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A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

As Anya checked the other rooms while following the tailed person down the corridor slowly, she saw similar nests in two of those rooms, indicating that there were more of... whatever the creature was from before. Creeping on further, Anya got to the corner without further incident, and peeking around it, she saw the hall stretched on all the way to the far end, with what looked like another hall that rounded to the left about halfway down the corridor. There were also 8 more rooms here, 4 on either end, with 2 on either side of the hall.

Anya then noticed the tail from before, slipping around the corner into one of the rooms further down the corridor, the third room on the left, to be exact.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya was definately on her guard now, this seemed to be a bigger nest of whatever this creature was then she thought, and there were so many more rooms here that for all she knew had even more and more of them. The woman took a moment to consider her options, like fleeing this place and just giving up before she got swarmed by like dozens of god knows whats.

So instead of running down the hallway in chase again, where she could just end up walking into a room full of the creatures. She'd instead shout. "Hey, is someone there?"

If she didn't get a response she'd actually start to back out, heading back to the main room of the ruins. There was another path to go if she remembered correctly afterall. This was definitely a situation that counted as 'Suspicious' and at the very least even if they followed her then they'd have to come to her instead of her stepping into a prepared room or something.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya's shout carried down the hall, and she as positive that she'd been heard by the creature, or creatures. Yet she received no reply. So, she decided to back off, and head back to the main doors. When she arrived there though, the front doors were sealed up by... something, obviously magical. The oaken wood was repaired, as if it had never been touched by age, and locked tight, preventing Anya's escape.

"Hmhm, well now, what will you do, hmm? Trespasser," a womanly voice asked Anya, giggling softly as she spoke, though when Anya looked around, she saw nobody.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Dammit." Alenya said to herself as she saw the doors were sealed shut with magic. It was all a trap wasn't it. So with a sigh she turned around and raised her axe up as she responded to the voice. "Well, you cooould just let me go out the door."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"I could, yes. But then what fun would that be, hmm? Besides, you're the intruder here. And I would like to see how well the little pretties in here can do against a warrior such as yourself. Do try and not kill the more... sentient looking ones, if you would, knocking them out though is just fine. The more monstrous ones though, doesn't matter. If they die, then it means they didn't need to live anyway," the woman said, sounding amused that Anya would suggest just letting her out.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Well, Anya wasn't really expecting that to work, but still she pouted a bit. "So what, I beat up your minions a bit and then you let me go? Or do I have to go through everything till I find you too?"

Still, at least this was a challenge, and the voice wasn't just burying her in minions yet so maybe this would be a somewhat honorable challenge. With how big and heavy her axe was, even hitting with just the flat end wouldn't be hard so she could switch to blunt fighting without harming her ability much at all. So she guessed she'd just start walking in deeper again, trying the left hand path again now that she knew she'd have to fight her way out.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Or just until you find a way out, I suppose. Either way, good luck, and do give my little darlings a challenge. It would be sad if you lost too quickly, hmhm," the woman said with a giggle, though it sounded less amused, and more wicked.

Moving back down the corridor, Anya rounded the corner and almost ran face first into what looked like a giant spider, which was on the wall barely more than a couple of feet away. The spider obviously spotted her, and hissed at her as it swung its front feelers out. This was Anya's first true fight!

Anya - FP: 5/5, AP:0/10

Giant Spider - FP: 5/5


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Oddly enough, instead of freaking out at the sight of the giant spider. Anya actually felt it was kinda adorable. She had always liked the eight legged creatures, though usually in their much smaller forms. Regardless, she wasn't going to let herself get distracted by that! Instead she lifted her axe and swung at the creature, the woman had just switched to the flat of her axe as standard cause whoever knows what she'd have run into when, so it was with the blunt side that she tried to knock the spider off to the side, aiming to throw it off and give her more opportunities to keep beating on it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya, swinging her axe out, knocked the spider down off the wall, where it fell on its back, looking a bit hurt, but quickly recovering as it bounced back onto its legs. It managed to react quickly though and lunged at Anya, but missed with its front feelers as it came her way. As the spider lunged and missed, Anya tried to take advantage of the over extension, but the spider was faster on the uptake, and countered Anya with a quick spurt of webbing that caught her ankle, and tripped her down to flat on her ass. Her axe still in hand, Anya tried to push the thing off of her, but as she did this, it was able to push itself in just far enough to sink its fangs into her shoulder.

Anya immediately felt the venom on its fangs taking effect, her left arm tingling a bit in the process. She had done a bit of damage to the thing, but had taken more in return unfortunately. As the venom began to flow through her, Anya also started feeling a slight warmth between her legs.

Anya - FP: 3/5, AP: 1/10, poisoned with spider venom, and partially webbed, taking -1 rolls while grappled (will take 1 AP damage per round until she either wins, or loses.)

Giant Spider - FP: 4/5


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Well, that wasn't a good start. She was poisoned, her foot webbed up, and already rather hurt and she had only managed to land one seemingly minor blow on the spider. Growling to herself she tried to charge the spider again, she needed to hit the thing before the poison kicked in more, and she was fairly sure she couldn't out grapple an 8 legged being with webbing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya managed to push the spider off of her, and scramble to her feet, the sticky webbing on her right ankle slowing her slightly, but not enough to really stop her. Her axe swung out, lopping off one of the spider's legs, where it staggered back away from her. The spider tried to spurt more webbing at her feet to trip her up, but Anya was able to not only avoid getting webbed down more, but she caught the stuff with her axe and was able to pull the spider in, cleaving out a gash in the thing's chitinous hide, while it hissed and squealed in pain, trying to back off.

Anya was able to press her advantage further too, as she hacked another leg off, leaving it with only 6 left now, but the spider managed to finally retaliate against her onslaught, by webbing her leg again, and biting her again, this time her leg, on her right inner thigh. The tingling sensation hit her again, and her body steadily grew hotter and hotter as the venom spread, leaving her now to the point that she felt something slightly wet in her panties, as her nipples grew stiff as well.

Before anything else happened though, Anya saw the spider finally give out, its wounds too great for it to continue apparently, as it collapsed next to Anya. Her body was left a bit hot and bothered, but she'd won her first real fight.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya cheered a little bit at her victory. What had started as a dangerous situation had turned into a complete victory for her. Though it did leave her panties soaked, and she felt rather embarrassed at that given she didn't realize it was the venom that was causing her self to get this hot and bothered.

"I am not a combat sado-masochist." She said to herself as she straightened up after the spider finally died. The woman flicking the blood off her axe and sighing. "What should I do about this..." She thought about it for a few minutes, and decided to just keep going, she wasn't thaaat turned on. So she could at least probably last another fight before she'd need to work it out if it really was herself just getting turned on by that stuff.

Though she wondered if that spider had any loot on it, and she wondered about that room the tail went into, or the other rooms in that hall. Maybe they had loot too.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya was easily able to wipe the blood off her axe, cleaning it up without any trouble. After that, Anya saw that she could take the fangs from the giant spider and maybe use, or sell them later. After moving on down the corridor again, once she'd cleaned up after the fight with the spider, Anya remembered the room further down the, where the tailed creatures had gone into before. As she got to the turn in the corridor around the middle of it, she saw a set of steps, and a single door at the far end.

When she arrived at the room, she peeked in, and didn't see anyone, but after taking about 3 steps in the room, she heard a growl, a fairly feminine one. Looking to her right, what looked like a changing screen fell forward, and behind it crouched what looked like a wolf woman. She wore a leather loincloth bottom and top, and she had claws on her hands that were obviously sharp. She looked hostile, though she didn't attack Anya just yet, and was sniffing the air towards her.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Taking the spider fangs she'd slip them into her bag along with that damaged dagger from before, and continued on down the path after she got the blood and webbing off. Still ignoring her wet panties she continue on till that room the tail had gone into, and found it empty. At least until she heard a growl, and saw the the sheet fall to reveal angry looking wolf girl. Raising one hand in what she hoped was a pacifying gesture she said. "Hey, no need to fight! Maybe we can be friends."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

The wolf girl sniffed at her again as she held her hand up, and she lowered her fighting stance. The wolf girl then looked up and howled... a bit cutely actually, as she crouch walked towards Anya, looking a bit more passively. As she watched the wolf girl coming towards her, Anya saw in the doorway, 2 more wolf girls, both sniffing the air towards Anya, before coming on all fours towards her, their tails high in the air and waggling like crazy.

All three of them looked fairly passive for the moment, and as they neared Anya, they sniffed her more closely, until the first one that had growled at her to begin with pressed her nose against Anya's crotch and sniffed. Unless Anya pushed any of them away, the other two would soon press in and start sniffing her crotch area too through her clothes.

(For reference, they all , but with black fur on their hands, wrists, and forearms, as well as some on their legs from just below their knees to their feet. And their clothes are dark brown leather loincloths too.)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya didn't start any fight, fine to just watch the wolf woman, at least until the beastgirl let out a noise and summoned two others. That would put her on the backfoot, three against one were not good odds in any way, and she'd start to try to back away slowly.

When the first wolf girl stuck her face in her crotch though, slowly turned to very quickly, and back away turned into 'back away and shove the girl back.' "Hey! Don't just do something so perverted out of nowhere!"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

When Anya pushed the one wolf girl back, she growled at Anya and tried to press her nose in again, but when she couldn't do so without Anya stopping her, and was pushed back, the wolf girl growled, as the other two did as well, all stepping back and blocking the doorway. They growled at her, crouching low as they stared at her. All of them stood a few inches shorter than Anya, and none of them were nearly as muscled as she was, but they blocked her exit, and refused to move, simply crouching there growling at her. One of them started to circle around Anya, while the other two remained blocking the door, and if she didn't hurry, Anya knew that she'd be surrounded and a much easier target.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya bit her lip. This situation was bad, but she didn't want to make it worse, or kill the girls as they seemed to be a fair bit more sentient then the others. Trying to fight all three of them at once also didn't seem like a good idea and if she backed herself into a corner it would likely result in her being overwhelmed. So instead she rushed straight for the door, the blunt side of her axe behind held out infront of her to serve as a battering ram as she tried to force her way past the two and into the hallway beyond.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Charging at the duo blocking her path, Anya saw them hunker down, as if to try and block her, but Anya was able to break through, barreling the pair to the floor. The one that had been circling around behind Anya jumped over the knocked over pair, as they scrambled back to their feet. She came out the door a step behind Anya, and forced Anya to have to run back the way she'd come down the corridor. As she set off, Anya felt a hand grab her ass and try to pull her down, but she managed to keep going amazingly, though she was forced down the turn in the middle of the corridor, down the one that had the staircase leading down, with the single large door at the end of the hallway. All three wolf girls were hot on her heels too, so she had to make a choice. Head down the stairs, or risk trying the closed door and hope it wasn't locked.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya wasn't surprised at how she could knock over the smaller wolf girls, but she was surprised that she could outrun them for any distance. She felt the hand on her ass but that just spurred her to run faster. Give the option between the stairs and the door, she ended up picking the door. The stairs would lead deeper into the place, and likely would end up with her just drawing more danger.

The door at least had some hope of being a chance of escape without leading into something else, and if it was locked then at the very least she could use it to cover her back while she tried to fight off the three perverted wolf girls.