
  1. F

    [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

    Game: Wiki: They do server maintenance at 6:00 - 7:00 PM PST/ 9:00 - 10:00 PM EST everyday -Information Courtesy of ozms03 Table of Contents: Current Events Summary of the Game...
  2. B

    Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

    Aegis - Thousand Years War Gamesite: Wiki: Gameplay Video:
  3. elfloren

    Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

    Found this game today while I was browsing online games on dmm: It's pretty nice and has cute artwork, and it is RPG style, which makes it really fun to play. It's similar to Lord of Walkure, but now enemies and allies have...
  4. P

    Lord Of Walkure

    Trying to make a guide for new comer. This threat is for PURE GUIDE, real threat is Lord Of Walkure is a card game with 18x content that can play in PC and Smartphone. How to register Current EVENT(s)
  5. bootresha

    [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

    Another game on DMM18, similar to Lord of Walkure. The actual name of the game is: ペロペロ催眠 Important tips: - Post your DMM ID NUMBER (not name) if you want to be added by people! IGN is not enough! This is how to get your DMM game...