me know if anyone wants to take the harness or horns. Cursed magic items have to be worn for an entire adventure; you can't take them on and off until you leave the dungeon!]

---Succubus Harness: Makes you immune to Entangled, Grappled, and similar effects, but gives a -5 penalty against mind-altering magic...

---Amethyst Crown: Allows you to read the surface thoughts of other creatures, but automatically Aroused (-3 AC and Saves) at the start of every battle with creatures that want to rape you (MND+Communication DC 10+level to cure)
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Re: Battle & Breeding

Stat Sheet

When the waves hit her, Karaz tried to block the explosion and endure the pain with her weapon and endurance.

Roll using STR and Physical to endure the pain: Karaz takes 8 damage. With 5 HP, her HP drops to zero, and she loses 3 Dex.

(Karaz' Dex is now 9(-1), and I'm hoping that's just temporary until she's healed.)

Karaz managed to avoid being killed, but she was still blown back. That hit from the Djinn really did get her hard. She couldn't take another blast like that. So she flew back, her leg hitting the wall hard and injuring it. She then slammed to the floor in a heap, motionless.

(HP=0, so unconscious. No point in posting until she wakes up.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia paused as she watched the nun, almost feeling the tension of the mental battle between her and the djinn's spirit that still haunted her. The woman had not given up yet, she was still fighting! The mage tried to figure out what to do to help her, but in the end her efforts were unnecessary. The battle ended in a flash of a literal divine intervention, the light of a goddess shattering the window and violently purging the corruption. Perhaps too violently. Alia's eyes widened as she saw the blast coming. She reacted immediately, throwing her arms up and quickly chanting a spell of protection, creating a shield of force before her to stop the blast.

Save successful.

The mage winced as she felt the wave of divine fire smash into her protection. Her shield stopped the flames themselves, greatly reducing the damage she recieved, but was not enough to stop the heat. She definitely felt that one. Once the firestorm ceased, she dropped her shield, letting out a tired sigh. "Everybody ok?" She called out, looking around before approaching the nun to check up on her. She seemed alive, at least. Alia also spotted the only two items left in the room that seemed useful. They were undoubtedly cursed, but... She felt curious about them. Very curious. Glancing around, she decided to put them in her bag for now, to investigate them more later.
Re: Battle & Breeding

21 beats 14 so Arkeia only takes half (8) damage.

As she fallen nun suddenly glowed with power, Arkeia dove hurriedly under the table, dislodging the imp and kicking him out into the open to take the full brunt of the ensuing blast. She emerged from the charred remains coughing singed and covered in soot, but at spared from the worst of the blast. "Ack! Ack ack acckkk! Is everyone... Ackk!! Alright?" she called, looking over the others and eyeing the demonic harness and crown of crystals with dubious interest. The harness she could do without, but the horns piqued her interest, and she nudged the demonic crown with her boot, deftly lifted it onto her toes, and kicked it behind her into one of her hands behind her back without making so much as a sound.

"Well... The place doesn't seem ter be on fire at least! I'll go make sure there aren't any more like her waiting on us," she would say if no one was badly injured, in which case she would stay back to help the others as needed.

(Move on the nuns chambers and take a look around unless someone other than Karaz drops, in which case she'll stay to help get people to the beds or to be healed if we have a medic. Also, will take the Amethyst Crown and the enchanted dagger from earlier if no one else wants them.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna cursed, struggling to get to the dark image. However, suddenly a glowing light blasted through the darkness, illuminating the vile being with light from the moon. Her eyes widened. The God/dess was judging such things as unworthy. And to be cleansed. She gasped and tried to throw up a prayer to the god/dess that would shield herself from it.

( Fail)

Of course, it was only a moment too late she realized this was not the glow of the god/dess of the lizardfolk but a blast of another deity. Her shield was worthless, as everything became whiteness and agony.

When Faeyna came too, she groaned, picking herself up out of remains of the altar weakly. Ugh, she felt like crap. She surveyed the results, but her immediate attention was on Karaz on the ground.

She cursed, getting up, shaking off the stone shards, and whispered a few prayers to the god/dess, calling forth several ghostly white glowing berries to her hand. She leaned Karaz up and started feeding the dwarf the magical berries, infused with healing.

( Regain 3 hp)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Stat Sheet
(Leg Injury: -3 Dex)

Karaz stirred after eating the berries, before she tried to rise up, before finding agony in her leg. It felt like something was broken, but thankfully nothing was. Using her axe for support, she propped herself up against one of the walls. "Drak... Where's grobbi?" she inquired. "The little bastard saved me. He better not have died." she groaned, wincing at the pain in her leg, hoping she'd be able to stand if she rested a moment.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"MMMRRRF!" cried the goblin from under a fallen pew.

[Arkeia 7/15]
[Alia 5/20]
[Faeyna 8/26]
[Karaz 3/25]

(I'm assuming you're all resting after this? The door to the nuns' quarters is still locked, so nothing is really going to disturb you. You can heal an extra 1d4 HP each if you do some good rest time RP.)
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Re: Battle & Breeding

Stat Sheet
(Leg Injury: -3 Dex)

"Grobbi!" Karaz called out, crawling on all fours for lack of ability to walk well in order to make it to the pew and start pulling things off of her minion until she could see him and free him.

Once freed, Grifbo wouldn't have much chance to get up, as Karaz would drop herself on top of him, wrapping her arms around his body and placing a closed mouth kiss on his lips. After the kiss, she began to pet his head. "Yer loyalty isn't unnoticed, grobbi, but a kiss is all I can do for now. I have plans for ye, grobbi, and luckily for you, they require you to be alive. You'll like my plans too, I'm sure~" she chuckled.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna nods, looking over the wreck, moving over and taking some bandages out. "Here, let me see that leg of yours, Karaz." She attempted to bind Karaz's injuries to make sure she healed better.

Once she was done there, she sighed and slumped into the corner tiredly, wincing as she rubbed her bruises. Hell of a fight.

She started conjuring some more berries for Karaz and the others. She was resting anyways, may as well burn it while she could.

(Faeyna casts Good Berry two more times before giving them to Karaz. Go up 6)

With all of that done she decided to try and get comfortable. After all that happened, arousal was the last thing she wanted to dwell on. She was just hoping for a dreamless nap while she could get it. Until the cleansed human awoke and told the password, there was little to do to help the poor trapped one.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Thanks, Faeyna." Karaz nods, taking the offered healing and consuming it. Then, Karaz returned to the goblin, helping him out of the rubble and finding a place against the wall to rest. With him at her side, Karaz would put the goblin's head in her lap and pet his head as she tried to get some rest.

(Gotta get my massive HP pool back somehow.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

Having looted the cursed bondage harness and left the crown for the pirate, Alia decided to follow the example of others and get some rest as well. She opted to return to the beds on the first floor for that - now that the accursed influence was gone, they could use them freely. With a tired sigh, the mage settled on one of the beds, thinking over what they've found so far. Probably enough to turn a nice profit, and maybe the nun would be able to help them save the one outside when she woke up. Overall, not bad... Though she really hoped there were no more powerful demons left in this place. That djinn was one Hell of a fight. With those thoughts, the mage slowly fell asleep.
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Right, there are beds downstairs.)

Karaz also goes down to the beds.
Re: Battle & Breeding

The girls hardly cared that the beds were little more than narrow sacks of straw on wooden frames; it beat the last three days of sleeping in the wilderness. Beside, after the debacle with the nun upstairs, they were exhausted. Faeyna carried the pregnant sister down the stairs and tucked her into a cot, while the rest of the girls tried to get some sleep.

: 1d4+4 8 1d4+4 6 1d4+4 8 1d4+4 5 1d4 3

[Arkeia 15/15] (+8)
[Alia 11/20] (+6)
[Faeyna 7/26] (+8, -9 from Goodberries)
[Karaz 17/25] (+5, +9 from Goodberries, and +3 DEX)

(There is another free rest somewhere in this dungeon, and don't forget there are growing story penalties for resting too much outside of free rests. Ambushes can appear and/or fights can get harder.)

The girls awoke an hour or so later. Thankfully, nothing had come by to ravish them in their sleep. The rescued nun was still asleep; she did have quiet an ordeal. The girls could wake her up now to interrogate her, or they could come back later once she was rested. Maybe Grenbo could watch over her? It wasn't as though she could get any more pregnant.

Party Actions:
---Go to the nuns' cells
---Go to the garden
---Go to the chapel
---Wake up the nun now
Re: Battle & Breeding


Somewhat recovered after their dangerous ordeal, and luckily not ambushed in their sleep, Arkeia glanced over at the pregnant nun. Still asleep, unsurprisingly, but also still carrying a demon's child in her womb. "So.... What are we going to do about her then?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Probably not kill her, I think." Alia replied groggily, waking up. She wasn't really at her best, but still in a considerably better shape than earlier. Still, it was unlikely she'd cast many spells in the future if she could help it. "The thing packed in her, on the other hand, is probably going to be nothing but trouble." She sighed. "Can't really leave her here. We'll have to keep an eye on her and make sure nothing goes pear-shaped again, I guess. Suppose a few of us could check out the cells while the rest stay here and watch over her, see if she wakes anytime soon."
Re: Battle & Breeding

"I could take a look while you lot reconnoiter and see what can be done about her," Arkeia offered, but would let the others opt to go with or refuse to let her in on the scouting for whatever reason.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Karaz yawned on the bed, snuggling with Grifbo. "I'll be here. If'n the bitch doesn't wake up when ya return, I'll wake her up meself. We need to know what she knows. See about saving the girl outside."
Re: Battle & Breeding

A brief recon trip later, and Arkeia can confidently report that the nearby parts of the nuns' quarters are empty of creatures, and that she thinks she found the Mother Superior's chambers, but the lock on the door is a bit of a doozy. The nuns' quarters extend into the next building however, and she didn't scout that far ahead.
Re: Battle & Breeding

to try and pick the lock on the mother superior's chambers. Will use my one out of combat heroism if possible and if that will make it a success, since I didn't get the best of rolls.

"Lets see if we can get this open..." Arkeia said as she returned to the door into the mother superior's chambers after reporting that the cells were clear and explaining what she had done. Getting onto her knees, she got to work with a set of picks in an effort to open the lock.