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3D porn game

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Re: 3D porn game

Today new Video:
2017.04.26 Resident area plan

Very good house model. But too heavy. Now I reduce material using Texture array.
read the first Comments to this:
Joshua Dodsonvor 3 Stunden
awesome. will you be releasing this as a game at some point?
UnityXGamerMakervor 2 Stunden
No, I have no money to release.
Joshua Dodson
Joshua Dodsonvor 1 Stunde
Put this on patreon... I would donate and im sure many others would. anyway good luck
What´s the Problem for kite358/UnityXGameMaker/Samh Kite to write a One Line Message on his Patreon like: "Today i ad a Housing Area Street." And put a Link to his YouTube Video? If he can not this little englisch how he even learn to pragramming? We are not stupid here. He will soon have much "Patreons" if post just something every 2 week´s.
Re: 3D porn game

2017.04.26 Clotch Change Animated GIF:

He posted a animated GIF Picture of the Main Character on his Blog. Now he is working out technics about shadows for the envoriment (Ambient Occlusion).
Feel free to support him on "Patreon"!:
Re: 3D porn game

Hello! He is working with the Ground Pattern Texture and the House´s interior+exterior (New video about the Terrain Pattern):
2017.05.02 Repeat pattern removal part 2

I try to get some "U Kash" (Pay Card) to support him on "Patreon" but do not get one yet. Thank you for fund him on Patreon:
Re: 3D porn game

Kite358 is working now on dynamic lighting objects (House´s, a Fence):
2017.05.04 Handling dynamic objects in Unity

Handling dynamic objects in Unity 17:15
Body Other Functions
The same fence lined up side by side.
Of course, I did not get static.
But why only one person?
That's because he puts on a light probe or SH light.
Since the light probe uses its own position in the lighting operation, it can not be GPU Instancing.
It is also good to give a representative value roughly when this happens.
You can put 27 SH variables into the material directly.
I do not need to do that.


(See the Pic in his Post to get what it is about).

I joined "Patreon" in the Meantime. Trying to support him i get a "Paysave Card" (in Euro) for the Donations. This is just a PIN on a Piece of printed Paper from a Car Stop Shop. But it did not work with "Patreon", i send a Message to them to tell me how to do it right, no Aswer yet. Can take 3 Day´s. I do not want to use and have a Credit Card or PayPal (used PayPal in 2004 recognize me/Log in, but can not reactivate it somehow).
So to all, support him if you can please on Patreon: I can not (not yet). Someone can do a Video or Picture´s of his last Demo for us here? Thank You.
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Re: 3D porn game

He is about to find the right House Assets but not statisfied yet. Funny:
Cultural difference
2017.05.09. 01:18
The cultural difference seems to be scary.

When I saw this stupid house in the house pack, at first it was not too ridiculous.
This is a house for people or a garage for car storage.
Half of the first floor is the garage and the other half is the staircase that goes up to the entrance and the second floor in structure. Even the kitchen space does not come out.
So, why did you put this nerd-like house on the first floor with a car and a room on the second floor?

But for Americans, it seems very common.
See the Pictures for this Post on his Blog (somehow they disappear here):

There is no proper asset in the market.
2017.05.09. 01:22
Some crazy guy makes chimneys out of wood.

Think about it and put it together.
See the Pic with the Wooden Chimney here:

Meanwhile i find out that using my "Paysafecard" do not work with Patreon (not for now), still no Answer from Patreon about this, so i can refill my Car Tank a little with it. Maybe Tomorrow i will try "PayPal" again, but not sure if this work without a credit card. Who can post some Pic´s or Vid of the Demo from the last page please? Thank you for support him on Patreon!
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Re: 3D porn game

Does he know that the video on his Patreon is unavailable? Also I agree that the info should be presented better, it's a bit confusing atm with all these separate blog and video posts. Could use with some basic info about the gameplay, mechanics, story, as well. His goal of "Making a AAA game" is too vague. A bit sad that one of the more interesting projects around here isn't being handled/advertised as well as it could be. The dev has been pretty reliable with status updates it appears, but his Patreon is lackluster.

The game demo requires an Xbox controller though? Getting mouse/keyboard controls down should probably be a priority.
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Re: 3D porn game

- Yes, i think, he deleted older videos on "YT" for some reason. And they were linked on his Blog and Patreon. They showed the Heroine from his first game "Witch Trial" in a nowday Suburb shooting fireballs and kicking zombies. I have them still archived on my HD.
- I commented him about that and send PM´s to do just a little actualization there. But now we have 3 Vid Channels, 3 Blog´s an one Patreon. And this Thread here on ULMF what you are reading now (Maybe the best source for the Project now). The Game should be a homage on "Kekko Kamen" or in the style of this series, he wrote before.
- Yes he wrote it is just a test without Keyboard Controlls yet. He seems very motivated now, let him just work on. We will see what comes out soon.

Patreon send me a email that "Paysave" do not work with them. My old PayPal Pass do not work anymore:p (had write it down) and the Security Questions i do not remember:D (it was in 2004, and i had not write it down).
So they (PP) want my Phone Number to call back to give a security number, with extra costs (fee). but i do not want to get Phone Spam after this, will try make a new Account tomorrow. Live can be fun.
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Re: 3D porn game

Hello, to support Sam Kite´s Project "The Mask of Bluemoon" and show a good example i made a new account on "PayPal", luckily no need for a credit card for this, and it seems to work for now. I give him 5$ a Month so he can get a better start. So i want to encourage you to to support him if you can here:
Today some interessting Post on his Blog (He is working further on the Residental Area):
Easy to create and easy to fix
May 10, 2017. 18:49

When designing a function in game creation
If you can not easily make it and easily fix it
Of course it is easy to choose a way to fix
This is a great way to reduce overall development time.

Unity3d GI
May 10, 2017. 18:42

If there is no GI in the game these days, it will be treated as garbage.
So, Korean game is basic trash, but ..

I do not think I can make a game with you when I'm talking about distance tracing.
There is also a game of roughing with irradiance.
Anyway, Unity uses the most stable real-time real-time light map.
Once you have a brief description of the DariAnne lightmap or the realtime lightmap ...
Basically, you know everything about lightmaps.
So dynamic lightmaps are literally dynamic lightmaps, lightmaps that are applied even if something moves.
So what is something here?
One of two things ...
The object is light or ...
A dynamic light map is a light map that is applied even when the light moves or the brightness of the light source changes.
So what's important here is that if it's a light map then it's a map.
So if you have a map, how do you split the map?
This is dynamic, so every time the light changes, the map changes.
This is because the load is not a joke.
And updates the light map asynchronously.
So light changes, but you do not have to change it more than 60 times a second.
You can change it roughly once per second, and you can change only the one that is tied to the light.
You can change only the area that is illuminated.
Anyway, the light map system is the standard to change at this time.
In other words, the color will be updated for each.
Of course, if you want to be updated together,
Unity recommends that you grab the system in such a way that it is bound together rather than in a fragmented house.

Well, secondly,
In fact, I did not know that the Unity Lightmap uv system was changed this time.
I used to generate the uv map in the past.
Now, just make a light map and make it fit for the uv chart and you get it put.
So be careful.
When you say uv0, uv1, uv2 ..
Uv2 consumes an unconditional dynamic lightmap.
So you can only use uv0 and uv1.
This is called uv, uv2 in the Unity engine
In the shader, it is called uv0, uv1.
So uv0 = uv,
Uv1 = uv2
This happens.
Please arrange your name.


Anyway, this is a lot different than GI.
Especially when the light source changes, there is really a difference between the boutique and the luxurious.

Presidential election
May 10, 2017. 17:29

I'm sorry.
I do not think the world will change because the president has changed.
There is usually only one case in which the world changes because of the change of the upper head.
Mass genocide It is only when it becomes the upper head and it raises Genocide in the world.
Is it unrealistic? It is now in full swing, not far from here.
Thanks to the Syrian refugees, the whole Europe is going to be ruined.
It is said that the United States that caused the frenzy is no good.
I just think that the President is the person who reaches the peak of the society 's atmosphere.
When we are the strongest aspirations to live well,
The best scammers have become presidents.
Oh, it's so hard when you just want to believe in pseudo-religion
The best patriarch was president.
Sadly, I was going to do it again this time.
Fortunately, the schedule was broken because of one tablet. Look at the odds ...
If it was normal, it would have made sense.
So there is no use in a situation where the overall social atmosphere is not sound.
Look at the behavior of your boss or team leader in your field.
The act is exactly the same as that
There are many people blatantly blaming the president.
I think that there is a situation in which a competent leader becomes useless as long as such people disappear and the right people become a high-ranking world.
Let's see the game development engine industry right now.
What kind of beings are now overflowing in the world?
Not to mention Unity Korea
Epic Korea, which was a little better, is going crazy.
Let's go play some morons. Other game engines like other Zenko are coming in.
Here we are not an engine,
Substance owners are coming in.
Autodesk, who once seemed to be at a loss, appears to be an angel.
So ... what can the president do to help?
Now, the successful mother coach told me that.
Korean investors and officials
When I really need the money, I do not even care.
Now I'm making money and trying to force me to say I do not need money.
There is a story that I saw a lot of work on the broadcasting which Mr. Kimpop himself does.
This is because many investors do not know the technology.
I do not know if this is something that experts are discussing.
Just look at it like a scam.
It can be seen that the intellectual level of the investor is about the level of the second grade of junior high school.
So, it's a serious illness ...
If the nice Pictures of the Houses he is working on not show up, follow this way to his post:
If he only would update his Patreon a little too, as much as he bombs his blog nearly everyday, would gain more support. And about his Philosophy about European Destruction i can say it will happen soon (at least in western EU) because you can not finance so many people for do nothing for so long time. The Day will come and the Goverments will stop getting Money from the credit banks ant the trouble will really start. I hope the Mask of the Bluemoon will be somehow playable to until then, of course.
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Re: 3D porn game

edit: Oh, the Developer likes to write about different things from time to time, like other Games, Companies, Movies, People behavior etc. Translate his Blog and you see.

New Demo Today (Keyboard+Mouse support!)!
(This is how it looks on a old machine, but 64-bit, that i could run it on):

You can run around at the, in work, Residential Area. It has Day/Night change, so you will quickly stay in the dark but in some Minutes the Light will come back.
Jump = Alt
Change Suit = R
Attack = Mouse
Run = Cursor Keys
Grow Clitdick = P, if naked (i think, can not see Skin Textures on my system)
Somewhere on YouTube
2017.05.11. 19:23
Copy the URL
Now I have a bunch of houses and I have built one.
Of course I can not upload it to the Korean site.
People who have downloaded and executed it have changed their r key.
There are no other keys.
In fact, it's a rough building
It's a two-story jump in a building.
I wanted to put in a lot of action.
The building seems to need to be more to optimize.
Oh, but the building is not really fun.
Download free here:

He put this in the Youtube Comments to his last video:

Something else in this Build? Explore! If you fall in a Hole try to jump (Alt).
Put Quality Setting to "Beautiful" and/or Resolution lower to 1024x768 if you got a crash. Try around.
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Re: 3D porn game

Actually he is back from a "Unity" Conference in Japan. Still working on the Residential Area. Now he managed it to implement "Granite" or PBR texture technics into Unity. See it in the Video too:
2017.05.18 Fixed a bug where Granite was before in Unity
Good news ..
2017.05.18. 18:08

Fixed a bug where Granite was before in Unity.
Now it is going well.
Sam Kite is trying out the best ways for his game. He thought to change to "Unreal" or some other game engine, but do not.
Re: 3D porn game

I really appreciate what you're doing with this thread, M-77. You da real mvp
Re: 3D porn game

Hello, he has again made some progress today, after Eight hours tryouts with shaders yesterday, and different renderings, see new Video:
2017.05.20 Granite build succeeded

Granite build succeeded
2017.05.20. 21:23

I eventually built a Granite shader.
Erase all the shaders that are not used once.
I stripped the variants that I did not use by hand.
I included it in the preload shader at startup.
Then it took an hour.
8k image on the floor, 8k image.
There is almost no loading time. The first 2 seconds is the engine loading time.
It's a loading that took almost 10 seconds.
I certainly feel power.
Mesh streaming seems to be possible with quickLOD.
We have created a pretty powerful cluster. Each cluster tick to event handling is available.
Allembi is an open source importor made in Japan.
I'm wondering why a lesser team such as Konami lectured after leaving such a team.
So even if he updates rarely on his patreon or youtube, and it seems to us that nothing is going on, he nearly dayly documents his doing on his korean blog. He is still at it, i think if he gets his Unity Game Engine finally optimized, he will fast come with something good to play. So feel free to give him some support (see first Page).
Re: 3D porn game

Thank you, i have fun watching how the game is about to develop.
New Video Today:
2017.05.22 TextureStreaming

I am Testing Granite for Unity. Granite is virtual texture middleware.
But Granite has some bug in Unity5.6 .
Maybe I wait for new version of Granite.
There is no way to make openworld without Virtual Texture.
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Re: 3D porn game

Today a new Video is shown:
2017.05.26 Waitng for new version of Unity

Unity Technology China will add new terrain and LOD streaming System. I should be waiting it.
You did like the light effects in the video, heh? Then help fund and support him a bit here:

O.K. while waiting, Sam Kite, could update his Patreon a little, or not?, so more people know that he is on hard work meantime in the backspace. Show a Vid on Patreon too. I think about to workout a Script for his actual game plan. So he could beginn with some first missions. Something with ingrediends of the "Double Dragon", "TMNT", "Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle"+ "Des Blood (series by Illusion)", +"Snatcher"+ his Ideas/Character. This will take some time for me to put together.
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Re: 3D porn game

Hello, today it looks like "kite358" has deleted all posts (+555) on his korean blog. No newer activity on the other blogs/YT accounts. So maybe he is moving to Europe now like mentioned or has something to surprise us. Last entrys where about not using "Granite" maping anymore but some two other methods he try out. Just wait some more.
Re: 3D porn game

A bit alarming. I hope this is good news.
Re: 3D porn game

Today two new Posts on his blog (Inc. Video):
2017.06.23 Granite test

Granite test
June 23, 2013. 18:51

It is a video that is turned into a granny.
I have put 16 images of 8k with udim.
Because the same image repeats repeatedly, the copy paste is the image.
The world machine or L3DT supports tilde udim.
Udim allows uv to go beyond 1, so that the granny maps to the texture.
Originally udim is more like ...

The version I have is a cheap indie version, so the limit is 30,000 x 3, 8k 16.
The Pro version can also use a texture that is eight times bigger there.

Geometry streaming
June 23, 2013. 08:55

Needless to say, streaming is required among the asset data.
Texture and geometry.
Of course, the reason for streaming these two is completely different.
The reason you're trying to stream geometry is entirely
LOD. Memory problems are a bit different from texture streaming, which is the main reason.
Whatever the purpose is
There is no big difference in how you create streaming in Unity.
Once you create a thread with native code
Create a geometry buffer for each platform and read from there into a thread
Fill the buffer and send the buffer address to the engine as intptr.
This also applies to texture streaming.
The problem is that this is easy to say.
So the original idea was to fix the allembic
Allembic is not cool.
I think I should look at obicloth and change the form.
Before we do that, we need to check if the asset bundle is streamable first.
He just cleaned out his blog and now goes on with "Granite" and other Tools.
He is still at working. We wait some more.
Re: 3D porn game

New Video Today:
2017.07.14 Unity SpeedTree Billboard Renderer modifing

Billboard shader is too stink.
I want to open source, but Crash at baking Lightmap.
I don't know why .
So somebody knows what causes the crash with the custom tree and the shadow? Then comment him on YouTube. Maybe this is the new Unity version he waited for and now has new bug´s as well.
The world in the video looks like the "Golf Course" one that he used before, you can see the harbor in the distance. And he made progress with the ground texture, i see. Thank you for supporting him on "Patreon"! (I do.)
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