
  1. K

    [Request] TSX 2.0 (RJ398465) [搾精/Penis Milking] [ASMR]

    Yesterday, a new ASMR got released. A follow up to the old TSX. I think it had to do with the impressive use of sound effects and genre. Especially the penis milking. At the same time, it gave the milking a purpose, namely for the feminization. A follow up has been made, with as main difference...
  2. aika

    Sex Warrior Pudding

    There are little to no tentacles. There are aliens/monsters, but they don't really see much action at all. This is almost as good as Sex Demon Queen, possibly better. It's uncensored, has amazing humour, great (and numerous) sex scenes, higher quality animation than Sex Demon Queen, and the...