
  1. super_slicer

    [Majalis] Tales of Androgyny

    So I stumbled upon this the other day. Link to demo: https://majalis.itch.io/tales-of-androgyny tumblr: http://majalistic.tumblr.com/ And they have a patreon:https://www.patreon.com/Majalis, I know some of ya'll really hate these, but they're not going away and at least this one is per update...
  2. GargantuaBlarg

    RPG [virtuousdevelopment] Euphorian Tide

    http://www.euphoriantide.com/ A Corruption of Champions style game, but it has graffix! There's like a little paper doll of your character in your inventory, and when you put on clothes they load up a graphic to show it and stuff, good times. I -just- found it and haven't really gotten...