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雷神7 - RJ075311

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Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

I'm having a difficult time playing as a pirate, PUK's version is different. Too bad the images on Hentie's post aren't available, I can't fully understand the buttons' action on HR in pirate...
EDIT: has sex basically absent in this mode? I don't know how to do it with my "crew"
Is there a mod that let's you perform more than 1 action each time?
Is there any guide for the puk version? thanks
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Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

I'm having a difficult time playing as a pirate, PUK's version is different. Too bad the images on Hentie's post aren't available, I can't fully understand the buttons' action on HR in pirate...
EDIT: has sex basically absent in this mode? I don't know how to do it with my "crew"
Is there a mod that let's you perform more than 1 action each time?
Is there any guide for the puk version? thanks

You have to raise their intimacy, just like every other mode. You can also take over a planet and enter overlord mode that way
No there isn't a mode that lets you perform more than once, but if you know how to use CE then it's simple enough to do.
As far as I know no there isn't a guide to it. You can try checking the Japanese wiki but It's pretty empty.
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

You have to raise their intimacy, just like every other mode. You can also take over a planet and enter overlord mode that way
No there isn't a mode that lets you perform more than once, but if you know how to use CE then it's simple enough to do.
As far as I know no there isn't a guide to it. You can try checking the Japanese wiki but It's pretty empty.

Thanks for the info, but how do you raise intimacy? I don't know what most of the HR buttons do....
Too bad there's no one that can translate at least the buttons. that would be a start, considering text hookers don't work
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

You can praise a female crew with the forth command in pirate crews' menu, it also raise her royalty and doesn't count as action (but you can praise only single girl per month, and you can only praise ones who already did some work last month). Once she like you enough, you can ask her to be a haremette (or marry you, but no girl ever accept my propose as pirate).

Alternately, you can ask your prisoner(s) to be a haremmtte with third command (this doesn't count as your action). Depend on girl, some will agree without condition (though they may refuse once or twice), some will ask for 3000 credit (as pirate, this shouldn't be problem), and some would refuse regardless of how many time you ask (those who reply with exclamations.). Ironically, pirates doesn't have choice to just rape the girl (unless you use certain fan patch), even if you edit ana.txt to enabling prisoner rape, you still can't do that as pirate. So if a girl stubbornly refuse to join your harem, your only option is to use an item that make she fall in love with you (with slighly lower stats, you get one at start).

I say, collect girls in your harem is a must for pirates. A girl become more loyal each time she has sex, and soon you can recuit her in your rank. And from my experience, they're WAY better than random guys your crew recuit.
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Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

You can praise a female crew with the forth command in pirate crews' menu, it also raise her royalty and doesn't count as action (but you can praise only single girl per month, and you can only praise ones who already did some work last month). Once she like you enough, you can ask her to be a haremette (or marry you, but no girl ever accept my propose as pirate).

Alternately, you can ask your prisoner(s) to be a haremmtte with third command (this doesn't count as your action). Depend on girl, some will agree without condition (though they may refuse once or twice), some will ask for 3000 credit (as pirate, this shouldn't be problem), and some would refuse regardless of how many time you ask (those who reply with exclamations.). Ironically, pirates doesn't have choice to just rape the girl (unless you use certain fan patch), even if you edit ana.txt to enabling prisoner rape, you still can't do that as pirate. So if a girl stubbornly refuse to join your harem, your only option is to use an item that make she fall in love with you (with slighly lower stats, you get one at start).

I say, collect girls in your harem is a must for pirates. A girl become more loyal each time she has sex, and soon you can recuit her in your rank. And from my experience, they're WAY better than random guys your crew recuit.

thank you very much!
EDIT: I tried but i think you meant the second command in the prisoners list.
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Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

Oop! Big mistake.
Yes, it's second one. The third simply release a girl. Sorry.
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

what you should do actually, is take the older game and unpack into a directory, then add the newer one on top, they are meant to betogether
so unpack 雷神7 then put 雷神7パワーアップキット and over write all the files, before you do this tho, get the latest update for each, then do it, it fixes alot of bugs, also on the mod that lets you turn into a female, what mainly happens is you get your mind transplanted into a female body, then you use that body to sleep with all the different officers you meet in the bar, which in turn brainwashes them under your command, once a year passes or so, you will become ruler of a planet, then the game really starts, it's so tough, also you need to keep having sex every now and then or the body your in loses it's power and you die. :D
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

what you should do actually, is take the older game and unpack into a directory, then add the newer one on top, they are meant to betogether
so unpack 雷神7 then put 雷神7パワーアップキット and over write all the files, before you do this tho, get the latest update for each, then do it, it fixes alot of bugs, also on the mod that lets you turn into a female, what mainly happens is you get your mind transplanted into a female body, then you use that body to sleep with all the different officers you meet in the bar, which in turn brainwashes them under your command, once a year passes or so, you will become ruler of a planet, then the game really starts, it's so tough, also you need to keep having sex every now and then or the body your in loses it's power and you die. :D

I downloaded the "female mod" but I have no idea how to start a game that way....
this is actually a good game, too bad no one is translating it (the interface would be a good start for newbie)
EDIT: OK, I have no idea how I did it but I started a game as a female leader... I wonder if you risk getting pregnant or how to have "normal" sex with a specific guy, for now the game just asks you if you want to do it each month....
EDIT2: It's getting weird. I kept having sex with a specific guy.... and looks like I had to execute him (why?): just like that, and I don't know how to prevent this
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Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

It's reference to one of event sex scene in main game (e479.txt). Where one of the Bionoid brainwash a pirate while they have sex (the sound effect is really electrode, I think).
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

Yeah, your electrocute em, and then they become your servant. after awhile you will get a planet as a ruler, and every guy you slept with will be under your command. then the game gets tough.
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

Yeah, your electrocute em, and then they become your servant. after awhile you will get a planet as a ruler, and every guy you slept with will be under your command. then the game gets tough.

Thanks, but I know that, I played the game for over 3 hours: I already have a crew and a planet, ships..... I think I understood most of this game (only the easy difficult, of course).
What I don't actually get:
- why do the guys have to be executed (that's what the poup message says) after they had sex with you repeated times at the end of a turn (and they vanish from the crew list)
- is there any way to get pregnant and have an heir?
- how do you have sex with a specific character
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

7.79 Is the Normal 7Raijin
2.14 is from the 7Raijin PUK(The most up-to-date is 2.17)

The PUK version is the most recent.

To the guy translating here's some things I noticed while trying to translate and messing around with the events:
Only translate things that are associated with the commands: zin_reg_qnar, zin_reg_event, zin_reg_msg, and zin_reg_#sel.
Try not to use words with cr in them or they will simply make a break in the dialogue. ie Jocrow will be Jo-break-ow. either try to word the translation to not use cr or spell it wrong in purpose.
Do not translate the item names. If you do then events that are suppose to give items won't do so. It's okay to translate the descriptions just not the actual name.
Translating the files in the eve folder won't translate the whole game. Those are just the "special" events. If you want to translate everything else then you'll have to somehow unpack the actual EXE then repack it after translating.
The ADDONs for the game are the same as the above except the files are in the pac#.dpm files.

There is another thing I found while figure out how to edit a scenario. The script use , to seperate dialogue from command and parameter. So you have to use 、in the dialogue instead.
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Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

I spent like 7 hours translating every file into full english, andmaking sure all the special characters were in the right spot, and it worked, but then it started to crash 20 to 30 minutes into the game with errors
what I figured out was for all the sex talk, you get like 4 to 12 spaces for text, but some of the text was longer, like 20 to 30 letters and spaces, so it wouldn't show everything. it would tell me which line was wrong. so I'd go back in, and tinker with it more, and then something else would break. so after 7 hours I gave up. the most I can translate it all the names, and items. cept in when you go to load your game up from a save it's all back to japanese. if you start a new game each time it stays english for the items and names of officers. I tried hooking the text with agth, cept the fields where it stores the txt it's all garbled up cause the game itself doesn't have japanese locale installed . so not sure how to get around that. :(
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

what I figured out was for all the sex talk, you get like 4 to 12 spaces for text, but some of the text was longer, like 20 to 30 letters and spaces, so it wouldn't show everything.(

I edit an event for fun, and it has no problem displaying long text.

Judging from your translated files in this thread, I think it's because you use comma ( ,) which use to seperate dialogue from command and parameter in script. So it would only display dialogue until that, then either ignore or see the rest of that line as wrong command.

Use 、instead, and the dialogue should be display without problem.
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

Game sounds very interesting... Is there any live torrent for the game?
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

"雷神7.rar" and go to untants site. This will get you 2.01 version. Any working downloads for 2.17.

Could someone make some kind of guide to this game?
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Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

Sorry for double post, but could anyone with working full version (lolis and all) upload it somewhere and give links? It is pretty much impossible to find any working links of any recent version.
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

i to wish for the link to this game can some1 pm me the link plz
Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311




This is 2.14 complete package including base version, PUK and harem extensions. Spread around as as it was bitch to find all the pieces.

Now, can someone give me a link to the patch that allows pirates to rape captives? (it is mentioned above)
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Re: 雷神7 - RJ075311

Hey can you explain how to extract those files because I cant get the 2nd and 3rd to extract.
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