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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Howdy guys.

New game from the guy(s) who made AnniQue:

somewhere on this page (which feature AnniQue new version as well).
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Does AnniQue have a wiki, or a guide somewhere?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

alright I'm piss, I really need your help. like I've sayed all the time to others your just tailing me games from your forums. why not tell me from other forums and websites. just look for an pregnancy and birth rpg game 3d or 2d any will do!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

alright I'm piss, I really need your help. like I've sayed all the time to others your just tailing me games from your forums. why not tell me from other forums and websites. just look for an pregnancy and birth rpg game 3d or 2d any will do!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd suspect the whole thing is him trolling if I had more faith in humanity.

Well, I'm now sold. Congrats.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

alright I'm piss, I really need your help. like I've sayed all the time to others your just tailing me games from your forums. why not tell me from other forums and websites. just look for an pregnancy and birth rpg game 3d or 2d any will do!!!!!!!!!!!

I could say the same to you. People are only telling you of games that are already listed here because that's all we know. There's probably not that many games with pregnancy and birth anyways. And after you're done getting pissed, try thinking about it from everyone else's side: Some random guy comes along and asks a question... It's answered, he asks the same exact question.... It's answered, he asks the same question (with the same wording I might add). Annoyance factor is pretty high.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Soon I'll add the Violated Heroine_110701 part translated version by me
knight133 on here if someone adds a mod with "horse sex, pregnancy, and birth" for me. its a fair trade when anybody attach the request to this post then I'll attach to my post my file.
It's A fair trade just let me know ahead before the mod starts.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Knight133, seriously?
People are saying that there isn't much of the "Pregnancy and birth" games so stop asking or look for it yourself.
Your offering a translation of a game... I personally don't believe you since you have no creditably.

I made an account JUST to tell you to stop, your getting ridiculous, if you REALLY want to then make said mod by yourself. I mean you can translate it right? then you'd have a better chance than some of us who don't under stand it cause it's in JAPANESE.

Now on my end I'd like to point out that
RyonaSaga and RyonaRPG got updated.

Someone might checking what's new on RyonaRPG?(not really my comp so can't check)
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Hmmmm... Anyone mind going through this whole thread and gathering up all the posted RPG Maker games?

I'm requesting a list of all H rpg maker games to be posted with some detail.

Thank you.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I'll try in a bit, It isn't 795+ pages so It's no big deal. Yeah just don't ask me to do it in Hongfire... That got too much pages...

So here's the list still incomplete but just wanted to put it up before I pass-out...
Also there are some games not up since I KNOW they aren't the most updated ones. This Includes but not limited to VH, Anise, RyonaRPG, RyonaSaga, muddled world.

Page 2
"Cheese Revolution Interactive Game" posted by Unknown Squid


"Stealing Thunder"(? not sure) posted by gameguru77

Page 5
"Fantasy Homeless" Posted by aizenmyoo

"Kuon grass"(?) posted by Keylo

Page 10
"Succubus Quest"(?) posted by Feris

Page 11
"BF"(?) posted by Feris

Page 14
"Eternal " posted by Rin Umiko

Page 16
"Xenoscourge" posted by Wrath

"Breath of Fire and Iron" posted by Rin Umiko

Page 17
"Leotard Quest" posted by Learch

"RPG Wars" posted by slpowerhouse

Page 19
"Midara na sono arizu" posted by JohnDoe

"Legend of Krystal RPG" posted by JohnDoe

"???" posted by John Doe

Page 20
"Tales of Fairylike Braver" posted by Mistix

Page 21
"Marvel Brothel" posted by ker

"Slave Colosseum" posted by JohnDoe

"セクシャルバトルRPG" posted by JohnDoe

"レイア奮闘戦姫" posted by JohnDoe

Page 22
"Cinnamon role playing" posted by JohnDoe

Page 23
"Share Film" posted by JohnDoe


"Seven Prison" posted by JohnDoe


Page 24
"ハロパロクエスト~ヴァギナの紋章~" posted by JohnDoe

Pass: as9rn7rqbxw

"???" posted by Mistix

"Fera Fantasia" posted by Mistix

Page 27
"Harem" posted by ker

"Magical Girl Ruruka" Posted by MoonChaos

As Far as I know for Pregnancy games there is:

Violated Heroine
(Japanese, some English Translation). Rape happens when all clothing is removed, pregnancy is usually chanced based (percent chance is on your status screen based on cycle phase), babies from monsters are tracked and you can see 'em growing in the womb and even crawling in house. It is HUGE and under constant construction. This is pretty much the Queen of pregnancy games, because it can happen anytime but also has explicit scenes, babies are recorded not a throwaway thing, and and you can keep playing with hundreds of children. Also updated anywhere from once a month to once every two days. RPG Maker.

is the link but the OP is badly outdated. Cut to the end.

RyonaSaga (Japanese, almost all translated) is action, kinda. No longer being worked on short of fan stuff. Rape happens when monsters select attacks like General Injection or Mating. You can control the monsters as well as the girls, and takes girls from various video games and media. Only gameplay is an arena and dungeons. You can build your own dungeons, though. Pregnancy is chance based and represented because girls look "weakened" (no bigbelly or anything) and an "Eg" on the X status screen as a condition. and they release monsters who begin fighting you with any other monsters on screen. While the impregnating and birth are hot, its essentially just a type of monster attack, and has no effect when done. NOT Rpg Maker.

is a page with most mods and a good FAQ. Only new stuff is made by fans.

Grrl Power (English 100%) is a game that is mostly incomplete but has a lot of promise and is being worked on. You can pick from a lot of backgrounds (try "fertile" if you wanna be a baby factory) and quest. You can get knocked up by losing your cloths at a LAN Party or being raped by thugs in a hideout. There is a whole space exploration subgame where you can run into pirates for similar effects. Not much there now but as I say potential is huge. No Big Belly, way to know is when you sleep if pregnant there is no note saying you feel better rested. No birth scene either. If you give birth you give it away or get a game over. RPG Maker game

is the link for Grrl Power.

City Guardians (Japanese, no/little translation) is a game where you play 1 of 4 girls in power ranger type suits (or a monkey girl) and go battle slimes, pigmys, and big pink demons. It is short and very difficult. Enemies can rape anytime for chance based pregnancy and you build an orgasm bar which has a pregnancy chance on orgasm. The character appears to have a slight belly bulge and gives birth in a scene upon beating the area or entering a save zone. This game is hard; Power Ranger outfits break easy, pregnancy slows big time, you get easier to rape/impregnate the more it happens, and xp is lost with orgasm or birth. Also, the most helpful pet you can get also occasionally rapes and impregnates the heroine. But birth scenes are neat and there are nice rape scenes all through. RPG Maker Game

Thread is Here A very slightly translated version with less punishing pregnancy is found early in the the thread. I recommend it. There is a later patch with voices and futas, but it is not translated at all. I asked about an updated "fixed" version but no reply. I also got no idea how to win last fight. Hoping to get some replies there. It could be really awesome with some editing.

Nanocrisis (Japanese, mostly translated) is an action game fighting zombies, flies, maggots, dogs and weird computer gen baddies. It's no longer being worked on. zombies and sims cannot impregnate, but dogs can, flies can and maggots can. Flies and maggots cause a birth a set time later and there is a struggling mechnic. No big bellies or internals. Getting pregnant by a dog forcies either an aboriton or an eventual game over. Unfortunatly, no tell in the dog level if pregnant or not. NOT RPG Maker

Here is the Nanocrisis thread.

Elysium (100% English) is an English game in progress like VH or Grrl Power. You play a guy, and it has a much tighter storyline then those sandboxy ones. Pregnancy is not chance based--girls get pregnant at certain points, and there is not much pregnancy yet. RPG Maker

is the thread for that game. In Process.

If anyone has any others feel free to list here (please!), but this is all I know.


Other World Quest is Japanese, no translation that I know of. I have not gotten through all the extant material yet, but it looks very good. Unfortunately, giving birth lowers max HP. There are a lot of graphics with the sex though, and while things are tracked less well then VH the sex is a lot more interesting. There is an arousal bar and a bar determining pregnancy likelihood. I think having an orgasm from the arousal bar boosts the pregnancy bar, as does oral sex. penetrative sex happens when the arousal bar fills, not every intercourse. It uses turn based fights unlike VH or City Guardians, but incorporates the sex in nicely. RPG Maker game

Here is a thread discussing it, among other games, but you will have to hunt up a DL link.
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

o.k. any rpgmakerXP pregnancy and birth from dlsite.com and in any language, and please just help one more time.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

They already told you what they know, stop asking, If you want more then look it up yourself, and don't give me that "I don't understand Japanese" BS cause you just offered a translated version of a game, a version you translated yourself. Anyway this is my last post that is directed to you, if you still ask I'm just gonna block you or something(Heck If I can make it so that it doesn't show your post then I'd totally do it)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

They already told you what they know, stop asking, If you want more then look it up yourself, and don't give me that "I don't understand Japanese" BS cause you just offered a translated version of a game, a version you translated yourself. Anyway this is my last post that is directed to you, if you still ask I'm just gonna block you or something(Heck If I can make it so that it doesn't show your post then I'd totally do it)

Correction, it's more than likely he was talking about a partial translation to vh located on hongfire by AnimeEagle. He was just passing it off as his own.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Correction, it's more than likely he was talking about a partial translation to vh located on hongfire by AnimeEagle. He was just passing it off as his own.

This is why I'm ticked off... I don't have alot of patience for idiots who can't seem to take a hint or Steal other people's work. Sadly This Idiot is both.

Anyway I'm still going with my last message and just try not to read IT'S post.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Yeah just don't ask me to do it in Hongfire... That got too much pages...
game over rape thread ftw... never seen any thread this big. seems like a lot of guys/girls (well... maybe mostly guys) like the idea of getting raped after being beaten up.

thanks for your hard work. as far as i remember, you got nearly everything listed with dl links ... thats kinda... amazing :3
if youre looking for newer stuff you now only have to read ~100 pages at hongfire... maybe more : /
(or search for postings by "sizustar")

problem with game over rape thread at hongfire: they post everything without any order... it is hard to tell whether something is good or not. and frankly most of those game arent good.
but it seems to be the only good source for rpg maker games.

twin sister rpg with infight rape, pregnancy and stuff... mmhh nothing too disgusting, i think, someone could argue they look a bit loli... just like annies quest. did not upload it. sizustar is the king.

フタクエ~とある姉妹の物語~ Ver 1.09

Annie Quest 1.10
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

twin sister rpg with infight rape, pregnancy and stuff... mmhh nothing too disgusting, i think, someone could argue they look a bit loli... just like annies quest. did not upload it. sizustar is the king.

フタクエ~とある姉妹の物語~ Ver 1.09

Annie Quest 1.10

Really? Version 1.09? Good grief.. I'm not dling it again... *Has dled versions 1.03 to 1.08.. Nothing seems to be changed besides obvious bug fixes.*
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Your Welcome
And yeah there are some that aren't there, since they are mostly being updated constantly. If I was the Topic Poster then Yeah I'd probably Update it Once a Week or so. Better yet just make a Wiki so any one can update it... Aslong as some one goes there at least.

I apologize that there isn't any description. I haven't played some of them so I couldn't really put anything for them, I also didn't just want to copy and paste the other Poster's description. Instead I separated them from which pages the games where posted and who posted them.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Here's a new game that came out today. Nina, Vanquished Princess 2 - Queen's Revenge

And the download link:

I can't say to much about it since i haven't been able to play it much yet, but from a glance I don't think it has loli. If it does I'll take down the link and do pm's for anyone who wants it. Now i'm off to watch the football game.

*Edit* Holy crap, I actually contributed something.

*Edit 2* Ok, I played a bit, got to a couple of scenes. It is not GOR or ROL (for the most part), but the CG's are pretty well done and have very minor censoring. Seems like it'll be a bit of a grind in the game though, but so far encounters are not random so you at least have a chance to avoid unwanted fights.
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Here's a new game that came out today. Nina, Vanquished Princess 2 - Queen's Revenge

And the download link:

I can't say to much about it since i haven't been able to play it much yet, but from a glance I don't think it has loli. If it does I'll take down the link and do pm's for anyone who wants it. Now i'm off to watch the football game.

*Edit* Holy crap, I actually contributed something.

*Edit 2* Ok, I played a bit, got to a couple of scenes. It is not GOR or ROL (for the most part), but the CG's are pretty well done and have very minor censoring. Seems like it'll be a bit of a grind in the game though, but so far encounters are not random so you at least have a chance to avoid unwanted fights.

If possible, maybe you could get the one before it?

Also, possible for anyone to upload to mediafire or other sites?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I'm going to likely buy the previous one as well, but it's going to have to wait til either I get my new card activated or the next time I get paid. Once I get it, I'll share. If no one else does it, I'll try and put it on mediafire later on after my football games are over.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Here's a new game that came out today. Nina, Vanquished Princess 2 - Queen's Revenge

And the download link:

I can't say to much about it since i haven't been able to play it much yet, but from a glance I don't think it has loli. If it does I'll take down the link and do pm's for anyone who wants it. Now i'm off to watch the football game.

*Edit* Holy crap, I actually contributed something.

*Edit 2* Ok, I played a bit, got to a couple of scenes. It is not GOR or ROL (for the most part), but the CG's are pretty well done and have very minor censoring. Seems like it'll be a bit of a grind in the game though, but so far encounters are not random so you at least have a chance to avoid unwanted fights.

how do you kill the hypnotism and the traitor in the big building in the snow town i have try thousand of things and i cant kill them
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